
The Overlord of Mysteries

An Overlord - Multiverse Travel Fanfiction The protagonist, Mc, was betrayed by the world and his expectations, which led to his death. After meeting a being called ROB, Mc played a game with him to obtain cheat abilities. ROB then transported Mc to a world, from where he would get isekai'd to another world - Overlord. Mc is a dreamer who can be both kind and cold when necessary. He follows Machiavelli and Chanakya and is a fan of horror and Lord of the Mysteries. The story will begin with Mc having no powers related to Lord of the Mysteries, but he will try to build his guild based on LOTM themes. His NPCs will mainly be from Fate, LOTM, and other popular fiction works. Mc's in-game character's powers and events could be inspired by other Overlord fan fiction. Word Count Every Chapter: On Average around 3k to 7.5k. Note: This is an AU Overlord world. The AU part is Mc reincarnating as Bruce Wayne in Gotham of 22nd century of Earth in Overlord verse. The first volume is for Character development and doesn't affect much of your reading experience if you decide to skip it. The first volume is Batman Vs Joker, so you can skip it. If it's not to your taste. Batman[MC] and Joker are the only DC characters in this fic. The Batman arc will be over with the first volume. The second Volume is purely a Yggdrasil Game experience. There isn't much real-life experience shared in the second volume. 22nd-century Earth is a normal world with no magic or supernatural elements. Everything is the same as the original Overlord world. Except for there being Gotham in America and Bruce Wayne in it. Even the Joker is not the same as the comic version, at least his back story. You can skip from the fourth chapter of the First Volume to not miss out on the development of his wishes and the main base of the story. I'm the author of this fanfiction. As English is not my first language, constructive feedback is welcome. I'm a college student, so the upload schedule will be irregular, but I will strive to upload at least one chapter per week. I'm not asking for power stones, but I do appreciate comments and reviews, which may lead to more frequent uploads. The choice is yours, whether you decide to give power stones or not is fine. It is your choice. If you do decide to give, I appreciate it. I aim to upload four chapters per month. Note: Mc has Gilgamesh and Satoru Gojo's template. The image used in this fic as the cover image belongs to their respectful owner. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series/TV Shows/Movies/Comics. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. The image used for the cover or others does not belong to me. If you are the rightful owner of the image in question and would like to request its removal, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is my utmost priority to respect the intellectual property rights of others and I will ensure that the image is taken down expeditiously upon receipt of your request. References: [1] Overlord - Kugane Maruyama [2] Lord of the Mysteries - Cuttlefish That Loves Diving [3] Fate Series - Nasuverse [4] JJK - Gege Akutami [5] DC [6] Star Wars - George Lucas [7] Marvel [8] Anime

ChaoticVoid_24 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

21. The Dragon: Fafnir

Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 3900 Words.

Due to pending assignments, I have been unable to devote much of my time to writing. I am trying my best now and I will try to upload 2-3 more chapters this week or by next week.

It will be the End of the Yggdrasil Arc.

As for the New World Arc, I will continue with it after my Semester End Exams.

Enjoy the Chapter.



<You shouldn't have met them today, S>

As Bruce exited the hotel, he got in the car that he had driven to the hotel.

Bruce had conveyed his wish to travel alone. The meeting place, the hotel where he met his IG Clan Members. The very hotel was situated in a neighbouring city. A 2.5-hour travel in his car from home.

It wasn't that he was being careless, rather he was very conscious of any attack on him.

But he had more confidence in World's capabilities than that of his security.

Bruce got down the stairs as he entered his car, that had been brought out from the parking.

'What's the harm in it? I just met these guys once. Anyway, the company is going to announce it soon. It's just a matter of a year before we will be gone from this World.'

<The information of you playing Yggdrasil can bring about drastic changes in the plan. Your very presence will out to Global stage. won't shut down at its destined time. All our plans this decade would have been for nought.>

'I understand your concern. Just message them, to not leak this information. Just inform them to forget our meeting today.'

<Understood >

Bruce drove his car through the streets of the city, admiring the view.

'The landscape of every city here is the same.'

