
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 195 Entering the Prince's Mansion

Ye Anyian subconsciously put his hand on his lower abdomen and touched it. It was still flat, no different from before.

  Recalling the two times he met Wei Zhihuai, he concluded that it was impossible for Wei Zhihuai to know based on superficial appearances.

  Could it be Liu Zhuo? Or is there someone from Wei Zhihuai in Baihezhai?

  No, his eyes darkened.

  Last time at Fayuan Temple, Wei Zhihuai took the opportunity to pull his wrist.

  "It seems you have already thought of it," Wei Zhihuai looked at him with a smile, "Yes, it was that time at Fayuan Temple." I have some knowledge of medicine. "

  Things have developed so far, which is obviously beyond his expectation.

  Ye Anyian took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

  He glanced at the bowl of pickled plum juice on the table and frowned: "I don't like drinking this stuff, so why don't you, Your Highness, try another way?"

  Wei Zhihuai fiddled with the white jade ring on his finger and raised his lips: "Okay, if you don't want to drink this plum juice, then stay with me for the night."

  "I didn't expect His Highness to have such a preference."

  Ye Anyian's brows furrowed even deeper, and the disgust in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

  "I don't mind," Wei Zhihuai's eyes were shining, "If you are obedient, I will consider being gentler, and maybe the child can be saved."

  Listening to his words, Ye Anian felt very uncomfortable all over his body. The nausea felt like the smelly water plants in the lake, which wrapped around him tighter and tighter, making him unable to breathe.

  "Uh... ugh..."

  He finally couldn't help but retched. Even though he couldn't vomit anything out, the cramps in his stomach made his face turn pale quickly.

"I'm just joking, you don't have to be so excited." Wei Zhihuai said leisurely.

  He straightened his sleeves, stood up and walked to Ye Anyian. He wanted to pat him on the back, but Ye Anyian threw him away.

  "Do not touch me!"

  Seeing his appearance, Wei Zhihuai sat back again: "It seems that you can't accept this condition. But I have no other way."

  Ye Annian calmed down for a while, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and regained his composure before looking at him again: "You are just afraid that I will lie to you, and you want to completely break off the relationship between me and Jiang Shengwan. "

  "Yes." Wei Zhihuai admitted happily, "So you must drink this sour plum juice."

  After saying that, Liu Zhuo, who was standing next to Chao, winked: "Help him."

  Liu Zhuo received the order and without any hesitation, he stepped forward to pick up the bowl, put his hand on the back of Ye Anyian's neck, and was about to drink it from him.

  Unexpectedly, Ye Anyian raised his hand to catch the bowl and said coldly: "I'll do it myself."

  Liu Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and Wei Zhihuai on the side had already spoken: "Let him go."

  The oppressive feeling on the back of his neck disappeared, and Ye Anyian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but the bowl in his hand became as heavy as a thousand pounds, and the hand holding the bowl shook uncontrollably.

  Wei Zhihuai was in a good mood, and the injury on his neck no longer hurt so much.

  "Drink quickly, why are you hesitating?"

  He put his hands on the table and stared at Ye Anyian's movements with squinted eyes.

  Ye Anyian seemed to have really made up his mind. He took a deep breath and took a big sip.

  The smile on Wei Zhihuai's face became even stronger.

  However, the next moment.


  Ye Anyian suddenly turned to him and spit out all the plum juice he had drank.

  The sour and bitter juice suddenly sprayed on Wei Zhihuai's face, wetting his temples and forehead, and even dripping down.

  Liu Zhuo on the side was already dumbfounded.

  Even Wei Zhihuai himself froze in place.

  "Okay, very good."

  He raised his hand and wiped his face, his eyes instantly turned cold.

  And just as he was speaking, Ye Anyian's fingers had already pressed the black earring on his left ear.


  A small black pill flew out immediately and shot straight into his mouth.

  Wei Zhihuai's throat moved and he swallowed subconsciously.

  Ye Anyian slowly let go of his tightly squeezing hands on his sleeves, and his tense body relaxed.

  The next moment, Wei Zhihuai frowned and covered his chest.


  Black and red blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth uncontrollably.

  "You poisoned me?"

Ye Anyian looked at him coldly but did not answer.

  All the internal organs in his body seemed to be burned by fire, and the expression on Wei Zhihuai's face began to distort due to the severe pain.

  "Uh..." He gritted his teeth to suppress his cry of pain.

  "Let...I guess, you...are taking heart-breaking...pills, right...or not?"

  Duangchang Pill is a kind of poison specially used to torture people. As long as the antidote is taken within a quarter of an hour, the person can still be saved.

  "That's right." Ye Annian said calmly, "Now you still have an hour to consider whether to give me the antidote to the poison."

  As he spoke, he untied the cloth bag on the table and opened the wooden box inside. There was a small cyan bottle in the box.

  He didn't make any preparations before coming.

  He replaced the poison in the earrings with the poison that could kill people immediately, found the heart-breaking pill that lasted for an hour from Jiang Zhu's study, and then put the antidote in the wooden box.

  The poison became more and more severe, and within a short time, Wei Zhihuai was so painful that he was sweating all over his head.

  Liu Zhuo, who was standing aside, came to his senses and stepped forward to help Wei Zhihuai.

  "Your Highness, are you...are you okay?"

  "Get away!"

