
The Over-Break System

After Suddenly Dying due to a Nuclear Strike in World World Three, our Main Characters, two brothers, find themselves standing before the two Deities whose Religious Artifacts they wore upon death. The Two Deities give them a choice, enter the Cycle of reincarnation as usual, without their memories, or Reincarnate into a world of their choosing while keeping their Memories. However, Option 2 carries a high cost; if they die…that’s the end of the line; they are wiped from existence. This is a gripping tale of Battles, Bloodshed, and Mental trauma from their past lives told in a different style than typically seen in a Webnovel or Light Novel. A tale where two brothers are set up against impossible odds in a world where they truly only have each other to rely on. But… are their lives truly their own or have they become playthings and chess pieces in a grander, Divine plan. ((THIS STORY IS WRITTEN IN A VERY SPECIFIC WESTERN FORMAT, WHERE CERTAIN CHARACTERS WILL BE HIGHLIGHTED IN CERTAIN WAYS MORE THAN OTHERS! AT ITS CORE, THIS STORY DOES HAVE 2 MAIN CHARACTERS, EVEN IF EARLY ON, IT DOES NOT SEEM THAT WAY!)) Commissioned Cover Art Made By https://www.instagram.com/xx_crimsonx_xx/ Check out the discord DISCORD, https://discord.gg/j4VNbvNC6u--

ScotchTy · Fantasy
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677 Chs

One-On-One Interview (3)

"The two of us had gone out on another exploring mission, and that was when I spotted something falling from the sky. At first, I thought it was just a normal shooting star, something we weren't unfamiliar with since we didn't have bright City lights blotting out the sky all night."

"But boy, oh boy, was I wrong." Steepling his fingers and resting his chin atop them, Cynrik's face went from its usual expressionless mask to one of a serious nature. 

The sudden change startled the two reporters and everyone else in the room, except for Selene, who was fighting back some serious laughter, and Brance, who felt the urge to strangle his older brother. 

"W…wrong how?" Seeing as Cynrik had gone silent for more than a few seconds, Amaris summoned up the courage to ask, snapping Cynrik out of his thoughts. 

"Hm, well, as I was saying, shooting stars were nothing new. Being in a back woods and quiet town like Lawton, we often saw meteor showers."