<Yes >

He increased his speed as he entered the highway or express lane that they called it.


The Root, Yggdrasil

Bruce entered the game that very night after reaching home. He checked his inbox for any message Domitor or Akane could have sent.

He was currently in his Seventh Avatar, the Dragon Avatar.

Exitium was the name of this form.

Exitium had two forms, a humanoid form and a Dragon Form.

He in his humanoid form stood in the Throne Room of his Castle on the floor of Arcadia.

He checked his inbox thoroughly as he walked up to the Throne.

He sat on the Throne and he continued looking into it.

As expected, he didn't find any message or call from Akane. There was nothing.

He hadn't used his Human Avatar after the Clan Meeting till he met Akira.

Being what they are, his every Avatar is treated as a different player account by the Game. In the truest sense.

For Akane or Akira, when they would have tried contacting Vishanti, they wouldn't have been able to check his status if he had donned another form at the time. To them, Vishanti would have been in-active since the Clan Meeting.

Bruce contemplates the situation, as his gaze turns to the Platinum blonde-haired woman standing on the stairs leading to the throne.

World on Bruce's suggestion had decided to create a NPC for her to possess in the New World. A Platinum Blonde Haired Woman with Blue Eyes.

Her skin is white as snow.

She stood 174cm tall.

Sensing his gaze, she blinked as she tilted her head looking at him with a questioning look.

"Is something the matter, S?"

"It's nothing. Was just thinking about the future. I just hope that our ride to the New World to be a safe one."

"So do I" " she answered as she looked at him warmly.

"Right, wait! I didn't just jinx myself did I?"

"We are well within the bounds.

I think.

We don't know about the limits. The extent to how much we can interfere and change it to what extent. It is all in the hands of ROB."

"Yes, but truthfully speaking. We have crossed many points that have changed many a thing in the plot. Me being a World Champion and the existence of The Root.

Not to mention, I am a freaking World Enemy with World Savior, the Strongest World item in terms of combat in the Game. Never to be separated, World Savior will be a part of me."

"Yes, but that's the least I could do to protect you in the New World. Whatever we may face, I will always be there to protect you, S. It's my duty to serve you till the end of my life."

"Well, thank you for the assurance."

Bruce and World had done a lot in the Game, preparing for the End.

Bruce is a World Enemy, World Champion, World Disaster and World Guardian.

A Guild with 31 floors.

A legion of NPCs to boot it.

Lastly, there is World, an NPC and a player. She was designated as both an NPC of The Root and a player of the Guild The Root.

And she wasn't like the other NPCs of The Root.

She was built similarly to the Rubedo of Ainz Ooal Gown.

A World Item was used while building her.

A World Breaking Item.

A Cheat among World Items, One of the Twenty.

One of the most Absurd Items in Yggdrasil.

Longinus was used when building her Avatar.

As he discussed what if? situations with her, he received a notification.

He had received a message from one of his In-Game Friends.

'It's Akane. So, she finally decided to message me.'

"So she finally decided to message you."

"Yes, she did World."

'After all this time. Well, I knew of the situation beforehand from World. After the fight, I had expected someone from the Clan to contact me.

I had expected it to be either Akira or Akane. And I was right, Akira contacted me first.

Now, it's Akane.

Going by the message, she is asking me to meet her at the Halls of Valhalla in Asgard.'

"So, why would she ask me to meet her at Valhalla, World?"

Bruce got up from his throne as he asked her, her opinion.

He walked down the stairs, coming to the same step she was standing on. He turned towards her as he prompted her for the answer.

"Her Clan is in Danger. Firstly, she doesn't have the Clan Leader privileges and doesn't even possess their Clan Weapon anymore.

Not after you snatched it from them to build me a Weapon from it."

Turing opposite to the throne, facing downwards he sat down on the stairs. Making himself comfortable on the ground. He responded to her, as he patted the space beside him prompting her to sit.

After she sat down beside him, he replied.

"We always planned on taking the Clan Weapon, didn't we? If not for that, I would have never supplied them with Caloric Stone to build it. They used it to build a Spear. Their Spear uses many World Enemies and Greater Bosses loot in the weapon.

