
Chapter 42: Eda's Requiem

Eda is checking her list at her desk asking if she missed anything and says that she changed as she gets the Grom photo of her, Luz and King that was hanging on the desk mirror, she then says that it's worth it.

"You definitely have changed for the better Eda." Bump smiles as Eda with looks of agreement as she mutters about it getting all sappy in there.

Eda hears Luz and King and then opens the window to look outside and smiles as she watches Luz and King doing excercises on Eda's staff as it is slightly above the ground.

Giggles at this.

Luz then asks King what is the first thing that he is going to do when he meets his dad; Eda watches as King says that when they are done training he is for sure going to move out of the closet and then ugly cry hard.

"Wait... Will you be leaving King when you find your dad?" Eda asks and King looks away thinking that he probably will want to do that. There were looks of sympathy to her and she yells "don't look at me like that! If King wants to leave then that's fine! Can we change the subject please?"

"How about we change the subject to how apparently you have King sleep in a closet?" asks Camila with a glare and her arms folded and Eda huffs.

Luz asks Eda about his decision to leave but he tells her to shush as they look up and the window is closed. Eda listens as she is lying on the ground hearing King saying that he is not ready yet and isn't sure how she is going to react.

"I will be just fine..." Eda mutters and the audience gave her more sympathetic looks as King looked guilty.

Eda then goes to the window saying that everyone is leaving even King as she picks back up the photo, she says that she isn't no substistute for the real thing as she opens up a chest to put it in.

"Eda; what we have been through is real!" Luz tells Eda and King nods as Eda just refuses to look their way.

Se then notices a mandolin in it as she then puts the photo in her hair and says nothing like a good distraction as she takes it out and starts playing with music magic around her lifting things and her hair up in the air surprising her.

"Been a long time since you used that huh Eda?" Lilith asked and Eda was silent as the Bard Track students were in awe.

She is wondering if her magic returned as the objects then drops, she says guess not as she puts it back in the chest moaning about her curse as she closest the chest. However a plan that was knocked down turns black and starts smoking.

The audience didn't think that this was a good sign.

The opening is shown.

On top of a cliff Luz has King on her shoulder and Eda's staff as she flies down and directs herself around the rocks.

"Looks like you definitely have gotten better than the last time you used my staff to fly; plus making up for not having one of your own yet." Eda smiled at Luz who smiled back.

Eda is writing down stuff listening to a live announcement from the Emperor's castle that in light of Scooter Crane's retirement; the day's ceremony will confirm Raine Whispers as the the next head of the Bard Coven.

"Raine? I thought I had recognised them in the last episode!" Lilith shouted out loud surprised and Eda was as well.

"I didn't think that they could get to being a Coven Head with their stage fright?" Eda questioned.

"Is this the same Raine that's your ex?" Luz asked excitedly for details and Eda sighs as she then nods.

Raine is shown with their hooded cloak asking if they have to be on camera and told just to say something, they then nervous turn around and put their hood down nervously saying that they are honored to work with Emperor Belos in preperation for the Day of Unity getting their speech wrong and panicking and then ends up running with Darius saying to cut the feed.

"Wow... That was something..." mutters Skara and the audience nods thinking that Raine did look endearing as they tried to deal with their stage fright.

"I relate; I have stage fright as well..." said a Hexside student with others nodding along.

"Wait... Raine is a Coven Head who was there last episode... So they know about the Emperor's plans for the Day of Unity and is going along with it?" Eda asked not liking the sound of that and neither did Lilith.

"Well it's not like any of your past exes have been any better... Ow! Come on Eda!" King protested after being bonked on the head by Eda.

Eda asks how are they supposed to be Head Bard with stage fright but then King and Luz enters with King apologising and Luz says that it's okay and asks Eda if she has another backpack that she can borrow since this one kind of gotten thrown up in.

"We didn't need to know that..." moans Luna along with most of the other audience.

Eda tells her closest with Luz going away and asks why is so so interested in flying and asks if she is giving up on returning to the human realm and suppose that she can stay there for a little longer, Luz says that she is still going home but keeps running into setbacks.

"Trying to hide how much you don't want Luz to leave?" teased King as Eda refuses to look his way.

It's shown Luz trying to get the Echo Mouse to come out from underneath a seat with a carrot and he goes onto her lap saying that it is safe there but then Hooty comes and gobbles him up trying act like he was her guardian.

"Hooty! Bad! No eating important mouse that holds secrets to me finding a way home and a mysterious human who was in the Boiling Isles long ago!" Luz yelled as people were once again freaked out by Hooty.

Lilith gives a look to Hooty who then apologetically says "sorry Luz..."

