In the blink of an eye, the spring semester began. Move in day was the day before the first classes started. Fortunately, Daren and Chris arrived early so she had extra help all day. Handling over five hundred students was much less stressful with three people than one person.
Aayla was particularly happy with Daren. He diligently did his work, perhaps a little too well. She had nothing to do at the end of the day. While definitely quiet and a bit strange, he wasn't as arrogant or gloomy as last semester.
Meanwhile, that womanizer Chris snuck off to flirt with who knows a couple of times. She personally saw him sneak out the window to talk with an older young lady. His laziness was on par with his ability to charm the pants off of people.
Since Chris was so determined to skip helping at sign in, Aayla graciously let him set out the decorations for that night's welcome party. Hmph. There was no way that Dormi would let him bail. True to expectations, whenever he tried to sneak out again Dormi grabbed him and threw him inside the dining hall.
Aayla happily listened to his angry yells and politely warned him that he should watch out for gremlin interference. She could hear his teeth gnashing and mutterings for revenge through the dining hall doors. The sweet song of victory.
Daren looked up and watched Aayla giggle next to the dining room doors. He watched Dormi drag Chris back indoors. He had to admit, watching a young lady get the better of Chris for once was kind of funny. Hmm, since Chris was busy decorating, should he send a message to invite the rest of their friends to the party?
Aayla didn't say anything about the party being residents only.
Late that night, after Aayla redid the decorations that Chris and the Gremlins messed up, the party began with a bang. Literally. Aayla taught Dormi how to make party poppers. They were small but fun. Assuming that the gremlins never got a hold of them.
The Butterflies disdained such mundane parties, so they didn't even bother to come down stairs. The residents were able to party as they wished without fear of attracting their sneers. Still, a dark cloud seemed to hang over the party.
A few of the residents hadn't checked in that day. Aayla was sure that wasn't the cause of the gloom. After all, they'd check in the next day. Suddenly a hand tapped on her shoulder.
"Eh? Oh, it's you Junius! Do you and Renee need anything?"
"We're on a bit of business, so please address me as Disciplinary Chair Ahroyor, Council Chair Glowery."
"Sure. Is something wrong with the party?"
"No, everything's according to the rules, though the timing is a bit odd. Anyways, we're hear on behalf of the Student Council to check on who arrived and deliver the first presidential orders of the year. Can we talk in a more private place?"
"The office should be empty. Let's talk there. Dormi, please keep an eye on things while I'm gone."
The decorations gently waved in response. Aayla led Junius and Renee away from the bustling party. Renee stood guard outside of the office while Junius and Aayla talked. Junius took out several papers from his bag.
"These are the newest security procedures determined by the university and the Student Council."
Aayla quickly read through them. Her eyes widened in surprise. They were even stricter than last year. Absolutely no outside trips for first- and second-years. Permits required for strictly necessary travel for third- and fourth-years with faculty escorts. In addition to a strict curfew, check in system and zero tolerance policy for on campus duels.
"This is draconian! I thought that the national government ordered for more relaxed restrictions. Even with the surprise attack around finals last semester these new procedures are too harsh. How could no campus duels be allowed at all? That's practically the only entertainment people have around here. Not to mention it's good practice."
"Council Chair Glowery, by any chance did you travel over the break at all?"
"Only at the very beginning. I went on a supply run to Forest Waypoint with Deputy Heston. After that, I've been really busy with an assignment on campus."
"The investigation with the rear courtyard?"
"… I can't confirm or deny that. I've been told not to talk about it for now."
Junius chuckled. "Very well then. It's not that important right now. Anyways, crime and unrest are spreading across the nation. Hundreds of students have gone missing over the break."
"What?! This is the first time I'm hearing about this. What happened?"
"Students with some potential, especially those who were commoners, disappeared while travelling. They never arrived at their homes. Lower ranked faculty have disappeared too. Universities and colleges all over Chinebar have been impacted."
"How many?"
"We're not exactly sure. Out of almost six thousand five hundred students and nine hundred and thirty faculty, currently two hundred students and fifty faculty members have been confirmed as missing. That's just those in Nafriton alone."
"So many?"
Junius nodded grimly. What he didn't say was that those were the numbers confirmed a while ago for those who went missing travelling home. That statistic did not include those who went missing from their homes or while travelling back to campus. Those numbers were expected to increase by at least fifty percent or possibly double by the time school started.
Aayla sat down and put her face in her hands. The only time so many people went missing was during wars or major disasters. For some group to pull this off, there was no way that they didn't have insider help. Given that a certain terrorist group kept escaping and reviving, the cracks in this country went straight through to its core. Fortunately, Ramona found her.
"How could this possibly happen? Is it the True Order?"
Junius flinched. "Please do not throw that name around so casually Council Chair Glowery. That name is a bit of a taboo in Chinebar, especially with recent events. To answer your question, nothing's been confirmed yet."
Ramona was able to throw that name around freely. Then again, we discussed them in private and she is an extremely powerful woman. Aayla fiddled with her hair.
"Okay, so people are going missing. That explains heightened security. What about the new anti-violence measures?"
"Some crazy rumors are running rampant. The progressives are blaming the nobles, while the conservatives are blaming foreigners. The neutral faction is breaking into pieces, mostly to seek shelter with their respective classes. Class and racial tensions have never been so divisive and heated.
Violent crime has sky rocketed. There is serious concern that violence will spill into the university. Several others have already had incidents. The headmaster and deputy headmasters have deemed these measures necessary for the safety of the school."
Aayla's fingers inadvertently tied the tips of her hair into knots.
"More patrols and security artifacts will be added to the residence hall. Just make copies of the new regulations and post them on every floor and in every public area. Ah, do you have your residents' records?"
"Ye- yeah. I'll get them now. Um, would the main sign in sheet be?"
Aayla hastily dug around the filing cabinets. She handed the check in list to Junius. He reviewed it with a frown on his face. About twice as many didn't arrive than expected.
"Twenty-six students didn't arrive today? Are you sure that they weren't missed or didn't check in late?"
"Yes. Check in went on all day. If they arrive late, then Dormi will guide them to the office for self check in. I don't see anything in the drop box so no one has checked in late. Besides, if Dormi missed them then they would need to talk with either Chris, Daren or I so they could pick up their room keys."
"How troublesome. Do you mind if I take this with me?"
"Not unless you make a copy first."
"Fair enough."
A commotion started just outside the room. A familiar cheeky voice could be heard through the door.
"HEY! STOP! You're not allowed to go in. The Disciplinary Chair and the Council Chair are having a private conversation right now."
"What's that Renee~? We're members of the Residence Council too, you know?"
The door burst open. A blond-haired young man followed a dark-haired young man inside. Several other students tried to peek in through the door much to Renee's annoyance. A sour look appeared on Junius's face.
"If it isn't the Disciplinary Chair? How could you leave us out if it's so important? You're not bullying our little Council Chair, are you?"
"Mr. Vear and Mr. Forolan, how kind of you to interrupt."
"Of course, it's not a problem at all. We just love interrupting."
Junius's face twitched as Chris's shamelessness. Daren glanced at Aayla then sat down in a chair. His eyes narrowed when he saw the stack of papers with the Student Council's seal on the table.
"So, this is an official visit."
"Relax Mr. Forolan. It's not a disciplinary visit. I'm just gathering information and passing on the latest security changes. I don't have much left to say anyways. Ms. Glowery, feel free to let us know if you have any questions. Let's go, Renee."
The students bowed as the Disciplinary Committee left. Aayla suddenly remembered something then dashed out of the office.
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