
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 157 Please do me a favor

Seeing Xie Xiaogong sighing seriously, Ye Annian said: "Senior Xie, actually...he is a good person."

  "Oh, oh, it's different when we get married. Now we're protected." The old man smacked his lips.

  Ye Anyian pursed his lips and stopped talking.

  Seeing him like this, Xie Xiaogong chuckled: "Xiao Yezi, you are still thin-skinned, unlike my stinky apprentice, who is shameless. If you tease him, he will retaliate ten times and won't make you speechless. Even without words, he refused to give up."

  Ye Anyian:...

  The master and apprentice really dislike each other, and I don't know why Xie Xiaogong fell in love with Jiang Zhu in the first place.

  "Hey, let's not talk about this anymore." Xie Xiaogong took a sip of the tea on the table and glanced at the closed door of the back room.

  "Little Ye Zi, old man, can I ask you something?"

  "You tell me."

  "As you can see, that brat doesn't deal with me. In fact, I don't blame him, it's the old man who I owe him."

  Xie Xiaogong wrinkled his nose: "Can you find an opportunity to tie him up so tightly that he can't escape?"

  Ye Anyian:...

  "Oh, don't worry. I don't want to beat him, I just want to give him something back."

  "Then... okay." Ye Anyian responded, "I'll give it a try."

  Jiang Zhu is very skilled and vigilant. He may not be able to do anything that even Xie Xiaogong cannot do.

  "Here," Xie Xiaogong took out a small packet of medicinal powder from his lapel, stuffed it into Ye Anyian's hand, and said in a low voice, "You can put this into his tea or food, and it will be easy."

  Ye Annian looked at the small paper bag in his hand and felt something was wrong no matter how much he thought about it: "This is it?"

  "It's just an ordinary sweat medicine. After taking it, you'll sleep for an hour." Xie Xiaogong smiled, "He trusts you, and he will definitely eat what you give him."

  "Is it really just sweat medicine?"

  "Yes," Xie Xiaogong laughed, "He is my disciple, how can I harm him?"

  Ye Anyian nodded, was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Senior Xie, do you want to... help him treat his illness?"

  "Cure?" Xie Xiaogong was stunned for a moment, "Oh, that's right. He has this old problem. He gets it every winter. He's not good at medical skills. If he can't cure it, why don't you ask me to do it? Tsk tsk."

  Seeing what he said, Ye Anyian felt relieved and nodded: "Well, I will definitely help you handle it."

  "Okay," Xie Xiaogong smiled, "Then I'll wait for the good news about Little Ye Zi."

  The door to the back room creaked, and Xie Xiaogong jumped up from his chair and rushed out of the shop without a trace.

  Ye Anyian:...

"The smelly old man is gone?" Jiang Zhu yawned and walked to the seat where Xie Xiaogong was sitting just now and sat down.

  Ye Anyian: "Yeah."

  "Tsk, you two have been muttering for so long, what did you say?"

  Seeing him approaching with a curious look on his face, Ye Anyian wanted to tease him for some reason and chuckled: "Tell me about your past embarrassing things."

  "Tch," Jiang Zhu said disdainfully, "I know that old guy has no good intentions."

  "Nian Nian, that old guy is very scheming. Don't believe him."

  "Well, I don't believe it." Ye Annian curled his lips, "It's getting late, let's go eat."

  "Okay, I happen to be hungry too." Jiang Zhu stood up and took Ye Anyian's hand.


  In a snack shop not far from Zhou Ji's pawnshop, an old man wearing a lake blue gown and neatly combed hair was sitting on a small table outside the shop, with a bowl of hot tea in front of him.

  He sat upright, but his face was covered with a veil. He didn't eat the tea in front of him, but kept glancing towards Zhou Ji's pawn shop.

  Seeing the crowd over there gathering together, noisy for a while, and then slowly dispersing, he became more and more anxious.

  As he stretched his neck to look, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder, which almost made him jump.