"Let's hope that you never dare eat anything else important that could lead to the discovery of a big mystery..." King scoffed.

Luz says that she was able to get the Echo Mouse back safely but he needs to recover. King says that in the meantime this weekend is the Gland Prix showing the pamphlet; Luz says that Hexside, Glandus and St Epiderm race to win glory, honor and King says fame. King says that winners also gets an interview with the Boiling Isles news, Luz says that they are going to enter the competition and get King on camera to send a message to his dad.

"A most exciting event even if I could never hear the end of it from that St Epiderm clown when it was a student of that school that won last year!" Bump mutters as the Hexside students were excited.

Eda tries to look supportive saying that it's great, King then says that there is something that he wants to talk to her about and think it's time and Eda interupts saying to leave the talking for later saying that if they want to win then there is no time to talk and they have got to go practice now. Luz asks King if he wants to head out while his tummy is empty and King says okay with them leaving.

"Trying to stall as much as possible aren't you Eda?" accused Lilith shaking her head as Eda just grunts.

At Grimgrub's Pub, has her head on the counter with a carton of Apple Blood saying that she doesn't want to hear him say it, she is finally getting used to having people in the house and whoosh ripped out from underneath her. The bartender Kevin says that he gets it, everytime she comes in there he thinks that maybe she will pay her tab this time and she then drinks from her carton.

"Out of curiousity how much is your tab there?" Luz asked as Eda laughs nervously.

"Are you really drinking from that carton? Looks like a kid's one here in the human world?" asked an incredulous looking human teen.

She then hears a witch telling two Emperor's Coven members to back off and one of them says not to fret and she is helping this Wild Witch find her place in society, she protests that she doesn't want to join a Coven and Eda puts her carton down.

Glares at the screen, "I now feel ashamed wearing this..." mutters Steve with his arms folded.

Eda goes out telling Kevin to put it on her tab with him moaning and tells the Emperor's Coven members to let her go and they retort to back off since no Coven wants a powerless witch buit one ends up getting punched by her asking how is that for powerless with civilians saying 'ooh'.

Eda smirks as the audience does the same 'ooh' saying as in the episode.

Eda braces herself as the one she punched readies a spell but Raine in a mask uses a spell to cancel it out. Then BATTs members uses their magic to lift stuff in the air, Raine says to look at the Emperor's lackies trying to and asks if they really have to say it with Katya saying that they all agreed on the script.

"That's Raine isn't it..." Luz asks and then there is Eda and Lilith nodding at the same time shaking their heads at Raine's disguise.

"Looks like they are fighting the Emperor's tyranny in secret!" Willow smiled.

Raine continues saying trying to mute the music of their hearts with them blushing and is embarassed. Eda looks on as Raine continues with the speech about weakening magic by forcing witches into Covens against their will with the other Emperor's Coven member calling it blasphemy.

"I am kind of on Raine here; this speech is pretty bad and I doubt any actor could pull it off..." said a human drama student.

Raine says blasphem-you and Amber calls them a natural and the magic goes against the two with Raine saying that they take their magic, restrict their knowledge, say that they do it in the name of unity but what they really want is control and what they say about that is shove off with the two members being forced to run off through the trash.

The audience laughed at this.

Tiny Nose asks who they are and Raine explains that they are the Bards Against The Throne aka but the punched Emperor's Coven member puts on earmuffs saying surrounded and thent here are more with ear muffs but Eda opens up a sewer lid whispering to them. Derwin creates a magic fog to distract them as they escape and the punched Emperor's Coven member puts down his earmuffs in anger.

There were sounds of relieved that Eda rescued them; "Their little group should have spent more time on an exit stategy and less time on otheir script." laughed Eda.

Eda leads them out of the sewer helping them out and gives a word of advice that next time that they put on a performance like that then make sure that they have an exit strategy. Katya thanks her and asks how could they ever repay her and Eda asks to join their little team much to their surprise, she may not have magic but she is an agent of chaos.

Eda smirks at her own description.

Raine says sorry but they are not accepting new members and Eda pushes their mask off asking if that is any way to treat an old friend and they glare at her.

"I don't think anyone would ever be fooled by that disguised!" laughed Eda but then noticed Hooty was open mouthed.

"I don't believe it? The leader of those rebels was Raine? I am so shocked..." Hooty mutters as there were sighs at this.

Eda asks if the head witch at the Bard Coven likes pretending to be a rebel and too bad they are not very good at it, Raine looks embarassed saying that she is embarassing them in front of their crew much to their shock.

"Sounding like a kid being embarassed by their parent in front of their friends!" Camila pointed out amused.

Raine tells their crew that the Owl Lady is an old friend and they unmask with Katya saying nice to see her again, Derwin asking if she is going to join their group and Amber says that she doesn't seem like a good fit to her.

