
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 167 Going to school

After listening to the book, the onlookers in the teahouse gradually dispersed, and Ye Annian and the others followed the flow of people and walked out.

  The people in groups nearby were still chatting about what they had just said. Some were lamenting the friendship between the prince and Jiang Shengwan; some lamented that the prince valued friendship and was a benevolent king; and some were scolding Jiang Shengwan for massacring all the people in the city. of devil.

  After leaving the teahouse, we were met by the dazzling afterglow of the setting sun.

  Jiang Zhu was so blinded by the light that he raised his hand to block it.

  Turning his head, he saw Ye Annian holding Fu Zai and Ding Qiu in each hand. The three of them had curved eyebrows and didn't know what they were talking about.

  This scene was warm and joyful, but he suddenly felt uneasy.

  Following Ye Anyian, Jiang Zhu hesitated for a long time, and then asked casually: "Niannian, do you think... that the prince's friend is really as heinous as the storybook says?"

  "Huh?" Ye Anyian was joking with the two children when he was suddenly interrupted and was stunned for a moment.

  When Jiang Zhu realized what he had asked, he thought for a moment and said, "If he really killed people all over the city, no matter what the reason, it would be an unpardonable crime."

  "The prince is certainly kind and soft-hearted, but Jiang Shengwan, for the sake of power and status, can kill innocent people arbitrarily and regards human life as nothing. This kind of person is really terrible."

  "Is that so?" Jiang Zhu pursed her lips and chuckled.

  The expression on his face was the same, but the hands hanging in his sleeves were clenched into fists, and the palms of his hands were cold.

  Fortunately, Ye Anyian's attention was on the two children at this time, and he did not notice anything strange about him.

  It was getting late at this time, and the group of people walked directly to the inn where they were staying.

  When he arrived at the door of the inn, Fu Zai saw a candy seller on the street. He thought it was novel and wanted one.

  Ye Annian touched his head and asked Jiang Zhu to lead the two children up first while he went to buy candy figures.

  Jiang Zhu nodded in agreement and led Fu Zai and Ding Qiu upstairs together with Mr. Wen and Wen Heng.

  Ye Anian and the old man selling candy asked for four candy men. The old man took the copper coins and quickly pinched them.

  Ye Annian stood aside and waited. While looking around boredly, he caught a glimpse of a few people in gorgeous clothes turning into a street not far away.

  He would not have noticed such a scene, but among those people there was a young man in a green shirt, which made his heart skip a beat.

  Although he only caught a glimpse of the profile, the familiar figure and appearance were all too familiar to him.

  It's Liu Zhuo.

  The group of people disappeared soon. Ye Anyian was lost in thought, but the old man's candy man had already been made and he handed it to him with a bamboo stick.

  Ye Annian thanked the old man, took the candy man and entered the inn.

  Could it really be Liu Zhuo?

As I thought about it over and over again, I became unsure.

  However, he quickly shook his head and drove away these messy thoughts.

  Liu Zhuo had been away for so long and probably wouldn't come back again. The group of people were so far away from him just now, so it's not necessarily wrong.

  He raised his hand and knocked on the door, and soon there were footsteps inside.

  Jiang Zhu opened the door and saw Ye Anyian standing at the door with four cute candy figures in his hands.

  Fu Zai and Ding Qiu also ran over after hearing the sound.

  Ye Anyian distributed the candy figures to them.

  The four sugar figures are all made according to their respective images. Although they are crudely made, they are still somewhat similar.

  The two children held the candy man and couldn't put it down. They turned around and ran into the house to play.

  Jiang Zhu looked at the little thing in his hand that looked a little like him, raised his eyebrows, snatched the one from Ye Anyian's hand, and put his own one into Ye Anyian's hand.

  Ye Anyian: "Why are you robbing me?"

  Jiang Zhu shook the little candy figure in his hand that looked a bit like Ye Anian: "Can't we eat it instead?"

  Before Ye Anian understood what he meant, he lowered his head and smacked the little hand held up by the candy man: "Well, it's quite sweet."

  Ye Anyian:...

  It looks so perverted.

  When he looked down at what he had in his hand, he didn't want to eat it.

  Several people stayed in Anxing County for another day. Ye Anyian found a reliable craftsman in Anxing County to renovate the shop. It would take about five or six days to complete.

