
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 59 Drunk

Ye Anyian's face felt hot, and when he raised his eyes, he met Jiang Zhu's smiling eyes.

  The incident happened so suddenly that both Fu Zai and Ye Xiaomei were stunned. Only Ding Qiu had eye problems and didn't know what happened.

  "Brother, drink quickly."

  During the stalemate, Fu Zai's childish voice suddenly sounded.

  Ye Anian's hand holding the wine bowl tightened. While hesitating, Jiang Zhu said, "It doesn't matter. I just suddenly remembered that we didn't drink a glass of wine on the day we got married, and we happened to have wine today. It was just a whim."

  After he finished speaking, he was about to withdraw his hand, but Ye Anyian suddenly leaned down, took his hand, and drank the wine in the bowl.

  He took a sip and without stopping, Jiang Zhu held his wrist.

  "Just order it, you don't have to finish it."

  Ye Anian put down the bowl as instructed.

  I don't know if it was the alcohol or the weather, but after taking this sip of wine, he felt his whole body warm up.

  On the table, Ye Xiaomei was carefully serving Ding Qiu, while Fu Zai picked up the rice and picked up the shrimps and secretly threw the copper coins under the table.

  Copper coins are wagging their tails, begging for tricks and behaving well at Fu Zai's feet.

  The plum wine is sweet, with the aroma of plums and the refreshing taste of the wine, and the stir-fried river prawns go well with the wine.

  Ye Annian ate river shrimps and when he raised his glass, Jiang Zhu drank with him.

  It was getting dark and the moon climbed up into the night sky.

  It was a quiet summer night, and suddenly there was a mountain breeze knocking on the door. The door opened and the wind came in, sending a burst of coolness.

  After dinner, Ye Xiaomei put away the dishes and chopsticks. Ye Anian stood up to help, but suddenly felt dizzy.

  He held the table and rested for a moment, then a hand came over from the side and touched his forehead.

  "Drunk?" Jiang Zhu said warmly.

  Ye Anian shook his head. He only drank one bowl in the evening, and Jiang Zhu drank the rest.

  "I'll do it." Ye Xiaomei leaned over and took the bowl in his hand, "There are only a few dishes left and right, I'll finish them in a while."

  "I'm fine." Ye Annian felt a little better, so he went to get a rag to wipe the table, "I'll clean up here."

Ye Xiaomei wanted to persuade her again, but Jiang Zhu looked at her and shook her head gently.

  Ye Xiaomei understood, put away the dishes, and took the two children into the house.

  The doors to the east and west rooms were closed together, leaving only Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu in the main room.

  The dancing candles on the table gave off an orange-red glow.

  The candlelight reflected on Ye Anyian's face, making his usually deserted face blush slightly.

  He rolled up his sleeves and wiped the table carefully with a rag. After wiping the table, he went to clean the stove.

  Jiang Zhu sat where he was, watching his figure turning around: "That's enough, it's very clean."

  Ye Anyian paused while placing the seasoning jar and turned to look at Jiang Zhu. His face was red and his eyes were a little blurry.

  Apparently, he was already drunk.

  "Then, I'll clean the yard." He put the salt shaker away and walked out.

  When passing by Jiang Zhu, someone grabbed his hand.

  Jiang Zhu stood up from the stool and, with a little force, pulled the drunken man into his arms.

  "You like to work when you're drunk?"

  Ye Annian was hugged by him, his head was still dizzy, his brain seemed to be unable to move suddenly, and there seemed to be countless cicadas chattering in his ears.

  I just drank one bowl tonight, just one bowl.

  He's not drunk.

  "I'm not drunk."

  Ye Annian put his chin on Jiang Zhu's shoulder. He blinked hard and looked at the dark yard outside.

  "If you are tired, go to bed first. I will clean the yard and then go back."

  He said, trying to break away from Jiang Zhu.

  Jiang Zhu hugged him tighter and teased him with interest: "Since you are so energetic, why don't we go up the mountain to catch some wild rabbits while the night is dark and the wind is high?"

  "Okay." Ye Anyian's misty eyes suddenly lit up, "If we can catch the little rabbit, we can also be a companion for Xue Tuanzi and Tu Qiu'er."

  Jiang Zhu:...