"Wait! Hold on, isn't that... The witch at the Conformitorium who was shipping food?" Luz shouted out loud recognising her and their eyes widened.

"I... Completeley forgot all about her..." Camila muttered with similar agreements from the rest of the viewers.

"Wait Little Nose was there as well and she was in the crowd when the BATTs were doing their thing; you think that they ever got in touch?" Gus asked and most shrugged their shoulders.

Raine says that she was the one who inspired them to make the group much to Eda's shock, Raine explains that it was a while ago and then it flashbacks to young Eda telling Raine that she knows why they are really there and Raine replies that they have no idea what she is talking about. Raine asks who cares about a stupid performance and this is more fun, Eda says whatever they say getting her manolin and Raine says that she would be a mess without them. They are embarassed and Eda plays Raine's Rhapsody with the magic activating, Eda says that they can't run from their fears forever which is why you have got to get the jump on them and give a whack right to their face.

The audience especially the bards were in awe at Eda's playing and she mutters telling them not to be all mushy with her.

Raine thought that she was just joking around, they only learned what it meant when they started teaching the Bard Coven. The Emperor prioritised recruitment through force and anyone who refused to fall in line disappeared well they weren't going to stand for it so they took matters in their own hands. They carefully moved up the ranks and they found people who wanted to change things like them and that's why they formed the BATTs.

"Wow Eda, you inspired your ex to form a revolution and be like Robin Hood." Luz muttered smiling and even Camila looked impressed along with most of the audience. Eda smirked with her arms folded. Luz then muttered "Raine being all nervous and adorable but so cool wanting to fight Belos's regime from within and creating their own resistance group! So cool..."

"Why thank you Luz but I must say that what's cool is what you have already accomplished at your young age." said a voice making everyone jump by surprise and Eda was open mouthed to find Raine now in the empty seat that was next to Eda.

"I was going to wait until the end of the episode to bring Raine here but I thought why not right npw?" Cornholio said grinning with them looking.

"I should have expected who this seat would be for..." Eda muttered but smiled at Raine who smiled back at her. "Nice to see you again after so long Raine." Eda told them and Raine blushed.

"Likewise Eda and I hope to get to meet the rest of you here after watching you in my private screening; Gus, Willow and aren't you Luz's mother?" Raine asked looking around and Camila smiled at them nodding. The audience looked at them in awe especially the bards. "Hello Lilith..." Raine muttered looking at her who sighed knowing that they would know now that she was responsible for Eda's curse.

They then got up to see Luz and Amity in the front row and said "Ms Blight, nice to see you after everything that had happened... You both sitting together..."

"Don't worry Raine; they got together after the Grom episode so don't worry about them being oblivious lovestruck idiots out of the episodes at least!" Eda yelled and the young couple glared at her while Raine looked relieved.

"Wait; you're Eda's ex? I have so many questions and I don't think I will ever get a chance to talk to Eda's ex husband..." Luz was up on her feet as Camila gently had her sit back down.

"There will be plenty of time for that in the next intermission so please give them some space." Camila lightly chided her and Luz nodded saying sorry to Raine.

Raine just laughed as they returned to their seat but thought of something and looked at Raine asking "what's this about an ex-husband?" Raine asked but Eda yelled to Cornholio to continue with the episode.

A shadow of an Emperor's Coven member is seen up at the above castle and Raine silently motions for them to leave and offers Eda hand saying that if she have got nothing to lose then they could use the help and Eda red faced accepts it.

"Well we have more allies to fight against the Emperor now." smirks Eda along with Luz and her friends.

Luz and King are doing push ups with Eda's staff and Hooty holding onto King's tail with his beak and Luz gets up telling King that the Gland Prix is the day after tomorrow and asks if he is ready. King says he has got the jitters as Hooty puts him down, he then says that he still isn't able to talk to Eda and Luz tells him not to worry since she has just been busy that week. Hooty says that he always got Uncle Hooty's shoulder to lean on and King pushes him back running away saying that he doesn't have any shoulders and Hooty chases saying to lean on him.

There were freaked out looks and King glares at an oblivious Hooty.

Eda walks out holding documents and in her cloak with Luz riding on Eda's staff saying that King is still waiting to talk to her and she replies maybe later. Luz gets off and says okay and asks if she will meet her at the Gland Prix and promises that she will be there while King is seen still being chased by Hooty.

"Okay I have been waiting patiently to join everyone here so I can ask this but... It isn't just me that thinks that Hooty is just weird and gross to think about? He is just unnatural and uncomfortable?" Raine asked the crowd and they all nodded and gave looks of agreement. "Oh thank the Titan, I was afraid that I was alone in this..." Raine sighs with relief.

