
The overlord system

When all your life you have been Bossed around by others because you were too weak to defend yourself but one day when a mysterious man offers you a chance to change it all would you accept it?

Infernal_gates · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

The system and the war

It's been more than a week and the system still hasn't woken up I'm starting to get worried is it possible that the system can't say it's a problem or an error just like Coding software The worst thing about this is I don't even know what's causing this or how long will it take for the system to get back to normal I but I can't stop my progress I need to continue even without the system. Master I have

printed over 500 billion marks I also have printed more than 100 million marks of different currencies known to the universe. Does when he realized it he can use the money that was printed to buy things from the black market and the system is trying to figure out can I do that or not but is this a good

thing what happens if the system says yes I can use the money because it's made from my hard work, not hard work but I still gained it but I don't wanna take the risk of the system being in a lockdown any longer. Skynet stops all printing of the money and just focuses on making androids and weapons. The moment I did that I heard something within my mind ding the system has

evolved A new question has been discovered should the printing money be usable on the black market. what the hell is this? Since this question affects the black market itself I think we should have avoided some down and only them Number one has voted against it he claims that if we were

to do that the black market itself would be flipped upside-down number two votes with it the money was made by him, therefore, it's his money doesn't matter how it's earned I need to think of something quick the black market itself is my biggest earning points I can get anything from the Black market if they agree with it then that means I can get it

insanely strong I can also buy superpowers and my gross power will be that much quicker… Number three votes against it claiming it's unfair Number four votes against it claiming that although the black market excepts all forms of money it will be inflated and the entire black market would be destroyed number five votes against it for the same purpose as number three it's unfair and on equal number six votes against it claiming it will destroy the balance. This is it if I don't do something now I

will be done for I need to make a deal so they can be all happy I know for a fact they're not gonna agree that I can use the printer the money so how about we do this. Wait please hold on I have a proposal to make number one through number nine are all interested

and what you have to say. I understand that I can't use the printed money but it's fair to me as well we will never get anywhere with this so I guess how about we make the printer the money downgraded let's just say $10 of my printed money equals one dollar a new rule has been stated to the black market any forms of printed money shall be

downgraded because that's how inflation works $10 out of printed money shall be worth $1 Although I was hoping for something better this is much better than the circumstance that I can't use printed money that's not to say that it's useless

because I can use it in the real world but trust me the black market is much better then what the real world has to offer from what I can tell. Continue the printing of money. Eve are you there yes I am you have caused a lot of trouble. who are they? are the council of the black market to make sure

everything is running smooth and trust me you have brought them a headache but what you did was smart of you to make your printing money completely useless although it was severely downgraded it's still somewhat usable. But now it's

time to get back to my new upgrade not only do I have a spaceship function I also have the new overlord function the conquer function you are 0.001% and taking control of BAKURA I'm guessing taking control of the planet means conquering it so the more land I own the higher the percentage

you're wrong you must have complete control over it as in the people's loyalty it's security no underground organization doing their own thing you completely controlling it meaning that it will bend to your every word and command it's not simple and it's not going to be easy after you've said that I've gained a note spark new mission Control all of BAKURA no time limit reward celestial planet New mission destroy The legendary of death Sky net continue printing the money but this

time I want you to do it 100 times faster. Yes, master. Can you please stop calling me that call me Boss. got it So with this amount of money I stored most of the money that was printed in my inventory so I can now buy super weapons such as

spaceships so what should I buy first. I need more soldiers so how about buying 1000 cyborgs and 1000 androids of course I can make this kind of do it but I want to see what their capabilities are. Boss, we have a situation. What is Sky net? They are trying to communicate with green heaven if they do

your friend white will be in danger not only that but you will be in danger I'm going to intercept the calls so that's why I need your order do I attack them or not. Eve bye 2000 androids I was going to buy cyborgs but after taking a quick look androids are much superior to cyborgs with that I wasted much of my money Skynet take direct control over these androids and attack them make sure to pretend you're from green heaven or whatever just make it convincing. Sometime later. Religion area of death

we're trying to communicate with Greenhaven although they were going to attack them they did it for no reason they didn't want to Go to war but they did attack their territory and they weren't a pushover so with pride like that it was practically impossible for them to not go to war. My lady, we have an incoming call, And what the hell are y'all waiting for an answer!! Hello came a voice from the other side that sounded like a middle-aged man. Hi I'm not the type of person to waste others time so I'm gonna go straight to it did you were did you not attack yes I am already aware that you know who we are and what we're calling for Did you were did you not attack us. Oh, you're calling us about that

little matter, and what if we did what are you gonna do about it. I'll tell you this one time we're going to attack you again and you ain't gonna do shit about it. The call ended it there were no words to describe the amount of rage that woman felt her

name is pain and she is one of the five she reported this to the leader he then proceeded to order everyone to be prepared

