
Chapter 5: The Intruder

Late at the Owl House; Luz is using her phone to film King ripping apart a ducky sock that got stuck to his nose while making narration as if it was a nature documentary.

Most students were cooing about how adorable King looked, "Seriously, what does it take for the King of demons to get the respect that he rightfully deserves around here?" King asked angrily with a huff as he has his arms crossed.

"Look at the adorable looking King of Demons all pouting like that!" Eda said mockingly to which King glared at her.

Luz asks why he called her there again and King says that she had been so obsessed with witchcraft that she doesn't know about his kind so he takes a blanked away from a board filled with pictures of various demons.

Camila and Luz notices the picture of a giraffe among them and can't help but be surprised to think that not only does at least one demon species exists on Earth but people pay to see them at zoos.

King says that demons like him are grim tricksters of the twilight; creatures of silver and bone and Luz zooms in on King saying cute little paws.

King just continues having his arms crossed crying out in anger and agitation which was not helped but people cooing over him again.

King while holding a pen says they only live to create chaos and misery and the only weaknesses are purified water and passive aggressive comments while there is a photo of a demon having feelings hurt by a Hexside student.

"That demon had it coming, it tried to eat me and my family..." muttered the student from the photo who noticed people starting to look his way and he just looked nervous.

Luz comments about them being sensitive and King retorts that even demons have inner demons. King then snows a picture of a Snaggleback saying that it's the most powerful demon of all.

"Got really disappointed when we saw one up close..." King muttered to which the students and Bump got confused as how could a real life Snaggleback disappoint? They were feared hunters who could go about the rain protected by their shells.

Luz then interrupts while adding in cartoonish signs onto the footage with her phone and King tells her to pay attention as the information could save her life.

The students as well as Camila were giggling and King shook his head, "Principal Bump, are you serious about having her ban overturned? She looks like she could be a lot of fun here in the school." Skara asked pleadingly to which the Blight Twins looked like they were doing the same and Boscha was glaring at Skara for saying this.

"Remember what I said earlier Edalyn; I do mean every single thing that you left behind!" Bump told Eda with a glare to which she blew a raspberry. No way was her pride going to suffer; Luz was better off without being amongst the brainwashed masses in that stupid school.

It was for Luz's own good that she doesn't go there, right?

Luz says that she is paying attention while putting on the paying attention face but then there were flashes outside the window with King says that it looks like it is going to rain.

Most of the audience cringed as it was never pleasant when they realised the rains were either coming or had already started.

Luz rushes to the door saying that she loves the rain and goes outside saying that she loves feeling the first few drops in her hair.

Practically all the Hexside students and Bump were looking towards Luz with their eyes and mouths open as wide as they can. "Wow Mittens, it looks like your human friend is a daredevil..." Emira said unable to comprehend what just happened. Amity didn't even bother reacting to her sister as she was too busy being wide eyed as she was glancing at Luz right next to her.

"Do you actually want to die human?" Boscha muttered shaking her head and her arms folded up.

"Are you alright, I thought that humans would be more fragile than witches?" Skara asked looking quite concerned.

"What are they talking about Mija?" Camila asked looking uneasy about the looks being sent Luz's way.

"Well Mum, the place is called the Boiling Isles for a reason..." Luz explained with Camila not liking the sound of that. "Look everyone on Earth where we humans are from; the rain is just water! Not life threatening though stay outside too long and you might get a cold." Luz explained as the Hexside students did their best to take the information in.

She glances at a flower which melts once it is hit by a raindrop and she sees Eda running to the Owl House explaining that it is boiling rain and drags Luz to the inside of the Owl House.

"So that explains why there doesn't seem to be much green plants outside of that forest..." Camila muttered looking quite terrified at the thought of being stuck in the rain in that place. Her desire to take Luz home from that place grew but then again she still seemed to be happy there with the people that she had met...

Eda says the important thing is not Luz didn't get hurt as she is lying in a heap amongst the board which had pictures falling off and has a mug fall onto her head.

"I was trying to save her life; no time for being gentle!" Eda complained to the accusing face that Camila was sending her way.

The opening is shown.

In Bonesborough; the citizens are in a panic as they run to escape the rain and Willow is seen taking her plants inside from the window sill while saying ouch from the rain touching her hair and closes the blinds.

