
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 94 The man behind the scenes

When the two of them arrived in the town, it was just dawn and the incense and candle shop hadn't opened yet.

  They went to the teahouse diagonally across the street and ordered two bowls of hot tea, drinking to warm themselves up while waiting for the shop to open.

  As a result, after sitting for a while, I saw a tall, round-waisted woman twisting her body towards this side. It turned out to be Xiao Erniang.

  After seeing the two of them, Xiao Erniang sat down directly at their tea table and waved to the waiter for a bowl of hot tea.

  Then he said: "Brother Nian, Langzhong Jiang, you two didn't go to the stall?"

  Ye Anian was just thinking about how to reply to her, when Xiao Erniang said to herself: "Oh, I see, you two are also coming to town to buy a Rubik's Cube, right?"

  "What?" Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu were both stunned.

  "It's just those colorful pieces of wood. I see many people in town buy them, but they break after not playing with them much, and they have to go to the shop to repair them."

  Ye Anian frowned when he heard this: "Is there a shop selling it?"

  "That's right," Xiao Erniang took a sip of tea, "Many people I know well bought them because they looked fresh. They cost ten cents each, but they fell apart after only a few days of playing. They were no different from a pile of scrap wood. "

  "Then where did they buy them from?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  "It's right at the Department Store. There are always people queuing up every day."

  Ye Annian squeezed the tea bowl in his hand, his knuckles turning white.

  He hadn't been to the town to set up a stall for a few days, but one shop had already sold out the Rubik's Cube.

  Seeing his troubled face, Xiao Erniang looked up and drank the tea in the bowl with pride, and threw it on the table: "Do you want me to take you to the department store?"

  Ye Annian glanced at the incense and candle shop that was already open, shook his head and said, "No, we have made an appointment with the owner of the incense and candle shop. We have something to do, so we should go there first."

"Then I'll go to Xiaoyun Wine Shop. If you want to find me, go look for me over there."

  "Okay." Ye Anyian responded.

  Jiang Zhu looked at Xiao Erniang's complexion, which seemed to be much better than before. He thought that she must have been drinking the prescription he prescribed for her.

  As a doctor, he suffered from occupational diseases and couldn't help but nag: "Drinking too much alcohol is not good for the liver and kidneys."

  "Don't worry," Xiao Erniang waved her hand, "I drink the prescription you prescribed for me every day. I do feel much better than before. I have been drinking a lot more lately."

  Jiang Zhu:...

  The co-author regarded the prescription he prescribed as an antidote.

  But this matter still depends on the individual, Jiang Zhu can only give some advice.

  Xiao Erniang twisted her waist and walked away, and Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu got up and went to the incense shop.

  When the shopkeeper saw it was the two of them, his expression was neither good nor bad, and he stretched out his hand towards Ye Anyian.

  Ye Annian was also unambiguous and took out the Rubik's Cube and handed it to him.

  The shopkeeper twirled it twice with his hands, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes: "It turns so smoothly, you little brother is quite good at assembling."

  "Yeah." Ye Anyian responded lightly and didn't say much.

  The shopkeeper was quite trustworthy and returned the broken silver he had received from Ye Anyian yesterday. He sat behind the counter and concentrated on studying, ignoring Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu.

  "Shopkeeper, where did you buy this Rubik's Cube?" Ye Anyian asked.

  The shopkeeper of the incense and candle shop didn't even raise his head: "Where else can we go? If not that grocery store in Tianshui Town, let's go to that department store."

  It actually matched what Xiao Erniang said.

  The two looked at each other and went directly to the department store.

  When they arrived at the department store, the two of them were dumbfounded. There were actually a lot of people queuing outside a small grocery store, divided into two lines.

  Ye Anyian stepped forward and asked, and found that the team on the left was buying a Rubik's Cube, and the team on the right was building a Rubik's Cube.

  The Rubik's Cube sells for ten cents apiece, and if it breaks, the first three repairs are free, and subsequent repairs cost a cent each time.

  And if someone can solve a Rubik's Cube with six complete sides, he or she will solve it for free for life.

  Ye Anyian:...

  What can I say, the person who imitated his Rubik's Cube is pretty good at business.

  However, this business may not last long.

  Now everyone's novelty has not worn off yet, everyone is obsessed with playing it, but after ten and a half months, when someone solves it, the solution will be passed on to everyone sooner or later.

  By then, no one will be obsessed with the Rubik's Cube.

  Afraid of alerting the enemy, the two of them did not go directly to the shopkeeper of the department store. Instead, they pretended to be people buying a Rubik's Cube and lined up.

This line lasted for more than an hour.

  When the queue reached Ye Anyian, there happened to be the last one left.

  Ye Anyian bought it without hesitation, and everyone in the queue behind him complained, saying that they had to come early tomorrow.

  Ye Anyian bought the Rubik's Cube but was not in a hurry to leave. He just stood in the shop and started working on it.

  The little boy in the store was not surprised and went to clean up the counter.

  Not long after, Ye Anyian placed the assembled Rubik's Cube on the counter in front of the boy.

  The boy was stunned for a moment, then took out sixty coins and gave it to Ye Anyian.

  "What does this mean?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  The boy's attitude had completely changed from before. He smiled at the two of them and said, "This is a rule in our store. Anyone who can solve the Rubik's Cube will not only get a free Rubik's Cube, but also an extra fifty coins."

  "This guy was the first to solve the Rubik's Cube in our store. The shopkeeper said that the first three people who successfully solved the Rubik's Cube will not be charged for subsequent repairs and will have a lifetime warranty."

