
The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction

A man from Earth is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. To his delight, he discovers that he is a member of the Otsutsuki Clan. Knowing this, he dreams of one day exacting the Clan's Will of constantly swallowing life energy and genetic materials to eventually evolve into a God. Unfortunately for him, he is just a member of the Branch Family located in one of the many planets under the control of the Main Family. Nevertheless he was not about to let this little inconvenience stop his journey of evolution. Warnings: 1. This story will not focus too much on the Shinobi World--especially in the middle and late stages. 2. The pace of the story will be very fast. 3. Do not expect any regular release schedule from this story like my other novels. At least for now. 4. If I do get serious in the future, I will probably make a separate Patreon Account from my HP fanfic. 4. This story might get really dark, so for the people who do not like this kind of thing, this is your trigger warning. Disclaimer: I do now onw Naruto and any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me; if the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

LazySageDao · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

New Deployment

Just like that, Akimitsu spends a year on planet Krizet, constantly fighting. By this time, he became famous on the battlefield as one of the most powerful Commanders. However, as a result of this, he was constantly being besieged by the powerful members of the Sage race and Alloy race.

Akimitisu used this method to constantly grow in battle. One thing he noticed about Otsutsuki members is the fact that the majority of them are so used to using absolute force to defeat their enemies, that they have zero to little fighting experience.

Moreover, with their arrogance, they refused to change and always looked down on their opponents. Even when it comes to the powerful races in the universe that can compete with them.

This is one of the reasons that so many of them lost to humans in the Shinobi World. So, Akimitsu did not want to make the same mistake.

Today, something special was going on the Otsutsuki side on this battlefield. All the Commanders, Captains, and Squad Leaders were present and waiting for something. All of them had a serious look on their faces, and a little excitement and reverence.

Soon, two people came from the sky. They had white skin and hair, and horns, and dressed in ancient garments. One person was in front, while the other a step behind.

After landing, the person in front did not even look at the people waiting for him. As for the person behind, he asked in a cold voice: "Who is the Chief Commander?"

One of the commanders waiting in the front step up, but he did not say anything. The Otsutsuki member took out a bag from his waist and threw it to the Chief Commander.

"You know the rules, distribute them accordingly."

Soon after that, the two flew away in the direction of the other races.

One commander approached the chief with excitement, "Is that…?"

"Chakra Pills. With this, we can increase our lifespans. According to the clan's rules, each commander will receive a certain amount based on their performances, and the performance of their subordinates."

The chief distributed the pills based on the merit of each commander. Because of his recent exploits, Akimitsu received a good potion. However, he was still not the one with the most merit.

Soon afterward, all the commanders watched the battle unfold. The first Otsutsuki member took out a sword--which emanated a massive amount of chakra. And with that weapon, he went on a rampage.

He destroyed all the weapons or technology of the Alloy race, and slaughter most of the Sage races. In the end, both of these races were forced to evacuate this planet.

Meanwhile, Akimitsu watched all of this with great concentration. He knew that the Otsutsuki clan had many powerful relics, just like the one Urashiki Otsutsuki used to travel back in time in the Boruto series.

According to the information he knew, this particular Otsutsuki first discovered this world, but he could not take it as the Alloy race also discovered it at the same time. And once he fought with them, he was evenly matched.

Hence the reason that both parties decided to use soldiers to decide the ownership of this world. But now, with this weapon, he became so powerful that he dominated both the Alloy race and Sage race together.

After the Otsutsuki finished his slaughter, he took out a seed and planted it. Then, he looked in the direction of his servant. The second Otsutsuki, without hesitation, plunged his hand into his heart. Soon afterward, he was absorbed by the seed.

A giant tree grew in the middle of the planet. Then, it started to absorb the chakra, life energy, and even nature energy of the planet. The few individuals who survived the previous war were captured by the root of the tree, then absorb.

At a speed visible to the naked eyes, the earth of this planet became grey; all the forests lost their luster, the rivers and oceans dried up.

The planet was dead.

As for the Otsutsuki member, after everything was over, he took out red fruit, and with a smile on his face, ate it. Soon afterward, his chakra dramatically increased, a strange eye appeared on the forehead of that Otsutsuki.

Akimitsu did not recognize it from the anime, so he concluded that it must be something exclusive to few members of the clan.

After the Otsutsuki finished his transformation, he muttered to himself: "I'm finally a Tier 3 Warrior," Then, he opened a portal and left.

Soon after this, all the branch members left the planet. Since all of them were from different planets occupied by the clan, their destination was different.

After entering the Teleportation Gate, Akimitsu found himself on his home planet. He looked around, looked at all the high-rise buildings, smelled the pollution in the air. His home planet looked similar to the Hidden Rain Village--except that it was not raining all the time, but the sky was always dark due to fumes.

Akimitsu did not return to his home but went to meet the Clan Elder in charge of battlefield deployment on this planet.

In front of him was an old man with a Tenseigan as eyes. He looked at Akimitsu and said: "So, you finally returned safely. I've heard about your promotion, so congratulation. By the way, where is Akio?"

"He's dead."

"Is that so? What a shame, he seems like a talented individual," said the Elder. Then, he handed a scroll to Akimitsu; "This is your next deployment. It's a world where a Faith God was discovered."

"Faith God?" muttered Akimitsu as he read the scroll. He was familiar with this race as it also showed up in the anime. One member of the Akatsuki called Hidan worshipped a God named Jashin. That Jashin is a Faith God.

Because of their immortality, the Faith Gods are heavily hunted by the Otsutsuki clan because they make perfect material for sacrifice to the God Tree.

"How long do I have?" asked Akimitsu.

"You can take a month of break."

Nodding his head, Akimitsu turned to leave. Suddenly, the Elder said: "Akimitsu, I know that you are ambitious, but it is not easy to accomplish a real Ancestral Awakening. However, with caution, you can survive 25 battlefields and returned to this planet to take the position of Elder.

"Although the position is nothing compared to bearing the clan's name, it's safe as you no longer have to go to different worlds to fight."

"Thank you for the advice," replied Akimitsu as he walked away.

Meanwhile, the Elder shook his head after seeing this, "Young people, they never listened to their elders."