
The Paradox Of The Multi-Verse Book 1

Welcome to a story of a boy of unknown origin named Ren Uzumaki, he lives in the hidden leaf village With his father Minato Namikaze, his mother kushina Uzumaki and his brother Naruto Namikaze. As you can know, the anime Naruto the events will be the same in this story but with more twists. Rifts will appear and changes will be made to the timelines of the world. There will be, Many wars, the test of trust, friendship and love. Many warriors from different anime-verse with unique and godlike power. Allies and foes. Join Ren as goes through this trial of Unlocking the secrets of his powers and past. And like the old story said, legends they never die. AN: (Hello readers, in this story it will have up to act 7 and follow my Art in Instagram username darknessren190.. I draw fan art of my oc, anime characters and more. So if you guys would like to support me, follow and like my posts and enjoy this story ^^)

Darkness_Ren · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 12

2 days later

Rin Pov

Rin open her eyes and sits up, she took a look at her surroundings and realised she's laying med bed at the hospital. She looked at her hands and saw that she doesn't have scars or bandages she was confused because she remember she was attacked by a zombie-like creature and was seriously injured.

Rin: "I just be back in konoha but how.. Did I end up back here..?"

??: "You were brought back here by Minato two days ago"

She heard a voice in her head respond, out of curiosity, she asked the three tails that is inside her about what happened when she was unconscious: "what exactly happened when I was out of t

Three Tail said: (Minato confronted that... creature known as licker but it.. Virus infected you and I which made both of us lose consciousness)

She asked confused: "virus?" She got off the bed, "but I don't feel any different. Whatever it was maybe it disappeared"

Three Tail: (either did i. But we don't know what it did to us, we have to be cautious about what you do from now on)

Rin: "okay.. Wait! Ren and Naruto-!"

Three Tail: (they fine but-)

Rin: "but??"

Three Tail sigh and said: "Its... Kushina she's..."

Rin Pov end

Third person

It's 12 pm, the sky is gray and rain is pouring down heavily as the funeral of Kushina Uzumaki is being held at the will of fire graveyard. Minato, Naruto, Ren, Kakashi, Obito and a woman named Mikoto Uchiha, a long time best friend to Kushina Uzumaki. And a man named Fugaku Uchiha, Best friends with Minato there were other as well who came to say goodbye. They show their condolosis to Minato and his sons. After a few minutes, Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha left in sadness leaving Minato, Naruto and Ren. Ren and Naruto were shaking and crying their sadness out knowing that they won't see their mother again minato know he has to be strong his his sons he held both of their hands knowing that the three of them will have to depend on one another now. After a while they walked the path out of the graveyard and left.

3 years later

At December 17 it was currently snowing. Naruto worn a orange jacket with a red scarf around his neck and a black pants. He walked alone in the snowy woods and saw three boys bullied a girl. Naruto hid by the tree that's close to them to listen and observe.

Boy 1: "look at her with those weird eyes"

Boy 2: "yeah! She's a monster!"

Boy 3: "a freak of nature!"

He noticed that it's hinata, Hinata cries hearing those hurtful words and Naruto has enough and jump out and said: "leave her alone!"

He landed next to Hinata facing against those three boys who was bullied her

Boy 2: "ohhh? And who are you?"

Naruto: "I'm Naruto Namikaze! I'm going to be the future hokage! Now leave Hinata Alone!"

Boy 3: "Future hokage?!"

They all laugh burst out laughing

Boy 1: "like if that happen-!"

Hinata saw Naruto jumped in to save her from the bullies she felt happiness knowing he is there protecting her when she heard those boys laughing at Naruto she got upset and shouted: "n-no! He will become hokage one day! And stop bullies like you three!"

Boy 2: "Why you-!"

As one of the boy was about to slap Hinata. A kanai is thrown on the ground in front of Hinata. They all looked at it and Naruto realizes it one of his his father kanai and then Minato appeared behind boy 2 and he said

Minato: "That's enough, why don't you kids go on home and reflect on yourselves" The three boys looked at Minato with shocked and terror

Boy 1: "I-Its the fourth Hokage!"