"I hate when this happens, I have to rush to not only save my plants but not get hit by the rain!" Willow complained not liking the image of this. Boscha wanted to take pleasure in this image but she was too busy thinking about the perfectly good Grudgby practice that the rains ruined.

Tiny Nose is running about trying to get out of the rain, going through a hole and throwing out a rat with a giant eye on its back.

Camila looked to Luz to as if to silently ask for an explanation but Luz shook her head; this rat was just as much a surprise to her as it was to her mother. Perhaps it was better off not asking about this rat.

King is putting a band aid over a burn on Luz's arm as she has her hoodie up and he puts one on his nose saying they are 'boo-boo buddies'.

People were now giggling but Boscha and her friends were laughing at Luz, King just muttered at how quickly he was over the nickname. Camila pulled Luz close in response to the image of the burn on her arm to which Luz had to assure her mother that she was okay.

Luz squeals and drops sideways saying that she loves him so much.

"She doesn't look cute Amity; she gives you nothing but trouble whenever you see her so ignore how cute this is... What am I thinking?" Amity is thinking in her head in a panic.

Eda has a forcefield around her as she is outside as Luz says the weather around there is so fun, Eda says that they don't have weather they have plagues and lists the various ones that they have.

"So... I guess this means that you don't want to come visit Mum..." Luz asked hesitantly to her mother and Camila was just silent. Luz's statement about this not being a PG rated fantasy world just kept being more of an understatement the more they watch.

Eda tells them that until the rain stops no one is allowed outside that night and King gets out a book that he opens up saying that if the rain doesn't get Luz then the Snaggleback will.

"My family once had one get through the house and we had to fight to get it out!" mutters a student in fear.

King explains that they wander the rain and feeds on tourists, Eda says that her forcefield will protect them from the rains and made up demons.

People looked towards Eda with a wide eyed; "Not surprising with the reports that I had gotten about you using your demon class as naptime." Bump said with an accusatory tone to his voice as well as the look on his face. Eda shook her head as she blacked out most information that she had gotten from the school that she had deemed not useful.

Which was quite a lot.

Hooty angrily tells her to hurry up with the forcefield as the rain is getting closer; Eda uses her staff to extend the forcefield to around the house.

Most of the audience had their eyes widened realising that Hooty would more in danger of the rains due to being the house itself. Their sympathy for him grew.

Luz puts her hoodie up saying that someday she would like to be as cool as Eda the Owl lady, she then asks why they call her the Owl Lady anyway.

Some of the students muttered having gotten the story from their parents who were in attendance of the try out when the incident happened, "You brainwashed sheep want to say something then say it to my face!" Eda yelled to the students with an angry look on her face.

"So is there a story behind the nickname then?" Camila asked as Luz said to just watch, "I am just going to wait until I stop being surprised by what we see here..." Camila muttered.

"You have a long way to go Mum; I am not even at the point where something here doesn't surprise me at least once a day." Luz laughed which didn't really have the effect that she had hoped it would on her Mother.

Eda says that it's because she's so wise, Hooty says that it's because she coughs up rat bones and King says that it's because she gets distracted by shiny objects.

Eda did her best to ignore the laughs this was getting.

Eda says that she doesn't as King brings out the pen and turns on the light and charges for it as King puts his arm away and Eda lands on the ground.

The laughs continued and Eda found them harder to ignore.

Luz helps her up and Eda says the forcefield really took a lot out of her and King asks if age is really catching up to her as she is a little slow.

"I am in mighty good form for my age!" Eda ranted glaring at King's direction.

Eda responds by pulling his hat over his head.

Eda this time smirks at the laughs this was getting.

They go inside and Luz remarks that if they are going to be stuck inside the house all night then Eda won't have any excuse not to teach her magic. King asks if Luz wants to finish their lesson and that he is was going to let her scratch a demon's tummy which is him. Luz says sorry but 'magic'.

Luz was about to look apologetically at King but she shrugged it with a look telling her not to worry about it, students were cooing about wanting to tickle his tummy.

King is angry at the doorway as his hat bursts. Eda uses her magic to change into her night clothes and falls onto the couch with Luz's shadow hovering over her. Luz tries to compliment her and Eda responds by saying whatever it is no. Eda responds to another compliment saying that she is sleepy so she isn't teaching her magic tonight. Luz begs but Eda pulls her blanket over her saying no but then Luz starts clicking on the pen. Eda crawls out and Luz says to teach her 1 spell and she will give her the 'sparkle thing'.

