
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

System Update

She made it to her inn where she found Weiyuan sitting at a table eating a bowl of fruits.

"Hey that looks tasty"

Xiaoyi sat down next to him and went to take some of his food.

Weiyuan quickly moved the bowl away.

"You can get your own up there. It's only a couple of pieces of copper."

The fruit was unlike anything he had recently. The fruit's flavor exploded in his mouth, reminding himself of the fruit he had while Earth was normal.

Xiaoyi reluctantly got up and got herself a bowl as well.

She sat down and was happy she got her own bowl. The fruit was delicious and marvelous.

They enjoyed their fruit and as they were leaving bought a few extra clothes that they would be able to use for toilet paper.

They walked down the town window shopping realizing they did not have enough money to buy a better item for each of them. The cheapest sword they saw was 4 gold pieces.

They slowly walked to the tunnel that Dragzon mentioned as one of the main travel routes. They saw as the light sources slowly disappeared as they walked down. The lights of torches slowly lit up ahead of them letting them know they will soon have to light a torch. Unlucky for them they did not have one so they decided to speed walk to walk with a different group.

The group noticed them however seeing as it was just two and their group had 8 people they did not fear them. They continued to walk through the tunnel.


After walking around for a few hours a well known sage green box appeared.

'System update successful.

System added system rank/rarity F-SS, system personality, growth progress.

System added a chance to say "No" to entering dungeons. Not all dungeons will give you the chance.

System added a trading system between users and a shop. Deals done with a system are final and can not be reversed.

System updated interface to add more functions.

System added a codex along with the origin of things killed by the user.

System personalities being randomly assigned before implementation. Completion in 5 minutes.'

The cave that used to have footsteps echo up and down the cave was now silent. Slowly people would start chatting about what they had just gotten. Others waited while the system gave out the new systems.

The cave around her suddenly got brighter as though it was being lit up with a flashlight.

A black screen with red letters slowly getting brighter as her voice talked in her head, without her being the one to do so.

'I am glad to meet you. I am going to be your system from now on. You can name me whatever you like, however my system name is "Dying Wish."

'I know I may be a "SS," but I don't even know why I have that ranking. Only thing I know is I was made because of your situation when the system found you.'

"Xiaoyi you zoned out, have you gotten yours already? Mine hasn't come yet."

Weiyuan suddenly straightened up and looked as if he was reading something.

'I will now display the updated system.'

'Name: Xiaoyi Zhao

Associations: Adventurers guild

Species: Human

From: Earth

Height: 5'7.23(171cm)

Weight: 121 lbs(55kg)

Level: 5 (19%)

HP: 53/53

MP: 25/25

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 9

Magic: 5

Mind: 7

Strength: 13

Vitality: 6

Skills: Darkvision, Lesser Healing (1%)

System is "Dying Wish" SS rank.

System increases %#€& along with €£#*+₩ collected.

Current bonus do to "Dying Wish" (Increased luck, strength, growth speed, tracking skills.)


System is black with red letters.'

"I don't understand my system, do you understand yours?"

"Yeah, I understand mine." Weiyuan seemed gloomy as he answered.

"What's wrong?"

"It's connected to my past. This system knows about it."

"What is it?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, that's okay we don't have to."

The group they were following talked to each other about their systems.

"Wow I got a B rank system!" A dwarf woman said while looking as down on her group as she could.

"As expected of our leader."

"Man, I wish I was as cool as you."

The small dwarf lady walked over to Xiaoyi and Weiyuan. Her pick was at her side with her hand resting on it as she stood in front of them.

"Are either of your systems good?" She asked while spitting onto the floor.

"Wow, our leader isn't afraid of a little confrontation."

"Mine is bad." Weiyuan looked down at the ground, disappointed with what his system was.

"I don't even understand what mine is." Xiaoyi said honestly.

"Looks like we got two more losers over here. That means I really am the best out of everyone."

The dwarf lady lifted her arms and did a wicked laugh.

"Seeing how she has lost her marbles, let's go our own way." Xiaoyi whispered to Weiyuan.

"I think it would be best to stay with them. After all the more people the better."

Xiaoyi was confused as to why weiyuan was saying that but she could not argue with him. The more people they had the safer they were, even if one of them was crazy. She didn't look like she was going to pose a threat to them currently.

"Yeah, what was I thinking?"

She continued to keep an eye on Weiyuan as they continued on their journey.


After a few more hours of walking and switching the bag between the two of them the group finally set up a spot to rest.

After everyone was done setting up their tents

"I'm saying this for you two because I don't know if you know. The cave ahead splits off into 3 paths. One of them is where the mine is and the other two go through wild areas then out of the caves."

"Which one are you going to?" Xiaoyi asked.

"You mean which one are we going to? We are going to the mine. It's a place that is under protection from the adventurers guild."

The dwarf rolled her eyes, just because the two humans think they can leave the group after deciding to show up.

Once everyone split up to their prospective tents Weiyuan and Xiaoyi were finally able to talk to each other.

"So I don't want to stay with this group. Can we leave tonight or tomorrow?"

Xiaoyi wanted to express her concerns once more to Weiyuan.

"Yeah, let's leave tomorrow. We need to rest now so that we can have the strength to leave. I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep first. Wake me up when it's my turn."

Weiyuan went into the tent and layed down in his bed.

Their time there went on as she stood watch. She saw 2 people from the group also standing watch.

The cave was calm with people walking around as others slept along the cave wall.

'I guess with no sun you can choose to sleep whenever you wish.'

Soon they swapped shifts and it was her turn to sleep. She had a bad feeling about tomorrow but she knew she needed to be well rested for what tomorrow had.

Sorry had an exam I had to study for. I PASSED. Make sure to vote to help it grow.

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