

Livio catches up to the gods as they continue their stroll, drawing the attention of Commander Flavio and General Caecilus who were strolling side by side. "Who was that?" they ask as they look at the man Livio had been speaking to. Livio is asked by Commander Flavio while he is looking at him, observing his anxious expression, and hitting the dark-haired boy's back to get his attention.

Livio mutters, "Just someone," in a low voice that is uncharacteristic of him as General Caecilus and Commander Flavio exchange glances, wondering what is wrong while glancing at the troubled Livio as they walk, catching up to others who have gone before them.

What have you got here? As they walk side by side next to Xanthia, who is fixated on Princess Domitia, an incredulous Titus asks while gazing at Herta in anticipation of an answer.

"What do you think?" Herta asks, gently giggling in response to Titus' inquiry

"Legend has it that you've got trickster," Titus responds cheerfully as he turns to stare at Herta once more, observing her gaze at Xanthia, who appears to be lost in concentration as she looks at Princess Domitia..

"Yeah, there are tricksters everywhere, forest spirit, and Nature Guardian who protects the forest from harms," Herta answers the inquisitive Titus as she continues to stare at her friend, quietly apologizing as she approaches Xanthia, who was still gazing at the dejected princess.

"You realize that peering is impolite?" As Xanthia turns to face Herta next to her and takes a deep breath, Herta addresses her.

As they move along,

"She lost someone, she's hurt," Xanthia murmurs, Herta utters a hushed "oh" as she comes to terms with what has happened.

"I've always known you had a soft spot for humans ever since you saved that boy from being eaten by a wolf," Herta says as she turns to face her best friend, causing Xanthia to look at her smiling.

"Yeah I know, He was so scared,I wonder how he's doing," Xanthia says quietly as she walks next to Herta, who holds her hands in comfort as they listen to the conversations between them.

The god of the sun calls for Unimanus to come forward as a large man comes bowed down, "Why don't you show the people of Aragon around with Lucullus and tell them everything they are unaware of," as the gods walk, speaking softly with Cassius, before turning and bidding farewell to the people of Aragon because they have other celestial matters to attend to. "I'm sorry, but we have other pressing matters to attend," the god of nature says in front of Cassyus and the people of Aragon who bow in understanding as the two gods vanish into thin air. The god of the sun finishes as he commands the two great warriors of both the sun and nature.

The Celestial Knights turn to stare at Cassyus and the Aragonese as they make their way to the alter of Vita, also known as the "Altar of Life," which is a mystical doorway that leads anywhere.

"As you are well aware, since humans are unpredictable, they are not allowed in this holy sanctuary. Unimanus says as he addresses the people.

"Due to the favor of the sky god you are being accepted into our midst but you can't stay here," Unimanus continues as he apologizes to Cassyus and the populace through a smile.

"Where are we going? Sir, we have nowhere to live" General Caecilus interrupts, humbly apologizing as he stares at the Celestial knights "You are a superb general who is capable of leading the populace." Unimanus continues, "We'll portal you to a land of milk and oil, a land filled with nourishment and abundance. There will be water and sunlight, and you will be safe there for we can't interfere with the lives of humans," Lucullus adds, staring at the people, causing an unidentified man to snort angrily at his response.

"I could burn you to ashes you ungrateful being, you stand our city without being dead, you should be grateful," Unimanus concludes, glaring deadly causing the man to bow his head in shame. Cassyus and the Aragon soldiers and people then fall, apologizing, as the Celestial Knight snap a finger, causing them to open their eyes. They then realize they are no longer at the forest of ușoară, turning around to check

Commander Flavio and the Aragon solders and people stare at the man in disbelief as he touches his body and says, "We are alive."

"Thank the gods we are, you stupid fellow." Commander Flavio hits him harshly and walks away behind him. The solders all follow after him and stare at the man who is unaware of a presence beside him.

"So much for not fucking things up," Livio says as he looks at the man who confronted him before entering and noticing a peculiar short people staring at them oddly as

"Elf's?" Titus is amused as he walks past children playing and adults working. When they see a bard they enter, quieting the area as they stare at the Aragon people and soldiers.

"Keep close," General Caecilus orders as he approaches the container and notices a woman staring back at him.

"How may I help you?" The unidentified individual asks, as she is fixated on the individuals in front of her.

"I am General Caecilus," General Caecilus introduces himself as he speaks to the woman who is watching at them.

"Vitus, we've got companies," she exclaims as a man emerges from the building with a long beard, gray hair, and eyes that are fixed on General Caecilus. General Caecilus then takes a step back and motions for Cassyus to advance.

"How did you get here?" Vitus, who is staring at General Caecilus and Cassyus, inquires.

"We came through the forest of ușoară," which immediately causes a roar of laughter from the audience.

"You do realize the forest of ușoară is a myth?" A man from the audience asks after stating, "

"Where did you say you came from," the woman in the container asks, unable to conceal her laughter.

"We are from Aragon," Cassyus replies, prompting the audience behind them to stop laughing and look at them with wide eyes.

"The god of the sun sent you here, and you are the soothsayer," Vitus inquires, peering at cassyus curiously who responds by nodding.