  It seemed that he was really drunk, quite drunk.

  After Ye Annian responded, he broke out of his arms, pulled him and started to walk out.

  Jiang Zhu had no choice but to think for a moment and said, "Then wait for me to go into the house and get some things."

  "Yes." Ye Anyian nodded and stood obediently in the main room waiting for him.

  Jiang Zhu took a deep breath, turned around and plunged into the east room.

  He took a thick cloak with a hood and lit it with a wind lantern.

  Fu Zai and Ding Qiu had already gotten into bed obediently, and were very curious when they saw that he was taking something out again at this time.

  "Brother Jiang, where are you and your brother going?"

  Jiang Zhu curled his lips and said, "Of course I'll go for a walk after I'm full."

  "Ah!" Fu Zai immediately became excited, "I want to go too."

Jiang Zhu waved his hand at him and started telling lies: "Children can't go out after dark, otherwise they will be kidnapped by mountain bears."

  "Really? Fu Zai blinked his watery eyes and tilted his head to look at him.

  "That's natural." Jiang Zhu answered smoothly, "So you and Ding Qiu should go to bed quickly, but you must not go out."

  "Then, why didn't the mountain bear catch you?" the curious baby asked addictedly.

  Jiang Zhu narrowed his peach blossom eyes and said with a smile: "Because the mountain bear is about the same height as us. It usually stays on all fours. When it encounters people, it will stand up to compare with them. If you are not as tall as it, it will open its arms. The big mouth swallowed you up in one gulp!"


  Fu Zai was startled by him. He pulled the quilt with both hands and got into the bed, covering his little head tightly.

  "Okay, go to sleep." After Jiang Zhu said that, he helped them turn off the lights in the room, then left and closed the door tightly.

  Inside the house, Fu Zai hid under the quilt and did not dare to come out.

  Ding Qiu sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand across the quilt and patted him: "The mountain bear dare not come in. Our family raises copper coins, and it is afraid of dogs barking."

  "But, the copper coin is smaller than me." Xiaotuanzi fell into a strange circle of comparing sizes.

  "Brother Jiang said that it will eat things smaller than itself. Coins are so small, and a mountain bear can swallow several copper coins in one bite."

  Ding Qiu:...

  He had grown up hearing stories about mountain bears.

  Sir, there is nothing new at all.


  Jiang Zhu came out of the room and Ye Anian was no longer in the main room.

  His heart tightened, and he quickly walked out of the yard and saw the thin figure sweeping the floor in the yard with a broom.

  Jiang Zhu took a deep breath before suppressing his smile.

  He walked forward quickly and put his cloak on Ye Anyian.

  Ye Anyian stopped sweeping the floor and asked him, "It's so late, what are you doing out here?"

  Jiang Zhu was stunned for a moment: "Didn't we just say that we were going to catch rabbits in the mountains?"

  Ye Anyian opened his eyes slightly and looked at him as if he were a fool: "Going to catch rabbits at night? Are you drunk?"

  He said, reaching out to touch Jiang Zhu's forehead.

  Jiang Zhu grabbed his wrist and placed his fingers on his pulse.

  Ye Anyian's pulse was beating rapidly and he was obviously still drunk.

  "Then we won't catch rabbits," he tentatively asked. "After you sweep the floor, we can go back to sleep?"

  "The vegetable patch in the backyard hasn't been watered for a few days. I'll wait to water it."

  Jiang Zhu:...

"Then it's been sunny these days, isn't it? The vegetable fields still need to be watered." Ye Anian looked serious.

  "Okay." Jiang Zhu simply had no idea about him, "Then you sweep the floor for a while and don't run around. I'll make a pot of tea."

  "Yes." Ye Anian shook the broom and nodded, as obedient as before.

  Jiang Zhu sighed, quickly turned around and went into the medicine house, prepared some sobering tea, and cooked it on a small clay stove.

  When he finished his work and walked out of the yard, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Anyian wrapped in a cloak sweeping the floor.

  "Come on, let's water the ground?" He stepped forward.

Ye Anian stopped what he was doing and looked at him with a puzzled look on his face: "Didn't it rain just a few days ago? There's no need to water it yet."

  Jiang Zhu:...

  "Then what do you want to do?"

