
Chapter 9

unknown pov

I walked straight to the laboratory after school closed. I made sure almost all the student in school had left. I saw the project which was tagged Alex I took it and I was about to smash it on the tiled floor but I changed my mind.

"it will be fun if it looks like Michelle made a mistake. Daniella will be happy." I said to my self.

I took a chemical tagged HCL(Hydrochloric acid) and poured it into the project. It melted.

"I am so good."I said to myself while rubbing my hands together maniacally. I left the laboratory as fast as I could when I heard some voices from afar.


The next day

Michelle's pov

I walked straight into the class because I was a little bit late. I opened the door and I met Miss Angela sitting while Daniella Carrington and her friends were defending their project.

"Good morning ma."I greeted politely.

"Good morning Michelle. You know you are late. " She said signalling Daniella to stop.

"I am so sorry ma. I had to do some extra work at home."I said defending myself.

"It's okay but don't let this happen again. I also decided to check out your project today to see how you guys have gone."She said signalling Daniella to continue.

I went to take my seat beside Kate as usual.

"Hi Kate." I whispered.

"Where is our project?" I asked.

"Our project?" She asked as if she didn't hear what I had said earlier.

"Yes,our project." I replied repeating the words slowly.

She bends down and brings out our project but the ruined version.

"Woah!" I exclaimed.

"How did this happen? I did it right."

"Indeed. You should have said you don't know how to do it. We could have googled it or asked around. We are so getting an F." Kate said angrily.

She looked at me with bloodshot eyes and I dare not talk to Alex.

"How did this happen?" I did everything well." I said to myself.

"Michelle Adefarasi, Alex Williams, Marco Stone and Kate Smith it's your turn now." Miss Angela called us.

Alex stood up with both hands in his pocket. Marco and Kate followed. I dragged my feet on the tiled floor with my head bowed. Kate was still holding our ruined project. She raised it up and all the students in our class burst into laughter.

Miss Angela cautioned them to stop.

"What is this Michelle?" She asked me and I felt how disappointed she was.

"I don't know what happened ma. I did everything right,i don't know how it got ruined. " I explained.

Miss Angela stood up,walked up to where we were standing,collected the project from Kate.

"This doesn't look like crystals at all." She said nodding negatively.

"You all get an F." She said throwing our project in the dust bin and taking her seat.

"Ma please I can explain how I did it. I didn't do anything wrong." I explained.

"Miss Michelle please go back to your seat. Thank you." She commanded.

We all went back to our seat. The other student defended their project well. Some got A's while some got B's. We were the only ones that failed.

The bell rang.

"Class dismissed." She said taking her notes and leaving the class.

Immediately she left Alex turned to me.

"Oh oh you are in big trouble." My subconscious adds.

"You could have told me you don't know how to do it. I noticed the way you've been bragging since you came here. You've been nothing but trouble and you made me fail. I hate you so much and I don't want to see your face again. I'm so going to make this school hell for you till you go back to your country." He said and walked out with Marco.

I turned to Kate.

"Kate I swear.... "

She didn't let me complete my sentence. She walked out on me.

Daniella, Teresa and Susan approached me.

"I told you I'll make life difficult for you. I just started with you baby girl." She said laughing.

"We'll show you we are the queens of St Mary High."Teresa said and they all walked out leaving only me in the class.

I decided to go see Miss Angela. I took the project from the dust bin and headed towards her office. The students were still looking at me just like they did when I first came but I am used to it now. I knocked on her door.

"Come in."She said sharply.

I walked in and she sighs.

"If you are here to talk about your project I already graded you okay and I can't change it." She said.

"I am not here to beg ma. I am here to defend my project. Even if it's ruined I should still get to defend it."I said tapping my left foot on the floor.

"Fine." She said giving up.

I explained how I did it to her.

"You did it correctly, how come it got ruined?"She asked.

"I don't know ma. We left it at the lab yesterday."

"Bring it." She said stretching her right hand to take the project from me.

She smelled the project.

"Hmm. HCL(Hydrochloric acid) is present in this project." She said.

"What? I didn't use HCL (Hydrochloric acid) and it's not needed when making crystals ma." I said.

"Okay. I don't know what happened or how it happened but it will only be fair if I change your grade. I'll give you all a C. It's okay right?" She asked.

"Yes ma. It's okay." I said and was about to leave her office when she stopped me.

"Be careful Michelle. There are lots of crazy kids here." She warned.

"Thank you ma." I said and left.

I searched for Kate but I couldn't find her. I saw Alex and Marco in the school cafeteria. I couldn't go talk to them because they were surrounded by girls.

"Stupid people." I said to myself.

"Why will I sit and watch someone eat?" I said.

I was about to leave when Alex called me.

"Hey Michelle. Think fast." He said throwing a juice box at me.

It landed on my forehead and the juice spilled on my face and uniform.

I walked up to him took the plate of spaghetti he was eating turned it over and poured it on his head.

Most of the students there screamed.

"How dare you?" He asked standing up putting his hands on his hips.

I could see the rage in his eyes and I was enjoying it.

"How dare you?" I mocked him copying his posture.

"Well somebody poured Hydrochloric acid in our project and Miss Angela gave us a C. You can thank me later." I said and walked out majestically swinging my hips.

I left the school cafeteria and almost bumped into Kate. I decided to ignore her. I don't need friends who can't stand by me in times of trouble.

"Michelle!"She called me.

I ignored.

"Michelle!" She called again grabbing my wrist.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I promised to be your friend forever but I broke it. I'm sorry." She said pressing my hands into hers softly.

"It's okay." I sigh.

"I talked to Miss Angela already and she gave us a C. We also found out that someone added Hydrochloric acid."

"Really!" She exclaimed.

"Yes." I said.

The bell rings again and we both screamed "Sport time." Raising our hands up in the air.

"I'll have to clean the court again. I'm sure Alex won't help this time." I chuckled as we walked towards the court.

"What did you do again?" She asked

"I spilled a plate of spaghetti on his head." I said.

"What?" She said holding my arms.

"What have you done? He is going to take his revenge. I swear you aren't ready for this game you are playing with Alex. "She said

"Let's just go. I need to clean my uniform or change into something else." I said and we walked into the court.

We met the coach waiting for us. We greeted him and he answered politely.

"Go change immediately. I have an announcement." He said looking disturbed.

We went into the changing room and heard Daniella arguing with somebody.