
Learning About the System

And here we go, but once, the marvelous all-white vision ... but this time lasted less time, after a few seconds I began to feel the air in my body indicating that it was coming somewhere and my vision was returning to normal. After looking around, I realize I'm in a completely open field, and obviously, I'll have to do what every Otaku has always wanted to do ... out loud I say:


And as expected, the attributes screen appears in front of me

"Player lv1 XP:0/250

HP:300 MP:200

Strength:20 Agility:20

Defense:10 Constitution:20


Points Remaining: 0

Titles: none

Skills: Translator"

Interestingly, as I expected the standard translation skill is here, it's funny that my senses are the highest status, considering that in the previous world, I always Dreamed with super senses in the chuunibyou moments ... But, wait, player? I have no name? But-

"Choose Your Name"

Oh ... Then there is someone watching my actions ... Interesting, New World, New Name, from now on my name will be ... Raikuro Kaze, has an interesting meaning.

"Name successfully changed, Welcome, Raikuro"

Now, let's see what to do, First of all, time to test some things, And if I just think of the statuses instead of talking ..

"Acquired Passive Skill: Direct Enchantments"

Oh, I can acquire the skills just by performing the actions. That's great, but isn't that a bit overwhelming? what if I..

"Ascending Meteor"

"Insufficient Power for Creating This Skill"

Yeah, it was expected ... What about the Inventory?


Itens x0"

Great, it's exactly the same as the manga, the legendary infinite box ... I'm getting very excited haha. For now, I need to look for a city to learn more about this place, so...

"Lightning Steps"

"Active Skill Acquired: lightning steps lv1

Cost: 5MP Per second"

Great, let's look for something ...

Using the "Lightning Steps" skill My speed increased by almost 5 times, And I kept running straight, but with my amount of MP I can only use it for 40 seconds, Let's see what I can do. Running for 37 seconds I spotted some trees, it's probably a forest, so I will go in that direction, Continuing the walk, with my ability disabled while I recover my mana, I felt some auras, I think this is due to my high Senses status, going to the auras, I spotted a small camp of Goblins, Then I hid to see what the camp was like while I was recovering my MP, and Then I noticed that something wrong wasn't right, The Goblins were fighting to figure out who would be the next boss in the village. It was a kind of tournament where a giant Goblin was fighting against the others ... It seems like a good opportunity to test my new power in this world ...

So I went to a place farther from the battle, where there were other goblins fainted from being defeated. I raised my hand and pointed at one of their heads and imagined a sphere of black energy driven by wind magic.

"Acquired Active Skill: Dark Sphere lv1

Cost: 100MP"

Then the Sphere was fired and hit Goblin's head with precision and speed. But, as soon as the collision occurred, Goblin's body simply began to melt, it was a completely bizarre and disgusting scene. I hoped a death wouldn't be such a nice sight, but that was ... disgusting

"Goblin lv4 Defeated, rewarded with 450XP

Raikuro Lv2 XP:200/500

HP:300 MP:200

Strength:20 Agility:20

Defense:10 Constitution:20


Points Remaining: 5

Titulos: none

Skills: Translator, Lightning Steps lv1, Dark Sphere lv1, Direct Enchantments"

Interestingly, leveling regenerated my MP and gave me 5 free points, which means I could be completely balanced .. but nobody wants to be completely balanced, so I put 2 points in strength, 2 in agility and 1 in constitution, increasing my MP and my HP.

Going back to the goblins, this skill is too powerful, if i keep using it i will alert the goblins very easily, and it seems like a loss of mana, better use the basic version, Wind Bullet

"Active Skill Purchased: Wind Bullet lv1

Cost 30MP"

Going to the Goblins' body there were their weapons close to their bodies, a spear, a sword and a dagger, I decided to take the sword and leave the dagger in the inventory. I always liked the killers, but I hate it Heroes who use spear. Now it's battle time ...


"Raikuro Lv3 XP:200/750

HP:300 MP:220

Strength:24 Agility:24

Defense:10 Constitution:22


Points remaining: 0

Titles: none

Skills: Translator, Lightning Steps lv1, Dark Sphere lv1, Direct Enchantments, Wind Bullet lv1


Items x3: Worn Sword, 2 Stone Dagger "

So, I haved to travel, so this chapter was delayed, but it came ... About the name Raikuro Kaze is a junction of Lightning, Darkness and Wind in Japanese, I found it interesting so I decided to do so, I hope you enjoyed the Chapter, until the Next chapter!

srry for my English Errors <3

im a Brazilian

ZenitsuuGODcreators' thoughts