
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 68 Take back the Ye family

Of course, Ye Annian couldn't taste it. He had asked Ding Qiu before, but when he tasted the taste of the soup, he naturally thought of it.

  "This kind of medicinal material should be difficult to find."

  Jiang Zhu paused for a moment: "I have a good relationship with the shopkeeper of Yong'an Pharmacy in Tianshui Town, and asked him to find it."

  "Will it cost a lot of money?" Ye Anyian asked.

  Jiang Zhu knew that he would feel sorry for Yinzi, so he smiled and took out a translucent glass bottle from his medicine box, which contained three dried snow lotus flowers.

  "This thing grows in the bitter cold land of the far north. Because it is difficult to pick, it has high medicinal value, so it is highly valued, but it is not a rare thing."

  "These three snow lotuses have small flowers and average appearance. Together they are worth the value of a thirty-year-old wild ginseng. I made an agreement with the shopkeeper to give him a ginseng on credit, and I will dig it up in the mountain." Pay him."

  Jiang Zhu said it easily, but Ye Annian felt that ginseng was not that easy to dig, let alone it was thirty years old.

  "If we really can't dig it out, we will give you money." He said, we can't really owe others anything.

  "Then we have to work harder to make money." Jiang Zhu put away the glass bottle, "Go back to sleep. If we linger for a while, it will be daybreak."

  "Yes." Ye Anyian nodded, and the two returned to the east room together.

  I don't know if it was because of the change of prescription, but Ye Anian slept particularly comfortably that night. He had always been afraid of the cold before. Even in the weather in July and August, he and Jiang Zhu had to cover themselves tightly with a quilt when they slept together at night.

  But this night, he didn't feel cold at all. He felt vaguely warm all over, and he didn't sleep so lightly. The quality of his sleep had improved visibly.

  Everyone here had a good sleep, but the old Ye family on the other side staged quite a farce.

  Wu Xianglian signed the IOU in a daze, panicked and frightened, and immediately hired Ye Anbo to hire an oxcart from a neighboring village and drove back.

  When he returned home and told Ye Quan what had happened, Ye Quan's face suddenly darkened, as gloomy as the sky before a storm.

  "This is a trap, can't you see it?"

  Wu Xianglian looked aggrieved: "What kind of trap? How could it be a trap?"

  Ye Quan was smoking with his pipe and pot in his mouth. Seeing her stupid look, he tapped the IOU that Wu Xianglian brought back with his pipe and pot.

  "See for yourself what's written here!"

  Wu Xianglian looked embarrassed: "I, I can't read."

  Ye Quan felt depressed.

  "You said you owed the cook fifty taels of silver. What were his conditions?"

  "Compensate, compensate money, or compensate, compensate people."

  "He wrote it to ask Xiaomei to marry him! This is obviously a play that Brother Nian and the others colluded with the cook, just so that Xiaomei can marry the cook!"

  Ye Quan was so stupid that Wu Xianglian couldn't even see such an obvious trap.

  "Didn't I tell you not to act rashly if something happens and come back and tell me?!"

  "Yes, but I saw that they had guests over for dinner, and I brought Amber with me. Didn't I think that I could take the children to have a meal."

  When talking about this matter, Wu Xianglian felt aggrieved: "I didn't do it for Amber. Amber has never been to a restaurant in her entire life. Why can my brother and Xiaomei go to a restaurant that year?"

  "You idiot!" Ye Quan turned blue with anger, "You can't help but take advantage of any small advantage! Have you ever thought about our third son's marriage?!"

  "Then I didn't know that I would be caught and have my fingerprints pressed just for a meal! It's not all Brother Nian and the two of them who are so scheming!"

  "You still have the nerve to say it?! Now that things have happened, what do you think we should do about this matter?"

  "Didn't you tell me that they acted it? It's up to us if we don't admit it!" Wu Xianglian said angrily.

  Ye Quan was about to get mad at her: "You have pressed your fingerprints. Even if this matter is brought to the government, we will have to pay compensation! And there must be a lot of people watching at the time, and they will all be witnesses by then!"

  Wu Xianglian:...

  She was really panicked now, she didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

  "Old man, then, what should we do? We don't really have to lose money, do we?"

  "Hmph," Ye Quan snorted coldly, "It's impossible to pay money. Don't they just want someone? Just marry Xiaomei to the cook."

