
Chapter 1

John and his brother Joseph were packing up there stuff to move to a new house. While he was packing his stuff he saw an unusual item in his room underneath his bed he found a box. He called his little brother Joseph into the room and asked "did you put this box underneath my bed" Joseph said "no" so that scared John because he swore that nothing was underneath his bed. He opened the box .... a few spider and cockroaches were there. But that was not what he was looking at there in the box there was a page. But the page did not look like an normal page it had been tared in half,it had been burn't,it also made his room smell horribly bad. the page said "if you are reading this you are in trouble if you complete reading this page danger awaits for you thousands upon thousands of monster will appear on earth but only you can see them these monsters can harm other people and you need to stop this from happening or in seven days this planet would been captured by monsters".When John finished reading he thought this was some kind of joke or prank but little did he know Danger awaits.