

That night, soldiers passed by the camp heading away from the city. This solidified that the fighting down south had intensified since Cuoq was sending reinforcements. The roads became crowded as civilians urgently fled towards Cuoq or more remote villages.

The chaos provided excellent cover though. No one really noticed four youths secretly hopping from one group to the next. They made great time that day. After camping outside for one more night, they should reach Cuoq City the next day.

Chris chose another large group for them to camp next to that night. Once again, the team set up their camp on the border of the larger one. Dinner was a simple, cold meal. The camps around them were quiet as most went to sleep early. Few kept watch that night.

Before the sun rose the next day, many were already up and moving. The team began to move just as the sun peaked over the horizon. Just after lunch, they finally arrived at Cuoq City. The city walls had severe damage, and the earth around it was scorched. None of its brilliance remained after the fighting.

The line for entering the city flowed for miles. It stayed relatively peaceful due to the patrolling soldiers. Those waiting had directly set up their camps in line or scheduled shifts for group representatives to wait for them. Large refugee shelters were set up around the city walls for those who couldn't get inside.

Most couldn't accept coming so far only to be locked out of the safe haven. Those who reached the gates only to be rejected reacted horribly. They had fled their homes for days only to be turned away at the city's front door. Safety was barely out of reach.

As they cried, screamed and begged, the line behind them only grew longer. The soldiers manning the gates were forced to relocate them. Too many people needed aid. The city could only help so many without risking its own collapse.

A few even tried to get arrested just so they could be safely held inside the city's prison. Unfortunately, the soldiers rarely arrested troublemakers and just roughed them up a bit to make them obedient. The few troublemakers who remained persistent were thrown into temporary prisons outside the city.

Half an hour after the team joined the line, hundreds of more people had joined behind them. Two patrols finally appeared in the distance. One on each side of the line, they glared at those causing trouble. Aayla hadn't seen the soldiers actually kill anyone, but their bloodthirsty gazes suggested that they wouldn't hesitate when needed.

She listened as the soldiers performed preliminary checks and explained the entrance rules. The recent surge of refugees overwhelmed the city. Not all of the refugees could be housed inside its walls. Residents, wizards or certain skilled professions like blacksmiths could stay inside the city.

Those with specific business interests could enter for the day, such as merchants with shipments of goods. The rest were turned away. Limited food, water and shelter would be provided in the homeless shelters by the city, though the refugees would be required to work.

Most of those without any of the listed skills gave up quickly. They had to secure their lodging and work in the shelter before the city ran out of space. Waiting in line would be pointless for them. Several still stubbornly insisted on waiting just in case they had a chance.

Unlike most normal people, the rare few with desired skills would be directly escorted to the front of the line. These people were the wizards and other highly skilled professionals that the city sorely lacked. Trained blacksmiths, carpenters, masons and fighting professions were the most likely to be recruited.

Those rare few would be crowded by the desperate, who hoped to slip into the city with them. The soldiers would be forced to beat them back if those scared people became too violent or clingy. That sight was not uncommon.

The group got a front row seat to one of these incidents when a large, burly man waved to the patrols when they started listing desired professions. The man was a blacksmith of some renown travelling with the rest of his village and extended family.

He was quickly under the protection of the patrols. Another patrol was summoned to escort him into the city. All of the villagers seemed relieved that they would get into the city soon. However, their happiness soon collapsed into anger and sorrow.

Only the blacksmith and his immediate family would be allowed inside the city. Even his extended family including his grandparents weren't included. The city just didn't have the room. Outrage electrified the villagers. Arguments broke out about who should accompany the blacksmith inside.

Parents rushed to place their children into the blacksmith's arms. New family 'elders' appeared to claim a spot inside the city. Young ladies tried to snuggle into his arms while pushing his comparatively older wife aside. His relatives pleaded with him and the guards for their own spots.

The guards weren't spared either. Aggressive words and flirting had become all too common, so they did their best to reign in their tempers. Though the soldiers tried to calm the crowd, it slowly began to spiral out of control.

Chris and Jacki slowly pushed the team back. They had snuck into the back of a merchant group. Those who weren't in the merchant group would have thought that they were part of it too. The merchants were too afraid of losing their spot, but the team wasn't.

With Daren, the soldiers would definitely let them in. Their biggest concern was getting caught up in the mess unfolding in front of them. A few suspicious gazes were watching the chaos unfold from behind them. With the villagers busy arguing, one could easily pickpocket them or overtake their place in line.

Two more patrols on horseback hurried over from the refugee camp. The villagers barely calmed down as the blacksmith and his immediate family were pulled towards the main gate. Curses rang out from the disgruntled villagers.

As the patrols started their rounds again, the crowd refused to calm down. A slight tension filled the atmosphere. Chris subtly passed a token to the patrols. The captain's eyes glimmered as dangerous gazes from other refugees looked towards the team.

"My apologies, but you do not have any of the high-ranking professions. Wait right here in line for your chance to apply for entry."

Before the team could say a word, the patrol had quickly moved on. Aayla frowned. Did they not recognize that token, or did she overestimate the influence of the Forolan family?

"That was abrupt."

Chris cut her off before she could continue. He and Jacki remained calm in contrast to Daren's confusion and Aayla's annoyance.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just wait here for a bit. Everything should turn out fine."

A finger subtly pointed to those next to them in line. After the patrol captain loudly dismissed them, the intensity of the gazes had greatly subsided. The team was useless to others since the opportunity to get inside the city as lost.

Several minutes later, a group of heavily armed guards exited the gate. Their horses threw dust into the air as they galloped towards the end of the line. A familiar crest was engraved onto their armor. Daren's shoulders relaxed as he saw them approach.

Jacki immediately put away all of their remaining gear into her storage artifact. There was no longer a need to pretend to be normal civilians anymore. Seconds later, the new guards on horseback encircled the team. Their captain dismounted and bowed towards Daren.

"Welcome to Cuoq City, young master. Your grandfather has sent us to fetch you and your companions. Please excuse the delay. Do you only have these three companions?"

"Yes. Only Chris, Miss Vhassohrin and Miss Glowery."

"Very good. Please get on a horse so we can leave immediately."

The crowd had already grown restless again as those outside the encirclement peered at the people inside. Ferocious glares by the guards had grown more ineffective as the refugees' desperation rose. The captain preferred to leave before something happened to endanger the young master.

The guards retreated as fast as they had arrived. Half an hour later, they had escorted Daren, Jacki, Aayla and Chris to the City Lord's manor in the center of the city. A familiar face greeted them at the door. Daren jumped off the horse and scrambled towards his grandfather.

"Grandfather! You're alive!"

"Haha, yes. This old man is still alive and kicking."

Daren buried his head in his grandfather's arms. He had been so worried ever since leaving his grandfather behind. A large burden felt like it had been lifted off of his chest. The guards helped the rest of the team down off of their horses.

"Sir, we have brought the young master and his companions into the city. There are only four people total in their team."

"Good, good. Let's get everyone inside. Rooms, baths and a hot meal will be prepared shortly. We can chat about what's happened since Forest Waypoint collapsed after you all get settled in. There is much to discuss."

Thanks for the powerstones AWeebingRock and Lumen214!

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