  "The most important thing right now is the marriage of San'er, who is just a cook in a restaurant. If Xiaomei marries her, if there are any benefits, we can also get some."

  "What about the gift money?"

Ye Quan gave Wu Xianglian a hard look: "Are you still thinking about the gift money? It would be a shame if they didn't ask us to give Xiaomei a dowry!"

  Upon hearing this, Wu Xianglian collapsed immediately. She said with a gloomy face: "Look at how much trouble this has caused. We raised Ye Xiaomei for nothing!"

  Ye Quan became even more angry after hearing her words: "You still have the nerve to say that! What did you do when Sun Xiucai's mother came to the door with the betrothal gift?"


  Wu Xianglian was dumbfounded.

  "Ouch!" She slapped her thigh and whined, her intestines almost turning green.

  At that time, she looked down upon what Sun Xiucai's mother had brought, but at least there were two pieces of cloth, two pounds of brown sugar, two pounds of pork, and five taels of silver!

  It's great now, not to mention the betrothal gift, the money for the betrothal gift is gone, and it's all for nothing to have a yellow-flowered girl!

  Ye Quan didn't bother to look at her crying for her father and mother, so he smoked a big cigarette, rolled his eyes and went into the house.

  He now regrets leaving the task of keeping an eye on Ye Anyian and the others to this stupid woman.

  If it were his eldest daughter-in-law, she would not have the guts to come together to eat and drink, so nothing like this would have happened today.

  However, what happened has already happened, and there is no point in regretting it.

  There was a three-day grace period written on the IOU. It was estimated that if three days passed and they had not made a statement, the cook surnamed Wei would definitely come to their door.

  Thinking of this, Ye Quan was very upset and decided to go to the town himself tomorrow.


  Ye Anyian had a solid and comfortable sleep.

  When I woke up, the sky was bright, the place around me was empty, and Jiang Zhu was nowhere to be seen.

  Looking at the foot of the kang again, the two children were gone.

  He quickly got up to wash up and put away the bedding on the kang.

  In the courtyard, Ye Xiaomei was sitting at the terrazzo round table, sewing clothes. Two little rabbits were jumping around in the bamboo cage and eating fresh grass, but there was no sign of other people or coins.

  Seeing him come out, Ye Xiaomei said warmly: "The morning food is warming in the pot. Go and eat some. It's still early at noon."

  Ye Anyian went to the pot and brought out the porridge and boiled eggs left for him, and sat next to Ye Xiaomei, eating and watching her work.

  "Where are Fu Zai and Ding Qiu? It seems that the copper coins are not here either?"

  Usually, when he comes out, Copper Coin would have already surrounded him, but today he didn't see him for a long time.

  "In the morning Shitou came to play with Fu Zai, so Jiang Langzhong took the three children up the mountain, and the copper coins also followed." Ye Xiaomei said.

  With Jiang Zhu watching the three children, Ye Anian was not worried and could eat his food with peace of mind.

Ye Xiaomei was sewing a brightly colored shirt in her hands. She took the last stitch, tied a knot and cut off the thread, then picked it up and looked at it.

  He said: "This one is for Fu Zai. I have already finished Ding Qiu's, you and Jiang Langzhong's."

  "Children grow up quickly, so I made them a little bigger. When they come back later, you let them try them all, and I will change them if they are not suitable."

"Okay." Ye Anyian responded.

  With a smile on her lips, Ye Xiaomei neatly folded the new clothes she made for Fu Zai and put them aside, then sighed softly.

  Ye Anian knew what she was worried about.

  Although they all performed very successfully yesterday, and Wu Xianglian also fell into the trap, Ye Quan is an old fox. As long as the matter is not settled in one day, it is not really a success.

  "Don't worry, it will definitely work." Ye Anyian comforted her.

  "Even if Ye Quan doesn't agree, I will definitely find a way to force him to agree, and I will definitely help you leave the Ye family."

  "Yeah." Ye Xiaomei nodded. She sniffed and her eyes were a little sore.

  Ye Anyian: "When there is news from Wei Feng, I guess you will have to go back to the Ye family to prepare for the marriage there."

  "Yes." Ye Xiaomei responded, her breathing quickening subconsciously.

  Ye Anian was living so well these days that when she thought about going back to the wolf den, she subconsciously became nervous and scared.