"You sneaky conniving little blackmail runt..." Eda muttered having forgotten about this detail and didn't like to be reminded of it.

"I wonder what kind of role model that she could have gotten that allowed her to be like this?" Bump asked sarcastically to which Eda glared at his direction and Camilla took some satisfaction to it. Considering the type of person Eda was (despite her good qualities that she had seen), it was nice having her played like this.

Eda replies that she respects her cunning but she also hates her for it.

"You know that you don't hate me!" Luz says to Eda's direction and she mutters about being sick from the sentimentality.

Eda is now standing up with her staff explaining that they have power embedded in them but before one is earned a witch needs to know how to cast spells on their own.

Most of the students were dreaming of being able to get their own staffs as well.

Eda throws her staff away and says that she will show her how to create light as she uses the light spell which amazes Luz but bores King. King asks who needs another boring spell lesson when he could show her the different ways that a demon could kill her.

Camila glared at King as he tries to say that it was to know what to expect; Eda was just happy that Camila's ire wasn't directed at her for a change.

Luz asks him to be quiet as she needs to focus, Eda says that humans think that magic is made out of thin air but it's stupid and everything comes from something.

"So the First Law of Thermodynamics applies to Magic in the Boiling Isles?" Camila asked to which students looked at her wide eyed. "Too hard to explain and I am not exactly the best person to teach it myself." Camila said.

"I could teach you about the Ship of Thesus and I only needed a TV miniseries about sitcoms, witches, robots and a catchy song about the villain to teach me about it." Cornholio said as the audience jumped up from their seats for a second as they had mostly forgotten about their host/kidnapper since it had been a while since he had said anything.

Luz is asked where she thinks magic comes from and she answers from the heart; Eda says that she is right and shows her a picture of a witch's heart explaining that it comes from a sack of bile attached to a witch's heart.

Camila was grossed out and Cornholio smirked saying "so I will let you be the judge whether this is better or worse than what the Star Wars prequels explained how the Jedi uses the Force."

Luz says that it's gross and asks to keep it to which Eda says no as she puts it away.

Carmila wished that she could say that she was surprised about Luz's reaction but honestly no; it was to be expected from her.

Eda explains that the bigger the circle then the more powerful the spell and Luz asks how could she learn magic without a magic bile sack and to which Eda replies that she isn't actually sure.

"Then how did you learn?" Amity asked remembering what had happened at the Covention but Luz happy about Amity speaking to her; said just to keep watching.

Eda says that she knew that witches did magic differently in the past but never bothered to figure out how but tells Luz not to worry and she will figure it out.

Bump shook his head; how could Eda have been one of the most naturally talented and hardworking witches he had ever had as a student at his school while also being the most troublemaking and lazy in other subjects as well.

Eda is about to go lie down and Luz says that she wants her to show her how to do the magic circle again and will record it on her phone; Eda starts to do so but after the circle is done it disappears and she yawns.

Luz smiled at how much this footage ended up helping her.

She falls down and Luz is worried that her obsession with spells knocked her out. Luz goes to the door to get help but King stops her reminding her about the boiling rains and Hooty says to let her try since it will be funny. King responds by slamming the door.

"He had more than that coming this time." Camila said with an angry frown; as much as she felt sorry for Hooty and his existence, even as a joke suggesting Luz go out and gets herself hurt by the boiling rain.

Luz asks what if Eda is dead but then Eda mutters in her sleep about 'shiny thing'. King reminds Luz about Eda getting her head cut off the previous week and that Eda could survive anything. Luz says that they can't just leave her on the floor as they drag her to her room and puts her into her nest tossing away a skeleton.

"She sleeps on a nest and... Do I even want to know about the skeleton?" Camila asked sounding afraid as students were muttering more about the stories heard from their parents.

Luz apologises for pushing her and says to just let her rest. King baps her on the nose and then follows Luz.

Eda glares at King who doesn't look her way.

King has a book about demons open and draws one of the illustrations in a notebook and Luz is trying to repeat what Eda is doing on the footage on her phone asking why is she so cryptic. King puts the notebook onto her phone saying to tell her about Smoochy Pie the Sweetie Baby and he is a lot more threatening than his name implies.