  After clearly explaining their needs and things to pay attention to to the leader, they went home the next afternoon.

  The Wen family now has a shop and manpower in Anxing County, so Mr. Wen found someone to help Ye Anian and the others keep an eye on it. The two of them only had to wait until the day when the work was handed over.

Until the group left Anxing County, nothing unexpected happened.

  Zhang Ling, whom Jiang Zhu saw that day, and Liu Zhuo, whom Ye Anyian glimpsed in a trance, never appeared in front of them again.

  If he hadn't heard such words in the teahouse that day, Jiang Zhu would have almost thought that it was all his imagination.

  Fortunately, everything went smoothly in the following days. The shop in Anxing County opened smoothly. Ye Anyian hired an experienced and reliable person to visit the shop.

  The name of the shop is called Zhuyeji Toy Shop, and the goods on sale are all made by wooden workshops. Rubik's Cube, Luban Lock, Yan Jitu, and newly developed wooden puzzles are all educational toys.

  Because the store is not far from a residential area, it attracted a lot of people as soon as it opened. In addition to being popular on the opening day, it gradually stabilized after that.

  At Mufang, the manpower was gradually running out, so Ye Anyian recruited five more people.

  Wen Heng, the supervisor, has become increasingly busy. Now he not only manages the progress of these fifteen people, but also begins to learn from Yu Hu how to identify the quality of these wooden toys. I also know a little bit about assembling various wooden toys, and I am very motivated every day anyway.

  Mr. Wen finally felt relieved about his useless little son, and felt more and more that his decision to cooperate with Ye Anian was a wise one.

  After the New Year, the weather is getting warmer day by day.

  In a blink of an eye, the day came for Ding Qiu and Fu Zai to enter school.

  Ye Anyian had prepared everything his two children needed for school a few days ago.

  Pens, ink, paper and inkstones, enlightenment books, book boxes for books, and even kettles for drinking water are all provided.

  That morning, I woke up the two children early.

  Jiang Zhu has already prepared the morning meal and will only wait for the two children to finish washing before they can eat.

  The carriage was already ready at the door, and they could set off just after they had finished their meal.

  The coachman named Zhang Lu assigned to them by Mr. Wen before was a brother, because he used to work for the master's family and was still unmarried in his twenties.

  Ye Anyian asked him to live in the house, and asked Zhang Minjiang to build a wing for him to live in next to his wood carving room.

  In addition to driving the cart, Zhang Lu usually feeds the horses, cleans the yard, and helps with any work at home that he can do. He is diligent and discerning, and is very popular with Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu.

  After eating quickly, Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu got on the carriage, one carrying the child and the other carrying the book box.

  Wang Lu whipped up the horsewhip in his hand, and the car rumbled towards the town.

  When I arrived at Hongfu Academy, I found a few people already standing at the door.

  As the headmaster of the academy, Feng Mingxu was standing at the door talking to someone.

  "Brother Stone!"

  As soon as Fu Zai jumped off the carriage, he saw the stone carrying a bookcase not far away and shouted excitedly.

  When Shitou heard the shouting, he looked over. When he saw Fu Zai, his eyes lit up and he ran towards this side with his book box on his back.

"Hey! Don't run away, kid! Walk carefully!"

  Zhao Le was nagging behind him: "You're already going to the academy and you're still kicking and dancing like this!"


  Shitou realized what he was doing and quickly slowed down his pace, changing from running to walking.

  It made Ye Anyian and the others laugh.

  "Brother Shitou is also entering school today? Can we sit together?" Fu Zai went up to greet him and asked.

  Shitou was eager to sit with Fuzai, and nodded immediately after hearing the voice: "Of course."

  "However, you can't call me Brother Shitou anymore."

  "Ah..." Fu Zai was a little stunned, "Why?"

  "Grandpa said that after I enter the academy, I can no longer be called by my nickname. I have to be called by my famous name."

  Shitou looked serious: "Just like you, your name is Ye Anfu, and your nickname is Fuzai. From now on in the academy, I have to call you Brother Anfu, and you call me Brother Zikai."

  This was the first time Ye Anyian knew about Shitou's name, Zhao Zikai. It was quite interesting to listen to the two children talking seriously about their names after entering school.

  Ye Annian did not bother him, and walked over with Jiang Zhu to greet Feng Mingxu and others.