"And you're the one who was used," Vitus Mummers says to a stunned Lovis, who awkwardly nods in humiliation as a result of Vitus's statement directed at him.

"How did you find out?" Livio queries in confusion.

"You didn't suppose you were the only fortune teller, right?" Vitus replies chucking softly as he approaches Cassius and the Aragonese,

"Humble people of Caesarea, The people the gods showed us prophesy have arrived, welcome them," Vitus calls out to the villagers as he moves closer to Cassius and the Aragon people. "I know you have questions, and I will answer them all, come," says Vitus to the crowd as Caesarea's citizens enthusiastically greet the Aragonese people. "Have a sit," Vitus commands as he motions for them to do so after turning to face Cassyus and General Caecilus, who were confused as he was bringing them into a hunt.

"So, how do you know us?" General Caecilus prompts Vitus, who laughs at his haste.

"We revel in the sun's divinity, since he revealed himself to us. As a result, Your people are welcome to stay here as long as you choose since we are aware of the impending major wars," Vitus, who is looking at Cassyus and General Caecilus, says as they nod in understanding"

"On the other hand we are concerned that not every person is welcoming here because of the one who was used." explains Vitus in a frightened tone.

"But rest assured for evil cannot break through this walls because there are protection spells all around," Cassyus and General Caecilus leave as Vitus wraps up his speech, and the citizens of Caesarea welcomes them arms full.

Years passed while they coexisted with the Caesareans and enjoyed Caesarea's prosperity.Although their stay had its share of challenges due to the hostility of a few villagers who didn't enjoy the fact that they were welcomed, they assisted those in need. The inhabitants of Aragon found inner tranquility, with the exception of a minor measure of bitterness over that.

General Caecilus and Commander Flavio are training young men to become knights of Aragon in preparation for the impending war as the sun is going down.

"Where is Alex?"Having turned back in search of the youngster, Commander Flavio asks, sighing when he can't find him.

"Probably fled as usual, I suppose." to which a boy responds while mockingly smiling with his pals and shaking hands.

Commander Flavio turns and sighs angrily, "Does anyone know where Alex is?," The question from Commander Flavio makes the approaching Knights stop laughing as he surveys the masses.

Alex, standing behind Commander Flavio and staring at his pigstye-covered feet, says, "I'm right here. Commander Flavio shakes his head while turning to look at General Caecilus and turning to the young prince.

Alex, the Princess Domitia's son. Never had an easy life because he was harassed and despised frequently because the community blamed him being descended from King Marcellus. As Commander Flavio comforted Alex after saving him from a group of bullies beating him up and as Alex grew close to Commander Flavio, seeing him as a father figure, he was given the opportunity to join the knights of Aragon.

As Alex, who had his head down, stands in embarrassment, the man takes the youngster by the hand and leads him inside his room after taking a quick look at the offenders. Watching the small child play with his fingers, something he does whenever he feels self-conscious, the elder man, now covered in beards but looking so good, makes gestures. While watching him, Commander Flavio noticed the filth all over his body. Worry flooded his eyes as he vowed to catch the little scums who had hurt the child and teach them a lesson

Commander Flavio orders Alex to "get over here boy" as the boy steps back a little and ignores his request to sit down.

We need to clean you up because we don't want your mother to see you in that condition. Alex approaches Commander Flavio crying softly and sits down in front of him. As the youngster continues to look down, Commander Flavio washes rags into clean water to clean the wounds and grime on Alex's face.

Commander Flavio looks at the boy and says, "You really got to stand up for yourself you know that."

You cannot continue to allow them to abuse you. "I'm sorry I keep disappointing you," Commander Flavio says as he signs quietly, causing Alex to gaze at him with anguish in his eyes. Alex comfortingly grips Flavio's hands and whispers, "No boy, you didn't. Commander Flavio reassures Alex, who is sobbing, "You just need time. I can't tell her what people are saying about us." Alex whispers quietly as Commander Flavio gives him a bear hug and kisses his forehead

"I'll protect you and your mother because I treat you like a son, so don't blame yourself; it's all King Marcellus and him alone." As he continues to embrace Alex and strokes his back, Commander Flavio adds

"Keep your head up; your father would be very proud of you. Don't let their insults break you."

"Thank You Commander," Alex says quietly as he smiles at Commander Flavio who smiles as he finishes capturing the small boy's eyes, which light up in happiness as melancholy fades.

Why don't you tie the knot?Why do you usually work out with me? Commander Flavio smiles at Alex's innocently curious question, "Oh please don't start," as he stands up and hands Alex the damp rag while continuing to walk.

I beg you: "Is it because you have no one?" Commander Flavio rolls his eyes in laughter as Alex says while grinning softly.

Commander Flavio chuckles, looking at Alex with an amused men's gaze, "You got no woman too boy."

Commander Flavio was perplexed by Alex's prolonged stare at him. "Sir, you need to lead by example," Alex says, adding with a smirk. It took Commander Flavio a moment to realize what Alex was saying as realization dawned on him. Commander Flavio chased after Alex as he fled as laughter erupted throughout the room.