
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

MajesticArtists · Others
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Understanding magic fundamentals

It wasn't that Lizy... gah i'm sorry about me shaking, i was thinking of something but if thats how they feel about us then we gotta get stronger together!

B-but how we don't even know magic and neither of us are good with swords or bows or anything of that sort we're talentless...

That's not true! Even the talentless needed to get a talent but there is an exeception some people are born with great talents and skills but some aren't. So we just gotta work for it and work smart and hard, Although i'm not sure what kind of magic we should invest in but it's going to take some time and research to find out what's optimal. Hey Lizy.

Yeah Big brother?

What kind of magic does this world have again?

Well they have healing magic, fire magic uh um something else but there're beginner magic and intermediate magic and advanced magic. So let me explain it better in detail, It's basically looks like this.

Beginner - easy

Intermediate - Medium

Advanced - Hard

So we first gotta learn Beginner magic so we can get use to formulating the magic essense, then after years of training and practicing we should try intermediate magic. It's going to take some time and effort to get use to magic and also Big brother i don't think i can master magic or become a good magic user if i practiced.

That's not true Lizy, everyone needed to practice in order to get good at a certain skill no matter if they were a prodigy or not. Everyone started somewhere and we gotta do the same way but better, First we try and practice intermediate magic. Why should we practice intermediate magic you say? Well its a challenge we need to put on our selfs in order to gain more practice and knowledge.

Look Lizy i know it may sound crazy but in order for us to become good at magic we first need to get out of our comfort zone and go beyond our limits. When we do that we will eventually get use to that unknown comfort zone to the point where it will be the norm for us to be in.

Big brother that sound amazing and smart i never knew that but... How can i conjure up some magic i don't even know magic that well even healing magic is difficult for me to conjure up.

WAIT Lizy, do you read books or anything of that kind?

I can read pretty decently but its good enough for me to read books so yeah but reading books isn't the hard part its just forming magic. I've to focus this essence into my palm and then figure out what kind of element i want to conjure up and release it into the enviroment. If it use to much magic, it will tires me out by excessive amounts then i won't be able to use magic for a while so its best if i be careful.

I see Lizy, so tell me how does magic feel? I mean feel again.

Well it has a feeling of soft wind morphing around your hand while your body feels drawn to that power. So when you begin formulating the magic essence from your body , it starts to gather up this blue light and blue space particles which is visible to the naked eye. Once that happens, the user has to set a element of a type he or she wants to use. Once they set a type it could be water , fire earth, lightning anything, they've to set the projectile speed, size and potency of the type.

I see Lizy... you're pretty smart i can say that. "Sinifer thinks about the world hes in currently as how different it is", I see it's just like matter , volume, density that's interesting I do say so myself.

So Lizy, If we gotta set the Projectile speed, size and potency of the magic type, then we can say that its a three step process. if its a three step process then we gotta take into account that the more size , potency and projectile speed we put into the essence the more it will require more of our magic. Correct?


So in order for us to get stronger, First we need to take into account that working hard isn't going to work Lizy. Remember working hard and smart are two different mind sets, for example Lizy if you were to work as hard as you possibly can in order to surpass the richest man in the world will it happen? Short answer NO.

So remember Lizy people worked smart instead what if you were to invent something that the world has never seen? Then you will become the richest woman in the world. Know why Lizy? Because Knowledge is power in my world *Cough cough... i mean Knowledge is power and it seems in this world Might is power.

Big brother... You're so smart! I LOVE IT SO MUCH, *Lizy Hugs herself in excitement and love for Sinifer. Big brother h-how did you get so smart? I don't understand all of it but it seems like you know it as if was learned yersterday.

Hmph... *Sinifer smirks but soon his smirk went away as he remembers something, Sinifer quickly snaps out of that moment and mind state that he was about to get himself into.

S-sorry Lizy i was smiling for a second of how cute you're i-i mean how you're impressed by my knowledge.

Thank you for reading! It's going to be exciting writing this.

Why did the fire go out on itself? Well it lost its "Self esteam" HAHAHAH ok ok don't kill me!

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