
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 184 Heading to Yueliang City

Ye Annian followed the sound and returned to the previous meditation room. Xie Xiaogong and Abbot Chen Jie were standing at the door.

  Seeing him, Xie Xiaogong patted his chest and looked relieved: "You kid, don't run around. If I lose you, I will fight for you every night when I get back."

  "Wanwan?" Ye Anyian was confused when he heard the name.

  "It's that brat's nickname, I gave it to him." Xie Xiaogong explained, feeling quite proud.

  The sound of the river is late, late late.

  Ye Anyian:...

  He couldn't help but curl his lips. Jiang Zhu was probably tired of this nickname.

  Seeing that the sky was getting dark and Ye Anian was found, Xie Xiaogong said goodbye to Abbot Chengui.

  Abbot Chenjie sent the two of them to the gate of Fayuan Temple. When they were about to leave, he suddenly said to Ye Anyian:

  "The little donor is a clear-minded person, and the current predicament is only temporary."

  Ye Annian was stunned by his words: "Abbott means..."

  "There is nothing unsolvable in this world." Abbot Chenjie said.

  Ye Annian looked at him and nodded after a moment: "Thank you, master, for your advice."

  The two came back from Fayuan Temple, and Jiang Zhu was waiting at the gate of Baihezhai.

  As soon as he saw Ye Anyian, he pulled him and ran away, leaving Xie Xiaogong alone and stunned.

  "What's wrong? Are you in such a hurry?"

  Jiang Zhu didn't answer and pulled him back to Yishe.

  In the small courtyard, the newly set up swing chair was covered with goose down cushions. Jiang Zhu pulled him to sit on it together, and then kicked off the swing chair with his feet, causing the swing chair to swing.

  "Nothing much, I just want to play on the swing with you." Jiang Zhu said.

  "There are a lot of things going on in Zhai these days, and we haven't been together for a long time."

  Ye Anyian was helpless: "Didn't we have dinner together at noon?"

  "For just a moment, I didn't even say a word." Jiang Zhu put her arms around his shoulders and let him lean against her, "You've been hanging out with that smelly old man all day lately, and you haven't kissed me anymore."

  "Why, are you even jealous of your master?" Ye Anian teased him.

  "Well," Jiang Zhu nodded, "seeing you two together every day makes me sour."

  Ye Anyian:...

  "Then, when you're not busy anymore, I want you to go somewhere with me."

  "Where to go?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  "Yueliang City."

  As soon as these three words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

  After a while, Jiang Zhucai said: "Why do you want to go there suddenly?"

  "I want to see it with my own eyes, together with you." Ye Anyian looked at Jiang Zhu seriously.

  "Okay." Jiang Zhu thought for a moment and then agreed.

"Just give it a few more days, until I finish taking care of all the mess in the fasting."


  The waist tightened, Jiang Zhu suddenly hooked him and brought him to his side. Through the clothes, he reached out and gently stroked Ye Annian's belly.

  The month is still young now, and Ye Anyian's belly is still flat, no different from before.

  "Are you still feeling uncomfortable these days?"

  Ye Annian shook his head: "Senior Xie's medicine is quite effective."

  "Where's your appetite? Are you okay?"

  "It's much better. You can eat anything lighter."

  "That's good. When I get older in the next month, it might be a little harder."

  Jiang Zhu hooked his chin and kissed the bright red pregnancy mole at the end of his eye: "Don't worry, I will take good care of you."

  His cheeks were wrapped in warm breath, itching and tender. The tips of Ye Anyian's ears turned red, and he lowered his eyes and looked away.

  Jiang Zhu simply put him on his lap and sat on it. He pushed hard with his feet and the swing swung higher.

  Ye Anian hooked his neck and rested his chin on his shoulder. His waist was hugged tightly, and the evening breeze blew gently beside him, which made him feel comfortable and at ease.

  This feeling is very strange. They have been married for several years, but Ye Anian still feels embarrassed every time they get close.