  The stone was delivered by his father and brothers Zhao Le. When they saw the two coming, they greeted them one after another.

  Feng Mingxu was also very enthusiastic: "The only children enrolled in school today are your two families. Since everyone is here, let's go in first."

  With that said, he led several people into the academy.

  Shitou, Fuzai and Dingqiu are still young and are all studying in enlightenment classes.

  Ye Annian and Jiang Zhu led Fuzai and Ding Qiu into the Enlightenment Hall, helped them choose their seats, put their things away, and then went out with the Zhao brothers.

  Classes in the academy ended at midnight, and Ye Anyian and Feng Mingxu agreed that they would pick up the two children and take them home at that time.

  In fact, Tianshui Town is not that big. It takes less than a quarter of an hour to walk from Hongfu College to their Time Shop.

  But Ye Anyian was worried and had to pick him up in person.

  While talking, the husband had already gone in to attend class.

  Ye Annian and Jiang Zhuzhan stood side by side outside, looking in through the window.

  Fuzai, Dingqiu and Shitou were seen sitting in a row, with their backs straight and books in their hands, and they were shaking their heads and reciting the "Three Character Classic" along with the husband.

  He couldn't help but sigh: "In a blink of an eye, all the children have entered school."

  Jiang Zhu hugged his shoulders and patted him gently: "In a blink of an eye, the children will grow up and we will become old men."

  Ye Annian smiled.

Jiang Zhu raised his eyebrows: "When the time comes, will you think I'm old? I'm several years older than you."

  "No problem." Ye Anyian looked into his eyes and answered seriously.

  Jiang Zhu's heart was touched, and she hugged Ye Anyian and wanted to kiss him.

  But I heard the person in my arms say the second half of the sentence: "As long as you don't collapse on the kang and let me take care of you."

  Jiang Zhu:...

  He stretched out his hand and pinched Ye Anyian's cheek and said, "Niannian, you've learned badly."

"Learned from you." Ye Annian curled his lips and took Jiang Zhu's claws off his face, "Go back and don't disturb the children's study."

  After leaving Hongfu Academy, the two of them strolled back, but they met an unexpected person on the road.

  Zhang Juan, the second daughter-in-law of the old Ye family, was coming out of the hospital with a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes in her arms.

  Seeing the two of them, Zhang Juan was stunned for a moment, then hesitated for a moment before slowly walking over.

  Ye Anyian didn't want to pay attention to her, but Zhang Juan quickly stood in front of the two of them.

  "Brother Nian, why are you two here?"

  Her greeting was very clumsy. Ye Anyian didn't respond and just asked: "Is something wrong?"

  Zhang Juan looked at the child in her arms, and then at Jiang Zhu beside Ye Anyian, hesitantly and with a hint of flattery: "I, I will take the child to see the doctor. Brother Nian, can you call Dr. Jiang to come over?" An Hong, take a look?"

  "What's wrong with An Hong?" Ye Anyian asked.

  "I can't cry." Zhang Juan said with a sad look on her face, "I saw the doctor and they said it was because I was born with it, and my brain... isn't very good."

  The two looked at each other silently, and both understood what it meant to be mentally weak.

  However, if Ye Annian didn't say anything, Jiang Zhu wouldn't respond to Ye Anhong's medical treatment.

  "Look, is there any cure?" Ye Anyian finally spoke.

  Jiang Zhucai glanced at the child in Zhang Juan's arms and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

  "The child is still young, so there may be hope, but with his medical skills, I'm afraid he won't be able to cure it. Let me hire another expert."

  "Then please hire Gao Ming." Jiang Zhu said.

  After saying that, he took Ye Anyian and left.

  Zhang Juan came to her senses and chased after her, shouting: "Mr. Jiang, I know you two and the Ye family are not going to deal with each other, but the child is innocent! You have great medical skills, just show it to An Hong!"

  "I can't see it either." Jiang Zhu stopped and glanced at her, "Wu Xianglian came to me and asked about this when the child was just born. I told her to take the child to see a doctor as soon as possible."

  "Is...is that so?" Zhang Juan looked a little stunned.

  After a long while, he held the child and bowed to the two of them: "I understand, thank you Doctor Jiang."

  After saying that, he walked away quickly.

  Ye Annian looked at her hurried away figure. For some reason, he always felt that the old Ye family was about to stir up another turmoil.

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