
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 138 Dystocia

Ye Annian was startled. When he turned around, he saw Zhao Le standing behind him.

  "Why are you here?" Zhao Le asked.

  Ye Anyian: "Aren't you here too?"

  "My mother is here, so I'll follow her and take a look." Zhao Le said.

  He looked around and saw that none of the aunts and aunts nearby were paying attention to them. He leaned into Ye Anian's ear and said, "You don't know, I came here in the afternoon. Your second uncle is really dangerous this time."

  "I was screaming so loudly when I gave birth in the afternoon, but now I can't hear any sound. There are several basins of blood and blood being carried out. It's scary to see it."

  "Mother Sun and Jiang Zhu are here, it should be fine." Ye Anian said casually, not knowing what to say.

  Just as he was talking, Sun Caihe brought out another basin of blood water and passed right by Ye Anyian.

  Zhao Le pulled him to give way, and said with lingering fear: "You said that it is so difficult for this woman to give birth to a child, then let's..."

  Before he finished speaking, Ye Anyian already knew what he was going to say next.

  Although men can get pregnant and have children, it is more difficult than women.

  It seems that he and Jiang Zhu have been married for half a year. Although he is still taking medicine due to his poor health, he will not consider this issue for the time being.

  But in the future, when two people get together, they should always want a child, right? Even if he doesn't want to, Jiang Zhu should think about it.

  Ye Anyian suddenly became a little uncertain. Although I have been in this world for more than a year and have integrated well now, I still can't accept the idea of ​​a man giving birth to a child.

  During this period, he and Jiang Zhu got along quite harmoniously, and they never had any quarrels or disagreements. But if there was a disagreement over this matter, he really didn't know if he would give in.

  He was thinking wildly here, but Jiang Zhu had no other thoughts in the room.

  Zhang Juan's situation was not very optimistic. Her water broke when she was less than a month old. The baby was big and the fetal position was not correct, making it difficult to give birth.

  After struggling all afternoon, the adults lost all their strength, and even lying on the bed gasping for air was much weaker.

  Although Mrs. Sun had delivered babies to many girls and boys in the village and had quite a lot of experience, she had no choice in this situation and could only keep asking Zhang Juan to exert force.

  Zhang Juan's face was now covered in sweat, her face was frighteningly pale, and she had no strength at all.

  Jiang Zhu only stood a few steps away from the bed and took a few glances, then asked Granny Sun to come forward and rolled Zhang Juan's eyelids, then opened the medicine box, gave Granny Sun some ginseng tablets, and asked her to hold it for Zhang Juan. .

  She also taught Mrs. Sun how to massage Zhang Juan's belly and correct the fetal position, and then got up to leave.

  How could Wu Xianglian dare to let her go? She blocked the door and said kindly, "Mr. Jiang, you've already come, so just stay a little longer."

  She was secretly afraid that something would happen to Zhang Juan. After all, she had been struggling for so long and still hadn't given birth, so she was afraid that something bad would happen.

Jiang Zhu did not agree immediately. He looked past Wu Xianglian into the courtyard and caught the spot where Ye Annian was standing.

  Seeing him and Zhao Le staying together, the two of them talked together and felt a little at ease before replying: "That's okay."

  He stood in the outer room for a while so that he could know what was going on inside at any time.

  Not long after, Zhang Juan's shrill cry of pain came from the room, and along with a cry of "Wow", the baby was finally born.

  "It's a boy!" Mrs. Sun inside shouted excitedly.

  When Wu Xianglian heard this, her hands trembled with excitement, tears fell down her eyes, and she rushed in with three steps at a time.

  Now that the situation was stable, Jiang Zhu went out with the medicine box.

  As soon as he came out, everyone gathered in the yard gathered around him.

  "Give birth! Jiang Langzhong, you are really amazing."

  "Poor Juanzi, I can't even bother with it all afternoon. If I had known better, I should have gone to invite you earlier!"

  "Yes, you still need a doctor to feel more at ease when giving birth to a child."

These people were all chattering away. Jiang Zhu smiled and said a few words before walking to Ye Anian's side.

  "Are you okay?" Ye Anyian asked him.

  Jiang Zhu nodded: "Grandma Sun is behind you. Let's go home for dinner."

  He reached out to pull Ye Anyian, but found that Ye Anyian's hands were as cold as ice.

  "Are you cold? Your hands are so cold."

  Ye Annian shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, Grandma Sun's shout came from the room: "Ouch! Why is there so much blood?!"

  "Juanzi, Juanzi!" Wu Xianglian's anxious shout followed.

  Ye Anian's heart sank, Jiang Zhu had already turned around and went back into the house.

  When he entered the back room, he saw that the quilt on Zhang Juan's bed had been dyed red, and there were obvious signs of hemorrhage.

  "What should I do..." Wu Xianglian was already panicking. Seeing Jiang Zhu come in, she subconsciously stepped forward to pull him away.

  "You go out," Jiang Zhu coldly glanced at her, "Just leave Grandma Sun here."

  After saying that, he quickly opened the medicine box, took out his worn and worn needle bag, took out the silver needle, and inserted three needles into the red point on the back of Zhang Juan's hand. The bleeding immediately stopped. .

  Grandma Sun's face turned pale with fright. Seeing that the bleeding had stopped, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jiang Zhu took out another vial from the medicine box, poured a dark pill and handed it to Granny Sun.

  "Give her this pill for a while, and when she wakes up later, give her something to replenish her qi and blood that will help her digestion."

  After saying that, he stood up, picked up the medicine box, walked outside, asked Wu Xianglian for pen and ink, and wrote a prescription: "This prescription should be taken for a month."

  "Then...is that person okay now?" Wu Xianglian took the prescription and asked cautiously.