  Her face was red and her heart was beating fast.

  Zhao Le joked that they still looked like newlyweds after being together for so many years, and said that things would be different when they have children in the future.

  He asked Zhao Le what was different, but Zhao Le didn't say anything.

  Ye Anyian didn't think about these problems. Anyway, the two of them made money by being together for one more day.


  After that, Jiang Zhu was busy for a few more days, and then handed Baihe Zhai over to Ziyu again and took Ye Anian away.

  The two of them rode in a small carriage together. They didn't even need a driver, and they took very little change of clothes and belongings with them. They kept everything simple and traveled light.

  Looking for a good weather, we left Wei Zhihuai's people before dawn, left Baiyun Town, and went straight to Yueliang City.

  The journey went smoothly. They traveled during the day and stayed at an inn or farmhouse at night. They took their time and arrived in five days.

  Yueliang City is a small city in the southernmost part of Dongling Kingdom. There are only more than a thousand people in the city. It has been in dilapidation since the massacre.

  I don't know if the scene in the city is too miserable. The small town that was originally regarded as a fat city by the South Vietnam Kingdom is now ignored by no one and has almost become a "ghost town".

  It was already evening when the two arrived at a village outside the city.

  The setting sun was like blood, dyeing half the sky red.

  At the entrance of the village, an old man in his sixties held a cigarette pot in his mouth and smoked "baht" and "baht".

  Seeing Jiang Zhu driving an ox cart all the way south, he kindly reminded: "There is no way forward. Where did you come from? What do you do?"

  "Old man," Jiang Zhule stopped the carriage and chatted with the old man, "We came from the east, heading to Yueliang City."

  "Hey~" the old man frowned, "That ruined city has been depleted for a long time. Why are you going there? It's almost getting dark now. Come back quickly!"

  Jiang Zhu was just thinking about how to reply when the car curtain moved and Ye Annian poked his head out.

  "Please worry about it. We used to have relatives living in the city. We haven't seen them for many years and there has been no news. Now that we are here, we have to look for them anyway."

  "Don't worry, we'll just go in and look around. If we can't find it, we'll leave. We won't stay long."

  The old man was not worried about this. Anyway, the ruined city had long been empty, and they would not be able to find anyone even if they stayed for several days and nights.

  "Yes." He agreed casually, "If you don't have anywhere to stay before night, just call the house at the west end of the village. I have a wife at home who can take you in for the night."

  "Thank you very much." Ye Anian said.

  The two said goodbye to the old man and continued driving.

  Finally, before it got completely dark, we entered the city.

  Many of the city gates and walls have collapsed. The plaque with the three words "Yueliang City" engraved on the city gate tower was also broken in the middle. Only half of it is still hanging on it. The other side has long been missing. .

  The carriage clicked along, and the sound echoed in the empty city, which seemed clear and strange.

  Jiang Zhu was sitting in front of the carriage, leaning lazily against the wall. He had one leg bent up and the other down, dangling casually.

  Ye Annian opened the car curtain and looked at the ruins of the city.

  Most of the shops and restaurants on both sides of the street have collapsed. The blue bricks and white walls are all black. Even after many years, there is still a burning smell.

  The ground is littered with broken bricks and tiles, and occasionally even one or two human bones can be seen in the ruins on the street.

  The air was filled with the smell of decay and old age, mixed with the burnt smell that went straight into the throat. Even if I covered my mouth and nose with a handkerchief, the smell still went straight into my nose.

  Jiang Zhu drove the carriage along several main streets. When he returned to the gate of Daocheng again, it was already dark.

  The "Wooing" sound of the wind sounded like a ghost was crying, and the originally desolate scene suddenly became terrifying.

  Even though Ye Annian was sitting in the car, he still felt chilly and subconsciously wrapped his cloak tightly around him.

  "Go back?" Jiang Zhu knocked on the car wall and asked Ye Anyian.

