
The overbearing CEO is in love with me

The overbearing CEO is in love with me

isolatedisland · Urban
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107 Chs

Someone else's fiance

Dongfang Chen sat downstairs and held a video conference with the company's internal senior management.

Xia Zimo, learning from her mobile phone, went down the stairs quietly towards the door.

The western clock on the wall flashed the thin shadow of a woman.

An angry voice sounded: "Where are you going, Summer Purple Castle?"

Her mission is to run away.

"Stop her!"

As soon as Dongfang Chen gave an order, several bodyguards at the door easily blocked her.

Xia Zibao could not but turn around: "You have no right to limit my freedom of life."

"Here, I have the right to decide whether I have the right or not." Dongfang Chen, with a cold face, tried to pull her back.

Xia Zimo knows not to offend him, otherwise he will attack her when he is mad.

"Mr. Dongfang, my mother is going to have an operation. I want to see her."

Dongfang Chen turned off the video conference, picked up the suit coat that was put aside, smiled, and said, "I will accompany you."

Seeing Xia Zimo sitting on the sofa feebly, he smiled and said in a warm voice, "I will go with you, won't I?"

She didn't adapt to his sudden gentleness. She retreated to the side, afraid that he would suddenly go mad again.

In fact, housekeeper Lan took great risks to tell his young master that women like gentle men. If you coax her, she will be lazy.

Although Dongfang Chen scolded housekeeper Lan for his face, he still thought he was right after careful consideration.

"I want to go alone."

"How can you get down the mountain without me driving?"

"I'll call a taxi."

Dongfang Chen's patience is surprisingly good. Ya starts: "OK, you can call it. If you can call it, I will let you go."

Xia Zibao called the villa on the top of the Seven Star Mountain when he got out of his mobile phone. The driver refused to come because it was too far away.

Xiashang Castle was cruel and said, "I will give you 1000 yuan."

The driver said, "OK, come right away."

In order to wait for the ancestral chariot to come, Xia Zimo sat on the sofa and dared not go away.

Dongfang Chen turns over the book in his hand. The 45 degree side face is perfect, but Xia Zimo won't look at him.

Dongfang Chen raised his head, smiled evilly, and gave steward Lan a meaningful obedience.

Housekeeper Lan bent down and backed out immediately.

There is more than one villa on the mountain, but there are two on the mountainside, so there is security at the foot of the mountain. With only one phone call, security can not easily let people in.

Xia Zimo didn't come up until the evening.

"Young master, what's for dinner?"

Dongfang Chen still said, "Ask her."

"Make me a bowl of noodles," she replied lightly.

Lan Guan's family looks at Dongfang Chen in embarrassment.

Dongfang Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "OK, I just want to eat noodles."

After eating the noodles, she continued to wait on the sofa. Dongfang Chen went to stop her gently and buried her head in her delicate neck. "Shall we go to the hot spring?"

Xia Zimo was so stupid to know that she was angry and the rabbit would bite when she was worried. Tomorrow is his brother's engagement dinner.

She sanded the pillow and threw it at his face.

East Zhuchen didn't hide. He hit the middle, and his handsome face turned dark. He must say that women should be gentle. Who said that women should be coaxed? His mother doesn't like this.

Run away after smashing. My brother will be engaged tomorrow. I must see him today. They still have a chance to be together.

"Come back!"

She was really worried and hit him with her mobile phone.

Dongfang Chentou deflected and his mobile phone fell to the floor with a crash.

"Ah, you let me go." If you can't get your hands off, you can kick him with your feet. If you fall to the ground, you are climbing out.

"Xia Zibao, what medicine did Xia Zixuan Zhujing give you? He is not going to marry you. Are you afraid of your fiance? Get up."

Xia Zimo just refused to get up. She kicked him away while crying.

"Get up," Dongfang Chen dragged her back if she didn't get up.

"Ah" Xia Zimo cried like crazy.

She dragged it to the tea table.

I'm really crazy. I felt a fruit knife on the table.

"What are you going to do?" Dongfang Chen did not move. His handsome face looked at her.

"I... I, she screamed, and it was a knife on her wrist.

The blood vessels were cut, and the bright red blood was puffing out of the eyes.

Dongfang Chen steals.

After reacting, he quickly grabbed her wrist and said, "Call a doctor, call a doctor quickly."

There are special doctors in the castle. Xia Zimo was quickly taken back to his room for rescue.

"Why is this? I must say that you really love him." Dongfang Chen frothed his head and felt a sense of frustration that he had never felt before. He withdrew from her room.

Go to the hall and pick up the phone she dropped, and click on the screen.

It was the message Xia Zixuan sent her.

"Young master, Miss Xia's character is too fierce. You should pacify her more."

He put down his mobile phone and was a little tired. He said, "Lan Yin, I'm still late. She has someone else in her heart."

"Young master," young master is very sad, Lan can see it.

Calm and calm little by little into the blood vessels, Xia Zimo is still on the bed, and his eyes have no focus.

The door opened, and Lan Yin came in with a glass of milk.

"Miss Xia," he whispered.

No response.

Lan sighed and put the milk on the table.

"Miss Xia, you are so smart that you can't see the young master's mind. He cares about you very much. I have been with the young master for so many years, and I have never seen him so interested in any woman. Since your brother wants to be with

Why can't you try to accept the young master when others are engaged? "

Xia Zimo didn't say anything, but Lan Yin thought she wouldn't answer, and the Ministry had turned around to leave.

But she opened her mouth and said with blank eyes, "Mr. Dongfang said that when I'm with my brother, I'm just going to hook up with someone else's fiance. Isn't it true that when I'm with him, I'm not going to hook up with someone else's fiance?"

Lan Yin was a little surprised.

Heard her continue to say: "Dongfang Chen has a fiancee in France."

Lan turned around, but she closed her eyes. Under the effect of the tranquilizer, she fell asleep.

Dongfang Chen did have a fiancee. Xiabao knew for a long time that in the lecture hall of Sorbonne University, the noble lady nearby screamed when she saw his heroism and said she would marry him.

Immediately afterwards, someone said in French to satirize her: "Dream, Qingcang's successor, and his fiancee is a direct daughter of one of the top ten families in France."

The marriage between Xia's Group and Li's Group was a matter of great concern. The gate of the hotel was completely surrounded early in the morning, and reporters were reporting on the spot.

Dongfang Chen also got up early and stood in front of the downstairs dispenser to pour wine.

Lan didn't know how many times she reminded him: "Young master, please try not to drink in the morning."

Then he said, "Young master, don't you really plan to participate in the engagement between Xia and Li?"

Please send it to Dongfang Chen's official table a few days ago. The owners of the Xia family and the Li family called specially to invite Dongfang President to come.