  "It's okay." Jiang Zhu said.

  He put away the medicine box and walked out. When he was about to reach the door, he stopped again and looked at Wu Xianglian: "The consultation fee is a total of ten taels of silver, remember to pay it."

  "Huh?" Wu Xianglian was stunned, and she opened her mouth to ask for relatives. She was pulled by Sun Caihe next to her, and then she came to her senses.

  "Here, I don't have time here today. I'll deliver it to you personally tomorrow."

  Seeing her assurance, Jiang Zhu didn't say much, grabbed Ye Anyian and left.

  On the way back, Ye Anyian was rarely silent. He didn't ask about Zhang Juan's situation or whether Wu Xianglian said anything.

  Jiang Zhu led him for a while, and the atmosphere was so quiet that he felt something was wrong.

Putting his arm around Ye Anyian's shoulders, he asked tentatively: "Niannian, what's wrong with you?"

  Ye Anian was silent for a while, then thought about it and said, "Is my second uncle's situation just now very dangerous?"

  "Yeah." Jiang Zhu thought he was worried about Zhang Juan, "But as long as I'm here, it won't be a problem."

  After he finished speaking, he realized what he was doing, squeezed Ye Anyian's shoulder and said, "You shouldn't be...scared, right?"

  Ye Anyian suddenly raised his head and rolled his eyes at him, but still said stubbornly: "I have nothing to be afraid of."

  Jiang Zhu saw his worry and chuckled: "There's nothing to worry about. If you don't want to have a baby, don't give birth. I don't like children."

  Ye Annian was slightly startled and at a loss for a moment: "You... really don't like children?"

  "Isn't it enough to have Fu Zai and Ding Qiu? These two children are enough for us to raise. Besides, you are not in good health, so I can't bear to part with you."

  Ye Anyian:...

  He only felt that his cheeks were hot, and he was afraid that his ears would be red by now.

  Fortunately, it was the middle of the night, and it was so dark that one couldn't even see his fingers. Only the wind lantern he held in his hand gave off a faint light. Even if the two of them were side by side, they couldn't see the expressions on their faces unless they looked closely.

  There was silence again in the night. After a while, Ye Anyian said softly: "Go home for dinner."

  Jiang Zhu narrowed his eyes and suddenly pulled her over, hugged her and kissed her hard: "Niannian, you are so cute."

  "Uh... don't make trouble!" Ye Anian struggled to break away, and his face became even hotter.

  When the two returned home, the smell of rice was already wafting from the main room.

  "Brother, Brother Jiang!" Fuzai ran out with a spatula in his hand and his short legs.

  "Why did you just come back? Brother Qiu and I have prepared the food!"

  Ye Annian and Jiang Zhu looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised.

  After entering the house, I discovered that the two children had actually prepared the meal.

  On the table were stewed cabbage and tofu, as well as a plate of golden pancakes. When the lid was opened, there was fragrant millet and pumpkin porridge.

  "Not bad." Jiang Zhu was a little surprised when he looked at the food on the table.

  "Brother Qiu taught me, and I made it bit by bit." Fu Zai patted his chest, feeling very proud, "You guys try it quickly."

  "Brother Ye, sir, eat quickly." Ding Qiu also said.

  "Okay." Ye Anyian nodded.

They washed their hands and sat down to eat.

  It doesn't matter if they eat this, they both discovered the problem at the same time.

  The pastry pancake is golden, but when you turn it over, you will find a thick paste and a dark layer underneath.

  Ye Annian peeled off the battered side and took a bite.

  Well, fortunately it's still soft on top, but a bit raw.

  Next to him, Jiang Zhu also took a spoonful of cabbage and tofu and put it into his mouth. When Ye Anyian saw it, he quickly stared at his expression.


  Jiang Zhu chewed it carefully and narrowed his beautiful peach blossom eyes.

  Fu Zai looked forward to it: "Is it delicious?"

  "Aside from the salty vegetables and the mushy taste of the tofu, it's still edible."

  "Really?" The child thought he was praising him for doing well, so he took a spoonful and put it into his mouth.

  "Ugh... bah bah! It's so salty!"

  "Why is this tofu so mushy and raw!" Xiaotuanzi cried with a sad face.

  Ding Qiu, who had not moved his chopsticks, couldn't help laughing.

  This dish ruined the whole meal.

Fortunately, the millet and pumpkin porridge cooked by the two children was just dried into millet and pumpkin rice, and they were just enough to eat with pickles.

  Tomorrow was the day to officially teach the carpenters how to make a Rubik's Cube. After dinner, the two settled their children and went to bed early. They drove the ox cart to the town as usual early the next morning.

  And the old Ye family, which had just experienced a thrilling incident last night, was blocked at the door again early in the morning.

  It was just dawn in the morning, and Wu Xianglian endured the sleepiness and got up to boil water and cook rice.

  There have been a lot of bad things going on in the family recently. Finally, the second daughter-in-law has added a grandson to the family. This is a great joy for the family.

  She took three eggs in a row from the basket, put them in the pot and boiled them.

  Zhang Juan has made a great contribution this time and needs to make up for it. As long as her eldest grandson is born fat and chubby, he cannot lose out on milk.

  Wu Xianglian was feeling happy when she remembered the ten taels of medical treatment money that Jiang Zhu had mentioned before leaving last night, and her face fell again.

  ——Bang bang bang!

  The door rang loudly at this moment.

  Wu Xianglian was startled, and when Tian Chai's hand paused, she heard people outside shouting.

  "Wu Xianglian! Open the door for me!"

  "You old Ye family are really doing evil! I will fight with you!"

My dear readers , if you encounter this type of top quality relatives , what will you do in that situation ? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENT

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