
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 133 Bet

The two of them left the shop, and Ye Annian led Liu Zhuo to find a quiet corner to talk.

  Liu Zhuo refused: "I know there is a tea stall not far away, let's go there."

  "Let's talk here, I'm still busy in the shop." Ye Anyian said softly.

  "If you can't explain a sentence or two, let's go." After Liu Zhuo finished speaking, he walked forward regardless of whether Ye Anyian answered or not.

  Ye Annian frowned and had no choice but to follow.

  The two stopped at a small tea stall not far from West Street, found a quiet spot, and ordered two large bowls of tea.

  Ye Anyian: "I can talk now."

  Liu Zhuo did not speak in a hurry, but picked up the tea bowl and took a sip first, and then said: "You and Dr. Jiang came back that day, but Chief Feng and I waited until the next day to leave."

"Fang Jinyuan was imprisoned, and Chief Fan was temporarily acting as the county magistrate. I went to see Ye Ansong in prison the next day. Guess what?"

  "If you have something to say, just say it." Ye Annian was too lazy to beat around the bush with him.

  Ye Annian didn't cooperate, and Liu Zhuo didn't care. He chuckled and said, "I'm going to see Ye Ansong. Maybe it's because Magistrate Yao is afraid that people will die in prison. His injuries have been bandaged and treated."

  "so what?"

  "I saw someone branded his face." Liu Zhuo said meaningfully.

  Ye Annian looked at him with calm eyes: "There is nothing unusual about tattooing."

  "It's not unusual. But what if the word 'bitch' is used in Ruolao?"

  Ye Anyian was startled.

  Liu Zhuo smiled: "Who do you think would ask someone to brand these two words on Ye Ansong's face?"

  That must not be Yao Jun.

  Ye Anian was sure almost immediately that Jiang Zhu had someone do it.

  Because Ye Ansong liked to call himself "little bitch" and "bastard".

  Seeing the look on his face, Liu Zhuo became convinced. He took another sip of tea slowly and then said: "Brother Nian, you are smart. You must have noticed that Jiang Zhu is not an ordinary country man. middle."

  "You came to me today just to talk about this?" Ye Anyian interrupted him.

  "Of course not," Liu Zhuo smiled, "I don't mean anything else, I'm just a little brother and I want to give you a heads up."

  Ye Annian looked at his smiling face, but felt a chill running down his spine.

  Can Liu Zhuo have such good intentions? It's funny to think about it.

  "Brother Nian, Jiang Zhu is not from the same group as us."

  "He has never told you about his life experience, has he? You have been married for almost half a year. He knows everything about you, but you know nothing about him."

  "What happens to us is none of your business." After Ye Anian finished speaking, he stood up to leave, but Liu Zhuo raised his hand and held him down.

  "Why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Liu Zhuo had a slight smile on his lips, "Or are you right in what I just said?"

  Ye Annian brushed his hand away: "You and I are not the same person."

  "Okay, okay," Liu Zhuo laughed, "I knew you would say that. But after all, he is not a fish in a shallow pit like ours. Sooner or later, he will return to his golden pond and jade stream. What will you do then?"

  He patted Ye Anyian's shoulder: "If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me at any time."

  "No need." Ye Anian refused simply, "Instead of trying all your efforts to provoke me, you should think about your own future."

  "Now that both Fang Jinyuan and Ye Ansong are in jail, you have also entered Hongfu Academy. If you really want to get a good future for yourself, you should focus on your studies and study hard for exams, instead of instigating and doing nothing. What a crooked thought."

Liu Zhuo's face flashed stiffly, but he quickly returned to normal: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. One day, you will know that what I said is true."

  After he finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave, but was stopped by Ye Anyian's words.

  "You put it that way, I'm interested." Ye Annian looked at him calmly, "Why don't we make a bet."

  "What bet?" Liu Zhuo sat down curiously.

  "You can't convince me anyway, so why not give it a three-year period. After three years, see if the other party lives up to what you expected. The loser must unconditionally agree to the other party's request."

  "Okay," Liu Zhuo also became interested and picked up the half bowl of tea left on the table, "I bet you will be abandoned by Jiang Zhu, guarding a small shop, and living with Brother Fu. "

  "Heh," Ye Annian sneered and picked up the undrinkable bowl of tea in front of him, "I bet that if you play with people's hearts, you will eventually fall into your own scheme. Maybe you will go to jail, maybe you will die miserably, in the end Nothing good will happen."

  "How vicious." Liu Zhuo smacked his lips while holding the tea cup.

  Ye Anyian picked up the tea bowl and touched it with him: "Both each other."

  Liu Zhuo drank all the tea in the bowl, but Ye Anyian directly picked up the bowl and poured the tea on the ground. He threw the bowl on the table casually, stood up and left.

  The good mood early in the morning was ruined. Ye Anian did not go back to the shop, but went to Wen Mansion to find Mr. Wen.

  Today is the day I made an appointment with Mr. Wen to select someone.

  Now Ye Anyian is a frequent visitor to Wen Mansion, and all the servants and maids in Wen Mansion recognize him.

  The doorkeeper took him directly to the front hall, served tea and snacks, and hurried to inform Master Wen.

  Not long after, Mr. Wen arrived.

  "My good nephew has arrived just in time. I have just settled the carpenters in the garden behind. Let's sit down for a while and go over and take a look?"

  "There is Master Lao Wen."

  The two chatted for a while while drinking tea in the front hall. When they mentioned the placement of these people, Mr. Wen said that he still had an unused courtyard in the town.

