
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 11 Dongpo Meat

For dinner, Jiangzhu made two dishes and one soup, Dongpo pork, fried bean sprouts, and stewed radish soup. The staple food was white rice.

  Originally, it was not advisable to overeat at night, but the two of them went to town for a day and ate some eggs and snacks to fill their stomachs before returning in the evening. They still had to eat better at night.

  The food was put on the table and the four of them sat down. Xiao Fu Zai hugged the bowl and stared at the bowl of Dongpo Pork with eyes wide open.

  Dongpo pork has thin skin, tender meat, and bright color. Each piece is covered with rich soup and tied with cotton thread from all sides. It is fat and plump.

  Jiang Zhu even garnished it with sliced ​​green scallions and sprinkled it on the Dongpo meat, which made people salivate just looking at it.

  Seeing his greedy look, Jiang Zhu directly took a piece and put it into his bowl, and then gave Ye Anyian and Ding Qiu a piece each.

  Then he said: "Eat quickly and taste how it tastes."

  Fuzai took a bite before he could finish his words, and was so hot that he gasped.

  Ye Annian had no choice but to pat him on the back and said, "Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

  Children are always straightforward and naive. In the past at Ye's house, he and Fu Zai couldn't get a trace of meat. Even if the family stewed meat, they couldn't take their turn. At most, they could make some steamed buns in the broth.

  This is probably the first time Fu Zai has eaten such fragrant stew since he was so old.

  Ye Annian felt sorry for this child. When he had no choice but to jump into the river, he couldn't bear to take Fuzai with him. Now that life is getting better, he is determined not to let Fuzai suffer anymore.

  He had been worrying about how to make money. This time he went to town and met the old carpenter selling wooden toys. He already had an idea in his mind.

  A simple wood carving can be purchased for fifty cents, so he can also make some gadgets and sell them on the market, which can help support his family.

  Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Zhu's voice rang in his ears.

  "Try it too."

  Ye Annian came to his senses, picked up the Dongpo pork in his bowl and took a bite. The soft, glutinous and salty taste suddenly filled his entire mouth.

  The skin of the meat is chewy and chewy, the fat part is stewed very glutinous and melts in your mouth, the lean part of the meat is clearly defined, soft and flavourful, and you can taste three kinds of tastes from one piece of meat.

  Seeing the seriousness with which he ate, Jiang Zhu knew that he had succeeded in making the Dongpo pork, so he gave Ye Annian another piece.

  He said: "Eat more. If you are too thin, you will be weak and your illness will be healed slowly. Once your body is well taken care of, the illness will be cured with only 70% of the medicine."

  "Yes." Ye Anyianjin followed the doctor's orders and started cooking.

  Four people rushed to eat, and the bottom of the bowl of Dongpo Pork was gone in a blink of an eye. The fried bean sprouts were crispy and soothing, and they were all devoured.

  After finishing the meal, I had a bowl of radish soup at the end, which was very satisfying.

  After dinner, Fu Zai and Ding Qiu took the initiative to clear away the dishes. Ye Anian wanted to take over, but Jiang Zhu took them to Yaolu.

  "Let them do this small job," Jiang Zhu pulled Ye Anyian to sit down behind the long wooden table, "We have serious things to do tonight."

  Before Ye Anian could figure out what Jiang Zhu was talking about, he saw him opening the medicinal materials they bought at Yong'an Pharmacy during the day one by one and putting them into various small medicine boxes on the medicine shelf.

Then, he skillfully took out some medicinal materials from several small medicine boxes, placed them in a dark brown medicine jar, crushed them with a medicine pestle, and boiled them on a small clay stove.

  While the medicine was simmering on the stove, Jiang Zhu started to prepare a new recipe again, and he was still as skillful as ever.

  Ye Annian just sat at the table, watching him go back and forth to prepare two more medicines. He used a brush to draw a horizontal line and a circle on the rice paper containing the medicine.