"Something tells me that I should be offended but I am not." Hooty said happily.

Eda puts down a map to the BATTS members saying homemade maps to every nook and cranny in the city, Raine says the situation is that Emperor Belos wants every Wild Witch in a Coven before the Day of Unity, Derwin explains that he is trying to steal as much magic as possible and they don't know why, Raine says right now they should just focus on helping those that they have captured and the next raid takes place in three marked spots. Katya asks at the same time and what do they do and Eda tells her not to worry as mama's got a plan and Amber protests that she isn't their mum.

"Yeah; she is Luz and King's second mum!" Gus points out to laughs and a grunt from Eda.

Eda explains that as the first team rounds up witches on Hexen Road then Amber will sneak in and take them out as this is shown but Amber says fine, her magic causes the rider of the carriage to fall asleep as well as the other Emperor's Coven members.

"Doesn't get any better after I leave..." scoffs Lilith shaking her head at the incompetence at bay. Suddenly becoming the head of the Emperor's Coven isn't as much an achievement as she thought it would be as a child.

Eda explains that before anything calls for help Detwin and Katya will distract the second team by Skinford Avenue and Derwin says that they can do it, they are shown being chased by Emperor's Coven members and the captain is asked about and Eda says that's where Raine comes in. Raine is seen using their magic to wrap the captain up in his cape and Raine says that as long as they don't need to make anymore speeches.

Raine is embarassed as there is giggles at this.

Eda says that if everything goes well then she will be guiding the escapees outside Bonesborough as she is seen opening the carriage door for the captured Wild Witches. They are being seen escourted out of a sewer as Eda says that Belos has less reach outside the city and it is shown on top of the wall Raine and Eda being embarassed as they look at eachother.

"You two grown witches are a bunch of embarassed teenagers!" laughed Willow much to the embarassment of Eda and Raine as others join in, "I mean you two are pretty much just like Luz and Amity!" Willow said as said couple glares at her but their cheeks are red.

They are seen walking together as Eda says that she can't believe that it's already morning, Amber says that she isn't tired yet, Katya tells her to calm down and they laugh together.

"Beggars can't be choosers when you were putting your team together huh Raine?" Eda asks them and Raine laughs awkwardly.

They go to their headquarters with Amber calling Eda amazing, Katya dragging Derwin in with him on her shoulders, Katya says that they actually helped people this time and Raine goes to their bed. Eda calls them Rainestorm and Raine says that they haven't heard that in a minute and Raine says that they had gotten so strong that it's incredible and asks how did they become Head Bard with their stage fright. Raine says that they are just that good and asks about her and if she still knows any Bard spells, Eda says that they remember the curse and it messes with her magic.

They remembered that from earlier and wondered how it will come into play this episode.

Raine uses a spell and it summons Eda's manolin in her arms and Raine asks how did she become the Owl Lady with her stage fright. Eda is embarassed and says that they asked for this as she plays with the magic lifting things up and turning them black and turning to ashes. Eda says Raine's Rhapsody and more like Eda's Requiem is she right as Raine gets up.

"The title said out loud..." Cornholio laughs to himself.

Eda passes the manolin to them and says that she will leave playing to the professionals and to call if she needs them, Amber says bye to Mummy Eda.

There were laughs at this; "You are now pretty much collecting adopted children, aren't you Eda?" asked Bump as Eda glares at him.

Raine puts down the manolin and looks at the papers with pieces turned to ash.

Raine was interested in this as well as the audience.

At the Gland Prix two students are seen taking a selfie together, Bump talks to the principals of the other two schools and Eda is there with Luz embracing her saying that she is so glad that she made it with King close by with Eda's staff.

"Looks like you kept your promise to be there Eda." Lilith said with a smile and Eda glares at her.

"Why do you say that as if it's a surprise and the expectation will be that I was unreliable?" Eda asked and Lilith smirks at her.

"Takes me back; I do miss these bonding sessions with you both." laughed Raine.

"Oh my Titan... Luz in that uniform..." Amity thought with her cheeks red.

King really wants to tell her something before the race starts and Eda kneels down saying that if it's so important then they can talk about it after the race when he wins and King says okay.

Raine looks as Eda judgingly as she just looks away arms folded.

Perry and Gus welcomes the audience to the Gland Prix, Perry explains that the contestants will fly down the right arm to Cubital Valley with speed, cunning and and magic to race to the checkpoint and back to the finishing line.

Perry and Gus smiles as they think about getting to call this great event together.

Perry says that the winners will get their names etched on the Cup of Ephemeral Glory and the cup says that all victory is fleeting.

