

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Saintess of the mountains sword sect? not worthy!!

After the creation of Long tian; the first thing he did was to make a carriage as a mean of transportation; he even cought three times inferno horses to pull the carriage!! how fierce!! (it's one of the most powerful beasts at the core formation realm). after making the carriage; he said

"young master; the carriage is finished;we can now continue with our journey ".moxie was the first one to enter into the carriage and after making it clean;she asked ye xuan to come in; as he was sitting; he felt really comfortable; relaxed; and the spiritual energy inside was two times better than that of the outside

"sigh!!such luxury!;Long tian; we can start our journey ".and so; they started there journey; as they moved; sometimes they found forests; sometimes grasslands sometimes beasts of every type.

After some time; the carriage stopped "young master; there some bandits ahead of us; what should I do; kill or leave them alone? "asked Long Tian as he looked into the far distance

"leave them alone if they don't disturb us; if they trouble us; no need to show them mercy; those kinds of people have many crimes " said ye xuan as he replied to him

"yes;I understand "

As they neared the area where the bandits were hiding; the bandits leader felt the aura that was coming from the inferno horses and said "leave; let's evacuate from here; we are not going to loot these ones; we will come back after they go away from here "

"but eldest brother; didn't you say that we are going to loot everyone that passes by this way? "asked one of the bandits as he looked at his leader in daze

"Old fifith; do you want to get me killed; the beasts that are pulling that carriage are in the core formation realm; not to mention that middle aged man sitting on them whom even I can't see through;if you want to rob them; I won't stop you "

"Heheheh eldest brother; I old fifith respect you; how can I stay if you are going; we are sworn brothers; we live together and die together; not so?"

"Hahaha it's still old fifith that is so shameless among us "said another guy who was standing just next to the two

"mph! shamelessness is one of the reasons why am still alive; I don't care about your opinion about it "

"okay! stop it; let's get going before they reach here "

As Long Tian looked at the evacuating bandits; he smiled and continued with the journey ;after some time; they reached at a forest that had a gloomy aura; he asked "young master; is this the hundreds ghost forest that you talked about? "asked Long tian as he looked at it.

"it should be it; it means that we are a half through our journey "answered ye xuan"

"young master; I think we should get some rest and then we continue with the journey tomorrow "said moxie as she looked at him expectingly

"No! we will have our rest after reaching the next city; it's not too far away from here ;maybe four or five hours "

"okay young master "

The next morning; ye xuan signed in and what he received made him surprised because on it was

«congratulations host; you have received the Azure Emperor's Heavenly Mirror «

It was one of the most powerful immortal artifactsn;it could be used for attacking your enemies by shooting out a beam of light that can't miss it's enemy no matter the distance; it could also be used for spying on some one but that was with a condition of knowing his or her name; and places that he or she lives; but despite all that; there was no one it couldn't locate!!. After that; he used the instant communication technique and talked with Xiao su'er and said "Use the teleportation formation and come to the inner world; I have something to give you "and after that; he cut off the connection.

Meanwhile in the central continent; in a five storey building that had the words *HEAVENLY SECRETS PAVILION * on it ; an excited Xiao Su'er could be seen pacing back and forth; she was so excited that she couldn't stop grinning ;she used the teleportation formation and in no time; she was in the inner world; as she looked around; she couldn't help but wonder; *does this realm generate resources and artifacts by its self? *;she shouldn't be blamed; the last time they came here they used the resources and some of them were taken to the treasure palace; but looking at them now; it felt like they didn't take even a thing from here; as she was looking around; she felt a presence around

"woof-woof ".a small and cute looking dog came into view; but what was funny was that as soon as she saw it; she started sweating buckets;

"favour! stop it! "came a voice of ye xuan as he came near them while holding a small mirror in his hands (of course it's was his clone that was disguised)

"Here!this is the thing that I wanted to give you "

As she looked at it she felt like it was not as simple as it looked; after her spiritual energy was directed into it;


she felt a lot of information being transferred to her brain; after digesting it;she was speechless

"m-master; th-this!its an immortal grade artifact!! "

"mphh! how can that kind of trash shock you! I became tired of devouring it; I lord dog will leave it for you to use; mphh!"

"twak!!"a resounding slap was all that favour received from ye xuan as he looked at it angrily

"I think you have got a way of using that artifact well;you can leave now; by the way; take those things with you "said ye xuan as he pointed at the resources that were placed in a corner.

as she looked at them; she couldn't help but suck in a breath; these were resources that even the emperor can't possess ;yet here; they were placed in a corner as if it was trash!! (just who is this master?)

After she left; ye xuan destroyed the clone .meanwhile in the outside world; long tian was explaining to him that there was a big city in the far distance.

As they neared the city; they could see many cultivators running in and out of the city; after some time; they were in front of the gates. as the guards looked at the carriage; and then looked at the inferno horses that pulled the carriage; to the serious looking long tian; they couldn't help but move into a distance and let them enter as they pleased

After entering the city;

ye xuan put the carriage into his inner world; after that they joined croud. the first thing they noticed was many people whispering with each other

"did you hear the news; it's said that the saintess of the mountains sword sect is coming to the city today; it's said that she is so beautiful!! I want to see whether it's true "

"it's true!;I got a chance to catch a glimpse of her at the ten sects gathering last year;sigh!!I can't help but think about it now that I mentioned it; it's two months to the gathering; who do you think will get the first place this time? "

"hehe I don't know about other things but when it comes to sects; I think the Mad Saber from the black saber sect will win this year! "

"mphh! our sect's Miao Miao will win "

"You people of the Purple flower sect are shameless!; you used underhanded means to trick our brother Tao; but this time; it will be our Solitary tower sect's turn to win! "as they were arguing; an abrupt shout was heard;

"She is here! the saintess of the mountains sword sect is here!! "


silence! complete silence!

"is this the saintess? she is really beautiful "a young man that was standing not far away from the trio couldn't help but mutter. as ye xuan looked at her; he couldn't help but feel disappointed; the so called beauty couldn't even hold a candle in front of moxie! but as if by coincidence; the so called beauty was also looking the same way and as she looked at him; she couldn't believe what she saw! a very handsome boy that seemed to be fifteen years old was looking at her!! she blushed but quickly covered it up and quickly came besides them

"I am the saintess of the mountains sword sect; Feng Fei ;who are you; you don't seem to be from this city "

"wow!who is that boy that the saintess is speaking with?; I have never seen him anywhere from the city "said one of the people that heard what the saintess had said

"he really is handsome! why didn't I see him earlier; I would have introduced myself already!! sigh she is really quick at seeing good people "

"look at the girl besides him even though she is wearing a veil; her figure is that of a beauty! "

"now that you talk about it; I want to remove it and compare the two of them "

"The saintess of the mountains sword sect you say? you are not worthy of my young master!! ".said moxie as she removed the veil that was covering her face!


(happy new month readers; we have resumed our daily updates; let's see how far we can reach! but really? where are the power stones you promised me? hahahahahahhaha I was joking but if you find my work worthy; you can give me some; thanks for the support)