  Looking again, a smiling old man with white hair and a boyish face, carelessly lifted his clothes and sat down opposite him.

  "Lao Lu, why do you act like a thief?"

  "Hmph!" Seeing that Xie Xiaogong had torn off the human skin mask on his face, Yang Lu angrily pulled off the veil on his face, "If I don't do this, people will see two people appear later. Mr. Yang, I'm afraid things are going to be in chaos!"

  "How's it going? Did you see anyone?"

  "I've seen them all," Xie Xiaogong stroked his beard, "but I still have to show my face."

  He ran out secretly. He was afraid of being discovered by the prince's people. He planned to borrow Yang Lu's identity, take a look at the two children and then go back.

  However, Jiang Zhu's drug situation was not good, so he didn't care about exposing himself.

  Anyway, the dog prince pointed at him to treat his leg and didn't dare to do anything to him.

  "You, you, you," Yang Lu simply lost her temper after being tormented by him, "Tell me, you just borrowed my identity, and you judged my case arbitrarily! The prisoner almost got killed by you."

  "Zhou is doing that beast and deserves to die." Xie Xiaogong grunted angrily.

  "He committed more than that. He secretly borrowed loan money, secretly exchanged other people's jewelry during the period, and caused more than one life in debt collection."

  Yang Luzhi shook his head: "If you go down with fifty people, everyone will be gone, how can I still interrogate them? I must give justice to those who have suffered."

"Oh, don't worry." Xie Xiaogong blinked, "Lao Lu, am I such an unreliable person? As for this man, the beating is over, but he will definitely not die. I gave him a life-sustaining pill. of."

  "Huh~" Yang Lu breathed a sigh of relief, "You old guy, you are so old and you still want to scare me."

  "Hey, don't talk about this, just have tea and have tea." Xie Xiaogong chuckled.

  Old friends here are chatting and enjoying tea, but the Zhou family on the other side is in a miserable state.

  After Zhou Zaiqian was beaten, his lower body was already a bloody mess. He only saved his life with Xie Xiaogong's medicine. At this time, he was lying on the bed at home, his face pale and breathing heavily.

  Zhou Rong sat outside across a screen, wringing the handkerchief with her hands.

  Today, the Zhou family has been surrounded by government officials. The pawn shop has been raided. Her father is half dead and paralyzed on the bed. There are many government officials guarding the outside.

  She knew that the Zhou family was finished.

  She knew to some extent what her father had done, which was a serious crime of decapitation, and she didn't know if it would involve her.

  Listening to Zhou Zai's screams of "Ouch" and "Oh my God" inside, Zhou Rong felt that her head was swollen and painful.

  She threw the handkerchief on the table in annoyance and shouted: "Dashi!"

  The tall man with a bald head and a fierce look came in from outside, helped her stand up, and went outside to get some air.


  The two had lunch and took a walk around Mufang in the afternoon.

  Ye Annian taught the carpenters some skills and methods of making wood carvings, and then went shopping with Jiang Zhu.

  Tomorrow Zhang Minjiang and the others will come over to install the beams, and they need to buy some things for tomorrow's beam-mounting ceremony.

  In fact, it is just to set up a stage, offer some sacrifices such as pig heads, chickens and ducks, wine, fruits, candies, cakes, etc., then burn incense, pray for blessings, and set off firecrackers.

  Neither of them wanted to go to too much trouble, so they bought a roast chicken, a roast duck, two kinds of fruits, two kinds of cakes, two hanging firecrackers and a large bag of sugar, melon seeds, peanuts and other dried fruits.

  On the second day, Zhang Minjiang and the others came early, and a few familiar people set up the altar. Ye Anian and Jiang Zhu laid out all the sacrifices and put the incense burner in the right place.

  As the sun slowly rose, people from the village began to arrive.

  "Ah, buoyuiguoguo!"

  Yang Chi hugged Lingling and rushed over with Chen Huaishu.

