

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · Fantasy
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29 Chs


after the clone was made; ye xuan fell asleep and asked the system to notify him when he is no longer monitored to access he's inner world .after some time; he was notified that he can access the inner world.

the first thing he noticed was that the spiritual energy was many times better than that of the outside world;he also noticed that the gravitational force here was many times more than that of the outside world so he asked the system and the answer he got was that this world was more advanced and vast. he looked at he's clone and was petrified because it was like him in every way; he felt like looking at him self so he asked the system

«host and he's clone are basically the same person so you don't have to worry because it bleeds the same blood as host unless disguised «


early the next morning;the first thing he said was "system sign in "

«congratulations host you have received the following rewards«

1:one teleportation scroll (2times use)

2:soul sealing technique (ungraded).

"haha the system is so overpowered; teleport my clone to the town".A blinding light was placed in the inner world and the clone was gone; in a simple Hut in the town there sat a young man; he was so handsome to compare him to anyone. he simply was unparalleled; that was ye xuan's Clone disguised as one of the characters in the mangas that was in he's last life. he used the way given by the system to notify the summons where he is and in minutes; he saw them entering one by one.

he looked at them and kept quiet for a while and finally said something they didn't expect

"I have no time ;so skip the introduction because I know you all well;lets start with the tasks for you all "

he first gave them the knowledge about their professions and gave them tasks

1:Su Ling and Bai Yang (treasure palace )

2:Xio su'er and An Mujin (heavenly secrets pavilion)

3:Su Chen (assassination house)

"lastly I'll give you the soul sealing technique to ensure that you have no traitors and I want to hear about you from all of the continent in five years from now "

Su ling asked "master if we want to communicate with you ;where should we meet you?"

"am every where "he said before teleporting away

"who is he!!! "they wondered.

In the inner world; "huu" "thank God they didn't suspect anything "

«congratulations host for making your subordinates trust you Wholeheartedly;you have received the instant communication technique which allows you to know and communicate with your subordinates every time despite all the distance «


let's test it "instant communication "

he felt connection with five individuals.meanwhile far away from the town; five individuals felt being connected to an unknown spiritual connection. they heard a familiar voice saying "make sure your subordinates are powerful enough ".and it was gone the next second

"what powers!! "said Bai yang