  Wei Zhihuai raised his hand to throw him away, his eyes filled with anger: "What's the point of keeping you by my side? Get out of here!"

  Liu Zhuo did not dare to speak again, bowed and silently retreated.


  Because of the severe pain, Wei Zhihuai gasped for air and his eyes widened.

  He supported the table and calmed down for a moment. When he looked up at Ye Anyian, his pain-filled eyes showed a playful look.

  "Ye Annian, I have underestimated you. Then Jiang Shengwan wanted to stab me to death with a dagger, but you dared to come alone and poison me. Tsk tsk, you are indeed a pair."

  When Ye Annian heard this, his heart sank.

  Wei Zhihuai's unhurried tone gave him a bad feeling.

  Sure enough, Wei Zhihuai's hands were trembling, and he suddenly took out a black medicine bottle from his arms, poured out a pill from it, and drank it.

  Not long after, his brows tightened and he spat out a mouthful of black blood. The painful expression on his face suddenly softened a lot.

  He took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood on his lips, looked at Ye Anyian with a cold face, and smiled.


"My emperor is very afraid of death. I got a lot of antidote pills and various tonics from Xie Xiaogong. Ordinary poisons like this are not a problem at all."

  "Fortunately, because I am afraid of death, I followed his old man and got a lot of antidote pills from him. This will come in handy."

  Ye Anyian's face looked extremely ugly, and the cyan vial tightly held in his hand was of no use.

  He looked at Wei Zhihuai's proud face, suddenly laughed, raised his hand and threw the vial into the lake.

  what is this?

  His desperate efforts seemed so ridiculous.

  I'm afraid, it's God's will.

  He might really have no way to save Jiang Zhu.

  "Okay, the fun part is over," Wei Zhihuai suddenly became serious, "It's time for us to talk about business."

  He stood up and walked towards Ye Anyian, restraining his hands forcefully, and his sinister eyes swept over Ye Anyian's body inch by inch.

Moon-white crane robe, long hair half-tied and half-unraveled, the ends of the eyes are still faintly red, and the cold eyes exude a kind of aura that should be kept away from strangers, but the people who hook it want to tear him apart and eat him. .

  Ye Anyian turned away in disgust, not even wanting to look at him.

  Wei Zhihuai suppressed him with one hand and put the other hand on his left ear, which was wearing an earring.

  "Tell me, Jiang Shengwan, can he still come to save you? Maybe now he can't even get out of bed, and he can only hang up with his breath."

  "Shut up." Ye Anyian whispered.

  "You are so welcome. I have kept so many maids and servants, but no one has ever dared to talk to me like this."

  He laughed to himself, his eyes fell on the black earring of Ye Anyian's left ear, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

  "Did he give it to you?" Wei Zhihuai stretched out his hand and pinched it. He only rubbed it lightly a few times for fear of accidentally touching the mechanism.

  "It's better to pick off such a dangerous thing. I'll find someone to make a pure gold one for you."

  Ye Anian suddenly clenched his hands hanging in his sleeves, biting his lips without saying a word.

  Wei Zhihuai sneered and began to fumble to take off the earrings.

  At this moment, a guard suddenly ran in from outside.

  "Your Highness, the deputy master of Baihe Zhai broke in!"

  "A bunch of trash!"

  Wei Zhihuai's eyes darkened in vain, and he had no choice but to let go of Ye Anyian and walked out of the waterside pavilion.

  However, the house was already in chaos.

  The sound of a fierce fight with swords clashing seemed to be not far from here.

  Wei Zhihuai didn't hesitate for a moment, turned back, pulled Ye Anian up and hugged him sideways.

  "what you do!"

  Ye Annian struggled, but was pinned down by him.

  It has to be said that even if he is injured, a martial arts practitioner like Wei Zhihuai who has some skills in his body is surprisingly strong.

  "Someone is here to save you," he smiled like a wily fox, "Let's get out of here first and hide better."

  Ye Anian's heart moved, and he wanted to open his mouth to call for help, but Wei Zhihuai hit his mute point several times, and he could no longer make a sound.

  Then, Wei Zhihuai pointed his toes to the ground and jumped directly into the air.

  The two of them left the waterside pavilion in an instant, and Wei Zhihuai flew up to the roof and ran quickly to the back.

  Ye Annian was imprisoned in his arms. Looking back through his shoulder, he caught a glimpse of red clothes and several sharp sword lights.

  It's Ziyu.

  He sighed silently in his heart, fearing that this girl's trip would be in vain.

  Wei Zhihuai quickly took him into the back garden. The back garden of the Prince's Mansion was very large, with an irregular artificial lake in the middle and lush trees all around.

  Wei Zhihuai took him into the woods.

  "Don't worry, I have arranged many obstacles in the forest. They can't catch up."

  Ye Anyian was disgusted by his nasty smile and turned away unbearably.

  Suddenly, several blasts of cold sword energy struck from the side.

  Wei Zhihuai was forced to stop and avoid it. As he staggered, a foggy green figure fell from the sky and blocked him.

Jiang Zhu's clothes were flying, and he only held a broken green bamboo in his hand. The slender bamboo gave off a faint light, and there was actually a layer of cold ice crystals attached to the surface.

  He looked coldly, his eyes fell on Ye Anyian, and he suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

  "Wei Zhihuai, I really shame you."