
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 192: The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry

n the blink of an eye, it's June.

  There has been no news from Xie Xiaogong, but the Midsummer Dayu Festival of Dongling Kingdom has arrived.

  In ancient times, there was a saying that Father Heaven and Mother Earth were the gods. The Midsummer Dayu Sacrifice was a ceremony to worship the earth, mainly to pray to God for a good harvest.

  Generally, the emperor or prince will first go to the royal altar to hold a ceremony, and then go to the temple to burn incense and pray for blessings.

  There was actually a royal temple in the capital, but Wei Tingzhou was seriously ill and could not afford it. After Wei Zhihuai held the sacrificial ceremony, he suddenly changed the place for offering incense and praying to Fayuan Temple.

  Regardless of the comments of the ministers below, he left the palace without permission with a team of accompanying guards.

  The sun was just right that day, and Jiang Zhu and Ye Annian were enjoying the sun on the swing in their small courtyard.

  Ziyu came in in a hurry and said to Jiang Zhu, "A young novice has come to Fayuan Temple and wants to see you. He has something important to do."

  Jiang Zhu stopped the swing with his feet and said to Ye Anyian, "I'll be back soon."

  After that, he got up and followed Ziyu.

  Ye Anyian watched the two of them walk away, swinging leisurely on the swing alone.

  For some reason, he felt vaguely uneasy.

  Jiang Zhu had been gone for a long time.

  Ye Anyian waited and waited, but before he came back, Zi Mo came.

  The young man ran in with a smile, carrying an empty basket in his hand, and said to him: "Young Master, take Ah Li with you, let's go to the back mountain to pick apricots."

  Ye Annian got up from the swing and saw his happy look, but always felt that something was wrong.

  "Where is your host?"

  "The owner of the restaurant is still discussing things with Sister Ziyu and the others in front." Zimo said, "Let's go first. He said he would come over when he is done."

  Ye Anian was hesitating when Ah Li ran downstairs when he heard the noise.

  "Pick apricots? Okay, okay!"

  The little girl jumped up to Ye Anyian and held his hand: "Brother Ye, let's go!"

  Before he could think about it, Quiet Mo and Ah Li were already making a fuss towards the back of the mountain.

  The mountains and plains were filled with lush herbal fields. Zimo led the two of them to the forest a little further away.

  "The wild apricots on this mountain are so sweet, you must like them." Zimo muttered.

  "Yeah." Ye Anyian responded absently.

  "Is it as sweet as the loquat we ate last time?" Ah Li asked.


  Jiang Zhu followed Ziyu to the front yard to meet the young novice monk.

  The little novice monk looks like he is fifteen or sixteen years old. He is handsome and young, but very calm.

  But he looked solemn at this time, and when he saw the two people coming, he immediately performed a Buddhist salute.

He said directly to Jiang Zhu: "Master Jiang Zhai, the incident happened suddenly, so the young monk kept his story short."

  "Today is the Midsummer Sacrifice. The prince was supposed to go to Guangming Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings, but he suddenly brought people to our Fayuan Temple.

  While offering incense, a fire suddenly broke out on the mountain. The fire was so fierce that all the monks in the temple had been dispatched to put out the fire and evacuate the pilgrims, so they had no time to pay attention. "

  "Before the young monk arrived, the host had been held back by a person he brought with him. The person seemed to have good kung fu and seemed to be a member of the martial arts world.

  At this moment, he may have led people up the mountain. "

  "Did he have a premeditated plan?" Ziyu looked very ugly.

  Jiang Zhu also frowned: "I'm afraid I'm planning to completely break up."

  Previously, the two of them had maintained a superficial balance due to the relationship between the old emperor Wei Tingzhou, Xie Xiaogong and Chen Jie.

  Wei Zhihuai had long wanted to take action against Bai Hezhai, but due to the relationship with Fayuan Temple, he had to give up.

  And because of his father, he couldn't even touch the medicine shop and medical clinic outside Bai Hezhai.

  On the other hand, Jiang Zhu had long wanted to kill Wei Zhihuai, but because he was the son of the old emperor, in the end he only lost one of his legs.

