
The Painting in Time

Travelling 200 years back in time, The clock is ticking and time is running, But my heart stopped beating when I saw you for the first time. "Who is he?" "King Charles of Aslan" And that's when their clock struck midnight. A royal tale unlike any other, for those who need a new fairytale +

Emily_as_em · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: The first glance

The maids of the princess helped me slip into a beautiful victorian dress and tightened the corset on my back and I gasped and how tight it was. At the same times my long messy hair was finally combed and braided tightly and accentuated with small flowers. My eyes widened when I met my own reflection in the mirror. How could all of this happen in a matter of a few hours?

I gulped while feeling the soft fabric of the skirt on my palm, my heart was rapidly beating against my chest while my thoughts drifted to the decision I have made earlier.

The reason I accepted to be her maid was only because I was hoping to find the door which could lead me back to 2019. This would save me from getting killed and I could only find out about every corner of the castle if I would stick to one of the royalties.

When I was done changing into the dress I breathed out before stepping inside the chamber of the princess.

"Your highness I am ready" I lowered my head before lifting my eyes at her and see her nodding.

She looked at me while arching her brow before a little smile appeared on her red lips.

"This is definitely more appropriate than the unpleasant farmer clothes you were wearing.

Your first task is to accompany me while I visit my brother, the King and ruler of our nation.

Behave and prove me that I made this was the right decision to choose you as my handmaid."

She pointed her index at me while staring at my nervous face.

I nodded while scratching my wrist impatiently.

How on earth should I face a King? My heart started racing against my chest and I felt an unfamiliar heat rush through my veins while thinking about the King.

Am I really going to see a king now?

I followed her steps through the grand castle while my heart was still beating rapidly. We stepped into a big hall full of large Paintings hanging all over the golden walls.

I curiously let my eyes wander around the big hall and frown when I recognized a grand Painting hanging on the tall wall. My eyes widened and I felt how my heart fell into my stomach, it was the same Painting which also hangs in my grandfather's art room.

How can this be possible? Am I dreaming all of this?

Is my mind playing games on me?

I blinked a few times, making sure that I wasn't dreaming and the Painting was still hanging there. I placed my hand on my chest and tried to calm myself down. If my grandfather wasn't someone who only made original Paintings I would have said that the Painting in his art room was a copy but it wasn't.

My lips parted while staring at the Painting, the colors, the edges, the glance everything looked way more vibrant than the one in 2019.

I wanted to connect the mysterious dots and pieces but I couldn't. My head hurt and all I need was my bed and a warm meal to forget this all but yet again I was caught in this unfamiliar environment and guess what, I was about to witness with my own eyes a real King. Maybe this wasn't even real, maybe this was the last scene of my dream I was about to wake up but nonetheless I would have to face him before waking up.

"I am here your majesty" Ara's soft voice pulled me back from my thoughts, making me immediately avert my eyes from the Painting to the person who's large back was facing us and made me gulp. A cold shiver ran down my spine when my eyes fell upon the immensely grand canvas of mesmerizing greek goddesses he was standing in front of.

His long and red royal garment was covering his broad shoulders and his hair was dark and perfectly combed.

His dazzling but dangerous aura surrounded us immediately, rising a sudden heat inside my body which gave my cheeks a dark pink shade.

It must be a dream, this couldn't be real

"Ara" I froze when his deep voice sounded and echoed through the grand hall, awakening every cell in my body, making the blood rush through my veins as if my body was asleep all these years and just woke up by the sound of his voice.

My body tensed up immediately while my heart accelerated in a speed I have never witnessed before.

"You wanted to see me" She replied respectfully which was worlds apart from how she behaved towards her little brother.

I on the other hand couldn't even move my body, afraid how I would react if he would turn around. At the thought of this a little excitement rushed through my body.

"You are not alone" He stated deeply, making me gasp before nervously biting on my lips. His deep voice made the room feel warmer than it should and I could positively feel the shade of my cheeks changing.

I slowly dared to lift my eyes and take another glance at his broad back but something made me immediately hold my breath.

His eyes were staring directly into mine the second I lifted my head and looked at him through the mirroring glas of the canvas.

My eyes widened and my body tensed when he slowly and gracefully turned his body and revealed his unreal and prepossessing face and the dominant aura he radiated that made me shudder.

My lips parted in awe when his body was fully facing us, my eyes couldn't stop staring at his alluring and sinfully handsome face while my swollen heart was pounding aggressively against my chest which heavily heaving up and


I felt dizzy and weak while the heat increased in my body, my mind shut completely down because his alluring dark brown eyes wouldn't stop looking at me and taking my breath away.

The eyes that would be the death of me

The eyes of the ruler of Mahiron,

King Charles Williams