Students who knew about this type of demons began muttering that no he wasn't more threatening and King muttered asking what do they know; especially compared to him not only an actual demon but the King of demons.

Luz says not now as she wants to figure out the spell but mutters about the point and King asks why she wants to learn magic so bad. Luz says that she was a nobody back home and becoming a witch is her chance to be somebody and asks if he knows what it's like to have no one take him seriously.

"Sorry King..." Luz mutters but King brushes her off and Camila pulls Luz close again upon hearing her describe herself as a nobody. Amity looks at this and looks sadly thinking about Luz and how alone she must have been at her school, they may not have the best relationship now but she could be a little nicer...

King sadly asks if he helps her finish the spell then could they finish the lesson. Luz happily agrees and King reminds her that Eda said that witches used to do magic differently so there had to be a way and he has a theory. He explains about Eda taking her special elixir everyday which gives her a boost of energy so that's where she gets her power.

"So that's why you decided to steal my elixir?" Eda muttered angrily towards King who was looking sheepish as the students muttered about elixirs not really working that way.

King says that he knows where to get some as Luz picks him up with a hug thanking him so much saying he's a prince but King corrects her saying that he is King.

People were laughing once more at this.

King goes into Eda's bedroom and notices the elixir but almost gets into a bear trap. The bear trap then has an eye and walks away on its legs.

"Give me a complete guide on everything on the Boiling Isles and I will just toss it into a fire..." Camila muttered not knowing how much more she could take.

King gets up onto the table and notices the 'elixir a day' label on the bottle and picks it up, hesitates upon seeing Eda but then walks away.

Luz is about to taste the elixir but a thunder sound causes her to drop it smashing the bottle.

Eda shakes her head and glares at King before facing Luz, "Trust me Luz, you are better off without it as it takes a long time to get used to the taste." she told her.

King asks who needs a light spell when they have tons of lamps but they go off, King explains that Hooty controls the house lights and he probably fell asleep. They then hear Hooty shrieking and Luz runs with King on her back noticing a shadow creature take down the door.

People were concerned and scared at the creature even if most suspects what is up.

The creature goes away outside as Luz checks on Hooty and King checks on the scratches. King says that he thinks it's a Snaggleback as Luz asks whoever could survive the rain outside. They hear a sound and looks up to see the shadow entering through the window shattering it.

Camila was frightened as she took Luz closer refusing to let go.

Luz finds it terrifying and asks King why he looks so happy, King says that it could be a lesson. Luz asks if he wants to go towards the creature and says no way, King asks what if Eda gets eaten with her up there and defenceless because Luz knocked her out.

"You were willing to walk into an obvious trap for me so I had to do my part to save you Eda." Luz told Eda who looked flattered that Luz would ultimately do this for her.

Luz puts on kitchen gloves, they get pillows strapped to their chests, Luz gets a hockey stick and King picks up a plush toy with a button for an eye.

There were giggles as Bump sighs making a mental note to talk to the demons class teacher when he leaves this place; if he planned on having Luz as a student then she had better be taught on how to better prepare for an encounter with a demon.

Luz uses her phone for a flashlight as they go up the stairs. They check Eda's bedroom to see no one is there and the window is shattered, Luz picks up a shredded torn up pillow from Eda's nest.

Camila still had her daughter close to her and Luz had to keep whispering that everything turned out alright. "Wait what did happen to Eda; she couldn't be that thing... Could she?" Camila whispered getting a thought and a look from Luz pretty much confirmed it.

Luz asks King what to do since he is the demon expert and he goes to get his demon book. King comes back with the first and second editions but then notices that Luz is not there.

This did nothing to stop Camila from holding Luz close to her; Amity was wondering what could have her parents concerned enough for her saftey to actually hold her close instead of doing something like having a spell to seal her into a circle to keep her safe without only offering words of encouragement that she will be okay to her necklace.

He goes back to chase after the creature thinking that the snaggleback got her and sees a door closing with a shoe outside. He goes in after picking the shoe up and notices shadows of feet behind some curtains and pulls them back to reveal a Snaggleback hiding looking scared.

Students were wide eyed as they thought that Snagglebacks were scarier than this one.

He apologises saying that he just needed a place to hide from the rains and King asks why he broke down the door and took Luz to which the Snaggleback said that he didn't do any of the stuff that he only just now snuck in through the window.