  "It seems that the old emperor may be dying." Jiang Zhu breathed a sigh of relief.

  Recalling that Xie Xiaogong was suddenly called into the palace, it was probably the last time the two brothers would see each other.

  The old emperor is dying soon, and this balance will finally be broken.

  Next door to the living room is the study hall, where the clear and powerful sound of dozens of Baihezhai disciples reading can be heard.

  Jiang Zhu stepped forward and patted the young novice monk on the shoulder: "I'm afraid it won't be convenient for the young master to return to Fayuan Temple for a while. Why don't we have a cup of tea in Baihezhai now, listen to the disciples reading, or walk around."

  The young novice monk understood the meaning of his words and bowed to him: "Amitabha, Lord Jiang Zhai, be careful in everything."

  Jiang Zhu nodded and walked out of the living room with Ziyu.

  He walked straight out of the gate, Ziyu followed him, looking worried.

  "Master, I can go by myself. You'd better go back..."

  "If he dares to come, he will not be unprepared." Jiang Zhu interrupted her, "Didn't you listen to what the little master just said? Host Chen Jie was held back."

  Chen Jie's hosting skills are extraordinary, and ordinary people cannot hold him back.

  Ziyu fell silent.

  Jiang Zhu said: "Let's take a look first and then talk. The person he wants to see is me. I can't hide and let you bear it alone."

  While he was talking, a fierce strong wind blew towards him, and the stone tablet at the entrance of Baihezhai was affected and shattered into pieces.

The two of them dodged to both sides at the same time, and suddenly they saw Wei Zhihuai appearing outside the gate of Baihezhai, with a pair of brothers and sisters in black clothes standing behind them.

  The elder brother is one-armed and carries a broadsword on his shoulder, while the younger sister is graceful and holds a bone whip.

  "Haha, it seems that the news of this palace has leaked. I haven't even entered the palace yet, so you came out to greet me first?"

  Wei Zhihuai held a folding fan in his hand and smiled contentedly.

  Jiang Zhu curled his lips: "You set the mountain on fire and hired help. Is Your Highness the Prince jumping over the wall in a hurry?"

  "The one-armed Yaksha, the ghost-whipped Yakji, tut tut tut, are all from Rakshasa Hall. These brothers and sisters are killers with the title of "king", and the price starts at 10,000 taels of silver. His Highness the Crown Prince spent a lot of money."

  Rakshasa Hall, the number one killer sect in the world. He has always used money to do things and has not been involved in party disputes.

  There are five levels of killer rankings: Tian, ​​Wang, Hou, Shi, and Pawn. Each level has more detailed divisions such as A, B, C, and D.

  The two levels of soldiers and soldiers can be purchased for as little as fifty taels and as much as one hundred taels of silver; for the marquis level, the starting price is three thousand taels and can range up to tens of thousands taels.

  As for the king level, the starting price is fifty thousand taels of gold; for the heaven level, the starting price alone is one thousand taels of gold.

  "Jiang Shengwan, I will allow you to be presumptuous." Wei Zhihuai's eyes narrowed in displeasure, "When Baihe Zhai is burned to ashes, I'll see if you can still smile!"

  "Then let's try it." Jiang Zhu dusted off his sleeves and raised his hand, a cross sleeve arrow suddenly shot out and hit Wei Zhihuai's folding fan.

  All this happened in a matter of seconds. Wei Zhihuai stared at the inscription on the fan, and the word "thick" in "Houdude Zaiwu" was nailed through.

  His face darkened.

  Jiang Zhu smiled without hesitation: "Whether His Highness's virtue is profound or not, I won't say for the moment. I think His Highness's face is worthy of this word."

  "Jiang Shengwan!"

  Wei Zhihuai was furious and said to the two brothers and sisters beside him: "Hurry up!"

  Yaksha and Yakji heard the sound and moved towards Jiangzhu.

  Ziyu immediately stood in front of Jiang Zhu, blocking their moves.

  Jiang Zhu used this to distance himself from the opponent, and with a little tiptoe, he jumped a few feet. When Yasha saw this, he immediately chased after him with a knife in his hand.

