

Klaus_Hughs · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Whip Whip

"Ahhhh," a man cried while being whipped. Burning blood ran down his back to his rear. Cold sweat racing down his forehead. Tears forming in his eyes from the excruciating pain of the whips.

He looked exhausted and drowsy as if he were about to collapse any instant. The sound of the clanging chains filled the room.

"Now, repeat what you just said to me," said what seemed to be the head of the men punishing the crying soul. The man pulled out his knife and pointed it to the guy in the chains. "I will cut your throat out if you don't repeat it, now say it!!" Even with these threats the guy still didn't utter a single word and just looked down.

"I could kill you right now you bastard, and you don't even have anything to say.... pathetic. Seems like a stupid way to die," the man said while holding the knife to the guy's neck. There was silence for a while, a really long silence.


"You fools haven't seen it yet haven't you," the guy spoke in a calm tone. The group of man were taken by surprise. It was as though all of them had a chill up their spine.

"If anyone of you could notice what's wrong with me, I would kill all of you and let that one person live," he said with a much more energetic voice. The men were dumbstruck... none of them could see what was wrong. The question puzzled all of them until their brains hurt. The man with the knife didn't have any of that," First you insult me, then you mock us, the guards of the Outcast Camp. You have sealed your own fate."

"SIR, GET AWAY." cried one of the men with a shaky voice. The whole room could hear his cry.

"CAN'T YOU SEE SIR, WE JUST WHIPPED THAT GUY A LOT OF TIMES, RIGHT?" the same voice cried again. The man was confused by the question. "Yes," the man said with assurance.

"LOOK AT HIS BACK SIR," the voice cried again. They were all frightened by what they just say, it was unimaginable, something never seen before.

"Instant generation, that's what you call it right? Well I like to call it step 1," the guy said with a smirk in his face.

2 weeks ago

In the city of Linea situated in the island of Gragen Island, there is a group of political leaders who are the leaders of all the democratic parties of the island. These people call themselves the Exterminators. This group was created after the war between the Island of Gragen and the armed forces of the Quinton State which is ruled by a king called King Luther. After they lost the war (Gragen Island), the were lowered in the Rank Of Power from second to seventh. With these devastating events coming one after the other, the people of Gragen Island blamed criminals of any sort claiming that they bring bad luck to the land. Soon after that there was a meeting between all the political leaders talking about this matter with "the outcasts". After months of planning they came up with the Outcast Camp. This served as a field where criminals are supposed to work as punishment for their deeds and also sleep in the poor environment. Even if the criminals did minority crime, they would be judged by their criminal record.

"Welcome to the Outcast Camp, write your name and age on the registration form right in front of you," said a guard pointing to a sheet of paper.

The guard looked at the young lad infront of him with a straight face, giving him a cold stare. The lad didn't seem disturbed by this treatment, he actually didn't seem like he was disturbed by anything. They kept the same long stare between each other and didn't shift their attention. There was silence....

" Pen?" the young lad asked with a calm tone. The guard looked disgusted by the answer. He knew exactly what he was doing. He didn't need an outcast to tell him how to do his job.

"First lesson you're gonna learn from here is to keep your mouth shut. I know my job very well, I don't need you to tell me how to do it. Now step forward and receive your mark,"

There were about 5 guards behind him and 2 in front of him. He didn't have much of a choice to respond or not to respond. "What do you mean mark?"

"Well you see, this isn't any regular initiation. We need to see blood shed before we let you in and if you make this harder than it already is, we will kill you," the man let out a small smirk.

"Do your worst," the lad said with a calm tone with almost no emotions in his eyes. Some of the guys were a little freaked out by this new guy. He was weird and his behaviour was strange. But it wasn't anything they haven't seen yet. They have worked with a lot of weird people before and he wasn't the first. The lad stepped forward to attain his mark. He had no fear in his face. Even if he acted brave atleast he would've shown a little fear but no... This lad was different.

"I salute you for your braveness, now I shall cut your palm and use your blood as ink," the man said taking out a sharp, shiny pocket knife. You could see that pocket knife was just sharpened by just the sharpness.


"Ahhhh" blood splattered from his palm into a vascular container. The guard took a feather and dipped it in the blood.

"Name?" The guard said with a calm tone.

"Sage.... Hughs," he said with a shaky voice.



"Thank you for your collaboration, you shall be escorted to your room shortly," said the guard getting into the building. The young lad was still mourning from the pain with a small voice. He got into the building immediately after the guard had entered.


"So this is where I shall spend my next two years in."