This frightened them and Camila could not help but think that this was becoming more and more like an old horror movie that she and Luz would watch at night on the TV.

There is a thud and a claws comes in and picks the Snaggleback up through a hole in the ceiling. King hears thuds and looks behind him as the door opens and the shadow of the creature is behind it.

People were becoming more and more freaked out, "Wow, I spent that night just thinking about my plants being safe while you had to deal with all this Luz." Willow asked concerned along with Gus but she just said everything was alright as she was still held in her mother's grip.

The creature then puts down the Snaggleback's shell and roars.

More and more students were becoming afraid by this.

King is terrified as the creature comes closer, the creature then misses King as it slashes and king makes his escape through the door.

The creature then chases King through the hallway as Luz's arm reaches out and pulls King in. King asks where Luz went and she explains that after she found King gone she had tripped and lost her shoe and gets it back from King. King notices something stuck to Luz's foot and then finds a piece of a label saying to keep the curse at bay. King then from his collar takes out the label from the bottom and puts them together.

This was only confirmation from the suspicions of the students who were muttering. "Wait, at the beginning Cornholio said to Eda that these episode would reveal who cursed her... Is this what he meant?" Camila asked finally losing her grip on Luz to which Luz motioned that she guessed so.

"That's right, you did say so when will I find out who cursed me so I can curse them back in my own way?" Eda asked facing Cornholio's direction.

"You will have to wait until the penultimate episode of this 19 episode season." Cornholio replied and Eda started doing the math in her head as the audience realised they are going to be here for a long while. Eda jumped out of her seat when she was done.

"You mean I have to wait until 14 more of these things and since they are like almost 23 minutes by my guess then that's over 5 hours!" Eda complained and Cornholio smirked to her.

"You waited most of your life trying to find out who cursed you so what is over 5 hours?" Cornholio replied and Eda grumbled about him having a point as she went back to her seat.

Luz asks what King is trying to say as he says that the creature is Eda as the claw of the creature's claw crashes through the door.

The creature could now be clearly seen looking like an Eda and owl hybrid, Eda comes closer and is about to slash them when Luz drops her phone and the flash and Luz takes the distraction to pick up King and escape.

There were muttering and took the appearance in; they heard the description from their parents but to see her like this in the episode. "Again, if you have something to say then say it out loud to my face!" Eda yelled to everyone.

They are hiding behind a stone platform with plotted plants on it with Eda about to find them. Luz takes a can with a plant in it and throws it causing Eda to go away in another direction.

"I hope nothing happened to the plants... Not that I am not concerned about you all of course but I know that you got out of there alright..." Willow said correcting herself but Luz laughed saying that she knows what she meant.

Luz asks what happened and King says the elixir prevents Eda from turning into that, she's turned into a nightmare and it's all her fault.

"You admitted it at least King but it was probably something you should have known earlier." Eda told King shaking her head.

King apologises saying that he just wanted her to be into demons like she is into magic; he doesn't have many friends and no one pays that much attention to him.

Students were awing sadly at King and he just sighed happy having people appreciate him.

Luz asks him to finish the lesson as she shows the pen saying who knows more about demons than the best teacher in the world.

"Well King, you got to be Luz's teacher just like you wanted." Eda reminded King with a smile and he pauses before realising that she was right and took great pleasure in that.

King hugs her and then starts drawing Eda's face on a leaf and explains that demons with black eyes are usually sensitive to light; Kings tell her to use the phone. Luz says that she can't showing that her phone's screen is cracked and King asks about the light spell and Luz says that she can't draw circles in the air.

Luz looks at the footage of the spell circle on the phone but notices a shape pattern forming in the circle in the video, she takes a leaf and King gives her the pen as she traces the pattern in the circle. She taps it and it forms a light glyph that she takes in her hands and is excited about having just done magic.

Most of the students were amazed upon seeing the technique that she had learned; including Bump who never thought to see something like that. "I can teach you the symbol myself Mum so that you can do magic yourself if you want." Luz offered Camila and she smiled though she was happy being a down to earth nurse; not that she wasn't proud of her witch daughter of course.

King tells her that they can't stop her with a light that small as they hear Eda's roar; Luz says that she has a plan and King fist bumps her but says that he is over the nickname of 'boo-boo buddy'.