  "It's okay. It only lasts a few days. I will take Fu Zai to visit you every day. They won't dare to do anything to you." Seeing her worry, Ye Anyian spoke.

  "Also, think about how many things you have in the Ye family. When the time comes, pack them all and take them away. Don't take back the new clothes you bought here. When you get married, Jiang and I will Bamboo adds makeup to you and brings it with you."

  This saves Wu Xianglian and the others another look at her with greedy eyes.

  This is a good idea. Ye Xiaomei nodded in agreement, but she was afraid that he would spend more money on her.

  "You two are living on your own now, and you have plenty of money to spend. Just add makeup if you want, but don't spend it randomly."

  "This is the only time you're going to marry someone in your life, why are you spending so much money?" Ye Annian smiled, "I don't need you to worry about this. Just bring everything you need."

  Ye Xiaomei nodded in agreement.

  The early autumn wind blowing on your body is no longer as hot as summer, but cool and refreshing.

  The two of them sat in the courtyard chatting, and unknowingly the sun climbed into the sky.

  There was movement at the fence gate, and a half-sized black dog rushed in from the outside, holding a pheasant with flapping wings in its mouth.

  "Brother! Second sister!"

  Fu Zai's voice followed closely. Xiao Tuanzi's feet were now healed and his steps were light and fast.

  Ye Annian saw him walking towards him quickly and said quickly: "Go slowly, don't be in a hurry."

  "I'm not in a hurry." Fu Zai was holding a small basket in his hand, which contained a basket full of green rabbit grass.

"I haven't walked far, I've been sitting by the river all morning." Xiaotuanzi put the basket down and threw himself into Ye Anyian's arms, "Brother, am I good?"

  "Fuzai and I were sitting by the stream and looking at things. Mr. Shitou and Shitou went fishing and picking fruits." Ding Qiu followed Fuzai in and said.

  Ye Anyian touched the heads of the two children and said in a gentle voice, "You are all good."

  Fu Zai was patted on the head, and he was satisfied and went to Ye Xiaomei to act coquettishly.

  Ding Qiu put down his backpack sensibly, and then took rabbit grass to feed the rabbit.

  Jiang Zhu followed the two children, closed the courtyard door, and then walked over. Copper Coin followed behind him, he was so tired that he stuck out his tongue.

  He took off the backpack behind him and put it together with Ding Qiu's.

  Ye Annian saw the two baskets on his back. One basket contained two large fresh carps, and the other basket contained most of the hawthorns and chestnuts.

  "The chestnuts on the market are still a bit expensive. Now that the chestnuts and hawthorns are ripe on the mountain, we can pick more and bring them back," Jiang Zhu said.

  Today he brought three children, one has an eye disease and the other has a healthy foot, so he didn't pick much. He can go with Ye Anyian another day and bring back more.

  Ye Annian looked at the large, red hawthorns and the chestnuts with burr shells, and nodded in agreement.

  He hasn't been to the mountains since he came here, and he really wants to go up there and take a walk.

  There was not a bit left of the chestnut chicken soup I made yesterday, but the bowl of chicken blood had solidified in a cool place.

  At noon, Jiang Zhu made chicken blood, tofu and stir-fried leeks, and then braised a carp. The remaining one was put into the water tank and kept together with the fry he caught earlier.

  Ye Xiaomei steamed a pot of fragrant rice.

  There was also a meal of meat and vegetables at noon. After everyone had eaten and drank, Ye Xiaomei took the two children into the house to try on new clothes, and then took care of them to take a nap.

  Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu also got their own. They didn't want to try it now, so they folded it and put it in the cabinet.

  The children went to take a nap, and Ye Xiaomei had nothing to do by herself. Jiang Zhu thought for a while and asked her to help wash and core the hawthorns. He planned to make some candied haws for everyone to eat.

  He didn't pick many hawthorns this time, so he made them all into candied haws. When he goes up the mountain tomorrow to pick more, he can slice them and dry them in the sun, keep them for soaking in water, or make them into drinks.

The chestnut shell has thorns, and he plans to do it himself.

  Ye Annian was delayed these days because of Ye Xiaomei's marriage. He spent the whole afternoon busy making a picture of Yan Ji for the noble young master.

  Fortunately, the time set by the young master was broad. Twenty Yan Jitu and ten Luban Suo would take him more than ten days to complete.