  "While it's still at night, I can take the clothes Fu Zai and the others have changed and wash them by the river."

  As Ye Anyian said this, he put the broom in his hand aside and stood it up, then walked to the main room and picked up the wash basin.

  Jiang Zhu's hand holding the handle of the wind lantern shook. He pulled Ye Anian back and held him tightly in his arms.

  "What's wrong with you?" Ye Annian blinked, a little confused by the hug.

  Jiang Zhu took a deep breath and spoke after a moment: "Listen to me, don't catch rabbits, water the ground, or wash clothes. Let's go out for a walk."


  Ye Anyian wanted to say something more, but Jiang Zhu hugged him tighter, causing some pain in his lower back.

  "I know that there is a beautiful place in the creek at the foot of Wangyue Mountain. Let's go and have a look."

  "Oh," Ye Anyian nodded blankly, "Okay then."

  Wrapping his cloak tighter, Jiang Zhu held him in one hand and held the wind lantern in the other, and the two quietly went out.

  The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. The moon is surprisingly bright tonight.

  The creek at the foot of Wangyue Mountain looks like a silver ribbon under the moonlight, with the water sparkling and winding away.

  Jiang Zhu led Ye Anyian to find a larger and smoother stone by the stream. He spread out his clothes and laid it on it, then pulled Ye Anyian to sit down together.

  "Isn't it beautiful?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  Ye Annian watched the sparkling stream gurgling by, with the gentle sound of the water and the mountain breeze blowing on his face. Everything was clearer and quieter than during the day.

  Looking back, there are still a few warm orange lights in the distance. I wonder if someone in the village has not fallen asleep yet.

  "Well, it looks good."

  With the cool night breeze blowing against his cheeks, Ye Anyian felt that his dizziness was much better.

  He bent down and picked up a pebble from the ground and threw it into the stream.


  The pebbles fell into the water, causing a circle of water splashes to sparkle under the moonlight, which was really beautiful.

  Seeing this, Jiang Zhu also picked up a pebble and threw it into the stream.

  The stone drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, hit the water, and landed far away from Ye Anyian's stone.

  "Come again."

  Ye Anian was aroused by him, and this time he used some strength to throw the stone farther than Jiang Zhu.

  Jiang Zhu looked at the rippling ripples and threw a stone with all his strength...

  In the sparkling stream, water splashed everywhere, and both of them got excited about playing.

Ye Anyian made a big throwing motion, and the hood on his head slipped down.

  The hair crown on his head has become loose, and some strands of hair are hanging down from his ears. After being drunk, his eyes are misty, filled with a thin layer of moisture, and the ends of his eyes are still red, making the pregnancy mole look even brighter. some.

  Jiang Zhu's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and she stretched out her hand to stop his waist, pulling him close to her.

  He half-squinted his peach blossom eyes, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and leaned forward to kiss her.

  Ye Annian blinked, and the confusion in his eyes dissipated a little.

  But after only being stunned for a moment, he reached out and wrapped his arms around Jiang Zhu's neck, approaching her.

  The sound of gurgling streams and the occasional sound of frogs and cicadas can be heard in my ears.

  There was a faint fragrance of green grass between his lips and teeth, with a slight bitterness. Ye Annian was forced to cater to it and savor the taste.

  He frowned slightly, as if he had sobered up a bit.

  But it was too cold at night, and the people around him were as hot as a furnace. He was lazy and didn't want to move.

  A few dogs barked in the distance at some point, bringing the two of them back from their thoughts.

  Jiang Zhu gently let go of him and sat upright as if nothing had happened.

  "Cough," Ye Anqing coughed, recalling the taste in Jiang Zhu's mouth just now, he still asked, "What did you eat?"

  "Kudzu flowers and wild chrysanthemums," Jiang Zhu looked sideways at him, "they are all anti-hangover medicinal materials, and they are found by the stream."

  Ye Anyian pursed his lips and widened his eyes slightly.

  "What's wrong? Do you feel like you've sobered up from drinking?" Jiang Zhu laughed.

  The tips of Ye Anyian's ears felt hot. This man had so many tricks up his sleeve.

  However, just as he was about to speak, a sudden voice startled the hair on his back to stand up.


  "Well, um~"