"At this point I have no reaction to this and I hate it!" mutters Camila arms folded hating once again how much she is just getting used to whatver the Boiling Isles puts her way.

Perry continues on saying and an on camera interview seen by everyone watching across the isles as King is seen looking nervous as Luz tries to assure him with a smile.

King is looking nervous and Luz gives him the same smile.

King is on Luz's back as Perry starts the race with them racing off; the demon sitting next to Eda is cheering on her baby and asks Eda which one is her's, she then slaps Eda on the arm saying that it's so exhilerating.

Eda shakes her head at this.

Eda then has a raven phone call from her hair and answers it with Raine saying that they have got another tip on another raid, they know that she's busy but Eda says that it's fine and she's on her way.

Luz and King looked at Eda dissapointed with more looks at her, "At least you are bailing on them to help people oppressed by a tyrant but still..." Camila said with a sad sigh towards Eda.

"Uh... Why did I have to get attached to those kids..." Eda muttered as Raine smiled at her.

"I would have understood if I knew the full context and you had decided to stay." Raine whispered to her.

Half of the BATTS jump over a broken bridge in a forest, Raine magically gets their violin saying that this should be the spot and plays shaking the trees but nothing is happening. Raine says that something isn't right and then the three BATTS members are caught by abomination goo and then Darius appears forming himself from goo saying that it feels better and then Emberwolf crawls up from the bridge.

There were gasps of shock and glares at the screen, "Wait, I recognise them from the announcement and I think that I saw them in the last episode at the beginning so are they Coven Heads?" Luz asks and Raine sighs.

"Darius the head of the Abomination Coven and Eberwolf the head of the Beast Keeping Track Coven." explains Raine with a sigh.

"Darius is so pretty; why is he a henchman for the Emperor?" cried a Hexside student.

"Doesn't Eberwolf look like the werewolf girl from Scooby Doo and the Ghoul's School?" asked one of the human students.

"My favourite Scooby Doo movie even if agree that by a wide margin that Zombie Island is the objective best one." smiled Cornholio.

"Wait... Abomination magic can let you shapeshift? Can this explain partly what is going on with Belos as we saw in the last episode?" Hal asked and there were looks from the Abomination students.

"I don't even think that Abomination shapeshifting can explain whatever is happening with the Emperor..." Bump mutters.

"Should have known that this would have ended up as a set up..." Eda mutters with her arms folded.

Darius says that it looks like that they missed a few as below Eda and Raine are hiding behind a rock as Raine gasps and they then explain who they are, Eda says that this means and Raine says that they fell for their trap.

"I know now to be careful when acting on tips..." muttered Raine.

At the Gland Prix; Luz uses her invisibility magic to surprise a racer and sends him back and King goes on the back of the staff and gloatingly insults St Epiderm and Luz is close to the checkpoint against a demon racer and Luz gets the lead and King tells her to slow down on the turn as they are going to crash but Luz uses a plant glyph to safely turn her around.

The audience were now cheering Luz on for this.

"Wait, are you cheering Luz on as well Boscha?" Skara asked Boscha as eyes were on her.

"What? Better the human than someone from those other two schools!" defended Boscha.

"You know I just realised that you missed out on Boscha's punishment but don't worry, I am sure that she will say something that makes her go through it sooner rather than later." Eda told Raine and Boscha mutters angrily with her arms folded.

"I put her in the fashion that Eda wore in the beginning of the body swap episode." Cornholio explained to Raine whose eyes widened.

"That is kind of harsh because no offense Eda but that attire... That was kind of attrocious..." Raine muttered and Eda glared at them as the audience laughed.

Luz races past other races as this is seen on the giant crystal ball with audience members cheering her on and Bump is excited and then smirks to the glaring principals.

"Luz is pretty much Bump's favourite student now and right now outside the show she isn't even officially a Hexside student yet." Eda told Raine and Bump glares at her.

Back at the bridge Darius calls the place disgusting and tells Eberwolf to figure out who is the turncoat so they can leave as Eberwolf smells at them and then shakes his head.

"One of the emperor's lackeys and is vain and the other is like a clingy dog; let's add these two next to Hunter in the Emperor's Coven minions that we are never going to like." Willow mutters with looks of agreement.

"We can add all those who serve the Emperor in his Coven really to the list... Wait..." Raine says as they then notices Steve in the crowd next to Lilith who then waves to them. "I can't believe I haven't noticed before... One of the Emperor's Coven members has been here in the crowd?" They asked scared and stunned.

"Don't worry; my brother has just been a peaceful watcher of the show and is pretty much with everyone in now thinking that Belos is a tyrant!" Mattholomule spoke up reassuring Raine but then everyone looked at him surprised.

