
The Paradox Of The Multi-Verse Book 1

Welcome to a story of a boy of unknown origin named Ren Uzumaki, he lives in the hidden leaf village With his father Minato Namikaze, his mother kushina Uzumaki and his brother Naruto Namikaze. As you can know, the anime Naruto the events will be the same in this story but with more twists. Rifts will appear and changes will be made to the timelines of the world. There will be, Many wars, the test of trust, friendship and love. Many warriors from different anime-verse with unique and godlike power. Allies and foes. Join Ren as goes through this trial of Unlocking the secrets of his powers and past. And like the old story said, legends they never die. AN: (Hello readers, in this story it will have up to act 7 and follow my Art in Instagram username darknessren190.. I draw fan art of my oc, anime characters and more. So if you guys would like to support me, follow and like my posts and enjoy this story ^^)

Darkness_Ren · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 18

Naruto: We did?! Finally!

Everyone in team 7 cheered happily to be accepted in the chūnin Exams, where geni skills are tested by intelligence, Justus and to proves themselves to call themselves a chunin

Kushine smiles as well seeing their cheerful face: So go home and rest I'll see you guys tomorrow bright and early for Exam

She jump to the trees and disappeared leaving the kids to their celebration


It's dark out, Naruto and Ren are at home sitting on the couch thinking of what to cook in the kitchen but mostly it's Ren doing the thinking since the other was reluctant

Naruto slams his hands on the counter in frustration : argh Why do we have to cooook! let's just buy some ramen instead

Ren was looking through a book of recipes: No brother consuming a lot of ramen isn't healthy for you, besides if you like Hinata, you got to cook for her when you become her boyfriend

Naruto blushes: I... thought the girls have to cook for the boys, mom always cook for us

Ren: Well yes, she did but that doesn't mean as boys we don't need to learn now come and pick one already

Naruto pouts: ya know, you are scary like mom was

Ren chuckle: yes and you've got the stubbornness from dad

Naruto smiles: that's right and his good looks!

Darkness: Naruto is also lazy I wonder where he got that from

Ren thoughts: Naruto's not lazy, he's just...

Ren: yes yes

Ren: how about we try something new egg fried rice with a side of fresh vegetables

Naruto smiles when he heard Ren talking about fried egg but when he heard him mentioned rice his smile disappear into a pout again

Naruto: I thought you were going to say egg fried ramen

Ren looked at his brother shakes his hand and chuckles

The front door opened and their dad Minato walked inside, closed the door and walks into the kitchen see Naruto and Ren talking to each other.

Minato: hey sports

Minato walks behind them and pat their heads messing up their hair in the process

Naruto: Hey Dad

Ren: her dad, You're back home already

Minato: yeah so what you guys talking about?

Naruto looked at Minato: um.. Ren was thinking of cooking Egg fried rice with a side of vegetables

Minato: Oh? Ren's teaching you how to cook this?

Ren: Wait, how did you know dad?

Minato: You like to event New things in that mind of yours. Soon you and your brother will do great things for this world

Naruto: of course since I'm going to be the hokage after you dad

Minato: We'll see about that sport

Ren: And I want to become Naruto's shadow Hokage

Minato: Then you both know what you should do

Ren and Naruto: of course!

A few minutes later after Naruto failed to cook diner so Ren had to cook and they ate

Ren knock on his father door and opens it

Ren: Dad?

He went in but Minato isn't in his room

Darkness: hm.. He's not here

Ren: no.. But where is he.. I wonder if he gone back to work late again

Darkness: seems so, hm?

Ren: Darkness? What is it?

Darkness: I sense something in his table top drawer it feels... Familiar

Ren: okay, let's check it out then

Ren walked to the drawer and open the top drawer, he saw a picture of Kushina and Mikoto together smiling. It brings tears to Ren's eyes

Darkness: Ren.. What's wrong?

Ren: T-the one with the red hair is m-my mom.. And that's her friend Mikoto Uchiha..

Darkness: Kushina.. Is your mother..?

Ren: yes.. She died at a lab..murder by a guy who kidnapped us and kids, he fuse their souls into animatronics to.. Um.. Recreated I think..

Darkness: New enemies.. And I'm sorry for your loss Ren..

Ren wipes his tears: i-its fine..

Ren looks down, thinking about what darkness just asked

Ren: how did you know my mom...?

Darkness: it's complicated.. Ren, for years you've been asking yourself why are you the only one who has black hair and your family don't-

Ren: Please.. I-i want to know if my mom and dad are my family..? Is Naruto even my blood brother..?

After a few moments of silence...

Darkness: Is that why you came to your dad's room.. To ask him about that?

