
The Outcasted Hero

Apollo grew up alone with no parents until came the time that his true strength unleashed and the people admire him.

kathy_katz · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Don Conrad Heard the News of Meriam Getting Birth

Meriam's affectionate gesture of placing Apollo's fingers near her nose revealed her maternal tenderness and delight in the simple joys of motherhood. The scent of her baby's fingers filled her with joy and contentment, symbolizing the close bond between mother and child. For Meriam, this act was not just about experiencing the physical sensation but also about cherishing every moment spent holding her son in her arms, savoring the precious connection they shared.

Together, Aaron and Meriam's expressions of love and joy encapsulated the transformative experience of becoming parents. Their words and actions conveyed a profound sense of wonder and gratitude for the new life they had brought into the world. It reflected their deep emotional investment in Apollo's future and their shared journey as a family in the village of Cana, where every moment spent with their son was cherished as a gift of love and happiness.

As the joyful news of Apollo's birth echoed through the tranquil Cana Village, it also reached the ears of Don Conrad, a figure known for his authority and influence in the region. His response was immediate and decisive.

Don Conrad, a man of strong demeanor and commanding presence, received the news with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He was known for his rigorous approach to governance and the maintenance of order in the surrounding areas. Upon learning of the birth, he swiftly gathered his men, a group of loyal and well-equipped individuals who accompanied him on his expeditions and missions.

With urgency in his step, Don Conrad made his way towards Cana Village. The journey was not long, but the anticipation and uncertainty hung in the air as they approached the outskirts of the village. His men followed closely behind, their expressions reflecting a blend of respect for their leader and readiness for whatever task lay ahead.

As they entered the village, the atmosphere shifted subtly. The sounds of celebration that had filled the air moments ago now gave way to a hushed expectancy. Villagers glanced nervously at one another, unsure of Don Conrad's intentions or the reason for his sudden arrival.

Don Conrad, with a purposeful stride, made his way towards the center of the village where the festivities had recently taken place. His gaze swept across the gathered villagers, taking in the scene before him with a measured assessment.

"Where is he?" Don Conrad's voice cut through the silence, commanding attention and respect. His eyes searched for Aaron and Meriam, the new parents who had unknowingly become the focus of his interest.

Aaron, sensing the tension in the air, stepped forward with a calm demeanor, Apollo cradled protectively in his arms. Meriam stood beside him, her expression a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as she awaited Don Conrad's next words.

Don Conrad approached them with a purposeful stride, his demeanor unwavering. His gaze shifted from Aaron to Meriam and finally settled on the newborn baby in Aaron's arms. There was a moment of quiet intensity as he took in the sight of Apollo, the newest member of the village, born into a community rich in tradition and unity.

The villagers held their breath, uncertain of what Don Conrad's presence meant for the newfound peace and happiness that had filled their hearts just moments before. His reputation preceded him, and the weight of his authority cast a shadow over the otherwise joyful occasion.

Don Conrad, his expression unreadable, finally spoke. "Congratulations," he said, his voice carrying a hint of gruff approval. "May the birth of this child bring prosperity and harmony to Cana Village."

With those words, the tension dissipated slightly, replaced by a cautious optimism among the villagers. Don Conrad's presence, once a source of concern, now seemed to signify a tacit acceptance of Apollo's birth and a recognition of the village's continued strength and resilience.

As Don Conrad and his men turned to leave, the villagers exchanged relieved glances and quiet whispers. The celebration resumed, albeit with a newfound sense of gratitude and unity. For Aaron, Meriam, and their newborn son Apollo, the journey ahead promised challenges and triumphs, but in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their community, they knew they would face whatever came next together, united in hope and determination.

As night fell over Cana Village, the lingering relief among the villagers dissolved into peaceful slumber. Unbeknownst to them, however, Don Conrad harbored a vengeful plan against young Apollo. Under cover of darkness, Don Conrad and his men returned to the village, their footsteps muffled by the quiet of the night.

Silently, they moved through the village streets, their expressions masked by determination and malice. The air was thick with tension as they approached the humble hut where Meriam, Aaron, and their newborn son Apollo lay sleeping.

Don Conrad raised a firm hand and knocked sharply on the door of the hut. Inside, Aaron stirred from sleep, his instincts tingling with unease. Assuming it was a fellow villager seeking aid or company, he hurried to open the door.

To his shock and dismay, standing before him was not a friendly face but Don Conrad, his own grandfather, whose stern visage now bore an expression of grim resolve. Aaron's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"Where is the child?" Don Conrad's voice cut through the silence like a blade, its tone laced with anger and threat. "I have a proposal for you both. You will give me the child, or it will cost your lives."

Aaron's initial confusion and disbelief quickly gave way to a fierce determination. He glanced back into the hut, where Meriam had awoken with a start, her eyes wide with fear and concern for their son. Without hesitation, Aaron's hand went to the hilt of his sword, his resolve firm and unwavering.

"I will not let you harm him," Aaron declared, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. He stepped forward, positioning himself protectively in front of Meriam and Apollo, his sword drawn and ready.

Don Conrad's face hardened at Aaron's defiance, his features a mask of cold resolve. "So be it," he replied, his voice low and menacing. "Prepare yourself, Aaron."

The tension in the air crackled with anticipation as grandfather and grandson stood poised for confrontation, their familial bond overshadowed by the clash of opposing wills. In that moment, Aaron vowed to protect Apollo with his life, knowing that the stakes had never been higher and that the outcome would shape their future in ways he could scarcely imagine.