"That kid is your brother? Why haven't you said anything before when we saw him in the show?" Lilith asked Steve stunned.

"No one ever asked and it never really came up Mam." Steve answered with a shrug off his shoulders.

Darius puts a hand to his forehead saying just his luck and snaps his fingers causing the Abomination goo to dissapear them.

Everyone's mouths were wide open, "I... I... Don't know what to ask because I am terrified of the answers..." Luz mutters with Camila and the humans in agreement.

"Yes... As horrifying as it is; Abomination magic is more complex and powerful than you might expect..." Bump mutters.

"I know that we signed Willow onto that track for the opportunities but I now wish that we never did; especially now on top of all the mocking that she got..." Harvey told Gilbert who nodded in agreement with his husband.

Raine and Eda are shocked as it is shown the three ending up in a prison cell at the Conformitorium with Katya complaining not again.

There were looks of sympathy at this.

"Some leader I was..." Raine mutters but Eda put a reassuring hand on their shoulder.

"Belos was never going to play fair with those that opposed him." Eda told them.

Darius is annoyed and says out loud that he was scheduled for some 'me time' today and orders them to hand themselves over before things get messy. Darius then starts shouting that that he knows that they can hear him and tells Eberwolf to help him out, Eberwofl then puts a spell circle on his forehead and summons a big orange flashlight from his eyes to look around and finds footprints.

"...Hate him and the other of Belos' cronies but that is still cool..." Luz mutters with the Beast Track students nodding in agreement.

Darius says that he is not going in there as Eberwolf is digging at the ground and chases after the tracks with Darius saying that he will regret that and turns into Abomination goo to give chase.

"So Darius is like a purple vain beautiful T-1000 only possibly not turning into other people?" Hal asked and there were looks of agreement from the humans.

"Well I can't imagine the Day of Unity being any better than Judgement Day..." Eda said as she had gotten looks. "Like I said; I have been to human movie theatres!" Eda yelled out loud.

Raine is carrying Eda up in the trees using an invisiblity glyph as they let go with Eda saying that she is glad that she remembered how to do that. They then land on the dirt with Eda saying gross. Raine explains that Belos' plans are a lot more dangerous than they led on, he is preparing some big spell for the Day of Unity but can't do it without every Head Witch and if they can take out Darius and Eberwolf and Eda interupts saying to say no more.

"Well if this spell is to unite the Demon and human worlds and get rid of Wild Magic as he said in the last episode; it would require a lot of magical power..." Amity points out.

"Still a bit early in the season so it can't be that easy..." Luz moans thinking of her knowledge of shows like this.

Eda calls them Rainestorm again and asks what is the plan but Eda has her manolin magiced back to her, Raine says that she said that her curse messes with her magic and thinks that they can make it work in their favor.

The audience thought that it sounded promising.

Eberwolf is still following searching with Darius following in Abomination goo form when he transform back and then they find Eda's boots magically walking and Darius says that their traitor is a clever little songbird. The boots kicks the dirt onto Darius making him mad and Eberwolf is scared.

The audience sniggers at this.

Darius then has Abomination goo turn into spikes to destroy the boots and angrily shouts no more playing around and transform into a giant abomination form in his image with a sword.

"Seriously; this is kind of creepy and I now want to transfer to a different track..." mutters an Abomination Track student.

Eberwolf then has his claws and teeth grow.

"From adorable to creepy..." mutters Luz.

Eberwolf then summons a large rat snake beast as Raine and Eda are hiding behind a tree with Eda embarassed as she shares a look with them and then Raine summons their instruments. Raine starts to play with the magic around them activating and they smile at eachother, Eda smiles as she starts to play as well. Eda's stone and a circle around her turns black which grows and catches Eberwolf's beast and Darius.

The audience smiled as it seemed to be working.

Eda says that it's working and tells Raine to keep playing but they are caught; Raine says that they may not make it out themselves. Eda says that it will stop the Emperor right, Raine gives a look in positive and Eda says that they play on her photo flies out of her hair.

"EDA? WHAT? YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Luz shouts in shock and sadness at Eda's direction with stunned looks from the audience as King was fighting back tears.

"Eda! You have been my only friend and family my entire life! You can't..." King cried and Eda shakes it off.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You have pretty much criticised me ever since we got here!" Eda shouts at Camila who was looking at Eda shocked.

"I have plenty to criticise about you Eda but I have got nothing to think that you should be doing some dangerous magic that can kill you! You are pretty much a second mother to my Luz now and to King as well! I swear if you end up killing yourself here then I will do it here myself!" Camila yelled.