  There were about fifty pieces of kneaded clay, colored and uncolored, in total. Ye Anyian made a wooden box about the size of a suitcase and put all these gadgets in it. Wait a minute. I'll take it to town and sell it.

  As for the wooden tops, wooden frogs and rattles, I don't have time to make them because of the rush for orders. I just have to wait until these goods are delivered.

  In the afternoon, Fu Zai and Ding Qiu woke up. Both children had made arrangements for themselves in an orderly manner.

  Fu Zai let out the two little rabbits and walked them in the yard while watching the coins so as not to cause trouble.

  Ding Qiu was memorizing medical books, answering Ye Xiaomei's questions, and teaching her some basic pharmacological knowledge.

Ye Annian was sitting in Jiangzhu Medicine House, doing wood work. When he looked up, he saw two round rabbits jumping in front of him. Fu Zai took a thin twig in his hand and followed him. Rushing behind.

  I have to say that these two rabbits were really well raised by Fu Zai. Their fur was smooth and smooth under the sun, like satin.

  He said before that he didn't notice that the two rabbits had grown, but today they looked round.

  In the evening, there was a knock on the courtyard door, and it was Zhou Liang from the village.

  Zhou Liang came alone, and the ox cart had already been driven home by him.

  When Ye Annian saw him, he vaguely felt that it was Wei Feng's problem.

  As expected, Zhou Liang took out a folded piece of letter paper and stuffed it into Ye Anyian and said, "Brother Nian, Chef Wei asked me to bring it to you when there were guests in town."

  Ye Anyian took the letter and thanked him.

  Zhou Liang waved his hand and remembered something again: "By the way, your grandfather took my car to the town today. He didn't take anything, and he didn't buy anything when he came back. I don't know what he was doing."

  "I understand," Ye Annian said, "Thank you, Uncle Zhou, for reminding me."

  "Thank you, it's just a sideshow." Zhou Liang didn't care. He had never been used to what those people in the old Ye family did.

  After sending Zhou Liang away, Ye Anyian called Jiang Zhu and Ye Xiaomei. The three of them entered the room, lit candles, and read the contents of the letter together.

  Jiang Zhu read it first and then told it to the two of them.

  "Wei Feng said that Ye Quan went to him to negotiate terms."

  "It's okay to ask Ye Xiaomei to marry him. If he doesn't pay for the dowry, then the old Ye family won't give Ye Xiaomei a cent of the dowry."

  Ye Xiaomei frowned and looked a little unhappy, although she had known for a long time that her grandfather had many thoughts and was much more difficult to deal with than her grandmother.

  But she still felt a little uncomfortable after hearing such a thing with her own ears.

  "In addition, Ye Quan also asked Wei Feng to hire a wedding sedan to be carried by four people to pick up the bride, and there should also be drummers. Even if Wei Feng didn't pay the gift money, this would be enough to save his face. Otherwise, he would risk everything to destroy him. In order to protect the reputation of the Ye family, we must keep Ye Xiaomei at home and fight Wei Fengyu to death. "

  After Jiang Zhu finished speaking, Ye Anyian's face turned cold.

  He knew that Ye Quan had a good reputation, and Ye Chenghe's marriage was about to happen. Ye Quan agreed to the marriage between Ye Xiaomei and Wei Feng, and he must have planned to make the marriage more glamorous, and let the Zhou family know about it then. , there is light on the face and confidence.

  Needless to say, in the village, these two happy events for Lao Ye's family must be unparalleled.

  "This is not a bad thing." Ye Annian said silently, "If the second sister can get married in a glamorous manner, Wei Feng will not refuse to agree, but it is just a shame for Ye Quan and the others."

  Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "That's not necessarily the case."

"What?" Ye Anyian was confused.

  "Wei Feng also said that Xiao Erniang sent him a message about the Zhou family's daughter Zhou Rong and your cheap father Ye Chenghe."

  His words caused Ye Anyian and Ye Xiaomei to look at him.

  "Didn't we always wonder why the Zhou family fell in love with Ye Chenghe? Now our doubts have been cleared up."

  Jiang Zhu said: "Ye Chenghe is not getting married, he is getting married."

  As he spoke, he lightly clasped the edge of the table with his fingers and said with a smile: "Say, if Ye Quan, a man with such a good reputation, let the villagers know that his third son, whom he is proud of, went to the town to marry into his wife, he would But what to do?"

