
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 40 Confession on the Wedding Night

  As soon as the idea came up, Ye Anyian suppressed it.

  In order to prevent their feet from touching each other, he deliberately raised his legs and hung them in the barrel.

  Jiang Zhu rubbed his feet on the medicinal materials at the bottom of the barrel. Seeing Ye Anian's posture, he asked, "Is the water hot?"

  Ye Anyian shook his head: "It's not hot."

  "Then put your feet down." He said, gently clamping Ye Annian's feet with his two feet, and stepped with him to the bottom of the barrel.


  Ye Annian was startled by his sudden movement, and his hands on the edge of the kang subconsciously tightened the spread quilt.

  "I put Zhiyuan and Albizia bark in it, which can soothe the mind, help sleep, and dispel fatigue." Jiang Zhu said, "It takes a longer time to soak your feet to be effective. You just did that, and you got tired after a while."

  "Yeah." Ye Anyian responded in a muffled voice.

  The barrel is round after all, so if both of them stepped in with their feet, they would inevitably be close to each other. However, Jiang Zhu occasionally rubbed his with her own feet, saying that it could fully relax the feet and make the medicine more effective. .

  Ye Anyian calmly looked away, and with his hands on the kang, he twisted the wedding quilt into a twist.

  It was very painful for him to soak his feet. He finally managed to get the water cold. He wanted Jiang Zhu to hand him the handkerchief placed on the stool to wipe his feet.

  As a result, Jiang Zhu directly picked up the handkerchief, held his ankle with one hand, picked up his feet from the water, and carefully wiped him clean with the handkerchief with the other hand.

  After the water on Ye Anyian's feet was wiped dry, Jiang Zhu gently supported his feet and asked him to sit on the kang, then turned to wipe his own.

  Ye Annian put his feet back on the kang, feeling that there was still a little warmth on his ankle where Jiang Zhu had just held it, and it had not dissipated for a long time.

  Jiang Zhu kicked off his shoes and stood up to pour the water for washing his feet. He caught a glimpse of Ye Anyian's red ear tips from the corner of his eye and raised the corner of his mouth as if he hadn't seen it.

  When he came back after pouring the water, he saw Ye Anyian still sitting there blankly, so he walked over and asked, "What's wrong? Why don't you lie down and sleep?"

  Ye Annian sat on the spread quilt, looking a little embarrassed.

  "Why don't you blow out the candles first?" he said.

  Jiang Zhu thought that he was not used to two people sleeping on the same quilt, so he reached out to lift the wedding quilt covering it and planned to separate: "It's okay. If you don't want to sleep together, just do it like before."

  "Don't!" The moment the quilt was suddenly lifted, Ye Anyian said nervously.

  However, it was too late, and everything under the quilt had been exposed. It turned out to be red dates, peanuts, longans and melon seeds.

  Ye Anyian:...

  He held his forehead helplessly, knowing that these two little guys, Fu Zai and Ding Qiu, must be up to no good if they were sneaky.

  "Oh?" Jiang Zhu raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Anian with a smile.

  Ye Anyian covered his face with one hand: "Ding Qiu and Fu Zai did it."

  "Yes." Jiang Zhu nodded and started to pack the things on the quilt, "It's just a custom, just for good intentions."

He collected all these dried fruits in a shallow basket and put them aside, and asked naturally: "How can we sleep?"

  At present, the mattresses of the two of them are spread together, and there is only one quilt. If they sleep separately now, it would seem too deliberate.

  Moreover, Jiang Zhu didn't seem to care about what happened just now, which made Ye Anian feel more and more that he was overreacting.

  He bit his lip, hesitated for a moment and said, "Just... sleep like this."

  "Okay, shall I turn off the lights?" Jiang Zhu's voice sounded very happy. When Ye Anyian agreed, he blew out the candlestick and lay down on his side.

  The room instantly fell into darkness, and Ye Anyian's tense emotions instantly relaxed, and then he lay down.

  The two of them were so close that their shoulders and arms inevitably touched each other, but Jiang Zhu behaved very well and just lay quietly without any intimate movements.

  Ye Anyian took a deep breath, feeling that the development of this matter was different from what he had initially expected.

  Doesn't it mean that this marriage is about each of them getting what they want? It's just getting married, why did they actually sleep together?

  In the darkness, he felt his heart beating fast and his thoughts a little confused.

  Whether in modern times or here, he considers his sexual orientation to be normal.

  But after getting along with Jiang Zhu during this period, he didn't seem to be very disgusted. Even if it was a slightly intimate gesture like holding hands or putting a shoulder on the shoulder, he seemed to be able to accept it.

  But, Jiang Zhu is a man after all. Does he really want to be with a man?

  "What are you thinking about? Still not sleeping?"

  Jiang Zhu's voice rang softly in his ears.

  Ye Anyian retracted his thoughts: "How do you know I'm not asleep?"

  "Listen to your breathing," Jiang Zhu said, "Can't you sleep?"

  Ye Annian said "hmm", thought for a while, and asked him: "Is my disease easy to cure?"

  "It's easy to cure, but it's also difficult to cure."

  "How to say?"

  "A cough is easy to recover from, but your body has suffered too much, so you have to take care of it slowly."

  "How long will that take?"

  "If you use good medicinal materials, you can make up for it in a year and a half." Jiang Zhu replied.

  Ye Annian didn't speak anymore.

  Jiang Zhu waited for a while but didn't see him speaking, so he had to ask: "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

  "When you proposed marrying me, you said it was to cure my illness." Ye Anyian said.


  "What about after I recover?"

  Jiang Zhu was stunned.

  Ye Anyian didn't trust him at that time, so what he said was just an excuse.

But now that I am asked, how should I explain it?

  "After recovering from the illness, we will continue to live together."