  Jiang Zhu ran very fast due to the wind at his feet, slipping behind Yaksha and shouting to Ziyu: "Be careful, don't tear down my Baihe Zhai!"

  "Hmph," Wei Zhihuai snorted coldly, and suddenly laughed sinisterly, "I also think this place is good, it would be a pity to demolish it. But after you die, you can turn it into my palace, and then use your little husband Wouldn't it be beautiful to have a man raised here?"

  Jiang Zhu's expression became condensed, and he suddenly changed direction and headed straight towards Wei Zhihuai. Yaksha raised his knife and chased after him, and the strong wind slashed behind him one after another.

But he didn't care at all and only kept a close eye on Wei Zhihuai.

  Wei Zhihuai cursed secretly and was forced to draw his sword.

  The two of them exchanged dozens of moves. Jiang Zhu's patience ran out and he knocked the sword out of his hand and used his hand as a claw to reach for his neck.

  Yaksha raised his sword to attack, but when he saw that he was only a few inches away, a sleeve arrow flew out, deflecting the blade and only cutting off a piece of his sleeve.

  Jiang Zhu had already put a dagger with a cold light on Wei Zhihuai's neck.

  "Before that, I can send you on your way."

  "Really?" Wei Zhihuai was restrained by him, but he didn't panic at all, "But you only have 10% or 20% of your internal strength left now. How long can you last when the poison in your body takes effect?"

  I don't know if he responded to his words, but a heartbreaking pain suddenly spread from his chest.

  Jiang Zhu's hand holding the dagger shook, and he saw Ye Ji swinging the bone whip towards him.

  Ziyu wanted to step forward to help, but was stopped by Yaksha. Seeing the bone whip with a barb attacking his back, Jiang Zhu didn't hide and stabbed the dagger directly into Wei Zhihuai's neck.

  Instantly, blood gushes out, and at the same time, a sharp pain comes from his back. The skin and flesh where the bone whip hit him are torn open, and the bones are clearly visible.

  "Jiang Shengwan! Crazy! You're crazy!" Wei Zhihuai screamed.

  "You...!" He gasped, "Even if you kill... me, you, you can't survive!"

  "Your Highness, are you afraid of death?" Jiang Zhu's voice was as soft as a feather, and the severe pain in his body made his breathing much weaker.

  "I'm going to die anyway, let's go together." He sighed, "If you don't die, I won't be able to leave without peace of mind."

  Hot blood flowed all over his hands, and everything in his eyes was bright red.

  Jiang Zhu deliberately stabbed the knife deeper, but the severe pain caused by the poison and the injury on his back made it impossible for him to hold on.


  The dagger fell from his hand and fell to the ground.

  "Zhai Master!"

  Ziyu's voice suddenly sounded.

  Jiang Zhu's vision became increasingly blurry. Finally, his eyelashes trembled and he closed his eyes completely.


  Back mountain.

  The three of them picked a basket full of apricots in a short time.

  Ye Annian was picking apricots while looking up the mountain absentmindedly.

  Zimo saw him looking at the houses on the mountain in a trance, so he came over and said, "Young Master, what are you looking at?"

  Ye Annian came to his senses and looked at the filled basket at his feet: "It's getting late, let's go back."

  "Ah, are you going back now?"

  Zi Mo suddenly hesitated: "Let's wait a little longer. I think Ah Li hasn't had enough fun yet..."

  "Ali is tired."

  The little girl holding the straw kitten in her hand was very embarrassed. She came over and took Zimo's hand and shook it: "Brother Zimo, brother Ye, let's go back."


Zi Mo wanted to say something else, but Ye Anyian directly took Ah Li's hand and walked back.

  Zi Mo had no choice but to follow.

  He was frowning and thinking about what excuses he should make to delay the time, when he heard Ye Annian suddenly say: "Why is there so much smoke over there? Is it on fire?"

  Zi Mo looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough he saw thick smoke rising from a place not far from them, and it seemed to be approaching here.

"Go back first!"

  His heart tightened, as if he realized something.