
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

MajesticArtists · Others
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45 Chs

New Cloths For Us To Wear

*Derick measures the sizes of the two kids, writing them down as he performs them. He grabs some leather and cotton, linen as well. He gathered the data he needed and starts drawing on his wooden board. Cutting the fabric according to the shape he drew on the board. He starts sewing the fabric to the shape that is needed for the uniform. Sinifer and Lizy waited patiently for their uniforms to be made elegantly. Their wasn't eagerness in the environment but instead calmness and passion for the his craft. Derick calmly whistles and waves his hips side to side as if it was a rhythm. Tools was being used and put back in their place, he didn't have to use his mace around his base and so he saved his grace. Sinifer and Lizy were sitting down because of the time it would take to have their cloths specially manufactured for them personally. As Sinifer was waiting eagerly, Lizy fell asleep right beside him.

Ok, I'm finished. I've gotten all the measurements spot on, these should fit well because they're not too tight or too loose. Come try them on.

*Sinifer lays Lizy head down on the chair gently while he proceeds to try on the new uniforms.

Wait hold up, let me take my shirt off and shorts. 

*Sinifer tries on uniform.

 This feels rather nice and comfortable, you have done a fantastic job with the length and waist size. It doesn't feel too loose or tight and it's not itchy, I notice you used the correct fabrics and combined them well enough to not contradict each other. I'm impressed Derick, how long have you been in this profession?

I really appreciate your context on my craftsmanship, I've been practicing sewing and weaving since I was ten years old. My father, hmph he always put me on things that require hands on experience first hand. So I got to learn how to sew things together and understand different tension between different fabrics and how to manage them. Different fabrics have different tolerances to temperatures, my father had to show me which ones absorb cold easily and others absorb heat easily. Each fabric is special and some are common. I will always appreciate my father for what he did for the family and myself. As my talent for sewing grew, my understanding of fabrics and its complexities grew as well. I made a T-Shirt with a heart in the center of it at the age 11, than I sewed multiple shirts while understanding what people wanted in the market so i adapted accordingly. Creating long sleeve shirts as winter was coming soon. So I knew exactly what to do, I kept making long sleeve shirts out of wool because of the heat conductivity it traps. I made sure to imprint a heart in the center of it as usual to signify love and protection. I told my dad i needed help, he was proud and excited of my idea and so... He follow my lead, we kept making more and more Long sleeve shirts. We needed a post to sell them at ,we decided to sell it at the kingdoms marketplace. Selling each long sleeve shirt at 10 copper coins each.

Winter was on its way and people needed warmth to be protected from the ever freezing blizzard that was to come. People started piling up as they've never seen cloths like these before. I remember everyone lining up to buy one! having 10 copper coins in their hands while waiting to wear their newly bought shirt. Hours have passed, me and my father made lots of coins during our sell! I was exuberate as I couldn't hold in my any more joy so I burst into the air with my fist aiming at the skies! As I did, my father grab me while I was in the air and sprung me around to circles. Chanting, great job son! I'm so proud of you! We've made so much coins this year because of my talent for fabrics and art. The coins we earned we put it to use for our family, buying more farm land. Buying better equipment for me and my dad to use to improve our efficient with the tools we use to make our fabrics. Purchase a better and bigger house that as optimal for a family that needed to expand and grow. That's my rather small story of how i got into Sewing and that's how i ended up here.

*Sinifer was mind blown and interested.

I could've never knew because th-that was impressive , the story you told without hesitation and such accuracy is amazing. Learning to sew at ten years old is abnormal given the possibilities of each child being talentless and lacking ambition. I guess I forgot to consider all odds. 

Yeah I'm surprised as well because of that, as my talent surpass my fathers and the entire family as well. I was able to get my family out of poverty with the assistance of my dad of course. Although that didn't come with its consequences, people knew that we have made a great deal of coins and they wanted to have our hard earned coins. my father heard someone in our backyard where our sewing equipment was kept. MY FATHER, immediately grab his sword and hustle down stairs to greet those who were in our backyard. There were 3 masked men trying to open our shack but my father knew exactly what they wanted! I saw everything unfolding from my room, it was getting heated as the masked men unsheathed their swords as well.

My father warned them to leave the area or else they will face a horrible fate.

As one of the guys said- We don't give a damn about what you're going to do. We're going to take whatever we see fit and leave whether you like it or not!