A Weapon of that calibre would put every other Clan or Guild Weapon except ours to shame.

With the Staff, I have built using the Caloric_Stone, with both combined you got yourself a very strong weapon.

Though it's not a World Item, technically speaking it is. But it is not at the same time. Not as special as others.

It's an Item built using World Item. It's still powerful and I don't think I have to explain it to you of its prowess."

He looked at her as he said it.

There was no one in the hall or Throne Room except for them.

"Yes, S. So what have thought of it? Are you going to meet her?"

"I'll meet her. We can talk about the rest after meeting her."

Bruce after conveying his intentions to World, teleported out of The Guild.


In The Great Halls of Valhalla,

Domitor stood alone in a corner waiting for Vishanti to arrive.

She looked around searching for him. Hoping for him to come. She hadn't received any reply but she knew.

He would come.

As she looked around admiring the view, she caught sight of him entering the Halls, a Human Sorcerer walked towards her after he caught sight of her. Clothed in extravagant robes, adorned with exquisite accessories.

All that he wore, weren't there for decoration alone. Every single item of his was a Magical Item. Items that strengthened him to have the strength to face off against World Champions. It boosted his strength.

His Overall Strength was unusual for a Sorcerer or a Magic Caster without World Disaster Class.

His offensive magic is ranked second to only World Disaster class Casters. But unlike them, he isn't limited by a single spell or tied down by the downside of the cost to cast the spell.

He has a wide variety of as much destructive spells as them or more than them. His destructive spells numbers in two digits count, those that could be compared to the Most Destructive spell Grand Catastrophe or the only destructive spell with them.

A prime example to prove his strength could be his fight against the World Champion of Vanaheim.

He alone fought off against a World Champion. It was a rude awakening for the Champion.

Responding to his nod, Domitor moved from her position to meet him.

Accepting her gesture, Vishanti moved towards an edge and Domitor followed him.

As they got away from the traffic of players entering Valhalla to challenge it, they were silent the whole way as they walked.

As they got to the more secluded area, they were able to tune out the background noise.

"How are you, Domitor?"

Hearing his first question, she was nervous. She hesitated, wondering about it.

She knew not of, what to answer.

She had replayed their meeting numerous times in her head.

In no version had he asked her this. At least she had hoped for it but never expected him to ask.

She had expected him to be rude to her, demanding an apology for the treatment he received in these r last meetings or decline meeting them.

"Is something wrong?"

Vishanti oblivious to her inner turmoil, was worried for her.

To not let him worry about her, Domitor answered him.

"Hm! I'm good. What about you? You were not active this whole time."

"Just had some work IRL.

I was not active this whole time...

Hm! So, You were playing this whole time?"


Neither were sure of what to say. Vishanti was wondering about her late invitation. She could have sent him a message, she could have just dropped it there. Left there, expecting him to find it when he did log in.

"So Domitor. What did you wish to talk about? After all, you did call me here."

Vishanti walked ahead and talked to her.

She saw him as he walked up to a pillar supporting the roof. Watching over from an elevated platform. The Town of Asgard was visible to him. At least Most of it was, even the Castle of The All-Knowing Father at the other side of the town from where he stood.

He continued talking to her as she watched his back facing her.

"I'm sure you are very busy. At least that is what your friends told me when we met."

"You met them?"

She asked looking astonished.

"Yes, I am sure they have already told you all about it. Have they not?"

"Yes. It's not their fault. I already knew about you meeting them beforehand that I was already waiting for you to come to the restaurant."

"Were you?"

"Yes, Bruce", she answered him as she nodded repeatedly.


<She is lying>

'Glad to know. At least she isn't betraying her friends.'

<Do you wish to know who leaked it?>

'It doesn't matter who leaked it now. She was someone who was involved in this whole mess. So it shouldn't matter. Just make sure these are the only people who know it.'

<Okay >

'Wait, you didn't stop them. Don't lie to me. I know for a fact that if so you had wished. You could and can stop them.'