  Seeing Jiang Zhu smiling with crooked eyebrows and a cunning fox look, Ye Anyian patted his hand: "The most important thing is that the second sister's marriage goes smoothly. Don't cause trouble."

  "No," Jiang Zhu held Ye Anian's hand with his backhand and assured him, "As long as Ye Quan doesn't think wrongly, I won't cause him any trouble."

  "Yes." Ye Anian responded lightly, "Then is this matter settled?"

  Jiang Zhu nodded: "We will take care of things in two days. Wei Feng will bring someone to pick up the bride."

  Ye Xiaomei's face felt hot as she heard this. She never thought that her marriage was really settled like this, and that she would get married in two days.

  It was so fast, it seemed like I was dreaming.

  Seeing her in a daze, Ye Anyian stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her: "Second sister?"


  Ye Xiaomei responded, covering her hot cheeks with both hands: "Then, I, I'm going to pack my things first."

  Seeing her entering the west room in a panic, Ye Annian said from behind: "Don't worry, you can go back to Ye's house tomorrow."

  "Jiang Zhu is making candied hawsful of apples tonight. Let's eat them together."

  However, before Ye Xiaomei could agree, there was another hurried knock on the door.

  Tong Qian, who was lying in the courtyard with his eyes closed and meditating, instantly jumped out like an arrow from a string, screaming crazily at the fence gate.

  Ye Anyian's heart sank, and a bad premonition suddenly arose.

  Sure enough, Wu Xianglian's voice sounded outside: "Brother Nian! Open the door!"

  "I'm here to pick up your second sister! Open the door quickly!"

  Ye Annian frowned and was about to walk out when Jiang Zhu gently pressed his shoulders: "I'll go and stay with your second sister for a while."

  He indeed had something to tell Ye Xiaomei, so he nodded and followed Jiang Zhu.

  In the West Room, Ye Xiaomei had already changed back into her original clothes. She used a comb to comb her hair neatly. She also took off the wooden hairpin that Ye Anyian made for her and held it with only a wooden stick.

  The clothes Ye Anyian bought for her and the new clothes she made herself were neatly folded and placed on the bed, with the wooden hairpin placed on top of the two clothes.

  Seeing Ye Anyian come in, she waved to Ye Anyian and motioned for him to come over and sit down.

  Ye Anyian sat down on the chair opposite her, and the two looked at each other, speechless for a while.

  Ye Xiaomei's old clothes were dusty and patchy, but she was wearing these clothes with a faint smile on her face.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll only be home for two days."

  Ye Anyian didn't speak, just nodded.

  Ye Xiaomei said again: "Brother Nian, I really didn't expect that I would survive this day. You never let me say thank you, but I still want to thank you and Dr. Jiang."

  "In the future, when my life gets better and you guys can come and play more often, everything will be fine."

  She hasn't married Wei Feng yet, and can't guarantee anything. She can only imagine the future over and over again.

  Ye Anian still nodded, and finally told her: "After you go back, no matter what they say, you must agree first. Everything will wait until you leave the Ye family."

  "I know." Ye Xiaomei responded affirmatively.

  They all know what kind of people Wu Xianglian and Ye Quan are.

  In the past, when Ye Chenghe and Wu Xianglian were beating Ye Anian, Ye Quan would always treat them as invisible. Although he did not participate, he would not stop them.

  Ye Xiaomei was even worse. She was scolded by her mother, beaten by her father and grandmother, and had to cook for the family and do various housework.

  And Ye Quan has always treated her as a transparent person. He would only shout when he needed her, but he would not give her a good look.

  In the courtyard, Wu Xianglian was already urging her at the top of her lungs.

  Ye Xiaomei sniffed, stood up and walked out: "Then I'll leave first."

  She stepped out of the threshold, and Fu Zai unexpectedly rushed up to her and hugged her.

  "Second sister..."

  Xiaotuanzi hugged her tightly, tears falling down like broken beads.

  Ye Xiaomei also hugged Fu Zai, then touched his head and comforted him softly: "Second sister is just going back to stay for two days, why are you crying?"

  "What happens after that? Where did the second sister go? Are you coming back?" Fu Zai raised his head, with tears glistening in his dark eyes.

  Ye Anian held his forehead and finished. He seemed to have forgotten to tell Fu Zai that Ye Xiaomei was getting married.