  In the darkness, Ye Anyian pursed his lips: "Why did you want to marry me in the first place?"

  The atmosphere became tense for a moment, and in the quiet room, the heartbeats of the two people could be clearly heard.

  Jiang Zhu subconsciously tightened the cuffs of her underwear, and her normally relaxed and smiling eyebrows were now tightly frowned.

  After a moment, he smiled bitterly: "Are you afraid that I have other plans for you?"

  "After all, it's been two or three years since I brought Ding Qiu to Yueya Village, so why don't I look like a good person?"

  Ye Annian was stunned this time. He didn't mean it that way.

  "I'm not..." he tried to explain, "I mean, people always seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. You can obviously have a better choice."

  "For a sick guy like me, and with a little guy like Fu Zai, it's not like there aren't girls or guys with better conditions in Yueya Village. Or should I say, you took pity on me, that's why..."

  "There are more people who are pitiful than you. I am a doctor, but I am not a good person."

  Jiang Zhu said: "If you have to ask why, it's probably because you have a good temper and are beautiful."

  Ye Anyian:...

  The original appearance is very similar to his original appearance. His facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and he is refined and refined. In the entire Crescent Village, even in Tianshui Town, he is probably very outstanding.

  He couldn't refute Jiang Zhu's words, but he felt that he was still being deceived.

  After spending so many days together, Jiang Zhu didn't look like someone who was greedy for his looks at all, but if Jiang Zhu liked him, he really couldn't figure out what was worthy of liking about him.

  "Is there anything else you want to ask? You might as well ask them all tonight."

  His thoughts were interrupted by Jiang Zhu's words, and Ye Anyian came back to his senses.

  "No more."

  In fact, he didn't know what to ask, he just thought of it and asked.

  Hearing what he said, Jiang Zhu's voice suddenly dropped: "We are already married, don't you regret it?"

  "I didn't." Ye Anyian said quickly.

  He really didn't regret it, but there were some things he still couldn't figure out clearly.

  "That's good." Jiang Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, his tone was as relaxed as a joke, but extremely determined, "I didn't tell Li Yi. Now that we are married, it's too late for you to regret it."

  "I won't go back on my word."

  Ye Annian's beating heart suddenly suffocated, and he suddenly felt a burning sensation in his chest.

  No one had ever said such a thing to him, neither in modern times nor here.

  He seems to be the one who is never chosen, who can be abandoned and given up at any time. He will be redundant and an eyesore wherever he is placed.

  His hands suddenly felt warm, and it was Jiang Zhu who reached out to hold him.

  "In this case, if you have any problems or problems in the future, you must tell me. You are not allowed to hide anything."

After a pause, Jiang Zhu said again: "Of course, I will tell you too."

  "Yeah." Ye Anyian's voice was a little muffled.

  "Shall we sleep then?" Jiang Zhu scratched Ye Annian's palm with his fingers.

  Ye Anyian didn't say anything more, but shook him back hard.

  The room was completely quiet, and the worries were solved. Ye Anian suddenly felt sleepy.

  Before he fell asleep completely, he thought in a daze that maybe it would be good to live together like this.

  Regardless of whether what Jiang Zhu just said was true or not, he was willing to believe it for once.

  Early the next morning, the two people who had done nothing on their wedding night got up late together.

  There was a knock on the door of the house, and Ye Anyian slowly woke up.

  The moment he opened his eyes, what he saw was Jiang Zhu's enlarged face.

  "woke up?"

  Jiang Zhu was holding his chin with one hand, and put his other hand on Ye Anyian's waist, holding him gently.

  Ye Annian blinked, got out of his arms somewhat uncomfortably, and lay back down on his side.

  "What time is it?"

  "It's almost noon." Jiang Zhu said while looking at the sunlight coming through the curtains.

  "Brother! Doctor Jiang! Are you awake?"

  Outside the door, Fu Zai shouted loudly.

  "woke up."

  Ye Annian sat up from the kang, took the coat aside and put it on, pulled on his shoes and opened the door.

  "Huh." Fuzai poked his head in, his big dark eyes rolling around and looking around.

  Ye Anyian didn't know what he was looking at, so he stretched out his hand and scratched his little nose: "What are you looking for?"

  Xiaotuanzi ignored him, but when he saw that there was only one quilt on the kang, his eyes lit up.

  "I'm not looking for anything." He stuck out his tongue, retracted his head, and did not enter the house. He held on to the door frame and jumped out again.

  Yesterday at his brother and Dr. Jiang's wedding banquet, the little girl he saw was so cute. She had a soft face, spoke like a grandma, and her eyes were as bright as grapes. It was like, just like the stickers posted at home during the Chinese New Year. New Year picture doll.

  Later, he learned that Chen Lingling was Chen Huaishu's sister, and he was extremely envious. He also wanted to have such a lovely sister.

  But Brother Shitou said that it was impossible to have a sister.

  But my brother and Dr. Jiang are married. As long as the two of them sleep together, they can have a baby.

  By then, he will have a little niece!

  When he thought of the red dates, peanuts, longans and melon seeds he secretly put under his brother's quilt yesterday, Fu Zai felt that this could be done.

  It won't be long before my brother is pregnant with a baby, right?

  Both my brother and Dr. Jiang are so good-looking, so will the baby they give birth to be prettier than Chen Lingling?

  Hiss, Fu Zai clenched his little fists happily, he couldn't even think about it!

  Ye Anian didn't know what weird things were going on in Fu Zai's mind. He and Jiang Zhu got dressed and went out to fetch water and wash up.

  But at this moment, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Copper Coin rushed out of the west room screaming "woof, woof" and squatted at the door fiercely.

  Ye Annian frowned and heard Wu Xianglian's anxious voice outside the door.

  "Brother Nian, are you at home? Open the door for me!"