
The Otherworlds

Effie_Black · Fantasy
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A being of light and darkness and all the same stood in a room made of starlight and dust. It knelt down, speaking without moving its mouth.

Te' ainso, cre andok o. Emhr, entocolo, anca.

One, made of shadows and blades, Reaper

One, ever-changing, River

One, death and starlight, Steel

One, the speaker beyond, Sparrow

One, made up of all and more, Connector

Together, meant to purge

Together, lift the curse

Together, light in the sea of darkness

Te' ainso, cre andok o. Emhr, entocolo, anca.

While the creature spoke, it sent off little pieces of itself, to beings not yet created. A piece of night and stars and shadow for the Reaper. A piece of light, ever changing shape and color, was sent out for the River. A piece of bright starlight with talons of darkness reaching out from within for the Steel. I greenish-brown light, slinking like a cat, moving in between the fabrics of this world, glided out for the Sparrow. Finally, It lifted a large portion of itself, which seemed to move between all of the elements and none at all, something entirely different yet the same. It pushed it towards another life not yet created, another unknowing creature, for the one to bring them all together, more powerful than any, meant to purge the darkness, creator and destroyer of the worlds, the one that could change the flow of the universe, the one that could destroy us all or save us, the Connector.