  Jiang Zhu tapped his fingers on the table: "We don't need to fix the Rubik's Cube. Is your shopkeeper here? We want to meet him."

  He explained his purpose, and the young man was stunned for a moment, and said hurriedly: "Yes, my shopkeeper is in the backyard, I'll call him!"

  In fact, even if Jiang Zhu didn't say anything, he would still call him. The shopkeeper would definitely want to meet the first person to be rescued.

  He left in a hurry, and Jiang Zhu and Ye Annian were the only two people left in the small shop, and the two began to talk.

  "Do you think it will be the shopkeeper?"

  Ye Annian shook his head: "Probably not. The grocery store only sells goods. He can sell dozens of Rubik's Cubes a day. They must be bought from elsewhere."

  As he was talking, the shopkeeper of the department store walked out behind the boy.

  He is a man in his forties, quite thin, wearing a pair of glass glasses, and a little hunchback.

  "You are the ones looking for me?"

  Ye Anyian nodded: "May I ask you, what do you call me?"

  "My surname is He, just call me Shopkeeper He."

  Shopkeeper He glanced at the six-sided Rubik's Cube on the table, and then turned his gaze back to Ye Anyian, looking up and down: "I didn't expect that this little guy was the first to solve it in our store. Hongfu Academy is so It's rare that many students haven't been able to solve it."

  Ye Annian was too lazy to be polite to him and asked directly: "Actually, I want to ask you where did you get this Rubik's Cube?"

"What?" Shopkeeper He suddenly became nervous.

  "I just think this gadget is quite interesting, and I want to find the person who made the Rubik's Cube and buy some other toys."

  After hearing what he said, Shopkeeper He breathed a sigh of relief. Now he was the only one selling Rubik's Cube in the town, and he didn't want to be robbed of his business.

  "To tell you the truth, he is from a village nearby. His surname is Ye, and his name is Ye Anyian."

  Ye Anyian:...

  Jiang Zhu:...

  The two looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

  After asking around and asking, he was actually the one selling this imitation?

  "Then when will he come back to deliver the goods to you?"

  "I came here every day in the past few days." Shopkeeper He said, "But he didn't come again today. Yesterday he gave me fifty in one go. It seemed that he was busy with something at home and wouldn't be here during this period. Come and send it again."

Ye Anyian's face looked a little cold. The clue was cut off at this point. It was obvious that someone was deliberately playing tricks on him behind the scenes to prevent them from finding out.

  "Then do you remember what the man named Ye looks like?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  Shopkeeper He shook his head: "Every time he comes here, he always wears a cloth shirt, with a veil on his face, and his eyes are exposed."

  "What about your stature and size?"

  "A little thin in stature, but about the same height as you." Shopkeeper He pointed at Ye Anyian.

  Ye Anyian:...

  He really didn't expect that things would be so difficult. The other party came completely prepared, and even the person they were looking for was similar to him.

  "Then when did he come to sell goods to you?" Ye Anyian asked.

  Shopkeeper He thought for a while: "It didn't take long, almost two or three days ago."

  Two or three days ago, it was when Jiang Zhu mentioned that someone in town was talking about the Rubik's Cube, but it was also after the students from Hongfu Academy went to the county college for an exam.

  Thinking about it this way, Ye Ansong ruled out suspicion first.

  But if it weren't for Ye Ansong, he had no interaction with the students in the academy. How could anyone come up with such a method to plot against him?

  Ye Annian frowned and thought hard. Seeing this, Jiang Zhu put his hand on his shoulder and patted him gently: "It's okay, it won't work here. Let's go to Hongfu Academy and have a look."

  After all, that's where everything started, and Feng Mingxu is responsible for things developing like this.

  The two of them hurried to Hongfu Academy, just as the students were having lunch and resting.

  Feng Mingxu was not there, but Chen Maoyan came out to see them.

  "Why are you two here?" Chen Maoyan was a little surprised.

  "Is your chief here?" Ye Anyian no longer had the heart to be polite to him.

  Chen Maoyan was startled for a moment: "The mountain leader is not here. The students in the college went to Anxing County to take the college examination, and the mountain leader followed him."

  "However, the college examination ends today, so he will be able to come back today. What do you want to do with him?"

  Ye Anyian frowned and did not answer.

  Feng Mingxu is not here these days, which is too coincidental.

  Ye Anqing bit his lip, thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Brother Chen, can I trouble you with something?"

  "Say it." Chen Maoyan also knew about the Rubik's Cube that had recently emerged in the town. He saw that he was anxious and knew that it was probably related to this matter, so he immediately agreed.

  "Do you know that in the Qinjin Hall of Hongfu College, are there any students who did not take the college examination this time?"

  "There are really three people who didn't go." Chen Maoyan thought for a moment and said.

"Who are they?"

  "Zhou Zhong, Lu Haoxue and Wen Heng."

  "Then, can you tell me something about these three people?"

  Chen Maoyan hesitated for a moment and felt that it was not a secret, so he told Ye Anian.

  "In the middle of this week, I had to give up because I had a bad stomach before the exam and couldn't take the bus to the county."

  "The situation in Lu Hao's family is quite special. His mother supports his studies, but his father is unwilling to do so. He is afraid that he will get higher in the exams and abandon the old couple in the town. Therefore, before the exams, he is locked up in a I went home and missed the exam."

  "As for Wen Heng, the Wen family is considered a wealthy family in the town. Wen Heng has always been playful and not good at learning. His family doesn't expect him to learn anything. They just ask the book boy to escort him every day. Come here, so he doesn't run around and cause trouble."