
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 90 Lust the cat secretly

Jiang Zhu's words reminded Ye Annian of the time when he saw Zhou Rong buying a child's bellyband in Clay Figurine Lane.

  At that time, he was just a little skeptical, but now it seems that he is almost inseparable.

  Ye Chenghe can marry whoever he wants, and he doesn't care.

  But he always felt in his heart that the Zhou family was not so easy to control. Even if the two of them got married, Ye Chenghe might not be in a good place.

  Let's not mention this for now.

  Yesterday, Jiang Zhu had not finished eating the roast chicken he brought back, but today he brought back lion heads and braised fish.

  Ye Annian looked at the two large plates of hard vegetables and the big white steamed buns on the table, feeling helpless.

  Ye Xiaomei is now living well, so she always thinks of him and leaves a share of anything good for him, just like before.

  "Second sister said that the leftovers were sold at night when guests came over and it was not easy to stay overnight, so she gave a share to my brother-in-law and the others to take home to eat. They kept what they had for themselves, and this is for us," Jiang Zhu said.

  Ye Annian nodded: "But it's not good at all. Let's buy some snacks and cakes and go visit them another day."

  After all, ordinary people might not be able to eat these big fish and meat once every ten days and a half. Ye Xiaomei always brings them to them, and he is also afraid that Wei Feng's mother will have objections.

  "Okay, it depends on your time." Jiang Zhu said.

  Now that they have bullock carts, whenever they want to go, they can't just walk away.

  With the food Ye Xiaomei and Wei Feng brought them, cooking at night was saved.

  Jiang Zhu still cooked a pot of cornmeal porridge and gave each person a bowl, along with the fragrant lion's head and braised fish, and gnawed on the soft white steamed buns.

  After dinner, it was still early, so Jiang Zhu set up a table in the main room, lit two oil lamps, and taught the two children to recite the "Three Character Classic".

  Ye Annian still had work to do, so he also moved the tools and his unfinished Rubik's Cube to the main room, and listened to Jiang Zhu teach the two children to read while doing his wood work.

  Early the next morning, Fuzai and Ding Qiulei followed Shitou to Wangyue Mountain again.

  Jiang Zhu didn't go to town today and planned to take a day off.

  The main reason is that the cow hasn't recovered yet and can't help but run to town every day.

  Seeing that he was free, Ye Anyian proposed to go to the mountain to see the little lynx that Fu Zai and the others were feeding, and Jiang Zhu readily agreed.

  Since the two of them went up the mountain with a purpose, they didn't bring much with them. Each of them carried a small bamboo basket.

  In order to prevent the lynx from being too wary of them, Ye Anyian prepared a bowl of fish soup and rice in advance and put it in his backpack.

  They set off after a long time after Fuzai and Ding Qiu left. When they arrived at the place where they met Fuzai and the others last time, Ye Anian didn't know the way and only knew a general direction.

The two of them didn't want to follow the children, nor did they really want to find where the little lynx's nest was. The main thing was to stay there.

  After all, Ye Anyian feels that as parents, they still need to give their children an independent space , and try not to destroy their territory and trust while ensuring their safety.

  They planned to wait until Fu Zai and Ding Qiu watched the lynx leave before going to stay nearby to avoid running into the children.

  It was still early, so Ye Anyian wanted to find a kind of grass first.

  Nepeta, a plant of the genus Nepeta in the Lamiaceae family, has a mint scent that can make cats addicted and even roll around in excitement.

  It's actually catnip.

  Ye An also raised a cat in his previous life, and he knew a little about this plant. He knew that Schizonepeta japonica usually grows in cool and ventilated places in the wild.

  The leaves are heart-shaped with serrated edges, and white or light blue flowers bloom in summer.

  When he told Jiang Zhu about the characteristics of Nepeta, Jiang Zhu immediately said, "I know where this kind of grass can be found."

  This is the benefit of frequently going to the mountains to collect herbs.

  The entire Wangyue Mountain was almost overrun by Jiangzhu. Even if there were a few weeds on the mountain, he could still remember how many leaves they had grown.

  With Jiang Zhu leading them, the two quickly found this kind of grass in a shady spot halfway up the mountain, on a large protruding rock behind the cliff.

  The position was a bit dangerous, so Jiang Zhu asked Ye Anyian to wait aside while he climbed up to pick it.

  It's now autumn, and there are only a few nepeta flowers hanging on them that are about to wither.

  Just in case, Jiang Zhu picked up a few of the ones that were in bloom and those that were not in bloom, and put them into the basket on his back.

  After picking the nepeta, the two of them saw that it was still early and walked slowly down the mountain.

  Not far away, Ye Annian saw a persimmon tree growing on the roadside covered with persimmons.

  He looked at the branches covered with yellow persimmons that looked like small lanterns and couldn't walk.

  Jiang Zhu smiled: "Pick some and eat them back. The persimmons at this time are crisp and sweet. If you don't finish them all, you can make persimmon cakes."

  "Yeah." Ye Anian quickly picked up the persimmons without him having to say anything.

  Jiang Zhu was afraid that he would be heavy on his back, so he put everything into his own basket. After filling most of the basket, the two of them continued walking down the mountain.

  As a result, after walking a few steps, I saw another mulberry tree covered with purple mulberries.

  Ye Annian no longer had to wait for Jiang Zhu to speak, he stepped forward and picked it.

  Seeing how impatient he was, Jiang Zhu picked a few big leaves and gave him mulberries.

This mulberry is no different from others. Mature mulberries are so delicate that they turn into a puddle of purple water when pressed slightly.

  The two picked two large handfuls, held them on leaves, and ate as they walked.