  Because the location is remote, the yard is empty, and the building of the house is not very satisfactory, it has been idle. If Ye Anyian needs it, it can be rented to him at a low price, and Ye Anyian will naturally agree.

  Seeing that he agreed so happily, Mr. Wen tried to bring up the matter of opening branches in other towns and counties.

  After all, although he has only taken a few orders now, now that his reputation has spread, the demand will definitely grow in the future.

  "Let's slow down this matter for a while. We'll see what happens next year." Ye Annian felt that it was a bit too fast. He had just opened his shop now.

  And if he opens a branch, he plans to open a new shop specializing in selling educational toys such as Rubik's Cube and Luban Lock. As the first shop he opened, Guangyin Shop always has some sentiments in it, and he doesn't want to create a lot of semicolons.

  The two chatted for a while, and then Mr. Wen took Ye Anyian to the garden behind.

  In this group, Mr. Wen collected a total of more than 20 people, all of whom were doing carpentry work in Tianshui Town and nearby villages and towns.

  As soon as Ye Anyian entered the garden, he saw several rows of people, old and young, standing there neatly.

  "My dear nephew, take a look. If there is nothing you like, I will look for you again."

  Ye Anyian nodded, pretending to provoke someone.

  He asked these people to first introduce themselves to their family background and basic conditions of being a carpenter.

  Based on this basic information, fifteen people were first selected.

  After that, he took out a wood-carved puppy he made and asked the fifteen people selected to make it on the spot, with a time limit of one hour.

  He himself patrolled the scene, observing the techniques and habits of these dozen people and their proficiency in production.

  Based on this on-site assessment, he finally selected ten of these fifteen people to stay.

  Among these ten people, the eldest is over fifty years old and the youngest is only over ten years old. Although their ages vary, they are all skilled in craftsmanship and have no complicated family relationships. They are all from this town and surrounding villages and towns. .

  Seeing these people all looking at him, Ye Anyian cleared his throat and began to introduce them to the place where he would work in the future.

  "The place where we work is in the courtyard at the far west end of the town. Although the place is a bit out of the way, it is better than being quiet. If you live nearby, just come on time every day. If you live far away, you can consider accommodation. There are I will arrange the house for you."

  "Ingredients will also be provided for meals, but you have to cook them yourself in the early stage. Whether each cooks his or her own meal, or everyone eats together, you can decide among yourself."

  "There will be little work in the early stage, so the salary will be set at half a tael per month. If you do well in the future, it will definitely increase. When there is not much work, rest will be arranged, and you can also take leave if you have something to do at home."

  He finished speaking in one breath and looked at the ten people: "If you have any questions, you can ask. If you don't have any, just line up and come to my place to have your fingerprints pressed. Then you can go back and start work officially in three days."

  The empty house still needs to be tidied up, and the tools and wood needed for carpentry work need to be prepared.

  They can bring their own tools, but Ye Annian needs to provide the wood. These are all arranged, and the three days are almost there.

  The ten people all shook their heads after hearing this. These people usually took on odd jobs to make a living and basically couldn't make much money, so they thought of trying their luck.

  Food and accommodation are included here, so there is usually nothing to spend, even a half a tael of silver a month is not that small.

  After everything that needed to be explained was done, Ye Anyian asked the ten people to press their fingerprints on the long-term labor deeds one by one, and prepared to go back.

  "Boss Ye."

  While sorting out the deeds, a voice suddenly stopped him from behind.

  Ye Anyian put the deed away and saw a man in simple clothes and a simple bun walking up to him.

  The young man looked about twenty-seven or eighty years old, thin, but his face was full of vicissitudes of life.

  Ye Anyian was somewhat impressed by him, because he was pretty good at wood carving, and the puppy carving was very lifelike, and he was also the fastest among them.

  "What's wrong?" Ye Anyian asked.

The brother's face suddenly became awkward: "I...my home lives far away, can I..."

  "If you live far away, you can arrange accommodation. There is no extra charge. Just remember to bring bedding and clothes." Ye Anian said, thinking that he was worried about the fees for living here.

  "No," the brother waved his hands repeatedly, "My family...my husband has limited legs and feet. I, I think..."

  "You want to bring him here with you?"

  The brother nodded in embarrassment. His family lived in a relatively remote village, and it was very inconvenient to go to and from the town.

  His husband's leg was broken and he couldn't go to the field, let alone do work. The family relied on him to pick up odd jobs from here and there to make ends meet. Fortunately, they didn't have any children yet.

  "No...it's okay if I can't bring him with me. I get up early every day and can make it over." Seeing Ye Anyian's silence, the brother said quickly.

  "You can bring him here." Ye Annian said, "But you usually take care of him and can't delay your work."

  "No!" The guy's face was filled with joy and he thanked him repeatedly, "Thank you, Boss Ye, for your consideration! I will definitely do a good job!"

  He had been looking for work in the town before, but no boss or shopkeeper had ever allowed him to take his husband with him.

  After sending this brother away, Ye Anyian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Mr. Wen came over and asked, "It's still early, why don't we go to the yard first and have a look?"

  Ye Anyian: "Let's wait another day."

  Unexpectedly, he would refuse. Mr. Wen was stunned: "My dear nephew, do you have any plans today?"

  There was no arrangement. Ye Anian pursed his lips and smiled lightly at Mr. Wen: "Jiang Zhu is not available today. I will go back and discuss it with him and we can go see it together tomorrow."

  "Oh~" Mr. Wen suddenly realized it, his face turned red, and he couldn't help but sigh, this young couple has such a good relationship.