They ran away and Naruto laugh: "hahahaha that served them right!"

Minato looked at Naruto: "and what you doing here Naruto?"

Naruto looked at Minato and said: "well dad, I was walking minding my own business then I saw those three boys bullied Hinata, calling her a monster and stuff so I decided to step in lucky you stepped in dad or else I don't know what I would of some to them"

Hinata looked at Naruto and Minato said: "t-thank you, Naruto and Lord Forth.."

Minato: "your welcome Hinata. Did you have anyone to walking with you?"

Hinata: "n-no, I walked alone. I have to go home now.."

Naruto realized she doesn't have a scarf, so he takes out his and wrap it around her neck. Hinata looks at Naruto with her face in a shade of red and Minato looked at Naruto smiling

Naruto: "You didn't have a scarf and it's so cold out here, so I give you mine." He smile

Hinata touches the scarf gently and her eyes softened: "b-but"

Naruto: "no buts, it's okayy"

She smile warmly and said: "t-thank you.."

Naruto: "your welcome"

Minato smiles and shakes his head: "let's go, Naruto"

Naruto looked at Minato: "okay dad" then he looked at Hinata "see ya soon Hinata!"

Hinata: "o-okay b-bye" Naruto and Minato walked away and Hinata touches the red scarf and smile again

Naruto Pov End

2 years later

At March 3rd. Minato was at the hokage office having a private meeting with Danzo, Hiruzen and Fugaku sat around a table, they were discussing what happen 5 years ago.

Danzo: "what did you call us here for lord fourth?"

Minato: "I wanted to discuss with you all about what happened 6 years ago as we didnt get a chance to after. .. All that happened"

Fugaku: "It's fine hokage after all you and your son's have been though it's was right for you all to take some time to heal. is it about to the kids that were Abducted by E-Technology?"

Minato looked at Fugaku, nodded and said: "yes and also about the sun village."

Hiruzen: "which should we talk about first?"

Minato: " let's start with the sun village. I found some scrolls that might contain more information about the village all we know from investigating the now abounded village is that there was an ancient being named Phoenix, the sun village worship that being as their savior for many years"

Danzo: "where is the scroll now and how do we know this isn't a fake, made up by people who wants to see the destruction of konaha?"

Minato: "Well for one, it has a highly protective seal that is protecting the scroll as for the whereabouts only I know where it's being kept"

Danzo: "I see.."

Fugaku looked at Danzo suspiciously: "why do you want to know where the scroll is being kept?"

Danzo looked at Fugaku: "mind your business Fugaku, you're lucky Lord Forth didn't send you Uchiha's to the west side of konoha for your betrayal"

Fugaku slammed his fist in the table: "For the last time Danzo, none of the Uchiha's within the leaf cause that attack 12 years ago!"

Danzo: "those three tail beasts had the Sharingan within their eyes, all who was there saw, surely-!"

Hiruzen looked at Danzo and said: "Lord Forth have already discussed this 13 years ago. It wasn't the Uchiha's fault that cause the nine tail fox, a three tail beast and that 20 tail to go rampant! So let's end that discussion from there"

Danzo: "fine"

Minato: "anyway, the scroll is locked. My guess is only someone from the sun village can open it"

Fugaku: "so this girl.. Lena? can she open it?"

Minato looked at Hiruzen: "yes she can, but for now let's not talk about this to her as it's been hard for her to adjust here when the time is right she will decide if she wants to know more about her origin"

Hiruzen: "okay fair enough, but what about E-Technology?"

Minato:"well yesterday I went to look within the laboratory of E-Technology.. I didn't find Kushina's body or anyone for that matter but I found this" Minato rest a black rock with a blue shining crack on it

Danzo said: "that rock looks interesting"

Minato: "it is, I think it was this rock that shot that beam through the sky.. Kind of Like a calling.."

Fugaku: "A calling... for what exactly?"

Minato: "I don't know.. But whatever it is, we must be prepared for what's coming"

Hiruzen: "when that day come, we will be prepared"

Minato looked at Hiruzen: "good.. Now I've be attending my sons graduate from the Academy. I have more information I will call another meeting. Dismiss"

The End

Next Chapter 13