
One Remaining

"Whatever you do, Danny, do not get in the way when I have my fun by killing them in creative ways," Donovan said as he grabbed his greatsword and began to lick the blunt side of it.

"you do not have to worry. I will not get in your way because I know that if I do, I could get killed while you are in a blind rage". I told him as I walked by him and made my way to the river bank.

the only thing that I could hear was the chirping of birds and the running of the river against the rocks that were on its bed. I found this area to be a bit too quiet so I kept my guard up while searching for bags of supplies.

I was unsure if the area was real or just another holographic training simulation like the ones that I had to go through in my last year of schooling. so to make sure this was real and not fake, I melted down by the river and drank some of the freshwater.

the water felt very chilling and relaxing as it came into contact with my hands, but as I was about to take a sip to either confirm my suspicions or possibly negate them, I felt the tip of a weapon against the center of my back.

"do not move; if you do, your death will be slow and painful rather than swift." I heard a deep male voice say to me as I felt the tip of his ax begin to twist in a circular motion against my back

"if you're going to kill me I am going to warn you that I will not go down easy. I am not a pushover like the rest of the people that you would possibly encounter on this survival exam". I said as I prepared to begin my fight against this enemy.

as I was about to make my move, I heard a group of humans screaming close by, which caused him to release the ax from my back.

when he did that I quickly turned around and grabbed him by the neck and put him in a chokehold so that he could not attack me.

I saw three bodies fly out of the forest and land right in front of me right before Donovan walked out and began to laugh as he waved his bloody hands around due to his victory.

"ho....how...how could you defend all of my teammates?" he struggled to say as I had him in a chokehold.

"Because I was formally a warrior turned into a healer, so I know exactly how you do things which made it even easier for me to predict everything and how to defeat you," Donovan said as he stepped all over the bodies of the people that he had defeated.

I quickly snapped his neck so that their team would be eliminated from the contest.

"the representatives of the future warrior caste have been defeated by the combatants of the healer caste." a male voice said across the entire arena which made me jump slightly inside because I was not expecting it at all.

"I have found a bag of supplies near the edge of the forest before I am bushed these three pitiful excuses for a warrior," Donovan said to me as I tossed the body of the guy that I had a choke hold before killing him into the river.

"all right then, let me grab the bag that I see along the river bank a few dozen feet in front of me before we regroup with Frederick and Nova," I said as I began to make my way to the bag and then put it on my back.

"Let us go back to our meeting place since we will have one bag of supplies each" Donovan service I saw him turn away and walk back into the forest

I was quick to follow him since, despite how crazy and obsessed with the battle he was, I knew that my chances of survival would be a whole lot less on my own than they would be if I were with him.

as I made my way to the place where you were to meet up and give you up our supplies, no one else was there except Donovan, so I sat down and examined the contents of my bag.

inside my bag, I saw roughly twenty blue-colored bullets, a set of first aid recovery items, and finally, a revolver to put the rounds in.

"did you get anything interesting at all?" Donovan asked me as he sat down and opened his bag.

"nothing too amazing but the pistol and the cryo rounds might come in handy'. and I told him as I showed him what was inside the bag.

"I got things that were much more useful than you. In this bag, I have a total of four pairs of magnetic boots and a blue as well as a red elemental stone. in the end, I think that my items will be more helpful to our survival in this exercise,". she told me arrogantly since we were always competing with one another.

"the rogue group has been defeated by our specialist group of participants." the answer said on a speaker that was heard across the whole arena.

it was a few minutes until I saw both Nova and Frederick walk through the woods and into the area where I was sitting with my backpack of supplies.

"it is good to see that you are both still alive. even though I do not like Donovan for how perverted he is he serves as a crucial part of our survival." Nova and she sat down to my left and opened her backpack.

"it seems like I have a set of power gloves as well as a blue, yellow, and black elemental stone in my bag," Nova said as she looked into her backpack.

"the only thing that I have is a total of five power cells," Frederick said.

"all right then I suggest that each of us take one pair of magnetic boots. then we divvy out the rest among ourselves at our discretion." I said to the group after we had all finished looking through what we had got from the bags.

"since I am the one with the best combat experience out of all of us, I should take the pistol with the cryo rounds," Donovan said.

"Okay, then, I would like to take two of the elemental stones for my psi blades," Frederick said as he grabbed the black and the blue elemental stones from the bag and placed them in the hilt of his psi blades.

"the only thing that I want is two of the power cells". I said as I grabbed the items from a bag and waited to see what others would say about it.

"that leaves only our medical supplies, two power cells, and a red elemental stone to be divvied out," Fredrick said as he looked at what we had left.

"I will just take the rest in my bag if that is okay with all of you," Donovan said as he grabbed the rest of the items, and no one opposed him.

"all right then, now that we all have that divided amongst ourselves, we can finally move out. we need to find one of the enemy teams before they find us so that we have the element of surprise on our side.

as I Rose to my feet and began to walk out of the forest, I could hear that there were others close by, but before I could reach them, I heard my allies scream in pain and quickly go completely silent.

"I am no pushover like the rest of my class. I am a cut above the rest. so if you were trying to defeat me so easily, think again". I said as I placed a power cell into the right side of my belt which caused a blue barrier to generate around me.

how was I going to make it out of this event alive? As the last in my class, I had the most work to do, and this blueberry was only going to last for two to three hits or shots before disappearing and making me vulnerable to attacks.

I was unsure how I was going to be able to survive this conflict long enough to improve what the representatives thought of me so that I would not end up in some backwater world where I would be useless to The Terran Collective in this current war.