

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · Fantasy
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29 Chs


"sigh! young people are arrogant now "said ye xuan as he looked at them as if looking at dead bodies

"what did you say you piece of tr--"before he could finish his words;



Sounds of splitting air were heard as two chopsticks flew straight into the boy's mouth and passed through his head;


A lifeless body fell down in an instant.


The building was in shouts as many people started running away quickly as if someone was chasing after them;they moved away and went to hide far from the restaurant.

meanwhile inside the restaurant;

"yo-you; you have killed Mu Shin "asked one of the boys

"sigh!! you are weak; yet you make trouble; why don't you go and cultivate? "asked ye xuan as he came near Mu Feng

"y-you don't come near me; I -I don't want your table anymore I -I..".before he could finish his words;


"y-you -"


"kill this bas--"


After continuous slaps; a person with a pig head was on the ground

"ehh? are you perhaps a body cultivation expert; such a thick skin; sigh my wrist is now hurting "


blood was spilled around the restaurant table

"y-you!! don't you dare run; my Mu family is going to look for you; I will torture you till you die "

"You are threatening me?;hurry up and leave immediately before I kill you "said ye xuan

"you the Mu family --"before he finished his words




They were thrown out of the restaurant

"The Mu family; so what! ".after eating; ye xuan called out

"waiter ;here is the fee for the meal and the damage ".after that;he heard the system's notification

«cngratulations host for completing the mission; you have received the lesser comprehension pill «

he and moxie went looking for an inn but as they were walking around the streets; he saw a building and on top of it were the words *TREASURE PALACE *and ye xuan started walking straight to it.

"young master; do you have something you want to sell? "

"Moxie;the treasure palace is one of my businesses that I made when I was young "

"but young master; it's said that it's one of the most powerful organizations that came out of nowhere; how powerful are they? "

"There vice master is only a step away from ascending to the devine realm"


As they reached the building;ye xuan removed a token from his storage and showed it to the guards and said "take me to the highest command here "as the guard looked at the token; he was shocked and replied

"Yes esteemed guest "

After the guard left; he went to one of the receptions and said

"second elder; there is a guest with one of the five supreme tokens "

"what!! "a slightly hoarse voice came from the door as an old man came out

"what did you say; one of the Supreme tokens? "

"Yes second elder; I saw it with my own eyes "

As the second elder came to the doors; he looked at ye xuan and said; "can I look at your token esteemed guest?"

"here it is "answered ye xuan as he gave him the token

after looking at it; he said "sorry sir but I wanted to confirm that it's real; please come in esteemed guests "

"I want two clean rooms; we will be staying here tonight "

"yes sir "

meanwhile in the Mu family; a person came in and said "house lord; the youngest master was beaten up by two foreign youths at

the Pheonix restaurant "

"Who dares to beat my son; did you see were those people who beat him up went; I will go there myself and bring them here; guards!! prepare; we are going to bring them here now!! "

"my-my lord; the spys I sent saw them being received by one of the three elders of the Treasure palace and after they entered; they have not been seen outside again "

"what did you say; the treasure palace? we are not going to bring them back!! tell your spys to come back now!! do you want to get me killed? go out now!! "

As for Ye Xuan;he didn't know anything about these; right now; he was eating something with moxie as they conversed with the second elder

"esteemed guests I hope you enjoy your stay here "

"yes it's fine; by the way how is business going here?no major organization made it difficult for you? if there is; then tell me; I will pay it a visit tomorrow morning before I go ".as he said this; the second elder felt cold all over his body (as expected of the holder of the Supreme token ;he is not simple as he looks) he thought.

"No sir; no major forces made it difficult for us; they actually give us ways in many ways "

"hahaha as expected of Emperor Ming;he is thinking a head of everything ;any way thanks for the trouble "

"no sir; l will be leaving for now; if there is anything you want; l will be at your service "

After he left; moxie who was listening all the time asked

"young master; what did you mean by what you said about the emperor? I didn't understand it "

"One day; he sent one of his trusted subordinates to spy on the treasure palace; but once that spy went back; he didn't get the chance to talk about what he saw and became minced meat; at that time; their pseudo devine realm guardian came out and told him that he felt an aura that was no less than his own; since then; he's been avoiding conflicts with the treasure palace "

"ehh? that also means that he doesn't want a fight with it? "moxie asked

"of course he doesn't; he has many enemies than allies so he doesn't want to have a fight that will only result in losses every side " .

(I think you are reading right now; not so? eat some fruits; it's good for your health; (that was said by one the doctors I consulted yesterday about health; thanks for reading)