Ren nod: y-yes.. I can't wait any longer, I... I...

He touch a piece of his hair that has a patch of red on it

Ren: I have to know the truth..

Darkness sigh..

Darkness: if I tell you.. I want you to do me a favor

Ren went back to his room, he lock the door and sit on his bed

Ren: okay.. What is the favor?

Darkness: When I tell you.. Do not go looking, when the time is truly right and when you are truly ready, then and only then can we act

Ren sigh: okay..

Sakura Pov

I was roaming outside late at night to clear my mind from a few things.. I sit on the bench at the middle of the street light talking to my self

Sakura: why does it make me sad.. When others has parents.. And not me.. I'm suppose to be use to this by now but... It still hurts

??: Child, don't be so soft right-

Sakura: just leave me alone..

??: why? You know I can't leave when I'm trap within you Sakura and be thankful. If it wasn't for me you and your boyfriend would have been killed

I felt my cheeks hear up a bit and I looked down: h-he's not my boyfriend.. At least.. Not yet..

??: I don't understand you humans.. Why not be bold and kiss the boy instead of all this insecurities

Sakura: ??! Are you crazy?! I can't d-do that, I get that you are a Ostustuki but h-human love have to be special not bold like yours! Kagura!

Kagura: In my world we don't have love like you humans, we just.. Don't have families and have kids

Sakura: oh.. That's sad, I'm sorry Kagura

I heard a familiar voice to my right

???: Sakura?

I gasped and looked up i saw Ren standing there looking at me

Sakura: o-oh Ren! What are you doing out here so late?

Ren: I was taking a nice walk to clear my mind, what about you?

Sakura: u-um just doing the same but sitting

Ren: haha I see, May I join?

Sakura: s-sure

Ren walked up to me and sat to my left as I avoid looking at him

Ren: so why are you really here alone Sakura?

Sakura: hmm.. Living in the Hokage guest house does be a bit lonely and dull And.. I guess miss my...-

Ren: Sakura um.. if you don't mind if I asked.... what happen to your parents?

Sakura felt her eyes tear up as she sniffs and place he hair behind her ear: t-they died when the three tailed beasts invaded and damaged the leaf village.. My parents died trying to saved me..

Ren looked down in sadness: I'm sorry for your loss..

I looked at Ren and smiles: i-its okay.. But I should be thankful I have people I care about.. And who cares about me

Ren looked at me with his blue eyes which reflects the moon's light making them look sparkly: who?

Sakura: My teammates.. Kushine, Kakashi sensei taking care of me.. And..

I looked away with my cheeks flushes again

Sakura: a-and you

Ren Pov

Ren blush after Sakura said that, he give her a hug and she gasp in surprised

Sakura: w-wha-

Ren interrupt Sakura

Ren: I'm glad.. You help me back then.. I don't think I will be alive.. If you hadn't seen me

Sakura: w-what are you talking about..?

Ren: at the lab.. When i.. Saw my mother killed by.. Him, I was deep in despair.. Lost And it consumed me to kill that puppet.. After that thing said to me.. I saw you.. Watching at me inside of that big preset box.. With your beautiful green eyes, You give me the reason to live.. You give me the reason to fight

He let her go and start into her eyes, he saw Sakura blushing, they stare into each others eyes as everywhere around them turn silently, Sakura's lips slowly approach his, she closes her eyes, Ren smiled softly at her cuteness he close his eyes as well and leaned in as their lips connected Ren felt fireworks going off and Sakura feels butterfly in her stomach. After a couple of minutes they stopped kissing and opened their eyes looking at each other with their face blushing red

They both were speechless until

??: Aww Young love huh?

Ren and Sakura look and saw Kushine looking at them

Ren and Sakura separated from each other: Gah! S-Sensei!

Kushine chuckles

Kushine: Don't worry you two, I won't tell anyone about you guys first kiss, not even your father Ren

Ren looked away embarrassed: o-okay

Kushine: Come Sakura, you two should be sleeping, as the exam are tomorrow and we don't want to be late right

Sakura got up from her seat: y-yes sensei

She turn to look at Ren: s-see you tomorrow, Ren

Ren didn't look at Sakura, he looked down avoiding eye contact: l-like wise..

She walk to Kushine, As they were waking away together Ren look at Sakura and He saw she look back at him as her cheeks was red knowing she got caught looking back at him and quickly look forward, it brings a warm smile on Ren's face

Darkness: Soo..-

Ren: d-dont start, Darkness

To Be Continue

AN: (hey guys, what do you guys think about that little romance with Ren and Sakura? 😅 it's my first time writing a kissing scene with details but anyway I hope you enjoy)