<You are right.>

'They why? It's not that I am angry with you. I'm just curious?'

<Because you would have not minded it. She was someone, who on your don't give a f*ck if they found out I play Yggdrasil list.>

'That's not something I told you. It wouldn't matter to me if she were to find out about my identity. She would never reveal it.

But how?'

<Staying with you these past years have not been wasted. After spending some time people, can expect their next move and idealogy. You understand them I all this time. Plus our souls are linked to each other. With being relaxed open about yourself me, it doesn't take much of a genius predict your moves or the decisions make.>

'I understand. Let this be the last one.

Make sure to inform me beforehand. You can decide the outcome but I should be in know. And thanks for informing me about the leak.'

"It is okay, Domitor. Let's forget about it.

So what is it? Why did you call me here?"

He turned around as he faced her when he asked her his question. Looking her in the eye, to make it fast, to not waste time. Urging her to get over her business with him.

Hearing his question Domitor wasn't sure about it.

She wasn't sure of the answer.

An answer he would accept.

An answer that would convince him to stay.

"Is everything okay?"

Domitor looking at his expressionless face, was getting nervous by the second. However, he showed a poker face because of the game. But his voice carried a worried tone.

She could sense that he was worried for her.

To not delay it and beat herself over it later.

She spoke.

"I want to play Yggdrasil with you."

"You want to."

"Yes, I want to and not wish to. I really want to play Yggdrasil with you till the End of the Game."

"Fine. Let's play if that's all you wish."

"So a yes"

"Yes, We don't have much time. There are only a few months left before the game shuts down. So Let's make use of it to the best as we can."

He spoke to her as walked back and forth in the corridor.

Domitor watched him pacing around the corridor as he talked to her.

It was a surprise for her.

She couldn't believe it.

He had agreed to play with her after everything that he had been through because of their group.

"So, Domitor. What is it that you wish to complete first in the Game? There are a lot of things that you haven't done in the Game yet."

He stood in front of her as he asked her this question.

Looking him in the eye, she said it.

It had been bugging her the whole time.

Their Clan's battle against The Fafnir.

He was a World Enemy, that they had been unable to defeat. Every other Boss they faced, though they lost in their first attempt and Vishanti covered them. They challenged them again and again till they won.

Though they hadn't unlocked many World Enemies, Fafnir was one they had unlocked with the other World Enemies from Sin Series whom they had defeated.

They had completed the Sin Series after finding out about it from the Yggdrasil Forum.

Their next target had been the Strongest Dragon in Yggdrasil.

But from what they heard from Vishanti, they even with his help were no match for World Devourer, the Strongest Dragon and the Strongest World Enemy.

It was a hopeless dream.

They settled for the Second Strongest Dragon in Yggdrasil, Fafnir.

But had still lost against HIM.

Every time they challenged him, they fell. They fell before they could make a dent in his HP. While Vishanti teleported away using a Divine Tier Item he had gotten from clearing a Dungeon.

Lopt, a single earpiece.

It is a teleporting item. Using it, he can teleport anytime and anywhere. He can teleport from any situation.

Except when a World Item is involved.

He can even teleport or escape from Raids, where teleportation or escaping are prohibited and blocked.

Using it he could teleport, and he had been teleporting away from the Raid. He couldn't have Fafnir throw dirt on his record of not having died for the entire span of the Game.

Escaping World Enemy is not possible but Vishanti was armed with World Items every time he faced HIM. They cancelled each other out, which let him escape.

Bruce after getting the item, was struggling to decide on whether to equip it or not. It was a ring at first when got it but he already had 10 rings equipped. Each ring was perfectly arranged to boost his strength and overcome his weakness. Every single ring was there to make him more versatile. They boosted his strength and were also there to address his weakness.

He couldn't equip any more.

Using his Golem Avatar he changed it to an earpiece.

Solving the problem of the ring.

Whenever they lost to Fafnir, he teleported away.

Thinking about it, Domitor asked him what had been bothering her this whole time.

"Why did you teleport every single time we fell?"

"I did say about it, didn't I? I didn't wish to grind experience again and again."