"You had better save some for me as well Camila since no way am I going to let my sister do this when she has already suffered her whole life thanks to me! No way will I let her end like this!" Lilith yelled.

"Come on everyone! It's to stop the tyrant Belos! Raine will back me up on this!" Eda yelled but saw Raine shaking their head with their arms folded.

"Eda; I now know that you have two kids to look out for and all these people that now care for you and Lilith who you are both now patching things up with. No way would I let you do this if my screen self knew what I know now..." Raine tells her and Eda sighs aas she notices the looks from Luz's friends as well as her.

"Nuts to you all..." Eda mutters with her arms folded.

"Mother figures in Disney are only supposed to die in the movies..." mutters one of the human students.

"That goes for you too Raine! You don't deserve to be killed trying to stop the Emperor!" Luz shouts at them and Raine is embarassed with looks of agreement.

"Yeah; that would be a real tragedy if you had to sacrifice yourself..." Eda mutters.

Raine notices the photo as it then lands and asks Eda if she have kids and Eda stops shocked. She says that they are not her's hers and it doesn't matter since they both have real families to return to and Raine uses a spell to disappear the manolin stopping the magic.

Eda shakes her head as the audience is relieved; "You are my real family Eda..." King mutters at Eda.

"Plus you are pretty much part of our familia now." Camilia says with a smile along with LUz as Eda refuses to look at them all.

Raine says that they don't know what she is running from but a great witch once told them something about punching fears in the face, what they are trying to say is don't give up so easily as they pass Eda her photo, they probably need her more than she realises as they offer her a hand which she accepts as she gets up.

"Close enough..." Eda said with a smile.

Raine says that they can find another way to stop Belos together but then they are caught by Abomination magic.

"Moment killer! Seriously Darius can go straight to hell now... Or the bad place or... What bad afterlife do you all have?" shouts Luz as they all glared at the screen worried for them both.

Darius smirks saying that he found the songbird but Eda catches a tree branch and tries to hold onto it and Raine but Raine smiles at her and Eda tearfully tells them don't. Raine tells them to go and she knows that they can't stand an audience.

Eda shakes her head at Raine who just smiles at her.

They then let go and Raine uses their violin for magic to free themselves. they say hello to Darius and Eberwolf; Darius says that they will regret what they did to his clothing and Eberwolf speaks and Darius and their treachery whatever.

"Glad to know that he has his priorities in order." laughed Luz along with others.

Eda hids behind a tree listening with tears in her eyes as she runs and gets to the Gland Prix and sees Luz neck in neck with Ukla from Glandus.

"As much as I should be thankful that Luz wasn't in danger this episode; I wish this was the focus instead of having to watch her teacher/second mother pretty much almost commit suicide!" Camila shouted incredulously as Eda mutters but perked up thinking about the second mother comment.

"Wait... I just realised... If you went through with it then as far as Luz and I were concerned you just became gone and never got back!" King shouts and there were looks from Luz, King, Lilith and Hooty wondering how they would react if she was just gone without explanation that day.

"You lot really know how to make me feel guilty..." Eda muttered.

Perry reports and Luz gets there first in a photo finish and Eda claps and Perry reports for 5th place.

Moans of dissapointment from the audience followed by the initial cheers.

Gavin is seen as the winner.

"Well good for him after what he was put through by Bria..." Willow points out and there were sounds of agreement.

"Still would have been nice to gloat if one of mine was the winner..." Bump mutters with his arms folded.

Luz looks dissapointed and is dirty as she goes up to Eda along with King, Eda said that she was flying like the damn wind and asks what happened. Luz explains that they were winning for a while and it flashbacks to King moaning with Luz telling him to try and hold it in and he can't but it then cuts.

The audience were glad that it cut then; "No way am I letting you join Luz now!" Bump rants to King and King nervously looks at the angry Hexside students.

"Come on! He is still only just a young kid!" Amity defends him with a scolding look and they look away.

Luz explains that they then crashed and King says that it's okay and he will just throw his message in the garbage where it belongs and Eda says no and says it isn't over as she gets a little flying scroll with her Penstagram account logged in. It plays a video as King asks who is even going to watch this and Eda says that no one watches crystal balls anymore so it's all about streaming.

"Weird how the demon place finds ways to be like the human world..." mutters a human teen and the rest of the humans nod.

King says hi directed to his dad and if he is out there watching, he wants to introduce himself. It cuts to Willow watching the video with King saying that he likes cheesy foods and conquering kingdoms. It cuts to Blight Manor with Amity and the twins watching as he says that he hasn't conquered any of his own yet but maybe he has and they can compare notes. It then cuts to Tarak watching the message as King says that he would love to meet him and they can do parent. kid stuff like toss a ball, burn some cookies and catch him going on weird websites or something and he found some symbol on the tower he hatched in as it shows him showing his collar. King then says that maybe he can teach him to read it.

