
The palace

當蔡仁遇見皇帝的時候,他永遠不會有新的東西。 The autumn leaves littered the dirt road of Fu Shang, the sun setting over the mountains as a young man said farewell to his village and mu quin. This was his destiny, for when the winter of his eighteenth year arrived, his innocence would be taken away by the Emperor, a man with no remorse. "Come here," he commanded. "Take off your robes." My body shaking, I stammered back, "I-I don't understand." As I stepped back, trying to escape his grasp, I hit the wall behind me. I had nowhere to go. "Please," I begged, tears gathering in my eyes. He smiled and moved even closer. Why is this happening to me? I thought in despair. His hands reached out towards my robes, but everything went dark before he could touch me.

Tashany · History
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58 Chs


When he arrived at their residence, he found Cai cradling his son in his arms. Mu Yang approached him from behind and embraced him, planting a kiss on the nape of his neck.

"You look tired." Cai remarked.

"Hmm." Mu Yang responded. "Court was stressful, but seeing you with my child in your arms, it brings me peace. I wish I could share that joy with you." he whispered into Cai's ear, gently caressing his flat stomach.

Cai's body trembled against Mu Yang's touch.

"I have summoned your mother back to the capital for you." Mu Yang revealed. Cai was taken aback, unaware that Mu Yang knew he wasn't his uncle's son. He stiffened in Mu Yang's arms, but Mu Yang continued to caress him.

"Don't be afraid, i have already reprimanded General Liu. I would like to meet your mother. She gave me this precious gift, so it's only fair that I return the favor."

Cai didn't know how to express his gratitude or respond, but he knew one thing: the path they were on would take time before they truly understood each other and before he could fully trust this emperor.

But he was resolved to stay true to his feelings and give their relationship a chance.

"I would like her to meet you too."

Finally, his heart was at peace. He could openly love this man and support him through his worries. Things might not be perfect, but Cai was learning to be happy, and that was all that mattered.