

The Aragon soldiers and civilians are fatigued because they haven't eaten all day as they approach the end of the tunnel. Commander Flavio and General Caecilius were welcomed into a gloomy forest with dead leaves and fruit since the blossoms had dried up as they exited the tunnel after leading the people through it and clearing the leaves that were in their way. Commander Flavio turns to face General Caecilus, who is stunned by what he sees, and lets forth a startling cry. Livio approaches, gazing in absolute surprise at how dark and dreary the sky, which he loves so much, has turned.

"Where did we go wrong?" Livio says. Julius taps him gently as he soothes him, just as the people of Aragon comfort one another as they weep in misery.

"We can not stay here," Cassyus says gently as he goes along with General Caecilus and Commander Flavio leading the route, the people following in ignorance of the danger behind them.

When a tree limb was heard behind them, they quickly heard hurried footstep, and after turning to see, they all waited while peering in that direction.

"RUN!!!" a voice calls out as it runs full-speed in their direction.

"Lovis?" Livio exclaims in shock as he turns to face his brother who has come running at them.

"Run!" Lovis repeated as he sees no one following. They pondered what Lovis could possibly be running from until they heard a strix, a vile bird made of dark magic that feeds on human flesh and blood, screech loudly as it approached them. They spent no time and quickly ran faster into the woods

"Ah!" As Julius hears and turns to look, he sees a woman lying on the ground behind him. He rushes to save her as others fled for their lives, some hiding behind trees and others running under them while remaining silent. General Caecilus observes Julius returning to assist the injured woman. "Julius what the hell are you doing?" Flix enquires unaware of her need for assistance as Julius hurries to save her before he could approach it takes her away to eat.

No!!" Julius screams out in fear as he sees another moving towards them. It targets Julius who sees it and launches down.

As the soldiers of Aragon rush forward to fight, hitting it doesn't work as Livio and two other warlocks combine power pushing it far away from them as they sigh in relief as their knees give out and they sit on the ground.

Flix approaches Julius as he sobs in agony and says, "I couldn't save her," in a tone of bewilderment.

Flix consoles him, saying "You're a soldier, a mortal man, you can't save everyone, especially in battles."

"I respect your courage," We all went into hiding to protect our lives, but you came out to save someone, and that's fantastic," Livio says softly. Commander Flavio, General Caecilus, the Aragon soldiers, and other others nod reassuringly as Livio speaks consolingly.

General Caecilus approaches Princess Domitia as they traveled on. She is unable to live, thus they are walking side by side.

Princess Domitia is silent as she walks and General Caecilus softly says, "I'm sorry for what happened to Horace. He was a good man and he adored you so much." After receiving no response, he adds as she sobs bitterly as he comforts her and holds her close while the troops sob in silence after learning of Horace's passing.

As they couldn't tell day from night because of the sky' lights, they all stopped the voyage and gathered together to rest for a time. Lovis approaches his brother, who is seated next to his father, Titus, as well as other individuals, warlocks, and soldiers. Lovis sits next to his father and takes a big breath.

Lovis cries out in pain, "I'm sorry," as Cassyus turns to look at him in dismay.

"I warned you about the tragedies that would befall you if you didn't stop," Cassyus replies incredulously while addressing his son.

Livio glares angrily at his brother and asks, "Who was it? Who was it!" All Lovis could reply, feeling ashamed of himself, was "Vena" as he shook his head in response to Livio's stern question, "You laid with a seductress?" Incredulous, Livio inquires, and Lovis says, "I love her." Livio glares at Lovis and exclaims, "Take a look at where that love of yours has gotten us to," Lovis responds subtly as he walks out violently.

Cassyus turns as he watches his furious son Livio leave while seated close to Titus and Julius.

As he looks at his eldest kid, Cassyus adds sadly, "You're supposed to be a role model to your younger brother you know. He deserves to be angry because I'm disappointed, too."

"if the sky god does not have some sort of mercy on the person who closed his eyes and hearing, your powers will be taken across your generations even though you did not physically open the gates of hell to the red dragon." As Lovis sobs shamefully, Cassyus states with disappointment.

Lovis sobs inconsolably, "I'm so sorry father, I didn't mean to hurt you,"

Without saying a word, Cassyus laid down in the woods because there was no pillow for the others to sleep on. Meanwhile, the Aragon soldiers took turns keeping watch, starting with Commander Flavio and two other troops in case the evil that prowls emerges from the shadows. The woods were quiet as a man sang gently while playing his pandura,

"Most nights I can hear the drum of a new dawn,Sunrise in the darkness oh happiness I feel." Gazing at the ominous clouds, he sings while the crowd laments the past: the times when everything was well, when they were joyful, when they danced carelessly, when the sun would rise over the horizon, when the stars of the evenings would shine." They sang along in sorrow, missing and appreciating those wonderful and great recollections

"We are one hearts in the midst of the storm, We are children before the heavenly beings, We are Aragon, We are Aragon." They comfort themselves with gentle hugs and remind themselves of who they are.