  "Yes." Ye Anyian agreed and then asked, "Can you come back tomorrow?"

  "Aren't you scared?" Jiang Zhu was surprised. He thought Ye Anyian would be scared by such a scene.

  "A bit." Ye Anyian answered honestly, "But I still have to come."

  Jiang Zhu was a little confused: "What's so good about these broken bricks?"

  "I want to see it." Ye Anyian said, "Come on."

  "Okay, come."

  Jiang Zhu naturally agreed. They came all the way just because Ye Annian wanted to see it. Since they were here, let him see as much as they could.

  Driving the carriage back to the previous village, the two found the old man's house in the dark.

  Jiang Zhu asked Ye Anyian to wait in the car and went down to knock on the door.

  Not long after, the door opened and the old man stood at the door. He was not surprised to see Jiang Zhu.

"I knew you were coming back, so come in first."

  Jiang Zhu thanked the old man and helped Ye Anyian down from the carriage.

  The two of them only brought some pancakes and snacks with them for dry food. Ye Annian took out a fifty-tael banknote and handed it to the old man as a reward for their one-night stay.

  But the old man refused to accept it: "How can a house with a broken house be worth so much money? You can just live in it. You only need to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks. It won't bother you."

  While they were talking, a gray-haired old woman came out with a sullen face. Seeing the three people pushing around a banknote, she rolled her eyes at the old man and snatched the banknote away.

  "It's so stupid! If people are willing to give it, you can just take it, otherwise they will think it's troublesome for us and we won't be able to sleep well!"

  The old man was scolded a few times, so he smoked and stopped talking.

  Jiang Zhu smoothed things over and led Ye Anian through the door.

  The old couple happened to be cooking, and something was cooking in the pot.

  After receiving the money, the smile on the old woman's face became friendly, and she asked the two of them to sit in the house while she worked in the kitchen.

  There was a kang table in the room, and the old man sat cross-legged on the kang with a pipe in his mouth.

  Ye Anyian couldn't smell the smoke. After struggling all day, his stomach was churning violently and his face turned pale.

  Jiang Zhu quickly took him out, and before he had gone far, Ye Anyian couldn't help but vomited it out.

  He didn't eat much today. He vomited for a long time, but nothing came out. His mouth was sour and bitter.

  When the uncomfortable feeling passed, he leaned against Jiang Zhu with some weakness.

  Jiang Zhu patted his back gently: "Are you feeling better?"

  Ye Anyian gave a muffled "hmm", rested his chin on his shoulder, and breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Why are you going all the way here?" Jiang Zhu felt sorry for him and couldn't help complaining.

  "It's coming." Ye Anyian said, "This is very important to me."

  "Why, you want to see how brutally I slaughtered the city back then?" Jiang Zhu joked.

  "No, I don't blame you." Ye Anyian said and stopped talking.

  After a while, Jiang Zhu patted Ye Anyian: "Come in? I'll ask them for some warm water to rinse your mouth."

  "If you can't stand the smell of smoke, let's eat outside. Even though the food may not be to your liking, you still have to eat some. I'll make something delicious for you when you get back."


  Just as the two were about to go in, the old woman came out with a spatula: "What's going on? Why are you staying outside?"

  Jiang Zhu explained to her.

  When the old woman heard this, her eyebrows stood up, and she rushed into the house and snatched the old man's tobacco bag.

  "I told you to stop smoking! That brother is pregnant!"

The old man didn't argue with her. Seeing Jiang Zhu and Ye Annian come in, he smiled apologetically: "Why don't you say it? I'm a big smoker, I'm sorry."

  "It's okay." Ye Anyian said.

  He was much better now, and the old woman opened the window for ventilation. Now there was no smell in the room.

  Just as he was talking, the old woman came in from outside carrying rice.

  It's a big bowl of cornmeal porridge, a plate of scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts, a plate of fried cabbage, and a plate of homemade pickles.

"There's nothing we can do at home, so the two of us will just make do with it."