
The Paragon Class

In a class filled with students from all over the globe, competition is tense. Thea was just a student trying her hardest to move up the social ladder when the opportunity presented itself. The door of The Paragon Class opened for her. With a new world in front of her, follow as she deals with the vicissitudes of everyday life.

ChaosEternal · Teen
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8 Chs

Dawn (2)

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" the blonde teen said with a disgusting look in his eyes. Not waiting for either of us to respond, he continued.

"Mark, nice to meet you, pretty lady," he said while flicking his nose with his finger and handing out his other hand.

Is this how people court here? I am lost.

"Hello. Dawn," Dawn briefly responded. She did not meet the handshake offered by Mark. She just stood there, assuming the same pose she had before.

I can clearly see the awkward smile on Mark's face when Dawn rejected his hand. He brushed it off by saying, "Playing hard to get, huh?"

He then moved closer to Dawn. "You smell nice," he said after getting close to her. Right now, he is just to get inside her personal space. The previous sharp smile on Dawn's face vanished. It was replaced with a serious look. It felt frosty.

"My father said that I should learn how to tolerate people; boy, is it hard," She said while turning her head slightly.

"Maybe that is not the kind of people you should tolerate," I whispered comically to her. There it is again, her captivating smile. No wonder this Mark is like a dog seeing a piece of meat in front of her. He is still disgusting, though.

Dawn turned her head back to Mark with a serious expression. "Please move before I call campus security."

"Oh? I doubt the campus security here can do anything about me. I am a Rothschild after all," he said with while licking his lips.

Am I in a movie or something? There are people like this? Such blatant abuse of power and showcasing of perversion, for shame.

"The Global University Alliance does not honour money. This is especially true for the Paragon Class," Dawn remarked.

Mark then adopted a mischievous grin and said, "Everything revolves around money."

"I know, but do you really think your third-rate family has enough money and influence to do anything around here? What a frog in a well you are," Dawn.

"Damn!" I cried. I wanted to say you go girl, but I held myself back. The change on the face of Mark is visible. He turned red in anger while looking at Dawn with a killing glare.

"I have an appointment to meet, Thea. It was nice talking to you. I will see you there," She turned to me and said with a soft smile before leaving. She was like a princess when she left. Not wanting to get tangled into Mark and his peers, I followed Dawn in a huff, just until I can no longer see the group of pigs. Wait, what does she mean when she said, she will see me there?

Finally, I reached the city. It is better than how it looked above. There is no way you can look in a direction without seeing both a tree and a building together.


"Holy C-" I blurted in shock.

"Oh, my bad, hahaha," he laughed. "I am Andrew," he introduced. He was not the most handsome person I have ever met, but he does have a certain charisma. His short black hair gave him a clean look, and his eyes seemed kind and gentle. He has fair-brown skin and is wearing a casual pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"It is fine, I am Thea," I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Thea. What section are you in?"

"Southern Paragon Class, and you?"

"Same!" he said with a bright expression. "How long have you been here?"

"Oh, I just arrived."

"Then you probably don't know who our classmates are. Let me introduce you to them. We have a gathering. Come," Andrew said.

I followed him to a vintage-looking house. It seemed like something you would typically see in Japan. It was completely made of wood. The house gave me a calming sensation to me for some unknown reason.

"Andrew, you are late again," A blonde girl with amber eyes said. She was wearing barely any clothes. A sleeveless crop top and a mini short. Her curves and prominent features were clearly emphasized in what she was wearing.

There were six more people at the round table beside her, one of them is Dawn.

"I brought a new classmate," Andrew introduced me.

"Hello, I am Thea. It is nice to meet all of you," I said while lowering my head a little. The group merely nodded in response, but Dawn signalled for me to sit beside her.

"So, this is your appointment, huh?" I said wondering why she did not invite me.

"I knew you would make it here," Dawn smiled. I was about to sneer off her lie, but I remembered when she bade farewell earlier, she said she would see me here. Is she a witch?

"I guess, this is us for now. Let us begin," A man with black hair that covered his forehead said. He was wearing a classic pair of eyeglasses and a complete suit. He looks smart, but I guess all of them are.

"Since we will be together for a long time, why don't we start by introducing ourselves?" Andrew proposed with a smile. They seem to be familiar with each other, so I guess he is doing it for me. "I will start. I am Andrew Zhang, 18, and I am the heir of Techno."

Techno? Isn't that the biggest phone company in Asia? I thought he was just some jolly student. Am I surrounded by tycoons?

A silence followed through Andrew's introduction as if no one wanted to follow it. I was about to speak, but Dawn already did.

"Dawn, 18. I hope we can all get along," she said with her signature smile. They are not showing it, but I can feel the gaze of all four men present, including Andrew, directed toward Dawn. She is really a catch.

"I am Roxanne, 18, daughter of the owner of the Mirage Institute," the blonde girl who greeted Andrew earlier followed. What is the Mirage Institute? It sounds familiar.

My thought process was interrupted after I saw Andrew make a smile of both relief and embarrassment. I cannot blame him, though, no one participated when he initiated it, but when Dawn followed through, everyone is eager to speak. It seems like Dawn holds a lot of influence as well.