They sang as they cautiously drowsed. General Caecilus awakens after two hours of sleep and walks over to Commander Flavio, who was keeping watch. "Rest your eyes boys," he says softly as he sits next to Commander Flavio, who replies, "I'm not feeling sleepy." General Caecilus notices the sadness in Commander Flavio's voice and sighs.

"Take a look at these people," drawing his attention as he points to the sleeping individuals.

"They need us now, and no one else can defend them but us," General Caecilus tells Commander Flavio,

"I'm not sure I can defend them, General," Commander Flavio sobs softly as he looks at the crowd of people that General Caecilus has been gazing at for some time.

"I know I'm not supposed to cry or be vulnerable at such time, but I can't help it," Commander Flavio laments while wiping away a tear while sobbing vehemently

"Who told you boys don't cry?" General Caecilus hugs his buddy and says

"Yes, we are soldiers, but we are also mortals. When you're sad, cry; when you're happy, laugh; let out whatever emotions you're feeling." It's okay to feel, General Caecilus reassures, "Now go rest your eyes as I keep watch so those bastards wouldn't show up without warning." General Caecilus ends softly with a soothing laugh as Commander Flavio retires to slumber without more argument or reluctance.

Until he heard the concerned Livio tossing and turning as silence dropped, General Caecilus listened to the silence filling the woods unperturbed. He then turned to briefly glance at him while keeping an eye on the gathering to make sure no one was in danger

"Are you aware that worrying never solves a problem?" Livio apologizes for the inconvenience as he sits up gently as General Caecilus quietly exhales while staring at the distressed Livio as their eyes lock.

General Caecilus dismisses him with a gentle "It's all good boy" and then turns to watch in the woods.

"I'm sorry I let you down; I know you all despise me." Livio cries out in pain as he lowers his head: General Caecilus turns to him after hearing him say, "I don't hate you child; I don't know about the others, but I don't hate you." General Caecilus sighs, "Everyone makes mistakes and it's okay to love, not your fault you gave your affection to someone undeserving," as he surveys the dreary skyline and notices no sign of brightness. General Caecilus continues as he observes the upset Livio sobbing hysterically.

"Ignorance is not an excuse, but don't beat yourself up for it; it was bound to happen one way or another. It's just sad that you contributed to it." As he turns to face the trees again, General Caecilus finishes consoling him. "Sleep, you need it," he says without looking at him. As General Caecilus turned to face Titus, who was sound asleep next to Princess Domitia, who had just fallen asleep after a few moments of grieving over her loss, Lovis fell asleep as he lay his heads down, fatigued and unknowing that his brother Livio was quietly listening to their chats. Four hours later, Commander Flavio wakes the group, telling them it's time to leave because they can no longer stay here and cannot tell day from night. They wake each other up and continue walking helplessly through the woods for days without food or water, their faces showing signs of exhaustion.

"I can't...." A young guy speaks while passing over Commander Flavio and Flix to General Caecilus, who is standing close to Julius and his crew, as he collapses from tiredness.

As he turns to face his Senior companions, Flix says, "The people need water, food, and a good rest. We haven't eaten since we left Aragon, and after three days of trekking on an empty stomach, Commander Flavio concurs, "At this point, we'd pass out." As he completes, Commander Flavio turns to face General Caecilus and the soldiers.

"Pardon me, but..." "I'm sorry for your ears dropping, but I have a little bread here and I totally forgot about it since we are on the run," a woman approaches them. She finishes quietly as General Caecilus praises her and asks the throng if anyone has food to share among themselves. People bring out the meager food that they had all managed to eat as they continued their journey without direction.

We need to get to a water source. As General Caecilus helplessly observes Commander Flavio, the populace vehemently protests.

"Where are we going? We're too tired to move." The soldiers become uneasy as the populace complains among themselves. Julius announces, "We are headed to the Forest of ușoară," as he looks to General Caecilus and Cassyus for confirmation that they did "ușoară?" As he continues to look at Julius in disbelief, Livio utters these words.

"Yes, ușoară" Livio laughs heretically at Julius's bewildered response, which causes confusion among the crowd.

"ușoară? Who the hell said that to you? Livio responds with a belly-laugh.

"Gaea from the celestial realm" Livio looks to General Caecilus, who confirms what Julius is saying, and asks, "Why do you laugh," as Titus is in shock at what Julius has just said.

"Ușoară is a mythical forest, a forest heard in stories," to Livio's amused chuckles, General Caecilus muses as he casts an unamused glance at Livio,

"Yes it is, but that doesn't mean it isn't real," When Livio stops laughing, Cassyus replies, "Wait...you mean it," drawing their attention. "But you can't find it," Livio adds in shock as he turns to face his father, who confirms. As the Soldiers all squint at them in confusion, Livio continues with surprise.

"Whoa, what do you mean? Commander Flavio is perplexed and enquires,

"It means you don't go looking for the forest of ușoară; it comes to you" Cassyus answers quietly as the civilians and soldiers look on in shock.