
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Neither Head or Tails

Weiyuan tossed the coin far up in the air. It spun so fast they couldn't read its moves. As the coin came back down they realized it wasn't coming down where they were. 

"Don't let it touch the floor. It will mess up the flip." 

Weiyuan cried out as he started running to the coin. Xiaoyi followed suit and dragged Weiyuan to the ground as she tried jumping off of him to catch it. 

Her hand starts to close but it slips in between her fingers. 

Weiyuan, who is on the floor, tries to slide forward to get the coin. His hand is just out of reach. Falls past his hand and into a crack in the mountain. 

They both dust themselves off and look down the crack. 

"It's only about half a foot down. We should be able to get it back right?" Xiaoyi said while reaching her hand down the crack. 

"My fingers are too big if yours are too big." 

"We risked our lives for that. I will not let it get away from us." 

Xiaoyi pulls out her rapier and tries sticking it in the crack. While she messes with it she realizes she can stab it further down. The rocks nearby are not that strong. She then kicks her rapier in as if it was a shovel and the ground below them cracks. 

They both look at each other in shock. 

"I'm sorry I should have just gone right with you." Weiyuan apologizes as he grabs onto her shoulder. 

"Yeah you should have." 

Xiaoyi pulls up her sword and the ground shakes and slides at that point but nothing else happens. 

"Thank godI thought we were going to fall." 

Xiaoyi sees that the threat is gone and starts to walk away. Once her foot touched the ground it gave way. 

Xiaoyi feels her stomach go up to her throat as she begins to free fall. They both proceed to fall 30 feet into a cavern. 

Once she lands on the ground she manages to break her fall on a giant bag. Why is there one of these down here? 

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help it!" 

Xiaoyi quickly gets off of the bag and sees that weiyuan is face first into a small stream. She quickly rolls him over so his face is no longer in the water. He was still breathing but his body scratched, probably bruised. He could also have something broken. 

Xiaoyi starts checking each limb to see if any bones are sticking out. There were no bones sticking out however to know if there's a fracture inside. She starts patting down each limb. Everything seems fine. Maybe he landed on the bag and just flipped. 

"Welp, I'll just wait for him to wake up." 

She dragged his body over the rocks and down a rocky path up stream. She soon found a lovely patch of gray moss which would make a little softer bed than the rocky floor. She placed him on the ground with his hands under his face as if he was sleeping. 

After about 15 minutes he gets up. 

"Where are we?" 

He squinted his eyes and looked around. All he could see was rocks, a small stream, a hole in the ceiling far down the cave and moss. 

"We fell into a cave, don't you remember? After all, your coin is the one that caused this."

Xiaoyi chuckled as she lied to him. 

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. How far did we fall? Why do you seem fine?"

We fell like 30 feet and I landed on you. Thank you for that. It was very gentlemanly. I brought you up stream as the moss here is better than laying on the ground."

She showed him the moss that was spreading out from the stream. 

"The water has to be coming from somewhere, that's why I want to go farther up."

"Yeah, let's do that."

Weiyuan gets up and is about to put on the bag when Xiaoyi snatches it from him. She then puts it on and starts walking up the cave.

"Sorry my hand slipped. Let's get going, we don't want to be here all day." 

The two of them continue down the cave. The cave quickly got darker until they could barely see 5 feet in front of them. Without a hole in the ceiling how were they going to let light in?

"Hey, do we have anything we can start a fire with? I really don't want to be lost in a cave without a light source again. I'm also starting to hate caves. I can never exit freely."

Xiaoyi placed down the bag and started going through it. They have the flint and steel they have been using to start a fire on sticks however they do not have any sticks. 

"You can burn one of my shirts. We can always get more when we get to the city. We need something that will burn for a long time though." Weiyuan offered. After all it was his fault they were trapped in the cave.

"If we add more layers will it take longer to burn?" Xiaoyi didn't want to waste all of their clothes on a torch. 

Weiyuan helps her place down the bag then pulls out two of his shirts. 

"Give me your rapier. We will first cut it into strips. If we can get some fat juices from meat onto the strips it will help it burn for a couple hours more. Then we will wrap it around either my sword or your rapier like paper mache. After that we can light it on fire and we will be able to see for 2-3 hours." 

Weiyaun started cutting both of his shirts into long strips. He then pulled out the cured meat cutting off the fatty parts of the meat and smothered his strips in it. 

"Our meat will have a lot less flavor and will be more dry."

He then took his sword out and started wrapping the sword with strips until there was a big ball at the end of his sword. Once it was lit they could see that everything around them was gray. The walls were made of gray rocks. The water in the steam was gray. Even the small fishes in the water were gray. 

They looked at each other just to make sure they didn't go color blind and they indeed did not. 

"Hey you know this would be when the walls come closer and turn out to be a gray monster." 

Xiaoyi turned to the wall to kick it just in case she was right and a monster was there. 

"Ah! I stubbed my toe through my shoe." 


Xiaoyi rolled her eyes as she limped down the cave. Weiyuan was now carrying both the bag and the torch. After a couple more minutes they got to a great big cavern that the torch could not light up completely. 

"This would be a boss room wouldn't it?"

I uploaded 2 chapter in my day. Might not be Webnovels day but your welcome. Be sure to vote and support. I changed the name, synopsis and bookcover. I think it is better.

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