"Fine, I'm sure one day you will tell me the real reason."

"That is the real reason. You don't have any idea as to how much experience I have grinded since the beginning of the Game."

"If say so."

She talked to him as she led him to her Clan.

He followed her.

As they got seated at the table.

Vishanti spoke first.

"Domitor, you do know that your Clan is in Danger don't you?"


Recruiting Vishanti to her cause or better say recruiting Vishanti to an adventure had taken up all over her that she had forgotten about one of the main issues at hand.

But to her adventuring with Vishanti and spending time with him had and is more important than a Clan. It may be the place where they shared some of their memories. It was a place filled with their memories of their adventure as a group.

She was willing to save it if she could.

"So, Bruce where is our Clan Weapon?"


"That is your real name isn't it."

"Yes, it is my real name Akane."

"Are we done with it Now, BRUCE?"

"I guess Yes"

"So I'll ask it again Mr. Bruce Wayne.

I don't care what you are in the Real World and who you are.

In here, you are a player just like others, myself included.

So, Where is my Clan Weapon? As our Clan Leader had deleted his account, the Leadership of the Clan can be transferred to any Clan Member who equips it next."

"I have already received it as a payment. Also, I am a player with a stake in Yggdrasil. And I'm a Board Member of the parent company XYZ Company."

"I know, Akira said it to me that you received it as a payment for the meeting. But wait! You also own the Game."

"Yes but Partially. Then you should also know that I can't return it."

"Why is that Bruce?"

"I'm Vishanti in Yggdrasil and not Bruce. Also because I've already modified the weapon and gifted it to a friend of mine."

"You what? That's my Clan Weapon you are talking about."

"I know"


"But I did give you the base material for the Weapon. You might have not known it back then but it was a World Item, Caloric_Stone."

"Can't you take it back?"

"I am sorry Domitor but that's not possible. I've given it to someone important."

"Someone Important?"

"Yes, someone important. I owe a lot to her."

"Her.. You owe a lot to her in Yggdrasil right?"


"It's okay. I won't force you. I'm sure you had your reasons. For you to give her such a weapon, she must mean a lot to you."

"In a way yes."

"Good. So where are we on our Fafnir mission."

"Yes Domitor"

"So, what will it take for just two of us to clear it?"

"For starters, you will need more classes, skills and items that will give you more defensive capabilities.

Fafnir is a very strong enemy.

His defences are high and so are his offensive capabilities.

To beat him we will need destructive prowess and defensive power to hold on till we can give him that damage.

And it is not wrong of me to say that between the two of us, who has more destructive prowess?

So it is apparent who will have to take up the defensive role."



Domitor didn't know what to say.

At first, she had hoped to bring her clan back up to shape. Then she was led down by the fact that he had already given away their weapon.

Which didn't make sense to her.

He was the richest man in the World. He also had stocks in the Company that owned Yggdrasil. For him to have a shortage of weapons was an impossible scenario.

Unless he was playing by the rules.

Rather than doubting Him, she will have to go with that.

It didn't end there, the fact that he had given it to a woman, hurt her more than the fact that he had given it away.

But she had to stick to the present.

He was currently with her.

Also, the fact that he liked playing this game. Role-playing was something that he enjoyed.

Also, she didn't give a damn about this Game. The only reason she was here was something she made apparent that day.

She will play by his book.

If not Fafnir, then it will be The World Devourer.



But as Bruce watched her and observed her tone. He could tell.

She was happy and her voice also sounded a bit sad when he agreed to go on an adventure with her.

The same was true when they were talking about the Clan Weapon.


"So what is it? What do you think about the plan Domitor?"


"Were you listening the whole time I talked?"

"Yes, I am on defence duty. Am I not?"

"Yes. So let's do it. We will need almost two weeks to just procure the materials for the sword.

Since a player can't take on Fafnir after once defeating Him. It will be you alone on those missions collecting materials for the Sword, The Gram."

"Okay. So where should I start?"

"The World Of Dwarves, Niðavellir"

"So, let's go."


**The End**

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