King is awestruck watching Tarak and thinkiing that he could be meeting his father soon, "Hey what are you doing... Stop!" he protests as Willow, Amity and the twins comes up to hug him and they audience smiles and awes at him.

"When he meets him; I know King's dad is going to to be so proud of him!" Luz tells Amity as she returns to her seat.

"Conquering kingdoms; the perfect father and son activity..." laughs Eda.

King says that he lives with his favourite human and a cranky old witch as Eda says hey. But cranky or not she is the one who raised her which is why he is legally changing his name to King Clawthorne and surprises Eda with the documents, now they are connected for life and there is nothing that she can do about it. Eda asks if that is what he wanted to tell him all this time as she gets the documents, Luz then hands her a pencil saying that if she signs there it will be official.

The crowd is surprised at this turn of events but awes as Eda is just speechless as she sits with her mouth wide open.

Eda cries as Luz asks if she is okay.

King then rushes to Eda who picks him up for an embrace as she is weeping as the crowd smiles at her; "What are you chumps looking at!" she then yells as there were amused looks as finally she puts King down to return to her seat.

"I will have to start spending some quality time with not only my sister but my nephew and niece when we return from here." Lilith smiles telling Hooty and Steve.

"You will have to get past how we all saw you almost got her killed late last season." Steve reminded her and she glares at him.

"Thanks for ruining the moment Steve." Lilith tells him sarcastically as he then gives her an oblivious thumbs up.

Back in the forest Eberwolf is playing the video as Raine stuck listens sadly as Luz joins in the crying and Darius tells Eberwolf to shut it off, they are supposed to be tormenting Raine and not him.

Plenty of boos to Darius as if he was a Pantomine villain.

Eberwolf puts up the volume as Darius asks why is he like this. They hear as Raine gets free but there is Kikimora on top of an Abominatron asking if they are leaving so soon; they are caught as Darius says that he told her that they didn't need help so to get the ugly thing out of his face and tells Alador he is a hack while they are at it.

The Audience were glaring at them all but could hear something; "...I think that is coming from the projector room and... Sounds like... My dad?" Amity asked confused as they all heard something from the projector room and they heard vague angry ranting.

Then it stopped and it coughed as Cornholio said "sorry... Just had to have a word with my projectionist..."

They were weirded out but continued on.

Kikimora tells Raine that Emperor Belos was rather upset that they had a hand in the recent raid incidents; Raine says that they guess that they can look forward to their own petrification.

"Don't even joke; I swear if they do anything to you..." Eda angrily mutters to Raine who tried to reassure her.

Kikimora says no as it would be too much of a hassle to find a replacement as one of her clawed parts of her hair raises up and there is something on their arm sigil as it travels up their body; she says that the Emperor needs them alive and well for the Day of Unity but until then night-night!

Ten minutes of angry shouting at Kikimora later things calmed down and Eda let go off the strong embrace that she had on them. "I swear Raine; we will find a way to free you!" promised Luz and they smiled at her.

"Always wanting to stick up for your friends even if we haven't met in the show yet; so brave and anger at the Emperor's injustices. I can see why you got along so well with Eda." Raine says and they share a smile with Luz but then there is Cornholio in front of the screen.

"Now after the next episode we will have the next break but before then; I want to show you all something special and not really canon. Not really an episode but along with images we will get to experience a special script reading that happened at a San Diego Comic Con." Cornholio explained as this weirded out the audience but got the interest of Luz and the nerds. "You see it's a short crossover with another Disney cartoon called Amphibia. Basically a girl called Anne along with her two friends ends up thanks to a magic box in a magical land of talking anthropomorphic frogs but each end up far apart from eachother. The earth they come from is actually the same Earth as all you humans come from so it's like a connected universe." Cornholio explains.

"A magical land where frogs talk? No offense but I prefer the Boiling Isles." Luz mutters thinking that it sounded neat.

"Uh frogs, pass..." Samantha mutters.

"Sounds fun and if you were there Luz I doubt there woudl be any adventures that would be as shocking, like can you imagine anything from there having intense scenes that would be scary for younger viewers?" asked Hal as Cornholio laughed to his confusion.

"Just have to check on something..." Cornholio said as he disapeared for a second.

In the projector room Cornholio asked Alador "so is everything set? You have the special reel ready to play next?"

"Ready to go but how much more do I have to write?" complained Alador as he was made to write by hand 1000 times 'I WILL KEEP MY RIVALRY WITH DARIUS IN CHECK AS TO NOT GIVE MYSELF AWAY' as if this was a school punishment.