
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

MajesticArtists · Others
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45 Chs

We Got The Cloths!

* As Derick stands on one of his knees, pressing his hand on Sinifers shoulder telling him...

I believe you will be a great brother, hero or whatever just always try and keep your head up. As I see your sister over their still sleeping after all this time.

*Sinifer looks over his shoulder towards Lizy.

Oh she is still sleeping...

Indeed, she seems vulnerable around you because of the long years you two spent together. That's why as an growing young man you gotta lead the way and get stronger together. If you don't than one of you will be caught slacking and will eventually fall behind. People in this world don't play fair nor do they care what the circumstances are. Knowing every person could have a surprise attack spell or they could be extremely skilled with swordsmanship. So all I'm trying to tell you is that just be careful and consistently grow through out your journey. If you're not progressing than you're regressing, otherwise remaining stagnant through out your life. 

I understand Derick, my question is. Why do people remain stagnant in this world when they can learn magic and other stuff? *As Sinifer says it in a naive tone.

Well Sinifer, not everyone is gifted or talented at one thing or another sometimes people are just lazy they don't want to put in the work to achieve great things that can either benefit their family, friends or themselves. Knowing that their are people who're good certain things and that can derail the person from trying to attempt to compete with them. Keep on going! I believe in you Sinifer! *Derick softly taps his fist into Sinifer's head to inspire him even more.

Tell me Sinifer how's the custom made outfit going for you? Did I do well? Do I need to add some improvements.

 *Sinifer pats himself to get a feel out of it.

Yeah it feels great! The apron is the right size and length for my height and its made out of a comfortable fabric. I would give it a good ten out of ten, you really out done yourself with this one!

Here, this one is for your sister. *Derick gets up from his knee and walks over to grab the outfit and hands Sinifer the outfit that is made for his sister.

Alright Sinifer. That will be three copper coins, for all the labor and fabrics i needed to cite and make for you and your sister. It should've been ten copper coins because of the fact that me and Dimish have a business going on. So obviously I always give people discounts if they came from Dimish or some other person I know around in MagicTar. 

B-but that's a lot I mean that is quite the deal! 

*Sinifer hesitantly hands Derick the Copper coins in full payment. Derick Counts them individually. 

one... two... three... Alright! Thank you, Sinifer it was nice working with you. Now go wake up your sister I got business to handle around here.

*Derick puts the coins into his pocket and leaves the area to attend other customers in need.

*Sinifer rushes over towards his sister but he soon realize his sister is knocked out cold, not even knowing what they were talking about. He shakes Lizy multiple times with each shake getting intense. Until...

Wha- what happened Big brother? *As she says it in a drowsy state... *She looks up at Sinifer.

This whole time you were asleep and not listening to the story Derick was explaining to me about his father fighting some thieves?

Uh um... No...

Ugh It's fine I guess you were just tired which is understandable because we haven't necessarily ate anything. My stomach... No my body is feeling weak it's not the hungry sensation I once felt in the other world, this feeling is different. My body is telling me it needs Magic of some sort and I'm trying to get to it. I don't feel lethargy, I just feel weak. It's as if i can still run and perform as usual just my ability to exert energy to my physical capabilities are weaker then usual.

Yeah Big brother I'm also feeling the same thing I can still run at full energy, it's just a bit weird. Could this be a small hint of us starving?

Possibly, Our bodies must be sacrificing something in order for it to provide us the energy it needs. What is it? Our Bones, Meat , Energy? Ugh forget it doesn't matter, what matters is that we put on our uniforms and head straight to the BananaPea. Dimish is willing to pay us daily in exchange for our labor that we perform at his restaurant which is some copper coins that we can use to buy new goods. So put on this uniform and let's get to work, I will be waiting for you. 

*Sinifer hands Lizy the cloths Derick made for her.

O-oh ok one sec!

*Lizy puts on the uniform on the floor as she takes the long sleeve shirt and puts it on herself, she proceeds to grab the trousers and puts them on as well. 

OK I did it! What now?

Well, Sis you look pretty good in those low quality uniform that he made for us but it will do.

Oh great! What about this white thingy?

What white thingy? Oh... The apron?

Yeah the aperon? How do i put it around my stomach like you did?

It's pronounced apron not aperon. Do you mean around your waist, Lizy?

Yeah Big brother I get it! I'm not good with words! Please help me get this thing around my waist!

Fine, lend me the apron and so i can tie it around your waist.

* Lizy stands still while Sinifer ties the apron with accuracy and patience.

ha! Their we go, the uniforms he made for us! I'm surprised you put on the cloths without taking off your shoes. Interesting way to dress don't you think?

I guess so.... I'm still learning how cloths go together, I'm sorry Big brother. * Lizy looks down as to signify sadness.

*Sinifer hugs Lizy to comfort her.

Look I'm sorry too just that people are smart from where I came from it's usually a normal thing for us.

Their you go again with the other world stuff big brother, I suppose you're different. 

Yeah I suppose as well. We can't get distracted, we've gotten our uniforms. Let's head to Dimish and see what he thinks.

Do you believe other worlds exist?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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