
The Pampering CEO [Secretly married to the CEO]

Find out about the story of a woman who is secretly married to the CEO. The president has an aloof attitude towards her. There is no physical connection between the two. The marriage contract paper is the only thing that gives meaning to their relationship. For the last some time, she was involved with someone else. This lover himself is now engaged to someone else. She herself is now a secret wife of a president. The story of The Pampering CEO takes an interesting turn when the female lead decides to move out of this man’s life. Will she succeed in doing so? How will the CEO react to this change of situation? Will he finally realize his mistake? To find this all out you will have to read the full novel.

Laxman_sedai · Urban
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Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Just drank a little porridge.

Lidya Su received a call.

Seeing the caller, Lidya Su immediately answered the phone nervously; "Mom!"

"You still have my mother in your eyes?" Madam Xiao's tone was blunt.

Lidya Su asked cautiously: "Mom, did I do something wrong?"

"On the phone, I am too lazy to tell you more. Give it to me now, and come to me immediately. I'll be waiting for you at home!" Mrs. Xiao said, she hung up the phone.

Lidya Su listened to the beep over there, biting her lower lip.

This time, Zhao Yishan is mostly related.

But Zhao Yishan, Jamel Xiao opened his mouth to rush, but he was actually at a loss.

Forget it, let's wait until I see Mrs. Xiao.

Turning around wasted time, Madam Xiao should be angry.

"Mother Zhang, I'll go out." Lidya Su picked up the bag and left in a hurry.

After she left, Mom Zhang blinked and made a call to go out.

The young master told him that if his wife has anything, he must be notified in time.

"Master, the wife just answered a call and went out. Who is on that end? The wife shouted as mother, it should be Mrs. Xiao."

After a brief notification to Jamel Xiao, Zhang Ma continued to clean up.

At this moment, Lidya Su was already sitting opposite Mrs. Xiao.

Lidya Su looked at Zhao Yishan next to Mrs. Xiao, and knew that her guess was not wrong. This time Mrs. Xiao came to her, really because of Zhao Yishan's business.

"Go ahead." Madam Xiao looked at her coldly.

"Say what?" Lidya Su asked cautiously.

"Just what means did you use to get Depth of Field to drive Yishan out." Madam Xiao looked at Lidya Su severely.

"Mrs. Xiao, I don't know how I offended you so that you can't tolerate me so much." Zhao Yishan looked pitiful: "I just want to give birth to a child for the Xiao family. After giving birth, I will naturally leave and be shaken. It's not your status."

Lidya Su was a little confused.

How come she can't tolerate Zhao Yishan anymore?

She opened her mouth to speak.

Mrs. Xiao already said coldly: "It's fine if you can't give birth to Jamel by yourself. You still don't let others have children. Lidya Su, I advise you, it is best to recognize your own position and not to interfere too much. it is good."

"Mom, I didn't intervene. It was Depth of Field who let Zhao Yishan go." Only then did Lidya Su have time to speak.

"Mrs. Xiao." Zhao Yishan's expression became even more pitiful: "If it weren't for your design to make Depth of Field feel that I am a bad woman, how could she drive me away?"

Lidya Su looked at Zhao Yishan in disbelief, this woman actually told her mom like that. She designs? Did she design herself to be sick? Did she design Zhao Yishan to humiliate herself?

"Lidya Su." Mrs. Xiao frowned deeply: "As long as you are honest, you are still useful to the Xiao family, you are Mrs. Xiao's position. I will not move! But if you continue I don't know what to do, I…"

"What do you want?" Suddenly, a voice rang.

Jamel Xiao walked in coldly.

"Depth of field?" Mrs. Xiao was a little surprised: "I remember that the latest project is very urgent? Why are you here."

"If I don't come, wouldn't I miss your majestic side?" Jamel Xiao smiled.

Mrs. Xiao glared at him immediately: "You child, how do you speak! I did not do all this for you. You will be thirty in a few years, this child…"

"You don't need to worry about your child's affairs." Jamel Xiao calmly sat beside Lidya Su, invisibly, giving Lidya Su a kind of support.

"Don't worry about me? I'm your mother! I don't worry about it, who will worry about it!" Mrs. Xiao raised her brows: "If you don't like Zhao Yishan, just tell me, I will find a better one for me immediately."

"Mrs. Xiao…" Zhao Yishan's face suddenly paled. She didn't expect that Madam Xiao would abandon her when she said to abandon her.

Madam Xiao just looked at Jamel Xiao: "Speak? What type do you like? It's…"

"It doesn't matter what type I like," Jamel Xiao said lightly.

"What does this mean?" Madam Xiao puzzled.

"Because… I don't lift it." Jamel Xiao said calmly and abnormally.


Lidya Su looked at Jamel Xiao in amazement.

boom! The tea cup in Madam Xiao's hand fell to the ground.

Zhao Yishan was stunned for a moment, and then flashed a look of suddenly realized!

No wonder, Jamel Xiao has always refused to touch her!

It turned out that he was inhumane at all.

"You…you…" Madam Xiao stretched out her finger and pointed at Jamel Xiao tremblingly. It took a long time before she let her breath come over: "You tell me clearly! What do you mean by not lifting!"

"It means it literally. No matter how beautiful a woman, I can't get any feelings. No matter who it is, I can't give them a child at all, do you understand?" Jamel Xiao was calm as water.

Mrs. Xiao froze for a long time, then looked at Zhao Yishan: "Didn't you say that you get along well with Depth of Field?"

"I…" Zhao Yishan lowered his head guiltily.

Looking at her expression, Mrs. Xiao still didn't understand, but she was still unwilling. She looked at Jamel Xiao: "Then you had so many girlfriends before…"

"I haven't touched them." Jamel Xiao said.

Madam Xiao was stunned in a daze.

After a while, she stroked her chest: "You let me slow down, you let me slow down."

Jamel Xiao was not in a hurry, he even poured himself a glass of water and drank it leisurely.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mrs. Xiao gave Zhao Yishan a fierce look: "What you heard today…"

"I can't say a word." Zhao Yishan was startled and said hurriedly.

"You'd better get acquainted, otherwise, you won't want to try my method." Madam Xiao looked at her coldly, and then said: "Now, you go upstairs and stay!"

"Yes." Zhao Yishan didn't dare to argue at all, and hurried upstairs.

In the living room, only Madam Xiao, Jamel Xiao, and Lidya Su remained.

Madam Xiao calmed down and looked at Jamel Xiao seriously: "Depth of field, this kind of thing, but you can't be kidding. I ask you, is what you said is true?"

"Of course it's true. How can any man make fun of this kind of thing." Jamel Xiao said calmly.

"You let me think about it." Madam Xiao couldn't help but rubbed her eyebrows for a long time before saying; "Depth of field, you…have you seen this disease in the hospital?"

"I also went to see it in private, but the doctor only said that I would take care of it slowly and it would be better in the future." Jamel Xiao said.

"It will be good? That's good, then good." Madam Xiao couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"So, you don't have to find a woman for me anymore. I don't need it." Jamel Xiao said his ultimate goal.

Madam Xiao sighed and looked a little annoyed: "If you had said it earlier, I wouldn't find someone for me. Originally, the less people knew about this, the better, but now, it is known to Zhao Yishan."

"So, can I take Lidya away?" Jamel Xiao asked.

"Go, go, I have to go upstairs, and then warn that Zhao Yishan." With that, Mrs. Xiao smiled at Lidya Su: "Lidya, the depth of field is here, I have to trouble you to take care of it."

Madam Xiao actually smiled at her! Lidya Su felt flattered.

"Okay." She hurriedly responded.