
The outstanding Triplet

Isabel,Stephanie and Mia were separated immediately they were born.They triplets grew up in a world of riches,ego and power.How will they handle the situation around them? The difficult upbringing,the war bet ween themselves and the reason behind their birth. What about their father Albert,how will he survive after the loss of his wife and sudden disappearance of his children. And finally, will they be reunited? Follow every chapter of this great novel,you will be intrigued.

Catherine_Ojeh · Urban
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22 Chs


"Move" A strong kick followed immediately right in the belly.

Aaaargh the man groaned in pains

Albert ran to the crowd and saw a man being dragged with chains, He bled all over.

"What happened?"He asked Tito

"He tried to escape and was caught."Tito replied.

"Is it that bad?"Albert asked him

"You don't just know what you've gotten yourself into son" Tito replied

"I need to know something...

"There's nothing you need to know Albert,I've told you before,you're in,you're in there's no going back"Tito said cutting in.

Tito walked away,while Albert stood still looking at him.

"You take the fishes and put in there,we don't want them dying" Mr Bong,The chief fisherman in the Expatriate told Albert.They were.....

"Sorry Sir, just can't help but ask,When are you going to be free sir?"

"Free from what?"He asked Albert.

"Oh! I mean from you know..... to go to your dream country?"

Ah,Well i ain't going anywhere."He said to Albert.

Albert looked at him confused,he wasn't satisfied with the reply he got from Mr Bong.

"Yea, now you and the others should transfer the fishes into the other pond."

"OK sir."Albert said.But his mind were filled with thoughts.

Later on,Albert sat with Onyok.

Then Albert looked around and asked him

"Why are there more illiterate than literate?No don't get me wrong,it's not like i went to school or something,but thing is that most people from batanes where I come from speak English, even though that they are not educated."

Onyok looked at him and smiled then he motioned the he didn't know by lifting up his shoulders and opening his palms

"Ah you don't know?,well it's fine."

"So what village are you from?"

"fa-rfa-rrr" Onyok struggled to speak.

"Far?but every village is far from here, but i won't like to stress you much so don't worry about it." Albert told him.

Then Albert whispered to onyok

"The last time that we discussed,you told me that place was bad,why?"

Onyok looked at him with a sad expression,using his hands he pointed to other expatriate moving around and pointed back at Albert.Then he said to him say

"Theyyy wi-ll t-e-ll yooouuu."

"Alright thanks onyok,I think I should go continue with my duties"

Onyok nodded and Albert left him.

Later that evening,Albert saw Tito sitted under a tree.

Tired?" Albert asked him

"Yep,at my age, I shouldn't be permitted to work anymore don't you think?"Tito asked Albert

Yea you are right, but it's just for a little while right?" Albert asked him.

Tito chuckled and asked him"Are you wishing me death?"

No freedom"Albert replied

"Freedom?Really?"Tito laughed in disbelief.

"Tito please tell me what you know about the Expatriate.

Just like you said, I'm here already but I cannot just be in the dark.Even Onyok is scared to talk about them."Albert said to Tito.

"You cannot get an information from Onyok,He is dumb."Tito informed Albert.

"I know even though, he act like he speaks before." Albert replied

"Yes,he was speaking perfectly when he came here.Not until two months ago."Tito confirmed.

"What! what happened to him?"Albert asked surprised.

"I don't know,it's the same question that everyone asked and is still asking.He went out one day with Dodoy and Rodel

But when they came back,Onyok couldn't speak anymore people asked what happened,but the story that Dodoy gave was unbelievable."

"Oh My goodness! What was the story?" Albert asked again.

"Dodoy said that they were attacked on the road. Some strange people took onyok, they went and rescued him but he couldn't speak anymore."

" Couldn't speak anymore?Like how?Did They use a spell on him or what?"Albert asked again,he was more than confused.

"No son, they did something to his throat.At that time Onyok couldn't even eat at all, thank God speaking is the only problem he have how.

"They didn't catch them,i mean the people that hurt Onyok" Albert asked concerned.

"How do you even know that their story is true Albert? What if they did that to him?

You want to know the truth? well there have been more deaths than Migrant here in the expatriate."

"OK now tell me, why do we need to plant for them? why do we need to Farm for them? why are you doing fishery for them before qualifying to be on a ship? And importantly,Why can't we quit? Do you know the answers to this Albert, if you do please tell me." Tito spoke while Albert just stared at him.

"Am going to tell you a story Albert,but you won't tell anyone because it's a secret"

"Okay" Albert replied

"Including Onyok, no one at all" Tito repeated.

"Fine,i won't tell anyone"

"It happened some months ago,Efren stays with me in the same tent.We were very close and he was a young man,about your age.

Everything was going fine and we both had hope just like you do.

So one morning the usually book or should I say their godforsaken lucky list was opened.They called out two names Efren and one other man.

I was extremely happy for him, he was happy too. Hee wished that we could go together, but then the rules.

I hugged him and he left excited we both wished ourselves Good luck.

With Dodoy and the white man they all left.But then at midnight as I was about to sleep,Efren ran into the tent and he looked so scared.He was looking for a place to hide.

I was so confused and I asked him "What's going on Efren?"

Then he said to me "There is no going back ,they are Evil, there is no dream Country."

He called my name and Said "Tito everyone is doomed."

Albert that night, i saw another version of Efren,He wasn't who he used to be. I tried to get more information from him but then he ran away.He said that he didn't want me to get caught and get killed.

Then the next Morning,Dodoy stood Efren infront of everyone and said

"He went against to Rules and for that,he will face the penalty which is death."

Albert opened his eyes widely both confusion and surprises were written all over his face.

Tito continued "Yes yes I was surprised too Albert and I had to ask them" How did he go against the rules?"

Dodoy replied "Because he tried to escape" But guess what Albert , Efren couldn't talk,he couldn't defend himself,he couldn't even say what happened, he was just like Onyok."

Tito stood up and tap Albert on the shoulder and said to him "There is no going back son."

As he turned to leave he added"And before I forgot,I was given a penalty for asking too many questions.That I will never leave the Expatriate and that is why I have been here for a year now."

Tack care Albert. 😭


Albert needs an angel now

oops! that is too bad of the Expatriate leaders.

What is Albert going to do now?

Is there no hope at all?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Catherine_Ojehcreators' thoughts