
The Pampering CEO [Secretly married to the CEO]

Find out about the story of a woman who is secretly married to the CEO. The president has an aloof attitude towards her. There is no physical connection between the two. The marriage contract paper is the only thing that gives meaning to their relationship. For the last some time, she was involved with someone else. This lover himself is now engaged to someone else. She herself is now a secret wife of a president. The story of The Pampering CEO takes an interesting turn when the female lead decides to move out of this man’s life. Will she succeed in doing so? How will the CEO react to this change of situation? Will he finally realize his mistake? To find this all out you will have to read the full novel.

Laxman_sedai · Urban
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Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Filia Chen said a lot, and Madam Lu turned blue with anger. Where did she dare to talk like this in front of her mother-in-law?

This Filia Chen looked good when he was not married, but now he is so proud.

Mrs. Lu was about to speak.

James said lightly: "Xiaoman, ask the Chen family, what does that look like? I'll just give you another card. You can buy it yourself without saving money for me."

"A Qing, you are good to me." Filia Chen suddenly showed a sweet smile.

"Go." James took her a new card.

Filia Chen took the card, gave Madam Lu a provocative look, and then went out happily.

"James, you…" Madam Lu was about to talk about James.

James said with a tired look: "Mom, you think our house is too peaceful. Are you unhappy?"

"What do you mean? You mean, I've been making trouble?" Mrs. Lu was upset: "It is right for the mother-in-law to teach her daughter-in-law. Now I say one thing, and she will try to find the world. There is no such daughter-in-law."

James glanced at her: "That is also the daughter-in-law you have chosen by thousands. You have to accept the one you choose, no matter what."

Lidya's personality is very good, but isn't Mrs. Lu also picking her nose up and down?

"You…" James said with mockery, and Madam Lu was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, there are still things in my company! In the future, I don't want to waste my things on this kind of thing. I also ask my mother to enjoy the good fortune and stop intervening in things you shouldn't." James said, turning around go.

Madame Lu was almost carried away with anger.

Lu Qianyu patted her on the back quickly.

After finally taking a breath, Mrs. Lu said angrily: "Look at what your brother said, is it plausible? What is it that I shouldn't get involved?"

"Brother is also confused." Lu Qianyu said.

Madam Lu gritted her teeth, "I don't believe it, I can't care about Filia Chen!"

She took out her mobile phone and made a call to Mrs. Chen: "In-law, are you free in the afternoon? Let's have tea together?"

She had to talk to Madam Chen about Filia Chen.

"No time." Madam Chen's voice was cold.

"Is there anything important?" Madam Lu asked hurriedly.

"No." Madam Chen's voice was not very polite.

Mrs. Lu frowned: "In-law, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Chen burst out: "Don't you know yourself? Before you and Lu Qianyu's reputation, my Xiaoman's reputation is worthless, isn't it? All tatters are on our Xiaoman's head. ! You are still embarrassed to ask me what do you mean?"

After being robbed by Madam Chen, Madam Lu was stunned.

Then, she couldn't help but get angry.

James has already dealt with this matter immediately, and now he has suppressed the matter. Unexpectedly, this Filia Chen was restless and went to her family to file a complaint.

Madam Lu's tone also became a little stiff: "Mrs. Chen, you are so majestic! It was Filia Chen who sued you. But I just said a few words of her casually. Unexpectedly, she started talking nonsense to you. Our Lu family can't afford this kind of wife."

"Oh, this matter is not our Xiaoman's complaint. However, since you have said everything, if your Lu family is not satisfied with Xiaoman, then let them divorce!" Mrs. Chen is very tough; "The bridegroom fainted during the wedding, and the father-in-law died immediately afterwards. At home, he was bullied by you. Do you really think that Xiaoman has no backstage? You wait, tomorrow I will let Xiaoman and James go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce ."

Mrs. Chen snapped and hung up.

Madam Lu was completely stupid.

She just wanted to hold Filia Chen, but she never wanted to divorce them. Now Madam Chen was angry with this, her face suddenly turned blue and red, not knowing how to end it.

Now, the cooperation between the two companies is entering the honeymoon period. If this happens all of a sudden, I'm afraid the cooperation will be shattered.

Realizing that she might have caused trouble, Mrs. Lu refused to bow her head.

She can only keep complaining to Lu Qianyu.

She hadn't waited for her to relax from Madam Chen's tough attitude.

The servant came in with a court summons.

Madam Lu was even more angry when she saw it: "What? That b!tch still has the face to grab the property from Xiaoqing? If you don't go, I won't appear in court."

"Madam." The servant said cautiously: "If you don't attend, Zhao Muya will be directly judged to win the case."

Mrs. Lu: "…"

She put the court's summons a little annoyingly, feeling that she was so unlucky during this period of time.

Nothing goes smoothly.

After Jamel Xiao's several movements, the Lu family suddenly felt like a feather.

These messy things are enough to make Mrs. Lu unable to take the energy to calculate Lidya Su.

Jamel Xiao listened to the return, and smiled slightly: "Okay. Continue to follow up on this matter, the lawsuit, help Zhao Muya more. Let Zhao Muya enter the Lu family, and speed up the pace."

The assistant hurriedly responded.

Not knowing Jamel Xiao's various actions, Lidya Su's life was very peaceful.

She devoted herself to the design competition.

Initial review and review.

She submitted the design drafts through the Internet, and then passed through all the way to the final review.

There are only fifty places for the final review, and the competition will be held offline.

Lidya Su looked at the judges of the final review and couldn't help but curl his lips. Jamel Xiao turned out to be one of the judges!

The man clearly knows nothing about interior design.

Abominable capital society!

When Jamel Xiao came over at night, Lidya Su squinted at him: "Designer competition, are you also a judge?"

"What?" Jamel Xiao smiled, "Want to ask me to open the back door for you?"

Lidya Su was speechless for a while before he said: "Did you know that I also participated?"

"It's not too early, just when you just signed up, you knew it." Jamel Xiao said casually.

"You!" Lidya Su couldn't help biting her lower lip: "You have always known, then I…"

Seeing Lidya Su's meaning, Jamel Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, I haven't done anything. It's your own ability to go to the final trial."

Jamel Xiao didn't seem to be lying, Lidya Su was relieved now.

Although she wanted to take the first place, what she wanted was to rely on her own ability to enter the final trial in an upright manner, and then get the bonus upright.

"But…" Jamel Xiao's mouth showed a wicked smile: "If you want me to open the back door, I can't agree. Give me a k!ss, the champion is yours."

Lidya Su couldn't help rolling her eyes; "No! Don't mess around, what I want is a fair result."

So, the k!ss is so gone?

Jamel Xiao became depressed for a moment, and was even more unwilling. He thought for a while and said, "What if I must open the back door for you?"

"Hey!" Lidya Su couldn't laugh or cry.

"You k!ss me. I won't open the back door for you." Jamel Xiao said righteously.