For an attack such thing to them seemed unbelievable it has been more than 100 years sounds a person declared war against them or the need to prepare. Skynet looked over every possibility of the fight every outcome that can

happen including a third-party locally for Skynet all the information was provided by Isaac of course you purchased it from the black market the weakness the exact location although Skynet know most of it there were still some things such as how

strong they are which was provided by Isaac as well. One day I will have a bit of intelligence compared to my master and god it also looked at all of androids 2005 not counting the extra five because they were colleagues The three demonic brothers the undead and white it looked over white you South transform into this a hologram of a

vampire like Lady appeared in the front of them all she is one of the five elders you will transform into her and go in there through the tunnel don't worry I have deactivated they won't have time to carefully analyze your strange behavior but I will give you a summary of how she acts just in case she is arrogant prideful and a total bitch but she acts different to one person and one person only the leader she acts completely different she will act ladylike in front of the heir leader so just keep that

in mind the rest- Sky not detected a signature I had a menu sensor like abilities such as heat sensor x-ray magnetic gravity brainwave and more it detected a puppy like creature nearby it revealed itself to be Diamond and their masters pet but this time it wasn't the Hoppe puppy it has seen for the past week it looked like a demon it was mad not just that it was rapidly mutating it evolved into a creature and I was completely opposite I had dark for two horns come in from its head two large pair of wings it's clause were extremely sharp on top of its muscular physique. And with that one sentence

came from its mouth kill the people that disrespected our master. I agree they wanted to say but someone else said it Skynet was surprised although it didn't show it it was a white snake with a painted red eye on his forehead had gone on and discovered without Skynet knowing of our existence but for sure it knew that it was an ally there was an aura coming from it that just said I am your ally we serve the same master. we shall make an example of them and present their head to our master Skynet in its existence Salt excited and they

all agreed on delivering their head to our master

White now had an idea he was going to kill the leader himself to prove himself to the others he was done sitting around and hiding behind people

The beastmaster looked at white expression and smiled and acknowledged it was now his colleague

White dead as instructed by Skynet he went through the tunnel and transformed into pain the reason why they can do this so casually was because she goes on these slumbers frequently to

keep her beauty and strength she was a vampire after all the sun was the enemy even if they weren't directly affected by it it needed to be naturally Night don't trust the thing about this was if anyone asked the question she can just cuss at them back that's how she acted after all. 3.2.1 boom that's what he was waiting for he wasn't a shape shifter for no reason his whole persona changed as if the older white never existed and there was an only pain. The three brothers had all different ways of approaching things such as the shadow demon

who approaches things in a stealth like manner the

Insect knight takes a head-on approach and finally the beast Taylor takes a hunter approach Although he doesn't show it he has over 100 beats Under him this time he was accompanied by the undead berserker The war has started end it was going to be a blurry one for sure. What the hell is happening who caused the explosion who did this and how many are there. The legionary Council room was absolute chaos. Back and Isaac home his mother was buying the best groceries to make the best food although it has been a week for Isaac it has

been only one day for his mother but without her knowledge there were 20 highly trained shadow guards guarding her but what's the 20 highly trained guards don't know is that there is 100 demonic creatures within her shadow ready to protect her at all times The supermarket what is their worst nightmare this is a place where there was a lot of people meaning the danger of it was much much higher than normal circumstances if they fail at their job and their masters mother gets killed they don't want to dare to imagine such a scenario. And it finally happened a conflict Solar (Isaac mothers) bumped into someone that person

was a girl she had long red hair my beautiful physique and 10 guards around her and her family they all wore luxurious clothing and with that someone like her was surely a spoiled brat and you would be right in thinking that she was. You fucking whore don't you dare touch me with your sales I will burn anything and everything you have to the ground and with that the guards we're ready if she landed her hand on Isaac's mother it would be her death unfortunately for her she did she tried to slap Isaac mother… (what will happen to this bitch find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z I mean the overlord system have a good and blessed day)