  The ripe mulberries are very sweet, and the sweet juice bursts in your mouth when you bite them, making you unable to stop eating them.

  Afterwards, they picked some chestnuts and hawthorns, as well as dates, wild grapes and a lot of mountain products.

  Along the way, the two backpacks were full to the point of overflowing.

  Jiang Zhu found a relatively secluded place at the foot of the mountain and hid their heavy backpacks behind a big rock.

  Ye Annian took the bowl of rice he had specially given to the little lynx, as well as the nepeta he had just picked, and the two of them walked in the direction of Fu Zai and their secret treasure.

  After getting closer, they found a large, relatively flat rock to sit on, while Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu ate mulberries and wild grapes while squatting with a few children.

  They had good timing, and not long after, they saw Fu Zai, Ding Qiu and Shitou walking out from behind some big trees.

  Because the two were in a relatively high position and blocked by trees, the three children did not notice them.

  On the contrary, they could clearly see the figures of several children through the gaps in the leaves.

  Fu Zai walked in the front, carrying a basket full of cut grass and jumping happily.

  Shitou supported Ding Qiu and followed him, telling him to slow down and wait for them.

  Ye Annian felt very warm looking at this scene. When he turned his head, he saw that Jiang Zhu was also looking at it, and waved his hand in front of him.

  "What are you thinking about?"

  Jiang Zhu came back to his senses and smiled at him: "Whatever you are thinking is what I am thinking."

  Ye Annian was too lazy to talk to him. Seeing the three children slowly walking away, he said to him, "It's almost done. Let's go down and see if the lynx is there."

  "Okay." Jiang Zhu responded and led Ye Annian down the hillside along the path. The two stopped near the big trees where Fu Zai and the others appeared.

  Ye Anian first placed the bowl of rice in a more conspicuous position, placed a Nepeta tree next to it, then took the remaining Nepeta and hid with Jiang Zhu.

  However, the two of them hid for a long time without seeing the lynx.

  Seeing the sun rising higher and higher, it was already noon, Ye Anyian was a little discouraged: "Why don't we come back another day."

  Perhaps when the lynx saw Fu Zai and the others leaving, they also ran up the mountain to play.

  Jiang Zhu didn't answer. Ye Anian thought he hadn't heard and reached out to pull his sleeve, but Jiang Zhu grabbed him.

  "Shh, here we come."

  Jiang Zhu hugged Ye Anyian from behind, leaned close to his ear, and said softly.

  Ye Anyian felt his left ear being tickled by a burst of warm air, which made the hairs on his arms stand up.

  But he didn't have time to think too much, because the mysterious little lynx had already poked its head out from behind a big tree.

The little guy has a tiger-like head, with two tufts of black hair on the tips of his ears. His eyes are round and bright, looking around vigilantly.

  The two of them held their breath at the same time, fearing that the little guy would be scared away by making any noise.

  The little lynx's hind legs and tail were still wrapped in white soft cloth. The cloth was very clean. Ding Qiucai must have just changed its medicine.

  It looked around for a long time, and after confirming that there was no danger, it slowly approached the bowl where Ye Anyian had placed it.

  The fish soup mixed with rice in the bowl was very fragrant. The lion king couldn't resist the temptation at all. He sniffed it with his little nose and took two big bites.

  However, there happened to be a piece of Schizonepeta sat next to the fragrant rice. Its faint fragrance made it very addictive.

  The Lion King only hesitated briefly, then pounced on the nepeta tree, rubbed and twisted on the ground, and started sucking.

  After inhaling for a while, I smelled the aroma of rice next to me. I got up decisively and stuck my head into the rice bowl to continue eating.

  Just like this, he was sucking in the nepeta while eating. After a while, the lion king completely let down his guard, and his belly turned out on the ground in a daze, and he was still rubbing and twisting.

  Ye Anian simply didn't notice it. When he first saw it, he thought the little lynx was quite majestic, but now it was so imageless.

  "This grass is really useful." Jiang Zhu said.

  Ye Annian held his hand on her waist: "Let's go, it's time for us to go out."

  Jiang Zhu nodded, and the two of them walked out from behind the tree and approached the Lion King quietly.

  Unexpectedly, the lion king was already dizzy. He was completely unprepared for the two people approaching him, and even twisted his body to let Ye Anyian scratch his belly.

  Ye Annian was so happy that he stretched out his hand and rubbed its soft belly several times.

  Jiang Zhu took the opportunity to untie the soft cloth wrapped around its hind legs and tail and check on its recovery.

  "I'm recovering well, and I'm taking the medicine in time. In about ten days, I should be completely healed."

  Ye Annian was also very pleased: "It seems that Ding Qiu will be able to take charge of his own business soon."

  The two of them stayed with the Lion King for a while, and then planned to go back.

  Seeing how powerful the Nepeta was, Ye Anyian didn't dare to leave the remaining ones behind.

  Take it back and dry it, then crush it and put it in a small bag and wear it on your body.

  This way, the little guy won't be too hostile to him next time.

  When the two returned home, Fuzai and Dingqiu were squatting in the yard feeding rabbits. When they saw them coming back, they greeted them happily.

  "Brother, look, Xue Duanzi seems to have gained weight." Fu Zai pointed at the little white rabbit nestled in the corner of the cage and grazing sullenly.

  Ye Annian took a look and saw that the white rabbit was chubby and seemed to be a lot fatter than the sesame ball next to it.

"It's time to lose weight." He touched Xuetuanzi's head and said.

  "Let me take a look." Jiang Zhu put down his backpack and walked over.

  He opened the cage door, lifted Xue Duanzi out by his ears, and reached out to touch Xue Duanzi's belly.

Then he laughed: "It's a little rabbit."