
The Over-Break System

After Suddenly Dying due to a Nuclear Strike in World World Three, our Main Characters, two brothers, find themselves standing before the two Deities whose Religious Artifacts they wore upon death. The Two Deities give them a choice, enter the Cycle of reincarnation as usual, without their memories, or Reincarnate into a world of their choosing while keeping their Memories. However, Option 2 carries a high cost; if they die…that’s the end of the line; they are wiped from existence. This is a gripping tale of Battles, Bloodshed, and Mental trauma from their past lives told in a different style than typically seen in a Webnovel or Light Novel. A tale where two brothers are set up against impossible odds in a world where they truly only have each other to rely on. But… are their lives truly their own or have they become playthings and chess pieces in a grander, Divine plan. ((THIS STORY IS WRITTEN IN A VERY SPECIFIC WESTERN FORMAT, WHERE CERTAIN CHARACTERS WILL BE HIGHLIGHTED IN CERTAIN WAYS MORE THAN OTHERS! AT ITS CORE, THIS STORY DOES HAVE 2 MAIN CHARACTERS, EVEN IF EARLY ON, IT DOES NOT SEEM THAT WAY!)) Commissioned Cover Art Made By https://www.instagram.com/xx_crimsonx_xx/ Check out the discord DISCORD, https://discord.gg/j4VNbvNC6u--

ScotchTy · Fantasy
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677 Chs

Aftermath Part 1

In a hotel lobby filled with destruction and blood, two young boys could be seen lying on their backs, staring at a decrepit and cracked mural depicting the scene of a party of warriors facing off against a massive dragon.

From time to time, the muscles in the two boy's arms and legs would violently spasm, bringing small painfilled whimpers from their mouths.

{Fuck, this sucks.} Cynrik, the eldest boy, said in the mind link the two brothers shared. They had been lying in this same position for over 30 minutes, and still, neither had enough strength even to wiggle their toes, let alone stand up.

{Yeah…how long till Mom and Dad show up?} Brance, the younger brother, asked while trying to move his pinky finger for the hundredth time unsuccessfully.

{No clue. Tobs wanna chime in?} Cynrik said while asking the artificial intelligence of his system.

  -Estimated time of Cinyah and Rikard Jetlensr is 15 minutes and 33 seconds.-