  "What are you doing with so many medicines?" Ye Anyian couldn't understand and wanted to ask.

  Jiang Zhu stood up and took down the medicine that had been boiled in the medicine house. He filtered out the medicine residue with a gauze screen, leaving only the dark medicinal juice. He took out a roll of soft white cloth from the drawer under the long table and soaked it in it.

  "This is for your ears."

  He pointed to the prescription with horizontal lines: "This is Dingchuantang for treating your cough."

  Then he pointed to the circled one: "This is for treating Ding Qiu's eyes."

  After he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and smiled: "Our family is full of sick people, big and small, and I, the medicine stove, will be very busy."

  This was not a complaint, just a joke. Remembering the sight of Fu Zai's lameness during the day, Jiang Zhu asked, "What happened to Fu Zai's leg?"

  "Ye Chenghe beat me." Recalling the past events, the look on Ye Anyian's face became colder.

  "He forced me to marry Wang Hu, but I didn't want to, so he took the stick. Fu Zai rushed to protect me and was hit in the leg."

  "How long?"

  "It's been...about half a year." Ye Anyian sighed, "Can it still be cured?"

  "Yes." Jiang Zhu raised his eyebrows to reassure him, "The child is still growing, and his bones are soft and easy to treat."

  "It's too late today. I'll show Fu Zai tomorrow."

  "Okay." Ye An agreed softly.

  At this time, the white cloth had been soaked with the medicinal juice and turned into dark brown. Jiang Zhu picked up the cloth with bamboo chopsticks, put it on a small wooden stand aside to drain the medicinal juice, and then went to Ye Anyian to make Dingchuan Decoction.

  The medicinal jar on the small clay stove started to boil again. Seeing that the medicinal juice was almost drained, Jiang Zhu walked over and sat down next to Ye Anian.

  He patted his legs and said, "Lie down."

Ye Anian already knew what he was going to do. He lay on his side on Jiang Zhu's lap like last time and turned his left ear to him.

  Jiang Zhu took the soft cloth soaked in medicinal juice from the shelf and gently applied it to Ye Annian's left ear.

  "It takes a quarter of an hour. You can squint for a while. I'll call you later."

  "Yeah." Ye Anyian closed his eyes.

  He responded softly, his breath filled with the faint medicinal fragrance of Jiang Zhu, and his heart beat faster for a moment.

  His body suddenly sank. Jiang Zhu casually took the coat hanging on the back of a chair and covered him with it.

  The summer night is quiet and peaceful, with the occasional breeze blowing and the sound of cicadas chirping in my ears.

  Ye Anian actually fell asleep without realizing it.

  I don't know how long it took, but someone tapped me twice on the shoulder, and then Jiang Zhu's voice sounded: "An Nian, wake up."

  His left ear felt warm and comfortable. Ye Anyian's eyelashes trembled. After adapting to the light, he slowly opened his eyes, still feeling a little dazed.

  He had just squinted briefly for a while, but he felt like he was sleeping soundly.

  "Then can I get up?" he asked.

  Jiang Zhu said: "It's not good yet. It will be fine after acupuncture."


  Ye Anyian's voice was still a little hoarse from just waking up, so Ye Anyian responded in a low voice.

  "Are you tired? Do you want to change positions?"

  Jiang Zhu was originally worried that his waist and abdomen would become sore if he lay in the same position for a long time, but when he said this, his taste changed a bit.

  Ye Anyian's face became hot and he refused: "It's okay, no need."

  "Let's change it. The acupuncture will take half an hour." Jiang Zhu insisted.

  Ye Annian hesitated for a moment, but listened to his words. After sitting up, he moved the chair to the other side of Jiang Zhu and lay down again.

  He originally had his back to Jiang Zhu, but this time, his whole face was buried in Jiang Zhu's arms. The faint scent of medicine came to his face, as if he was completely wrapped up, and his body was filled with the smell of Jiang Zhu. .