
The overbearing CEO is in love with me

The overbearing CEO is in love with me

isolatedisland · Urban
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107 Chs

My heart hurts

'He has been drinking since yesterday. Please take him back. I will leave when you come. "The other party was also very drunk and walked away.

Brother, "Xia Zimo went to help the man on the sofa.

He was so drunk that his face was ruined.

"Brother Zixuan, wake up," he is too heavy, Xia Zibao can't hold him.

The man had heavy smoke and alcohol: "Wake up, brother, I'm Zibao."

"Ziliang," he finally responded.

"Zibao, why don't you listen to me to explain that I don't want to be engaged to her. It's all driven by my father. Why can't you understand me"

'I know, I know you don't like Li Xinyao. Let's go out first. "Xia Zimo is very distressed when he sees his handsome face like this.

She helped him out. Before he reached the door, she heard a siren.

Then a group of policemen rushed in.

Without knowing it, Xia Zimo held Xia Zixuan in his arms and said, "Sir, we didn't break the law. My brother was just drunk."

Her reply was: "We have received a report that someone is taking drugs here."

The police found drugs in the trash can, and Xia Zimo and her brother were taken into the police station.

Xia Zibao's brother didn't take drugs.

However, the police found the traces of needles on Xia Zixuan's arm.

It's impossible. He won't take drugs. Brother, wake up and tell them that you haven't taken drugs. "Xia Zixuan doesn't respond no matter how she shakes.

The police suspected that she also took drugs, so they had to be checked.

"Xia Zixuan, wake up quickly." The amount of restoring purple is going crazy. When I saw a glass of water on the table, I took it and threw it at Xia Zixuan.

He woke up and opened his eyes to see his sister.

Brother, tell me quickly. You haven't taken drugs. Tell me quickly. "

The police won't listen to so much nonsense from them. They will go to check:

Xia Zixuan was so drunk at this time that he pushed away the two policemen who pulled Xia Zimo: "You don't want her!"

The drunken Xia Zixuan pushed down several policemen twice.

When the police saw this, they would pull out electric rods.

Xia Zimo hurriedly held her brother and had to show her power to press others: "Don't fight against him. He is the eldest son of the Xia family in Nanyang and the crown prince of the Xia family group. If you touch him, the Xia family will invite you most

Your lawyer is suing you. "

Sure enough, the police didn't have to wash out electric wands.

Xia Zimo took out the mobile phone in her bag to make a phone call, and in no case did Peng let the prince of Xia's group spread the drug abuse incident, or his brother would be finished.

Her mobile phone turned off automatically when it ran out of power.

In fact, it was the last point of power that was used up after someone played countless times.

Xia Zimo couldn't even turn on the phone, so she went back to her brother's mobile phone.

Press Start, fortunately, it turned on.

She quickly dialed Xia Ziqing's phone and asked her to come here without telling the rest of the Xia family.

"Brother," Xia Zimo gave him water on his brown face.

Xia Zixuan held her in her arms and cried. He pressed his chest and said, "Zimo, it's very painful here. It's killing me."

Xia Zimo cried, "Brother, no matter how sad you are, you can't take drugs. Do you know it will harm you?"

Xia Zixuan looked at her painfully and said, "Zibao, why are you with him?"

"You know..." Xia Zimo trembled, and he pointed to Dongfang Chen.

One night, I saw you get on his car and go with him. I waited downstairs until two o'clock, but you didn't come back... "

When Xia Zimo was taken away by Dongfang Chen last night, Xia Zixuan stood beside him and watched. He saw his purest sister get on someone else's luxury car and didn't come back all night.

"Stop talking, stop talking." Xia Zimo held her brother and cried bitterly.

She seemed to understand and looked at her brother in disbelief: "So, you went to drug abuse"

"I'm so painful, and I'm dying of pain." He was heartbroken, and he was dying of pain. He needed to find a way to save himself.

Sorry, brother "

When Li Xinyao arrived at the police station, he saw them hugging each other and crying together.

She took a lawyer and a bodyguard. The lawyer immediately negotiated with the police.

Li Xinyao went to pull Xia Zimo angrily.

"I knew it was you who had caught Zixuan." She slapped Xia Zimo and fanned her.

Xia Zixuan was drunk and cried.

Handsome naphtha's brother cried in despair, and xia zimo's heart was splitting.

She won't let go. As long as they are together, there will be a way. Brother, I won't leave you, and you won't leave me. We can be together.

"Let go! You bitch, let go!" Li Xinyao grabbed her hair and slapped her again.

"Let go, let go!"

No matter how she pulls, Xia Zimo holds her brother and refuses to let go:

"What are you doing standing there? Don't pull them away"

Two bodyguards went up and set up Xia Zixuan.

Li Xinyao grabbed her untidy hair and warned her severely: "Xia Zimo, if you dare to pester my fiance again, I will find someone to * me a hundred times!"

Watching her brother being pulled away, Xia Zimo fell on the ground and cried.

Li Xinyao was so angry that he stood at the police station and threatened her again and again.

"Let her go!" A cold voice came with arrogance and authority.

This small police station suddenly swarmed into several great people.

The windbreaker of Dongfang Chen was in perfect radian. His handsome face was covered with frost and came like a black god of death. The aura was so big that all the people stood aside automatically.

"Let her go!" He said it again.

Seeing that it was Dongfang Chen, Li Xinyao trembled, released his grip on Xia Zibao, and took two steps back.

Xia Zixian has been escorted to the car by the bodyguard, and Xia Zimo is still lying on the ground crying.

Dongfang Chen glanced at Li Xinyao angrily, pointed at her and said, "The woman who dares to touch me, if there is another time, I will let your Li Group disappear from this city!"

Li Xinyao has to admit that Dongfang Chen definitely has this ability, but people are fighting for breath. She said with her neck on her back: "Please let Mr. Dongfang take care of your woman, and don't stop her from hooking up with other people's unmarried

Husband. "

Dongfang Chen picked up Xia Zimo's hair and walked out of the public security hall.

She cried so much that her nose and tears wiped Dongfang Chen's windbreaker.

Dongfang Chen felt a fire burning in his heart. He was so busy finishing the company's work in the evening that no one answered the woman's phone call.

He was frantic. Fortunately, her mobile phone had GPS in it. Even if it was turned off, he could find it.

The driver who saw her off was scolded by him and rolled back to his hometown.

The woman never changed her mind. She went to find the bastard Fu Zixuan behind his back.

He pushed her into the car vigorously, pushed her across her face, and saw that both cheeks were beaten red and swollen.

Dongfang Chen scolded: "Stupid woman, you can't fight back." How stupid a woman is to lie down and stop others from fighting.

Xia Zimo was numb to cry, but she did not move. She cried silently.