People were laughing at this having been reminded of the nickname.

Eda is looking and smelling through front door room but then sees King clicking the pen and it has the light on, Eda looks at it and charges chasing King through the hallway. Eda slips on some books and crashes, Luz puts a blanket over her as Luz finishes using a red crayon to draw a giant light glyph on the wall.

"I am probably the first parent happy to see their teenage daughter drawing on walls..." Camila realised knowing how weird it sounds out of context of this particular situation.

She taps it and the giant light disorients Eda, she wakes up to find herself almost back to normal in her nest with a tube connecting her mouth to an almost empty bottle of her elixir. She takes a sip causing herself to be fully back to normal and barfs up Snaggleback without his shell who says he is just going to lie there for a minute.

People were grossed out by this, "Did you barf up the puppeteer as well?" Edric asked curiously as most students didn't want to hear the answer and were just disgusted by what they had just seen. Camila and Luz were feeling sorry for the poor creature.

Eda picks up the bottle saying that she was looking for it and King explains that they found an extra one in her closet. Eda is angry about him stealing her elixir and was about to threaten to break every bone in her body but King silences her and shows Luz in the corner creating light glyphs with the paper in the notebook.

"It wasn't exactly me teaching you how to do it but you figured out how to do it kid." Eda said with a big smile as she was proud of her student.

Eda is amazed and King says that he messed up a bunch of things back there and apologises; Eda replies that he had better be sorry since she has a disgustingly long list of chores with his name on it but it's not entirely his fault.

King muttered about how long it took to go through those chores that he was assigned.

Luz comes closer and Eda explains that she hadn't been completely honest with the both of them; Eda explains that when she was younger she was cursed with her not knowing how exactly it had happened and all she knows is that if she doesn't take her elixir then well that is why people call her the Owl Lady.

Most of the students were muttering, "Do you all know about this? How?" Luz asked.

"Probably from their parents; it was at Hexside when it happened... on my last day in fact; I had decided to forfeit a duel with my sister with a spot in the Emperor's Coven on the line since I wasn't all for the Covens anyway and being in the Emperor's Coven was all that Lily wanted. I transformed, ran away and that was the beginning of the life that I lead right now." Eda explained and Camila had her eyes widened at this.

To have that happen to her...

Eda says that no one likes to be cursed but if you take the right steps then it's manageable. Luz asks if she is okay to which Eda replies that there is nothing for her to worry about as it's all under control and as long as no one tries to steal her elixir then she is fine.

Edric and Emira were muttering to eachother, "Attempt what you are talking about; no really, I dare you!" Eda warned them with fire in her eyes which scared them and Amity couldn't help but chuckle at this. She went back to her straight face but not before Luz noticed that.

Eda compliments Luz on a human doing magic and Luz says that she had some encouragement from a great teacher. They hear Hooty shouting asking if anyone was there and if he is cold on the floor, Luz tells her to stay in bed as they both of them will take care of Hooty. Luz picks up the Snaggleback saying that she will set him free.

"They were both alright as can be but I think the poor Snaggleback will have mental scars that will last forever..." Luz muttered and Eda was thinking that it wasn't the oddest thing that she had eaten while transformed.

Eda lies in her nest falling asleep but dreams of being in front of a door as she asks for it not to be this memory again, the door opens and there is a shadow with two big eye holes and Eda calls the shadow the one that cursed her asking who it is.

"Just you wait you... over 5 hours and I find out whose face I have to set fire to... Probably someone from school who took a grudge too far..." Eda muttered with fire in their eyes which freaked the people around her out.

She wakes up and Luz is putting band aids over the scratches on the door which is set back up. Luz welcomes Hooty to the 'boo-boo buddy' club and Hooty is excited to be a part of something.

People were giggling at this.

Snaggleback is telling King what was in her stomach as King is on a giant notebook and shows that he was drawing a picture of Owl monster Eda. The Snaggleback saying that King's book is filled with all sorts of interesting things and picks up the book which is open on the section on Snagglebacks. Snaggleback is excited about being one of the strongest demons on the Boiling Isles to which King says that he will have to edit that which saddens Snaggleback.

"Wow King, that is cold..." Luz muttered and Willow and Gus agreed.

"Okay everyone; let's have a short break..." Cornholio said popping up an entire buffet table with food and beverages from both the Boiling Isles as well as Earth.