
the Pain of Power

okay, this is my first story, and the first time i have ever tried to write a story like this. If you have something to say to help me improve the story (without changing everything) i will gladly try to implement the changes, i will talk this as a chance to improve my writing skills and styles

neko_meow · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Hunting

"okay, i can do that"

Elenvan was confident that even she could hunt 2 small fish with a sharp wooden stick, i mean how bad can it be

under her a 6 pound fish swam by, she took that opportunity and stabbed at it...she was able to get passed the fishes scales to kill it

'why was that so hard?' Elenvan knew she wasn't the strongest or had good tools but killing a fish shouldn't have been that hard

"that is quite simple, the fish was a higher level than you" the QS answered calmly "the fish was exactly 3 levels above you, it is quite impressive you managed to kill it"

Elenvan was more surprised to learn that she is weaker than a fish than her killing it

'so.....this Level thing, how do i level up, by fighting stuff?'

"yes, to start you were at level 0, after killing that fish you have become lever 2, would you like to see your stats?"


In front of Elenvan her Stats appear


Name: Elenvan

Species: Forgotten

Level: 2

speed: 1 > 3

intelligence: 0 > 2

Magic Attack: 0 > 0.5

Magic Defense: 2 > 4

Normal Attack: 3 > 7

Normal Defense: 3 > 5

Remaining skill points: 10

Exp till next level: 20