  "Your little life is getting more and more beautiful as time goes by." Yang Chi said with a warm smile.

  "Yes," Ye Annian also smiled and touched Chen Lingling's little hand, "The ceremony will start in a moment. There will be sweets to eat."

  "Wow! Tangtang!" Lingling's big black eyes suddenly lit up when she heard there was candy.

  Ye Anian was so cute by her that he went into the room and took a few candies and stuffed them into Chen Lingling's hand, winked and said, "Eat some first."

Chen Lingling giggled, but did not forget to give the candy to her brother and father to eat together.

  While they were talking and laughing, Zhao Lizheng and his family also arrived.

  Zhao Le came over to chat with Ye Anyian and the others, but Fu Zai pulled the stone away as soon as it appeared.

  Ding Qiu and Chen Huaishu went into the house again to study medical skills and herbal medicine.

  Fuzai pulled Shitou to look at the newly built house. He patted his chest and said very proudly: "Brother Shitou, I will have my own house in the future. Brother Qiu and I will share one room!"

  Shitou touched his head in a serious manner and said with a pleased look, "Our lucky boy has grown up."

  Outside the courtyard, things gradually became lively. Aunt Zhang, Aunt Li, Brother Xu, and Ge Fulang all came one after another, and the courtyard was full of people.

  The ceremony began soon. Ye Anian and Jiang Zhu took the lead in burning incense and praying, and then lit two firecrackers.

  Suddenly, a crackling sound exploded in the courtyard, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

  When the sound of firecrackers stopped, Zhang Minjiang stood in the middle, holding a gong tied with red silk cloth in his hand, and struck a "dang" sound.

  He said loudly: "It's not too early and it's not too late. It's the time when Xiandong ascends the beam. When you ascend to the east, a dragon offers its claws. When it ascends to the west, a phoenix rises to the sun. When the sun rises outside the west gate, flowers bloom for thousands of miles and are fragrant for thousands of miles!"

  After the words fell, he knocked again: "Good luck!"

  After saying that, he led his eight craftsmen to pull the main beam to the roof and stabilize it.

  Next, Ye Anyian handed a thick red envelope that he had wrapped in advance to Zhang Minjiang, and then took out candy melon seeds to scatter. The children suddenly became happy and ran around to catch the candies, and the yard burst into laughter.

  Finally, there is the banquet for the craftsman, and Jiang Zhu has already gone to the main room to prepare it.

  Although there are not many dishes, there is definitely no shortage of big fish and meat.

  After the banquet was over for Zhang Minjiang, the people in the yard gradually dispersed. The two of them tidied up inside and outside. Even with the help of Zhao Nan, sister and brother Yang Chi, they still worked very late.

  There was nothing left to eat during the evening meal. Ye Annian saw that Jiang Zhu didn't look well, so he drove him into the house to rest.

  After sending away the few people who helped clean up, he went to the medicine house to make a pot of tea, and quietly put the medicinal powder given to him by Xie Xiaogong into Jiang Zhu's cup.

  The sky had turned completely dark. Ye Annian came into the room with hot tea and handed it to Jiang Zhu.

  "It's been a tiring day. Let's have some tea and rest."

  Jiang Zhu took the tea and put it on the Kang table at hand, patting the seat next to him: "You can come up and sit for a while."

  Ye Anian sat down as he was told. Seeing that he didn't drink, he didn't urge him. He just held his own cup and drank slowly.

The two of them chatted all day long, but no one mentioned that they should sleep.

  Seeing that the time was slowly reaching midnight, Ye Anyian felt that this was not going to work and when he had to think of a way, Jiang Zhu picked up the cup and took a sip.

  "Well, why does this tea have a strange smell?" He frowned.

  "Maybe...it's the smell of other herbs in your medicine house." Ye Anian said calmly.

  "Really?" Jiang Zhu was suspicious and took another sip, "Hiss..."

  Before he finished speaking, he fell down on the table and fell asleep.

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